PAQ2 FOUR. Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ARE MOST i BEAUTEOUS Miss Dorothy Newcombe Winner of Contest for Girl Bathers Miss Dorothy Newcombe is Prince Rupert's premier bathing beauty. She' was adjudged the winner of the bathing beauty contest which was the centre of attraction at the Civic Centre Carnival in the Exhibition Hall last night. This event was responsible for the drawing to the hall of the largest crowd which has so far attended. Six lovely girls, attractive indeed hV their swim suits paraded before the judges on a specially arranged platform in front of the stage. As each appeared, there was enthusiastic .'applause inspired by friends and admirers. The task of the four Judges was no easy one. ' Finally the choices were announced J as follows: First, Miss Dorothy Newcombe. Second, Miss-Ruth Mollard. Third, Miss EUa Kraupner. Fourth, Miss Iva Sandals. Ftfth, Miss Armabelle Intermela. Sixth, Miss Sylvia Krause. The judges of the bathing beauty contest were: P. H. Linzey, W. M. ,i V ?!t i . Dt I ft ytm M tmm aft dty. I. vim dtrnti Hr tdjti. CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charje Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Mail Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) For the East-Monday) Wednesdays and Fridays 4. Jnt p mmtm, aWftf. ttifrt. . 1Mmh tilUmij. r, mitm, 1 Remember m EISEITIAL limit... TM CII HT 10 IITTU 6 pm From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays L 12 a.m. For Vancouver . -t: Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday : 12:30 p.m. Friday i. 9:30 pm. Saturday --x 5 p.m. From Vancouver " V Sunday Pm- Monday ajn. Wednesday ..:.:.:..:....:'..: II ajn. Friday -....i..... ajn. For Stewart and Premier Sunday 7 p.m. Friday 12 p.m. r c t . a j n 1 Tuesday ,, , ; a,n.fc" For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pm THRILL OF CLIMBING Dr. Neat Carter Tells Graphic Story to Gjto Club of Conquest of Seven Sisters' Loftiest Peak Thrills of mountain., climbing I where there are difficulties and dangers, where ail that holds a person from plunging into abysses of rock and Ice or into glacial crevices may be a half-inch lamp wick and an ice pick, where loose rock might precipitate a person hundreds of' feet over a sheer precipice were told In graphic word picture before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at lunch eon yesterday by Dr. Neal M, Carter. ' Others might choose to go through ' all sorts of inconvenience and hardship to get a few little fish in some remote stream or lake, a few birds in a boggy quagmire or an animal's carcass in the deep and damp woods but his fancy was to get satisfaction by climbing to the tops of moun-, tains for the mere reward of accomplishment and seeing what might lie beyond. Dr. Carter told the Gyros of his recent successful ascent with party of four of the highest peak of the ' Seven Sisters Mountains across the Skeena River from Cedarvale. He 1 summed it up as a highly interest-1 ,lng trip attended with the moun-, satisfaction of scaling a : -'peak whicji had never before been ascended. He also expressed hope! of further mountaineering accom-: plLshments at a later date in the same. area. ; The highest of the Seven Sisters, test was the outstanding -feature of J the one which Dr. Carter and party last night's proceedings, the car- succeeded in climbing, has an alti-1 nival features again enjoyed.' a large, tude of 9150 feet and is the high-measure of patronage and many 'est mountain within a radius ofj stayed to enjoy the dancing for fifty miles. It is 8550 feet above which excellent music was furnish- Cedarvale and the nealc u 4inn ! Watts. W. J. Scott and Cliff Leslie.4ed by Mike Colussl and hls:orches- feet higher than the base camD of : It was the first occasion on which a'batrting beauty contest had been essayed in Prince Rupert and the acclaim with which it was greeted last night testified as to the popularity of the innovation. While the bathing beauty con- m tra. D.W. Alines Ltd. The ascent from It was another good night at the the base camp to the summit took carnival which continues tonight eleven and a half hours. It was a! with a variety show- as" the enter- good deal more difficult and hazar-' tainment and will conclude1 tomor- dous untertaking than had been ' row evening with the Coronation of anticipated. All those unconquer- i the Queen as the'culminatin? event, (able obstacles, bad pinnacles, deep' RITAIN NEEDS TANKERS Tt ta hu TU rI 'lrdt ml Tk, AlUatk" m ml f inperuan I ry CtmidU. BnU,lf mmi frr'nii tt Ha M4). ty' Ni)r ttt Ufwif amr-twlng mt Ait Vttmi w k'ghny fcenrtea Cuu4i mU Tkt Hntt tt At trnf mu' Oi m attiti tt M K FUc Oil tmi Gu!iM ut - ilii u Vmrf ttt riin (ora ilivt m Uttu.t Unit MmU. BITTAIN NEEDS TANKEtS TO TRANSPORT THIS LIFE-BLOOD FOR OUR MODERN MECHANIZED ARMY. Co-operate! Reduce Your Mileige! " Eryo. ot m cg im hU mUn kelp tl Eapir NOW! Our mn Ku rv?ti, tUt i t htmM ( CiWi'i u tilty Ctmilum nduu plcura Mi'm . wbiiay . dm At lawaM tl" fuoIiMCMwW far mmmmmI tro.perl.tiM h CM a Uft Tim) oil hu cam imi it HOME OIL argt car tbtumtti, iiU iImw Madl tt Uftl (rittxU f CHMIM M GmrMKM Vf ria b m:i tti itiag thw park I. Tmrt nmM til mlim Dt m MWf WTrat. A i,.r. sneer cutis. ice gullies, sharp ridges, glacial crevices, loose) rocks, sliding snows, knife edge; peaks, all climaxing in a dizzy sum-1 nut wnere there was no desire to1 ' tarry even to take pictures of the 1 .fcenery and of such nature that it! ;was discretionary to back down gainer, man face a seemingly bottomless pit under an overhanging snow cliff. However, a few feet from the top a calm had been established, recording the ascent. Dr. Carter showed some interest- Steamshio Sailings ' (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Monday s.S. Prince uPert 4 pm. TuesdayS5. Catala 1:30 p m Wednesday-S.s. Princess CARNIVAL Get behind the Civic Centre and boost it. Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Kcd 120 FREE! FREE! K ew Issue Premium Books now in. Call in and let us explain this plan, to you. Dishes, silverware, flatware and many useful items FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ''Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex IJH Heated Rooms Ml .Wiiler. Steam Bath 't'.'je IJ'jji hi t' Mr' I. I HI il k Cri.rlrn, .rft . i. THE DAILY NEWS ftiur8dayAutmtsi , IN WAR TIME WE MUST WORK BETTER DOUB 11MINT helps us all stand the? pace i 111k Energy "sparks' your efforts and daily use of Wrigley's Doublemlnt helps keep you Jit on jour job by relieving fatigue and nervous tension. The pleasant chewing and delicious flavor coolt your mouth and throat, freshens jour taste, sweetens jour breath and aids digestion, too! CHEW DOUBLE-MINT WHILE YOU WORK millions do! Only Si. BUY SOME TODAY fj Letter Box THE DROWNING CASE Editor, Daijy News: i Referrinz to vour official arr- ing pictures of the climb as well as. count in yesterday's News of the a fossil exhibit taken near the top drowning at Lafcelse Lake of Holgei which showed the Imprint of fern Richard Valentin on Saturday las, at. an altitude far above timber line. I beg to Svata, that the depth o ana matching similar rock whiph water where the bodv was fount was to be found in the low country IfTPund Cedarvale, indicating that one day there had been a great up-ihcaval there. J .Some humerous incidents of the trip were also recounted by Dr. Car-rter. (" President W. F. stone was in the chair and .expressed to Dr. Carter (appreciation of the club for the in teresting discourse. was not 12 or 15 feet deep. WKh all due respect to all wh-helped in flnd:ng the body, thi depth of water In question wa: some 5 feet deep and about 3 fee deep where the lad first dove In. R. R. STRACHAN. $ ASK FOR aoilT nip ol for r1 Only 20e Mori Per Cm This NOTE: 25c DOZEN PAID FOR BURTON type ALE EMPTIES PHONE for FREE HOME DELIVERY 651 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. a LAND ACT Nollre or Intention to Apply to LeaM fur ruhorr In Range 5. Const District. Land Re cording District ot Prince Rupert, anc iltuate South of Lots 4476 and 6853 at Port Edward. Take notice that British OolumhU Packers Limited of Vancouver. B.C, oc-upatlon lUh packers Intends to apply or a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the Southea-st nomer nt lrt 447B- Uimr. S. 37 decrees 25' W. 310 feet; thence S 7 degrees 19' E. 67J feet; thence N B2 degrees 41- E. 218 feet; to the -!ght of way of the Grand Trunk Pact-! Railway, thence N. 7 degrees 19' v. following the said right of .way 892 pt to a point of commencement, ex epttng therefrom Blocks V. W and V of Lot 448 (Plan No. 1038 and contain-rig Prur K-res. more or less. ' BR'TISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITED vt Fred Nash, Agent. ua.d June 5th, 1941. Fine .Work By Group Of Girls Sia, Thomas Priest's Garden Yields Tidy Sum Flower Girl Dong Well Over two dozen garments for the Red Cross represents the accomplishment of nine girls of Prince1 Rupert during the past five weeks. , These young ladies decided a little j while ago that they would organ-' Ize a Princess Elizabeth Club for the purpose of doing Red Crosi work. So they got together at Mrs. i H, B. Wallace's home on Third' Avenue, elected Betty Allen as president and Betty Pullen and Pat-; ricla Brocklesby as secretary and treasurer respectively and then set to work. The other members of the group consist of Mary Baker, Ruth Walton, Peggy Large, Peggy Pullen. Monica Holtby and Olga Zabudney The club took the work seriously and their products are excellently made. Altogether they turned out fifteen nighties, six pairs panties, one woollen shirt, three woollen dresses and one baby jacket. These items are being Included in the shipment now In preparation at the Red Cross local headquarters A little more pleasant and waimer winter is going to be spent in Britain by a few more youngsters be cause little ladles like the nlnr above mentioned have kind heart-and willing hands. As a result of the visitations of tourists to her picturesque garden home at 1851 Graham Avenue, be tween June 18 and August 15 Mrs. Thomas H. Priest has turned over to the local Red Cross the sum of $48.04. Part of this amount was realized from the .sale of artistically decorated shells, In the making of which Mrs. Priest is very adept, and part from voluntary donations to the Red Cross of tourist visitors to the garden. Dainty little June Carter, who has been much In evidence around the tourist boats this season with her baskets of flowers, has turned over another $8.60 to the Red Cross as a -esult of the sale of the flowers. Reach ten irioujt.(, iK-oni" win 'want ad " in rh nllv nw DRAMA OF BIG cm The Devil and Miss Jones," With Jean Arthur, Showing .at Capitol i - Theatre A fantastic yet realistic comedy of modern city life, "The Devil and j and Robert Cummings, Is the fea? ture picture today and tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre here. TAnn Viob rho it. est a rlprlr In a department store where the em- j ployees are secretly engaged In an attempt to organize a bargaining unit In the hope of forcing the employers to redress their wrongs. She love3 her Job but loves more her boy friend who has recently been discharged as ringleader of the group attempting the formation of the union. His act Ivies had reached a climax when employees hung ind burned In publc an effigy of Charles Coburn, the actual but never-seen owner of the establishment. Coburn, so angered by the Insult, secretly Joins the store's sales force and Is assigned to the! same basement department In. which Jean Is employed. She. believing him to be a friendless old' man, takes him under her protect- . ... , T 1 I t ' ng guidance, mere is picniy u irama as well as comedy as the itory proceeds to a happy ending. Other prominent members of the -.ast. In addition to Miss Arthur, Cummings and Coburn, Include Spring Bylngton, Edmund Owenn, William Dcmartst and S. K. SakalL r Whifflets From The Waterfront y i Repair work on the United States Army transport ship Kvichak Is now well under way at the local dry dock. Considerable steel to be used on the job is already here. Trade In Your Old Furniture Heir) to Pay the New During August Furniture Sale! SALE VALUES AT ELIOS 1-pc.' Bedroom Suite $79.00 2-pc. Bed-Davenport Suite $81.50 6-pc. Dinette, Walnut finish $79.00 EHo's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prinr Rupert Co. Ltd. Drltlsh Columbia The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association of the Canadian Press and of the vudit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north 1 ueiained here by having had a heavy freight cargo to discharge. 1 it was not until 8 o'clock last even ing, six hours behind scheduled hour of departure, that C.N.R. steamer Prince George. Capt. H. E. Ncdden,' got away for Skagway and other Al-jaska points. rAMou. turns tSJI TODAY a Vi).y Continuous Daily From. Complete Show, S'm at" 1:00, 3:04 , 5:08, 7 fl:16 JEAN ARTHUR In the Gayest of All fr Ro. mantle Escapade "The Devil And Miss Jones" With ROUT. CUMMINGS w o.og, 0.1U, I 44 9 jg ADDKD Crime Doesn't fay preBll 1 ou the People" World News Events NOTE .Matinee Prlcei I'rtvail Up to 6 p.m. Frank Boomer. Lloyd3 t.. -' arrived in the city m it pr Oeorgc yesterday fro.u Va:.: being here on official c ;r.:r ,. nectlon with the turn:r; over 0!, newly constructed vessc . dry dock Type ALE NOTE: 25c DOZEN PAID FOR BURTON tvix Alt EMPTIES I PMONE for FREE HOME DELIVERY 651 Thi advertisement is not published or diJpUyed by the Liquor Control Bord or by the Government of Brjrith Columbia NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C rhnne J81 P.O. floi 198 YES! We Rejmlr Water Pipe. Koof, Woodurork, Stoxe Connriled, Etc. Oil llurners Cleaned )1M Chlmriejn Swept 1250 FIANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye I PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlcj company with an all the year round payroll 1 Prince- Rupert