ionday February 10,1941. BABY'S 'OLDS misery tost fitffiioUV.Rubon war ri ssinEfl FOR SALlv 1R BALE- - Automatic record- ,v WANTED v . f ANTED Xo rent by March 1st. five or six room house unfurnished. tPhone Red 3GS, 130) FOUNl) Hunch of keys and egg Ibcatr pwner can have same by "Build B.C. Payrolls" , ' hysician rescribed facitic Mm U i J FVinnftlTrD XaiTi ' l - r A premature baby who weighed 3 lbs. 11 ozs. dropped back to 2 lbs. 14ozs because no suitable nourishment could be found. After 0 'weeks of this the physician put him on .Pacific Milk. He grew and gained. At 11 months ;he Is a strong, healthy normal baby. The parents' name "had throughi our office. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum PachnV tmsvrnmmmmmm mem NEW ROYAL HOTEL 1 Zareiu Froprletor "A "OMk, a WAt rKOM I R4.. MRctM Hot & Cold Watw !"oCTRuPert.B.O. Planning Boys' & Camp This Year Till I Discussed at IWIelnm Pdu-eatlon CfiiinrH Falher and Son Itan (fuel Highlight of Religious Education Week In Prince Rupert was be father and sen banquet held in the social parlors of First United Church Friday night. One hundred and thirty men and their sons from the Anglican, Baptist, ' PHHby- IrOOM HOUSE-TtlvAve. East,- In terlan and Un,ted flund swU lBood condition, wpt c tank fully taxed the capaclty lhe hall for irnoaern, iwi iui, muai. hieoo.i l.OO with half cash, , thl annual banquet which is spon-.sorsd by the Boys' Work Board of the -Religious Education Council, E PARKER Building, 2nd Av'f. Tables were arranged and dci nau d Storage space 1st floor, seven- to portray the four-sided Religious room rfuite 2nd floor, with 3 bed- Educational Council boys' program: rooms hardwood floors. Concrete Intellectual, recreational, devouona) foundation and walls, Snd floor and" social, equal emphasis on which tile walls Roof rebuilt 1935. Hot lead towards the development of a water hfatinir. Building least'd at normal, healthy boy. i ;ood rental. 75uqoo. terms dr- Grace was pronounced by Rev ranged, II. O. Helgerson Ltd, j. c. JacksDn, pastor of First Un- "V- - Church. As chairman of the IPTY di ih r.s take? big office ,saff. 0 worn uoara, uuwo - lie firxt pasm. bringing 4n, the Dne,,y 0,1 inc acuviues w ash sets it. Dally News. ' tf l"e Doara during uu pasi ymr. - -r special reierence was maae w me ..Ta 's n tdt: -'ully condutL-d- )R SALE Baby bUKgy. llmmwuilMrlbUlPhPlllsMill i-onditUi. Phan Btatk 930, ,hp K,-vim ,lf rpv. r f. Brandt l as boys' camp director and Mrs. E. ''rr- J. Smith and Mrs. J.'L. Les as camp R SALE Simons paticlled steel , cooks. The .chairman then mcn- crlb. Phone Blaek 232. Honed prpxsed plans for this year's camp?, the successful promotion of Which will' require some financial n i'aitt wrtt Hnn orrvii . cimrutrt tun tt chan radio-gramopljona Two S ln uie oS- fi ancial campaign of the Religious Us. m,n. no nnn $50.00. Phone 118. 3Si , .,, .v.f of, the funds thus raised will go towards providing better accommodation at camp and the securing of a director from Vancouver. The tables having been In a very rapid and orderly fash- Ion, the dads and lads gathered in a scml-clrclo around lhe platform, arranged to depict a camp scene. Here an enthusiastic tind original campfire program wis conducted by'Keh Daki'n with the assistance of H. T: Lock at the piano. Group Icj;;. at Dally News and paying gameSi chalienge games and com (for thlii id. munity singing provided a means .r'- for all the boys and their dads to Ovmcr can have same billing " Jl at Daily News and paying for thU "ht f J ltxS , came to a close with the-singing of a negro spiritual ana taps. Isadore Goldstein, prominent business man and former mayor of Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday returning to the Alaska capital after a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the Aouth. 4- 1 . Send In Your News Earlier Due to changed conditions nrieinir from the handling of late war news, the Daily News finds it necessary to set a iut a.m. deadline for local news contributions. To insure pub-. Jlcation It will be necessary for contributors to have their copy In by that time or earner 11 possible, preferably the night 'before. Otherwise It may not be published. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY Or UANAIJA, LliMiir.w MaiHifacturcrs of ELEPHANT Brand Chemi cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium I'hoaphaten, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum rhosphate I'rotiucers and Refiners at TAD AN AC Brand Metals , Mej-cury, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony. Also Sulphuric Acid and aun Gtneal bfflce and Works Trail. B.C. For Full Satisfaction TRV Tom Lee & Son HOUSE OF FINE FOODS I'hone 547 2nd Ave. West lVVao ( V KEEPING ;TIIElIt EARS WARM arrangements were made for dif- number of general appeals were ferent ladles to take part In the those of piopmy owners In the vic-prcgram especially arranged for jnjy of trts anriiry and barracks on that date. slxtn Ayenue 'West who claim that It Is earn?stly hoped that all wo- - . . . Imeri will make an effort to be those esla.bllshmenW have deterlor- present. ated thValvifpt .their' Droperty. WORK m imam 'mgg ' - .'VI sbbbbHHkIpIbbbbbbbbbbHk liHHRKv wMBfmsSk It Is cold m London, even when firebombs arif lainlng from the sky, and these members ol a pioneer squad find their new headgear Just .the thing for keeping thejr ears warm. They are members of thp Royal Engineers, charged with the duty bf cleaning up debris and re-opening blocked stiects after raids. Some of the men wear eye guards of a transparent material, WORLD DAY Two Courts Of OF PRAYER Under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society of a representative meeting -of ladles from the various Revision Meet Women Will (lather In- First l'n" i.Munlclpl and Provincial Asss- "urt" ment Rolls tor Year Under I Consideration Twi courtsVf revision went Into local i session m Prince RuderV;Saturday. churches. wa held on Friday at;( 0nV Vas h'e clpaftcourt-ot re CABINET CHANGES Rt, Hon. Ernest Brown Succeeds Malcolm Macrionatd as Minister of Health JLONDON, Feb, 10. Rt. Urn. Ern- est Brown, who has'.been Secretary TLT iSJnr sSST.- vLsI on The dty Cessment roll I of Stale for Scorian arrange for the Women's World over which City Commissioner B. C. User of health n Prime Minister Day of Prayer to be held on Feb- Bracewell presided and the other ' Winston Churchill's cabinet in suc-ruary 28 at the First United WQS theTDrovlndal court of revision j cession to. Rt. Hon. Malcolm Mac-Church. wlfh John Dvhha'vn actlne as ludge. I Donald who Is being sent to Can- moMin-r with nrawr after which At tne pivic -LEND for victory BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY This space is dilated by the Prince Rupert "Caily NewLtd. q, becomes mln- court Saturday a ada as British High; Commissioner. Thdmas Johnstone Is the new Secretary of State for Scotland. Lord Moyne. Colonial Secretary, becomes government leader in House of Lords In succession to Lord Lloyd, who, died last week. D TODAY'S STOCKS (Crwrioiy S D. J&hnut. v, i BlgVMfss'6'url, 'iliVi. " Bralornd. 0.75. Cariboo Quartz. 2.70. Dentoriia, 01A. Fairvlew, .01. Gold Belt. .26. lledley Mascot, .47. Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.70. Pioneer. 2.10. Pr3mier, .90. Privateer, AS. Reever icDonald, .10. Reno, .10,4. '' Relief Arlington, .03A. '' Salmon Gold, .01. Sheep Creek, 80B. Oils A. P. Con.. .08 V2. . Calmont, .20. C. Si E.. 1.25. y Home, 2.05B. Pacalta, .04MiA. Mercury, .06A. I'rolrie Royalties, .07B. Royal Canadian, .10. Toronto Aldcrmac, .12. Bealtie, 1.06. ' Central Pat., 1.72. Con. Smelters.' 38.00. E-xst Malartlc, 2.01:. Ferhland, .04. Francoeur. .40. Gods Lake, .31. Hardrock, .80. Int. Nickel, 33.4. : Kerr Addison, 3.40. , ' " Little Long Lac, 1.87. . ' McLeod Cockshutt,, 1.95. ' Madsen Red Lake,: .56. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.12. Moneta, .47. Noranda, 53.00. Pickle Crow, 2.80. Preston East Dome, 3D5. San Antonio, 2.25.. Sherrltt Gordon, .73. Uchl, 22. Mosher, .05. Oklend, .00. Dominion Bridge, 22V2. J' IKit iJurtKmenl It not pybliiKiJ t iipliytl t ! Liquet' Centiol Board sr fcy tlx urrnmnl lA Briliih Celuntl Mail Schedul Fur the East Mytiday, Wednesday, and ' ,f; rriday -. . 3, pin. ' Frii'ni the. East Tuesday. Thursday Saturday Vnr Vaninnvrr ' - '-V -L Tuesday '.. 12:3liioon Thursday - .: lojauip.fn, 'Friday ....'Oiapfj.' February 13 and 24 . '4 .p.trt. " l''rom'.' Vancouver . 5 J. Sunday ....7.'p.m. I Wednesday ". 10 a.ii. ' Friday :..,.j.'l6-'ai?.V. F(;b''uary 9 and 20 a.jrL For Stewart and Premier ' ,' ' ; aiimlay w 7 :" Wednesday From Stewart and Premlelf. ,1 ' l iif.saav ".il:3(t a.til 1 . -Thursday B;.pin. For Aliee, Arin. Naas. Hitfer JMid'.. M'orl Simpson J " ' .Jtf'.- 5 j Sun-lay -n f ; From'-Alice Arm, Naas River.' "iand Tort Simpson . 'i- Tuesday . - 11 ;30 ; ija.: nr. Queen Charlotte Islands- February 4 and 17 10 From Queen February 16 For Alaska Wednesday February 9 and 20 From Alaska Thursday February 13 and 24 Our February Furniture Sale Ends SATURDAY FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH " - . ' . ( You have five more days to save in purchasing! Five more days to take advantage of these Great - Bargains ELIO'S FURNITURE MOOSK BUILDING High Quality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come in and choose the cloth for your spring suit. Ling the Tailor QUALITY SERVICE Sixth Street Phone $59 p.tii. p.m. Charlotte Island i L' a.m-' f 'tt ; .. piji.j-.. . p.m. STORE THIRD .'AVENUE ft 1 - - t ' ' . ,Zld . UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD.; SPECIAL KEDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FArvES Including alt meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT 8fi 00 FromPort Slmpsoi, $39.75 tpOU.VU t (Reduced RateV-pare' and one half -also apply to Vancouver . , , from. Intermediate points.) -(Flve years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1940 to February 28, .1941 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday ,a.m. S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. 1 ' Tickets, and Reservations from Prince Rupert .Agent (FRANK J. SKINNEPv) Third Ave. Phone 56S If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue, 32 colored Illustrations. Full of valuable Information, Complete list of plants for the hqme. Latest plant novelttes. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES fiardls, B.C. i 1 i w A, 1 1