sagt Library ‘ * gays | OY efi i. News /@ the paper to buy says | | epee Prince Rupert VUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912. ILY NEWS [. NEXT MAILS For South .” Wednesday, 9 p.m. Optimist PRICE FIVE CENTS HEMISPHERE’S TRA C WILL HONOR C. MW. HAYS WHEEL AND KEEL O’ER HALF HE WORLD TO STAND STILL Tremendous Tribute of Whole Slsadapbore’ s Vast Transportation System to the Memory of President Charles M. Hays---Tragic Tales of the Titanic Disaster Told by Last Survivors of Actual Sinking---Britain Will Investigate Special to Daily News.) burying the unidentified. Twen-j| frail raft. They dared not help Public | ty-seven bodies of those discov-|any more on lest the raft sink, Montrea April 2d ered have been identified, and emorial services to the mem- tt 1 . and had to warn many poor eet 1eir names sent by wireless. As of the late Charles Melville fk Sind ih Hot oontath ames of drowning Unforanates back to ays will be held in the Ameri-) prominent passengers who per- their certain death, disengaging esbyterian Church, Mon-| ished, it is believed a number of|.their clinging fingers from the a Thursda Precisely at them are members of ‘the crew, ; Canvas So overcrowded was the f ‘ clock, Mon- eal x raft that not a man on it dared : rl move ven when the Thursday morning Great Britain to Investigate ; I ; : = SECTION 2 IMPROVE- MENTS A meeting is jcalled the ( Police Bilat Wed nesday evening, April 24th at 8.30 p.m., t consider thy advisability of important liprovements fal the west- ern end of the city All owning propetty in Section Two or west @f 7th Street, In section onepare urged to attend. } ob oe COUNCIL GONDOLES | —_—_— > — | Tribute to Memary of Chas. M.| Hays Goes on Record. Prince Rupert @ity council will place on record fA resolution of ence regarting the lam- death of President C. M ind copies M be for- d to relatives It ‘ be oficial ba prac- ow night at 7.30, 2nd d 7th tres it | Sale—Double corner, sec- 8, block 24, @n plank road, a ip. $1050. Easy terms. Bain- ind Sloan. Phone 387. 2t Best room in town at the Savoy. ; } LIQUOR LICENSE HOLDE TO LOSE THEIR EXTRA HOUR City Council Last Night Decide in Favor of Reduction of Open Hours for Bar-Rooms---Hotel Men Protest in Vain---Their Petition Discredited by the Council Sherlock Holmes and Staff---A Stronger “Silent Petition’’ Against It After a spell of fairly long re-| one better, and made the Satur-|than four ouncillors opposing the meas- |} earlier closing of the bars did} ire, and a good deal of argument aldermen announced {sistance on the part of those| day closing hour 9 p.m., but the| with pride the fact that they had jrest of the council supporting|done a good deal of private de- tective work in regard to the sig- not feel like going quite so far.|natures on the liquor men’s peti- on wart a oh —s th th On behalf of the hotelmen A,|tion. They had investigated the igainst them, Clause 2 of the Li- | be “8 a ] rly juor Li » By-ls : ze ime iJ. Prudhomme made a_ strong |p na tidet 7 iely St quor License By-law amendment jforty names, perhaps more, be- passed through committee of the| appeal for the longer hours, his tween them, and the result of the whole last night By its provi-|argument being principally that/jnvestigation is a pretty poor sions the hours for closing the} there is danger under shortened|compliment to Prince Rupert’s bar-rooms in Prince Rupert will} hours for legitimate liquor sell-| business men as petitioners. The be 44 pu n all week days ex-/ing, that blind pig trade will/names of a goodly proportion of Saturday, when it will be 10] greatly inerease. He argued that|those signing that petition are and no bars open on Sun-|his attitude was as sincerely dir-|according to the councillors en- is previousiy These hours! ected towards the moral reform] quiring about them worth just is advocated by Ald Bul-|of the city as that as any min-|about as much as a schoolboy’s Webster in his amendment} jster, and referred to his exper-|chalk scrawls on a back door. to Ald, Morrissey’s motion that! jence in the north where at Fair- “We'd sign anything either the hours be not interfered with.| banks, under the system of all-|for or against rather than be ‘ bie 1 ‘ ow : Ald. Clayton would have gone) night bars, he had never heard] pothered absolute cessation Lond Apt 23. Mr Bux irpathia came in sight department of) to; president of the Board of hose on one side could see her Trunk and Grand! Trade. { cht stated that Brit-| CO™ 8 the others dared rt ids, with all’, will apy nt a ission t heads lest h ft nes for the jnyestigate the Titanic wreck : ~ P ee ent This hasi and the Commission will take the sterica when the steamer! | is by far the; pyjidence f the surviving me! was sighted, and his half ch pressive emorial pOS8-| pers of the crew and others g laughter a but hurled the president. This ss h group to death per again g and fa aching mem- Eritish Columbia Shares but they managed to cling on un- all Canada, Vietoria April 23 British eacue reached them B and the United! qojymbia will contribute to the Sales. M es of railway Ma bute to the) gents are now almost destitute of a blind pig, and never known | pringers.” with these petition represents the spirit a more orderly town. jin which two-thirds of the 30 I 1 ; | — § sion House Fund for the re- c : his ( also the steam) jjar of those dependent a the Rev. F. W. Kerr, for the re-|odd men tested by the aldermen de the great lakes rah or s i we ; ; it tin s of the formers, very briefly expressed] detectives, signed the petition, he Pacil Coast will thus Pitanic wreck, and whose depen- nae He desired to use ed Ald. Bullock - Webster, Ald. special influence to sway the Dybhavn, Ald. Clayton, and of Mayor had all done a Sass g of their president i < ’ F couneil. His whole argument ‘ , io 3 ie meital ee Authority has been given Agent was simply that the late hours|Course the Mayor had ¢ graph $ ns will be sent oneness Erne ete £. e008. in the liquor traffic are the dan-| little of this detective work, ask- g the orders with lion in name of B.C ger hours, and that in the inter-|ing& various business _ men who ests of a clean city, it is better|had signed the petition their ged sci? a ces- Laurier Bust Not Lost etal al é : sts 14 way Mi inne April 23 Paul Che- shai be sim- survivo f the Titanic wreck ar- Ships Full of Dead d the st y that the Laurier to have the bars closing earlier,|"easons for so doing. The prac- Ainongst the council, after} tice with petitions in Prince Ru- ine Canadian sculptor, and Heated Discussion Over ‘a City Hall Silen Raises---Assessor, .oi:. discussion on the monster, pert has petition brought in by the liquor} business hours alone, there was quite aj ing at the come to be that most men will seribble their in Montreal today. He de- Assistants, and Other Departments Asking Increases---Bul- men it favor of leaving the/names without more than glanc- petition. Some of the Aj }—Late re- es execute dfor the Chateau lock- Webster Charges Council With “Irresponsible ittle eloquence. Probably the|firm names had been signed by that before} Laurier at Ottawa had = gone geht the cable | dow with the Pitanic, declaring Recklessness”’ i ss s ployees “ y ( S h ( ( | : t and grant ses as Speaking st darkness the avo! de¢ red that he had thought it st discourteous of the coun have granted rali- ses to the cle and treasurer, Ve the heat of the finance committee as they did last Mon- lay Had he desired to avoid al npleasa situation and cause a deat he would have exereised his right of veto on the ioltion passed Here was the hank abs crowding the he financial sit- uatiol whict is in a difficult posit rhe mayor suggested that he ( meet as a Coni- hole to go care- \ itter of salaries Ald M ¥ ery rose and with h tt iros iain the light.| He prot emphatically that it was ( tra his idea of the promist f the council proper. | Ans ‘ e743 do with employ- nost effective appeal in favor of | employees merely as a matter of in Raising Clerk and Treasurer shortening the nove wea thetleasineen patie ke cn ; 1 wares should be discus-/0: “0 Dybhay who quite sur-jity from their principals, and i a passed himself, usually so sil-;QHe or iwo of these signatures 6 ‘A ra ee ./ent, | his ¢ juent reference to| were negatived, In short the f babe = : he “silent petition” of the wives whole petition business was 4 ' ry ee ' ie. ind children who are so deeply Sadly discredited, and i nspite of Mowe Rerne See ke terested in the shortening of|the protestations of Ald. Morris- taking the council nto its a ee the SYar-room hours, Another angry protest was en- tered by Ald. Morrissey on sim- sey that these signatures were \ld, Clayton, too, added the|Sacred as the signatures on bus- force of his eloquence to the|iness bonds, the impression shortening of the hours, and Ald,| created by the reports of the z toll dais dimsie iy age: a Bullock-Webster lent some detectives” was not in fayer ae iga emphatically asserting his forceful support. The “silent the pelition. ntention to exercise the veto on| Petition” carried the council, the The detective attitude of the hose painealdh mend Het only opposition being that of|council was finely emphasized by In retaliatory spirit Aldermat Ald. Morrissey and Ald. Mait-|the mayor, when he rose to add Morrissey accused the mayor of | !@"4 Both argued on principle,| his share to the argument, styl- 1a aa ke this rather late 17 ind all the councillors were most) ing himself quite cheerfully, a he dav. Here they had the city) #!Xious to emphasize the fact|Sherlock Holmes.” Loud laugh- dertakings falling off, the erical staff increased, the en- gineel staff reduced by only three lower scale wage men, and vet there had been a gradual in- crease in the city hall pay-roll, with never a word of protest un- were concerned, the hours ofjand the (¢ remes w fri: the | Shiatanaci remarkable revelation that the); question 0 ror apis- trate, Quite the most interesting | for earlier part of the proceedings was the| when Chairman Ald. Kerr put the the “extra hour,” over council had now become a per-| which there was such a stir last fect Scotland Yard.’ No fewer); year, went that as far as they personally/ter and cheers greeted the title, thief of the Civic De- closing or the very existence of|teetive Force threw his weight the bars were a matter of sup-| against the hotel men, Ald. t indifference to them Montgomery, too, stood strongly hours of closing, and by the board, Continued on Page 4. Machay | elt, had recov-|that this had been shipped on the f fifty-three| ss. La B azne. and is now ( Asses Mel 1 s disaste! he WAN i Canada = il < bt identi Si i } ssis when the Survivors Agonies unt Mr. Ga ! r a wireiess New York Apri 22—Most # ipl shu ie # that all bodies! harrowing amongst the pitiful) $440 P¢ had been buried at} stories of the survivors of the hese applical have bee ght It was the} Titanic wreck is that of Colonel) referred to the finances winery Mackay Bennett) Archibald Gracie, U.S.A., who be- s oar Ship full of bod-| jieves that he was one of the | : ' I i - 1 1 { ndentifiable very last living men to be wash- ie -* ae : s | he « ( is ines, Of Church) ed from the deck of the founder- ai ad ye nie ) ié sudde a ue is taken along, and} ing line He wus sucked down : at . 4 : I ne s 2 t gehts ‘ last night of} by the sinking ship, but caught : : | bh ' h \ ‘ ds f : es for those|on a recoil wave and flung up 7 p tA = ar signe oO > . ae an if ran la ess i { 1 ‘ ened to the; wards amongst a ma of wreck - eee at 3 Seas WI ge He managed to grab a ia ae ad hihi celved here to-|grating and after hanging on tl oy , niin “28 ith , ® anott steame or some e st 0 ” oo Samer 2 Sead. " ler steamer) it for m tim aw another M . ; ae nae a the dead, the} survivor feebly struggling to ; oh ’ eli iis Ai ') Mina was chartered! climb on to a canvass covered ' - I Lit lakers placed 150; life raft almost swamped He} * i While tons of| left his grating and helped this Out of the e} vs e one f Al , j ahi ‘way in the holds.} nan, then together they helped) Yo're § \Id Bu ; } d y of iron was also} others to the number of thirteen) P! sting agains lat hi All. to be used in|to gain a resting place on the|/@@ | trresponsidis SS —_=_=— | of the counci in passing the ste ses granted last week to the A F rai gran TREAT IN STORE |der the direction of Mrs. Chis-| ¢ity clerk and city easurer. In Clever }holm, and the receipts will be a anetnar Company Will) devoted to the establishment of iver amateur drama should make "er the Laurels a pretty|}a note of this. hey 7 | , i five aets is | net Presented by a clever com-| It will pay everyone interest- ‘i ‘pera House on the 30th | Consignment of ship chandlery { 4nd will be one of the|@t Howe & MecNulty’s, 2nd For a city eouncil which pe! Li events + ‘i “mateur drama- — lsistently delights in the luxury ri . TB > . Ma . | " tS sanized in Rup- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. of long midnight sederunts, dur- pany will be un-| Phone 4. —_—. | ing which certain of its who are perforce early birds members reesereeccecsovee eee, on their jobs in the morning PRINCE RUPERT AGO have been seen to yawn prodig- TWENTY MINUTES iously, Prince Rupert's couneil|)? SN Sherlos k die last night evinced a most un mee ussing new disguises with Bullock Hol- accountable interest in clocks aoe Ministe ' says citizens had better buy watches It was Ald Bullock-Webste lea A, ‘ While for that Gity Hall clock. who started — it He suggested \pply at 7 : ore Hour Set With Sixty Diamond Minutes that it would be a ¢ d thing for Fred p, : M “room, the eouncil just lo begin hosing He ¢ re K.C., rumored to be brushing up his law for around for the prices and means Sugpess " With Jack Hilditech tomorrow. of obtaining a fine large clock Urned dow; By that a sundial might do for the city ba’! for the new city hall A clock, Raised , a0 poor thing would be worked to death as he described it which will be ” Oe Gan The City Hall staff. seen from Fulton Street, Third mereececeecccccens Avenue, and the district adjacent and which ca be heard all over the business section Well, of all the—,” said Ald Morrissey with amusement “Lo think that whe we are looking every wav we in turn for funds with which to carry on the works f necessity this city, Alder- mal B ock-Webstel should ine eng i about such a xury as a city clock, when cit- fifty years i in Ganada have vet been able to afford one!” Ald Bulloc) Webster was hastening to explain that he only eant thr nerest preliminary | enguiry about the clock, when |Ald. Montgomery advised him to lsay as little as possible about it, I'm afraid it will be looked on as a huge joke," he said, “I hear | Parks Commission in Sight—)).. no int in American cow juice MINOR MATTERS ee i he “ya eo of I cate ain sooo" MIDNIGHT. OIL COUNCIL TALKS OF CLOCKS wer feats srference with the per- Rock for Third Avenue Fill) jj) cranted, ———— Proposal to Ask the Price ‘of a Clues etic City Hall---City | coming—mitkman makes His | Kiok—Lot Owner Obliges City. SPARKS FROM THE PLANT eurs in the West-|@4 to look over «the large new Clerk Reports o on Time Check Clock ee \ Parks Bylaw, appointing @)Yapious Electrical Matters Are (he press laughing already my was no more about the Park Commission of Aldermen Broached in Council Last phere as oO Oo t foe nid Liasi’ bikh fate A cin and representative citizens will Night Cl i Cloc > ’ « . _ fe r ibe presented for the first read- to ihe city elerk brought in a report va ; e in the famotitime clock for use|A2s iB counch at next meeting City electrical matters were ) Iderms Cle n. of city: hall employees, by which by derman ayLo J. A. Kirkpatrick will be per- Matthews. everybody including the mayor is mitted to dump rock from his} gaged by o mark his time on entering reported on last night by Supt. A clerk has been en- Mr. Matthews at a sal- and leaving the city hall, Mr,| high lot at 2nd Avenue and Sth , ary of $3.25 per day, to hee out Woods had discovered’ that ne Street, on Third Avenue, near jon accounts and books. Copper eould get a fifty man clock for McBride Street, his passed the | wire for the power circuit has $100, less 20 %, and reported ac-| Council last night, been ordered, and Mr, Matthews cordingly. The matter was re- \. W Agnew has given the city| promises the power line for day / ferred to the finance committee| permission to carry a culvert} load will be ready shortly, A with power to act, the Finance} line across his property on Me-|citizen who warned the power Minister almost going into hy-| Bride St, on condition that all|/department of a chain flung by steries over the inundation of|work in connection with it is|a blast so as to short circuit the clock-talk with which he had} done by the city to satisfaction, | juice lines on Fulton Street was been deluged while at his wits J. Schafer of the Prince Rup-|thanked in Mr. Matthews’ report, end for funds for street improv-|ert dairy company, has protested} and the city solicitor is to draft ments, water supply, and the city|in council against the permit}a warning to contractors against hall raises. igiven the John Dorsey concern|such carelessness. tence etary 4 the’ 4 Re