7 1 Ray SY ae aah THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY on application. ADVERTISING—5# cents per inch. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaiLy, 50c | per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., SEATTLE—-Puget Sound News Co. Loxpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Telephone 98 New York City TUESDAY, APRIL 23 A COLOSSAL ENGINE OF = |! DAILY EDrri0x. William E. was Gladstone FINANCE.” that first deseribed the British lin i aX as a colossal engine rhe British budget for the en- ft knau suing year, which has just been The income tax is a powerful presented to the House of a) financial engine because it mons by Mr. Lloyd-George, the noves along the of the least Chancellor of the Exchequer,| nysical eninbe nes It lays no amounts to nearly a billion dol- lars. But Mr. Lloyd-George wee hunger and need -It unembarrassed in the face of|*Tings no sweat or blood from such huge expenditures, because} poverty and failure. It takes its he is able to show the largest/toll on! y from prosperity and surplus on record left over from) ease It taxes men only when the past year. i they are able to pay. How is it that Great Britain The bill now pending in Con- ean boast of this remarkable|gress levying an excise tax on public solvency in a year of in-/| business ‘omes has in it the dustrial disasters, and after un-| elements that gigantic fiscal dertaking extraordinary new ex-} powe hat Gladstone praised penses, such as the Compulsory; t ¥ which is carrying th Insurance Act for workingmer as Great Britair and the acquisition by the State}! phantly through a period of all the telephones in the pt i economi kingdom ? strain The answer to this question is Phis sh i4 ade law full of instruction for American|a@nd Congress should in due tims statesmen The answer is that/¢ ake rther applica- the British have learned how to|tion of the principle that shift the burden of taxation from) necessaries but superfluities the necessaries of life to the su-' shou t axed perfluities of lif:. rhat is th wa get fre The earliest step in that sound) suga It is the way lower and scientific fiscal reform was) the . a E recessaries of the establishment of the income fe It is the wa: fortify the tax; the latest step has been the asury agains all th establishment of Lioyd-G ge'sis ks and strains of jus a tax on the unearned nerement| depression and economic disas- of land values. er. . . Highest Value in Plain and Gem Set RINGS R3ERES 3363 TOIOVIOAK ve i Sons 3 Ther = jewellry line in which value $ al ssed than in BIRKS’ plain and Jewellers and Silversmiths gen : nm fineness of tlime y Gee. E. Trerey s, the person t Managing Director perfection B.C. Vancouver -:- eORERREDRERSCREC DRE ReEaETD t ro" hur ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE shows yen a fine vari f solitaire and cluster en “e4 gagement no diamond an r o- tien ttig The BIRKS’ WE a = is fine design ry ¥ pe anada wr for as : gue, which w be 0) se iress j re of SS Ss ae tior 3 (OPP. PPP PLP PLP PPD LPLAS PPPLDLAP PPL PPP PP PPLPP PPP PA PAPAL 4 é 4 $ When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the ; CARLTON HOTEL } > 4 : Finest Cafe ip B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 3 Hot and Cold Water in each room. > 4 $ CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS $ Vancouver, B.C. 3 > Contract rates | WORSE THAN THE RAIN LIBEL THESE LIES ABOUT RUPERT : THAT WISE OLD OWL. wise old, fat old owl once sat High in a chestnut tree; He saw no one, he spake to none = TRY US FOR \\ i} Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass. | ware, Chinaware | | | for Ca ga Ra i wee SPECIAL Sets $10 Uy CARRIGAN & MILLER | Mh Pri vs Right \ i} ) i} {| att ))) eewd old « s he DETECTED BY W. P. HINTON. GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT A shrewd old owl was t OF THE G. T. P., AND REFLECTING GREAT CREDIT ON THE ; ACCURACY OF A LITTLE NEW WESTMINSTER PAPER. A black crow—the owls wors foe— I am enclosing a clipping v, if he s a citizen of New Made much noise overhead; from a New West ster pa Westminste Pp Ry pit-| A hunter heard this foolish that might apply to Port Es- s New Westmins bird— ; sington or Stewart, but I d And now the old crow’s dead h s 19-2 Bioek 16, section : think the have thf e- 8, $750: % cash, 6, 12 months.--| Tis best, see, to quiet be— ference in any respt rh. Collart, 225 6th street tf} No noise, no boast, no caw; Prince Rupert ess ; y ae }One owl alive beats any five place has materially changed PARCELS POST | Dead crows you ever saw. from anything we hay - . —— - ——_—_——_—_—_— seen Used to Far Greater Extent in) LAND LEASES. So writes Mr & P. Hinton, gen- England and Germany. ral passenger agent of the G.T eae | : ; rt fea of sending parcels Of] Skeena Land District —District of Coast, P. to Mr. A. E. McMaster, general : RRL thn’ mint Ome ‘ Range 5 2 eum trough the pe : | Take notice that I, Augustus W. Agnew, agent here, and the clipping he! ;. 4. new his continent.| of. Prince Rupert, B. C., civil engineer, . gpg > a ’ —*"| geting as agent for P« ise Harbour Lap 1 ses fror the New West-/| But in England very large pares |e mpany, Limited, of Victoria, ® Cc. tn- tend ¢ i permission to ase the minster British Columbian isjare sent very aply thr igh|" t ey os P : tt s tra s g- Commencing at @ post planted on i certainly a umph of truthful ne Sau At ha 7 | most northerly point on Porpoise Harb gage sent after t rather thant|or Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, then ess c rr he , «fl oerth to a poimt equa-distant between Lot aw burden herse¢ with a bundle, Ul) G46 and Watson island, thence easterly ts t be an tntervie or shopping has ar or t | 1 nor stherly following a line equa-dis 4. Gilley. who with her shopping ha ayed he “ltant between the high water mark of Lot " ae eee mg to admit packing her] and the high water mark of Watso I thought has “pump-! ....p-; her trunk | tslan 1 © @ point on low water mark Uns Srnnes Dake intel? soo nk liween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake Columbian certal In Germany the parcels post is| Waimright, thence east to high water -idiculous libels on Prince Rup- i ; . i ; ‘mark, thence westerly and southerly fol ' ae ce = 7 : ised to send, not only dry f00GS,| lowing a igh water mark to point com ‘rt’s present condition on what}, Cask i e as butter, | menceme : : ‘ - but such farm produce as butter, ‘POISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, Mr. Gilley is pleased to call ®leggs and poultry purchasers. | “LIMITED . z . ation of condi i Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent thorough investigation of condi-) parcels weighing up eleven} pated April sth, 1912. tions” here. pounds ean be sent to any part| Pub. April 8, 1912. Here are some samples < the : x net of M e oe “th f the) o¢ Germany for 12 cents. These] sxeena Land Distriet—District of Coast, esults of Mr. Gilley’s “thorough! .,.. galivere et wagons i ange 5. to ” are delivered by post wagons ID/ 7,4. notice that I, Augustus W. Agnew, vestigation. the larger towns and cities. f Prince Rupert, B. C., civil emgineer,| ‘One half the stores and resi- Ey “a pic : acting as agent for _ se Harbour Land er InackIng allo mpany, Limited, ria, B. C., in- ieneces in Rupert are uNOCCU-/ the higher cost f lat nd to apply for permission to lease the vied.’ : oe a 7 ywing described land: pied. ada can easily be | Oommen ing at 4 pest carer egg hen the “here is only ym house saa Bi i waa anoat northerly point on Porpoise Harbour, : ; re " such a parcels post as this would) 7, 6, Range 5, Coast district, the building. be found of the greatest | ne Water mark, thence weste Practicaliv the only work be- 4 nee to housekeepers ; y follo te ae ae eens = zg with th exception of), “ee ee 6, Range 5, Coast district ‘ , arts of the country east to high water mark, thence s 2G stru I s la wc theinltelaas ing high water mari i north y and with s zg r . Ladies Always Want. Many = rea a9 r ~|new seasonable things. They al- 2 z 7 ways go to Mrs. Frizzell's for the Th por atl ss ew ‘ ° i ; maa iresse ie hai ee atest styles in suits, dresses, alt ie rn - : irs and millinery tf sand, which : i men.’ PORT £9 Thes n The ‘place tor the very latest. hat they : 1s . Always the most fas oer mnable de- : ; signs suits and milli nery at x and ha ‘ abs - " m the , Mrs. Frizzell’s tf ze 5,| 7 s al houses g \ reas i ‘ { fk at side- ——_—_—_—___—— est and walks zg ted, but th Ansther Applicant r B sh ¢ an of New West- la i Brown has made rv ; See ae r s b t put atior f a f the new pos to high water mark —s } +} i sy ly following h $ n Aipa = stul nas assista n of commencement 1 - itself a reputat fi sessor’s departs an HARB! JUR LAND COMPA %S, e 5 i f pe an hf ss which no news- has ferred h Per Au ere W. Agnew, Agert i rated April Sth, 1912 2 wi As f Mr. Gil- city assess vw. April 8, 1912 ata aaS ae a S e e e IeI le Teele ela) falafel —— ee fe yy ff i ee eee es ees ec) TPP RPPPRPRPpTe TOCA AE t KEEP OUT! 66 factory door. The old idea of materials, and methods of manutacture. Now the white light of publicity is cl YY business growth. The ‘‘ keep out”’ sign from factory doors and the ‘‘welcome”’ place. Toe =) g Candor and honesty form the hack- To-day, e bone of modern Advertising. Men tell panies use the the truth, and it pays. Modern selling truth about themselves. relies more and more on the confidence 3 and good will of the buyer. To-day, many big industrial enter- ey To-day, eyes are too sharp and in- prises are open SI telligences too keen to make deceit the inspection of — . . = possible. Absolute frankness in Ad- - vertising is the straight road to confi- To-morrow, many more eo dence. The public demands the light; depending for t it abominates and fears darkness perity on public e To-day, many c anning factories, curtains that veil their board and work- = acking houses, bakes hops, and public rooms— they, too, will come to printing itchens welcome visitors. co’ candid advertisements in the news- ie nothing. papers. a! or an abuse of its confidence. suspicion those who attempt to serve silence. ging words. The public rewards with money those who tell it the truth. it maawee ie = where the light shines and where the paths are straight. 2 Throw on the light! OND oe ot write, tf interested. oc S GPE EEEEE EEE aaga EEP OUT!”’ used to hang as a sign on every ness made it seem a crime to show outsiders processes, those who depend on public favor for business profits and many public service com- newspapers to tell the heir success and pros- The public may overlook, but does not forgive, a lie The public regards with The public is repelled by juggled facts or befog- It walks and shops Advice regarding your advertizing problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Bldg., oronto. Enquiry insolees no obligation on your pari —so secrecy in busi- being let in by is disappearing (PAPO MMM UMMM MMMMMEAT |S) sign is taking its without hindrance to an interested public. companies, confidence, will lift the in secrecy and | its favor and ‘ Nee ool fe oN el el foal f eo fa INERT PLL “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver Exceilent Cafe. Moderate Prices 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C, Phone 8500 + SLMS OPN NON dl WLS fm NOG * * Sr ee i No Man Nead Usa Poor Printing Unless he is Willing and Satisfied | 10 Do 50... ’ M i pret Daily : in et Ne oe tt tt ee ee re ee me ete 3H ¢ ASS PRINTING F ALL KINDS SEE TH ‘ News Building PHONE 98 Thira Avenue vert lf i} i OUR PRI ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY ANI few ™ UNIVERSAL rs cor eT Gna TRANSFORMATIONS “2.27/.0¢ rane F he oN STYLISH TOUPET ONLY #5.00 Entir Trans! ormation $9.50 or 313.00 TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR Se $5.00 delivered drectt me, s cvrely packed All Order Send tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 3 %0: CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Address al 84, FOXBERRVY ROAD, pte ORDERS Manageress eae ae Wey ks) COUGHS & COLDS »> s > Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Ot not only stops a cough but cures it. Its tonic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bottle. Sold J. L. MATHIEU CO. Prep. SHERBROOKE MATHIEUS aT OF TAR & COD LIVER OIL every where. Subscribe For The Daily News And Get All the News