w. L. BARKER ARCHITECT 7es of : wood different lé Three ome alberts Bloc’ Hl Gordor Munre MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, S e. 3 stork Building, ©°* ond Avenu STEWART wTART & sTUART AUDIT ORS Accol NTANTS ~ oy Building Butle oe ert prince Rut p.O. Box 351 ED ©CARSS, ot Columbie and Manitoba Bare c. Vv BENNETT, B.A. kate hewan berta Bars. NETT CARSS & BEN 5 erprs, NOTARIES. TC. enn Second Avenue. fice Albert Block, 5 v. 0.8. _— wM. S. HALL, L. D.5., DENTIST. a 3ridge Work a Specialty. eat race skilfully treated. Gas and ministere e Consultation ‘ree, traction th Ms Block Prince Rupert. Crown All dental opera’ ii-12 ' - — eee MMares0 5‘ W.E. Williams,B.A., LL.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C ee 2 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING puri. OF WM. FOXON, BSQ., A.R.A.M., DON. ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate Loans and Insurance $19 Srd Avenue Phone 384 PHONE 5 ' P.O, BOX 804 MTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Storage and Forwarding Agents. For nes yr Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fultor Phone 801 THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Hotel Central European and American plan, steam ibeated, modern conveniences, Rates $1.00 wo $2.8) per day Peter Black Proprietor HAYNER BROS. STAKER an ) eres No. 86 mms LN [)SAY’ E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer HARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT hoists. Second Ave. Nicholson Lailey Phone No. 280 ) Sas- for the painless ex- eae Offices : + SS. Prince George VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8.8. PRINCE JOHN SEATTLE Service to Goose Queen Charlotte T Islands tiWeekly Train Service Prince Rupert to Van Arsdol Wa 1 and Fy wr all information apply to AE. NMater, Gen. Agt. G. T. P. Wharf Agency for Ney for all Atlantic Steamship Lines ies Siiteprearemeniensnciin aan i a BC. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE S. S, PRINCESS ROYAL VANCOUVER. VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Every Pg 6 P.M. 4 Q. am TTA Wha Ler PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Big stock Garden of all kinds of a Seeds, T imothy, ‘over and Grain Seeds, Mail Onde Irderg Promptly Attended to Agents International Stock Food:- ALL KINDS OF FRED ———————— Savoy Hotel First Avenue Cor. Fraser and Sth. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT NOW OPEN PRINCE RUPERT CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH FIRST OLASS SERVICE ST. POPULAR PRICES SECOND - AVENUE —@ 4 -@-#-@ @ @ + + @ Williams & Vidak - Props Oo + +++ + 6 8+ + + + @ | FRED. STORK ? . { ~General Hardware p ‘ o Builders’ Hardware | Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves 1 Graniteware Tinware e | ? ‘ ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS H. R. Love, Prop., Prinee Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Hays Cove. Agents for imperial Gasoline Motors. Phone Biue 259 P. O. Box 957 .Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEC. BRODERIUS, Proprietor, —THE Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED PE DAILY NEWS In the World of Sport MONEY FOR FIGHTS Enormous Sums Involved n the Cha pionship Conterte for Prize Fights The foll t » tnt t e lar gest purses giver America Jeffries-Corbett $e Britt-Nelson (1905) : 18.3 i t Brit 36 Jeffries-Fit none 31 Jeffries-Rul Britt-Ne!s¢ Burt 3¢ ; 25,2 Corbett-N 14.2 Oorbett-Ne 11.3 8 Britt $j O’Brien-Ka é 6,419 Neil-Tenny s 6,270 Niel-Hylar 6.210 Hart-Johr ‘ 6,200 IN NEW YO Jeffries-Sharkey » 67,000 Jeffries-Fitzeimmor . 63.000 Corbett-McCo. 67.000 Corbett-Shar 48.000 Ruhlin-Fitzs me 45,000 Rublin-Sharkey 40,000 Sharkey-McCoy .. 37,000 Jeffries-Cort 85.000 McGovern-Io $2,000 Sharkey-Fitzsimmor 25,000 McGovern-Dixon 24,000 Choyinski-McCoy 20,000 IN PHILADELPHIA Nelson-McGovern 22.000 N GOLDFIELD Nelson-Gans $0,711 IN TONOPAH Gans-Hermai 20,700 IN NEW ORLEANS Corbett-Sulliva 15,000 rm Oo Jeffries-Johnso 101,000 COAL | $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings — All Kinds of Building Supplies | Phone 186} | | CIGARS | plan. The Newest Thing in the larger cities in chill-| les Brass Beds. Morris | Rockers are among the lat-| est arrivals at ‘At The Big Furniture Store 221 Piavers 6th St Entrance 2nd Ave., cor CARTAGE and | STORAGE | G. T. P. Transfer Agents |! Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE~H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Little’s NEWS Periodicals :: Agency Magazines :: Newspapere TOBACCOS :: FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF New nox otel BESNER & BESNER, |The New Knox Hotel is run on the European First-class service. Al! the Latest Modern Improvements. BEDS 60c¢ UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER! 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 British North America 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 The Advantages Of 0! ours»: Bank Money Orders | for transmitting small sums ery of money are four, hey are easy to procure—easy to cash saf inexpensive. We issue them at the follow- ing rates. $5. or under—3c. $5 to $10—6c. $30 to $50—15c. These Money Orders payable at par at any Branc h of any Chartered Bank in Canada (Yukon Territory excepted), in the = ncipal cities if the United States and in London, Eng. PRINCE RUPERT BR/.NNC H | F. S. LONG, Manage" $10 to $30—10c. are There is ke o loor ¢ ise d rT me p nh } a n remarke \ he K base We negtor hut r he Amer t a t uring &€ ning rer Phe e Mat pls 6 who uring the v 1 ke to al oO of i r games, suc as basket be bowling and the like }to t int nditior the playing }season, but do not ree With them as u t nefits derived from such 1as been my experience ayer wh as outside jall the sumn season, gail a great jeal more by following the same j}method during the winte time hat jis, taking exercise outdoors, such a skating, walking and, in fact, anything along that line with a little pleasure connected with it During the last two months ! have done a greet dea of walking about the city and around to the ou irts, and have also put a great deal of time skating at the rink and on the river 1 do a littl bowling now and then, bt I with the heavy fir balls, as |! ink the strain is too uch with that kind J bow] the pony ball, whic! ight and jeasily handled, and there is ) dan | ger of overtaxing your rowing arm in bowMng that kind of a game I have noticed that several ba!! players whom I know and who did nothing but indoor work during the winter season were in the poorest condition to play spring, and for that reason I keep away from the indoor work as much as possible “It may sound strange continued the Washington captall but thi talk during the last few weeks of in dependent agues bring to mind the Fletcher dea! of a year or 80 ago There were many of the star players in both the big leagues who were ready to go over to tha Fletcher movement, especially when they were offering big bonuses to th who signed contracts 1, myself, was of fered a contract by the Fletcher |people, and a most flattering One but nothing ever came of it that the mej _r leagues are adopting a very Wi ourse in the proposed extension of the Ameri lean Association into cities like De ltroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Pitts burgh, for with continuous ball there it will make it much harder for th leagues to get a footing ln my opin ion, the players will be slow to accep janything of that kind as long as the | major-league magnates treat thei | fairly, and I guess mest o1 them ar doing that now ” RAPID HYD! ROPLANE The Oregon Wolf, a nine-cylindst hydroplane in a sanctioned a lagainst time at Portland, broke the | | world’s motor boat records on a five mile cours for all distances up to lthirty miles. The Oregon Wolf's time ise the thirty mile was 42 minutes 9-6 seconds, the best previous re =o ove! a six-lep course was 44 aie 38 15 seconds |Loe ROE, Phone 6, | a I ;a PROPRIETORS |paseball in th Toronto skater. He made a g£ showing in the U. 8. amateur ng championships WINTER EXERCISE ‘ill be” Better off Out of COMFORT FOR AIRMEN H. B. W Tells of Wonders He saw At Paris Exhibition At ! both pilots and passengers belr provided for by € eadir aer ne designers abroad Horace B. Wild, of. the Aero Club of | recently returned from a vis Europe, has a lot of interesting es t ell of what he sew at the Aero Show in Paris One three-passe er monoplane at the show had elaborately stered seats with arr reeis, foot-warmers, whose heat was reecived from the exhaust, and speaking-tubes f< mmunication between passengers and driver. In an other monop'ane the driver was cover ed all but his heed a thin water proof hood astened to the edges of the cockpit with easily released glove clasps Mr. Wild says Italy sent a great many more aseroplanes out to the seat of war in Tripoli than was public ally admitted. With his own eyes the Chicago aeronaut saw three carloads of fiying machines being shipped to the front He knows eighteen Nien pots were rehased for the italian army, and m what he afterward heard at the Bleriot works, is con Vinced that least sixty monoplanes| and biplanes ars 1 avellable for] the Italiar rees in Africa ALBERT sensat BBIE” KERR Wing ho Otvawasé 101 eit SPORT £ OR SPORT SAKE. Object of Amateur - Athletic Federation Recently Formed in United States keyist | | e present condi | 2nd Street It will be interesting to watct progress of new Amateur Athletic Federatio! tion of things ‘t will have a hard row to hoe, if it s_icks elosely to the lir laid dow! port for Suen 8] sake, with } € ittle or no ir trinsic value sort of thing will} appe o the average ar ra a who trains sonstantly regard for his} studies, W ymed to gold watches, g£ : and other valu ables « I 10 ig yught after by e! Us, ard genera ly es i The me I era n will have to the younger lass or the ¢ iteur, the athlete who ha Oo make money ou of sport eptitions will con sist of s boys and young men who have ate amount of time to give to 4 and want to meet rivals of ti i It is difficr for anyone tot p any sport and | have to do his w k alone because he has no char e! against those who are s¢ antly the meets of the clubs 1 the contro] of the Amateur A nion. No athleie who is rea of sport, cares to take a big ap all the time, ar never see a bronze meda 1 excel in ¢ one must comp t against be but one does 1 maintain in any sport ¢ earth wi constantly in the “also ra The new at federat good in this r pect t urage the you sters a t se € f CC from Athletics are t expe! ¢ ys, and the fede tion ma) in changing hi me, we. 1 k, athletic director at € I Central School of Phi t years active in tt Y.M A. i 4.1 and still a official! ir { r bady, thinks there} is ro the Union and the Federat ays: “There is plen ty o federation without in any way interfering with the Ama teur At Union. In the Amateur Athle I ) have been fecding the amate ld watches so long that the é mn way of runnine athletics Vv tempt them to com pet ! d deals with a class of at the Amateur Ath et { n never has and never can touch, ar that very desirable younger element, the schoolboy’ Against High Speeding. Relieving that high-speed motor-car racing no longer serves a useful pur pose, besides bringing discredit upon mote g and the motor-car trade, Ben jamin Briscoe, president of the United State Motor ¢ ipany, has prepared a letter to the American Automobile Association ac ng that it abandon } tr ed contests and de vote its t to the promotion and ’ ae zg and relia Nty sularly futher i ood roads, a work hich e 1 al organization has ne with « t results during the vast five ¥ The Cort of Golf, rhe R ntreal Golf Club's ex- nditur- lest year was $11,234, Green sages { pkeep of links cost $4,429. President J. T. McCall, who is also President of the Royal Canadian Golf Associatic was re-elected at the an- jnual meeting. The Canadian cham- pionships will % beld on the club's links thin ,eR) a howe & McNulty of Just SHIP CHANDLERY Everything for the or boat Sole Agents Sherwin-Williams Paints PHONE 364 GENERAL HARDWARE received a large consignment launch ..We Offer For Sale.. “ | Q Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1, Price $3,000 each, One-haif cash, balance 6 12 and 18 months Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, Section 5. Price 2,100 One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. * ot 4, Block 25, Section 6, with 5-room house worth §900, renting for §20 per month Price $1,775 Term $1,275 cash, balance $25 per month | Lots 15 and 16, Block 5, Section ¢ Price $4,200 One-half cash, balance 6, 12/ and 18 months | Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Section ¢ Price £3,500 $1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months Lot 18, Block 2, Section 7. Price $900. $450 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 33 and 34, Block 16, Section 7. Price #1,600 One-half cash, balance 6 and| 12 months Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7 Price $750. 400 cash, balance 4 and 8 months. Lot 19, Block 28, Section 7. Price $450 Equity out Lots 1 and 2, Block 31, Section 7. Price 1,275 cash, ‘balance 6 and 12 months Continental Trust Co., Ltd. Second Avenue Real Estate Insurance Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent COAL Best on the New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- wefians are welcome. Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Gur Specialties che| WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS IMI- TATE | Rogers & Black | et ts LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise . . fF Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. edo ts ts aero xem ee tet tte ms le lp a re a Pm es a le SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) ace Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers | APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED Stewart Vv. F. G. GAMBLE Prince Rupert and i | | Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of every description Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, LAND PURCHASE NOTICE | | Skeena Land District—District of Coast | | Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. | Kange 6. , Take notice that Clarence Bowen, of Se-! ,, Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of attle, Wash., occupation woodsman, ip-;Priace Kupert, B. C., occupation civil en- tends to apply tor permission to purchase | &!Heer, intends to apply for permission to the following described lands purchase the Tollowimg described lauds: Commeacing at @ post planted fou Commencing a+ @ post plafled at the miles east of the Naas River and apres southwest corner of Lot 685, Hange 5, uve miles north of Alyansh, thence west | Godst district, thence south 40 chains more eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, | 0! Jess to east bank of Hocsall Kiver, thence thence east eighty chains, thence north |!0Mowing said east bank northerly and eighty chains to point of commencement, | Westerly to mouth of Falls Kiver Slough, -Church Services - FIRST PRESBYT Services every Sunday in the Church Halil at 11 and Empress Theatre at 80 p.m Sunday Schoo) at 2.30 p.m REV. F, W. KERR, M.A, RIAN CHURCH PasTOoR THE FIRST MCINTYRE HALL, 38RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p.m Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D BAPTIST CHURCH REV PASTOR THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and Sunday Schoo) at REV. C. R. SIM PASTOR iG, B.D. THE SALVATION ARMY services every 11 am, 38 p. m. and 8 Pp. m Sunday school 1:30 p. m Weeknight services Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays KERR Cc Sunday at CAPT oO ‘Prince Rupert rt Lodge 1.0.0.F. Meets in for see Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. The Standard. MONTREAL, THE STANDARD Weekly Ne of Canada. swsepaper of the Dominion ulms. It uses the most expensive engrav- the }hotographs from ings, procuring all over the world. Its articles its editorial policy is thoroughly independent, A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain, TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Co Limited, Publishers CLARENCE BOWEN, then following bank of said slough easterly H. P. Kutter, Ageaot. tu point of cotiuencement, to conn 60 Dated Oct. 81, 1911. acres more of jess, Pub. Dec, 14. AUGUSTUS W. AGNEW. Dated February 1, 1012. Pub. Feb. 10. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Hapge 6. Skew Land D D . . Take notive that I, Dagobert Auriol, of | >S°e84 +40 Mianed. 3 istrict of Coast, Nanaimo, B. C., occupation miner, intend - Y tocanDly. for ermiseton io purctase the| , 14K@ notice that 1, Michas beganis, cook, following described lands; PUL VICLUEIS, 2h. (Uy LUCIE 20 (BRD 508 Deer Commencing at a post planted at tee ered tnd purchase the following de- southeast corner of Lot 6130 (being ap-|* “+ ‘ plication to purchase No. 1683), District | GUMUUSHEE St & Dust planted on. the lof Coast Range Five, thence south forty | “4! th side ol Willidlus Creek, where tue chains, thence west forty chains, thence hiluual Dralich ui tue UG. 1, BP. Ky. Crosses Phone 156 Green| is the National | It is national in all its | | | are carofully selected and | | Wiillatus Creek, 4ud @boutl tep (iu; Chains | Irom the creek suore, thence south gu | Cligils, Lh@uce cust 4U Challis, Welce fori JU Cl#ils, uence West 40 Chaims to point thence east forty chains containing 160) north forty chains, to point of columencement, acres, more or less, DAGOBERT AURIOL. Fred E. Cowell, Agent. ul coMMlmencement, containing 12u acres, Dated January 26th, 1912. whore or Jess, M ao sheik he Pin. Dac. o MICHAS BEGANIS. Fred E, Cowell, Agent. Dated Oct, 31, 111. Pub. Dec, &. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice cat fe William Fraser, ote Te Rupert LO ee ee eae of Spokane, Washington, occupation farmer, . ‘Loess. . intend to apply for permission ‘to purchase | lake notice that 1, Lemuel Freer, of the following described lands | Valicuuver, B. U., oceupation broker, in- Commencing at @ post planted about} #4 te apply [or peruission tw purchase four miles west and three miles and a| #¢ tutlowiug described lands: half south from End Hill, Banks Island, GOMMMeRCIUgE Bt & poo plated on the thence south 40 chains, thence west 46/[#0re 10 @ bortherly direction from Port chains, thence north 40 chains, thence /\%/590 Cannery, udrked L. f.'s 5.b. corner, east 40 chains to point of commencement; | ‘ence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains containing one hundred and sixty acres,| We54 Ulelice ZU chats south lo shore lle, more or ess ’ thenve east along the shure to pullt of WILLIAM FRASER Seeeaa eee colluining 4U0 acres, more Fre Jawson, Agent UF 4088, ; Dated March 5, iota. " ' LEMUEL FREER. Pub. March 22. 1912 Dated Dec. 7, 1911. Pub. Jan, 6, 1011, Skeena Land District-—District of Coast}skeeua Land District-—District of Coast Range & | Hanged. Take notice that |, George Graham, of lake notice that 1, CAROLINE JOHNSON, Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation brakeman,|v! Vabeouver, Bb, U., Occupation married intend to apply for permission to purchase| Wuludu, intend to apply for permission to the following described lands: purchase the luliowing descnbed lands; Commencing at @ post planted about} Commencing at a post planted at the suullbWest coruer of Lot 38U¥0d, Lbence south miles west and three and a half miles} chains, Uience east 80 chains, thence from End Hill, Banks Island, thence | 50 40 chains, thence west 40 chains,/ Gorin 6U chains to We southeast corner of thence south 40 chains, thence east 40/Lot S3U62, thence west 40 chains along chains to point of commencement; contain-|s50uth line of Lot 2062, thence north 20 ing one hundred and sixty acres, more or } chatus aiulg West line of Lot 3u62, ence line of Lot four south north less } West 40 chains along south GEORGE GRAHAM }uu05 to polmt of commencement, contaib- Fred Dawgon, Agent j ne 560 acres, more or less, Dated March 5, 1912 j CAROLINE JOHNSON, Pub. March 23, 1912. | KK. Carr, Agent. Dated Dec, 23, 1911. Pub, Jan, 18, 1912. COAL NOTICES, |Skeena Land District—District of Coast | ‘Take notice that hathieen Agnew of Mon- Re i ss ——________.__ | treal, occupation spinster, intends to apply for periiission to purchase the following arene. tana ton ee of: Donen [eens Saeed & post planted at the Chario t o Take notice that thirty days from, date Wie bates * OF Se Tee corner OF Sas 1, Samuel D. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash.,|%%® ige 6, COBsl Gistrict, : REE “intend as aply 10 the Assistant | hains suulh from the northwest corner of Commissioner of Lands for a license toj| tie said lol, thence west 40 Chains more or prospect fo oal and petroleum on and | less to the east Dank of the Hocsall River, under 640 submarine acres of land on|*hence southerly along said east bank to Graham Island described as follows }mouth of Falis River Slough, thence fol- mmmencing at @ post planted about § | owing bank of Falls River Slough easterly chains south of the southeast corner of|4id northerly to point of commencement, Lot 576, Graham Island, thence east 80/0 Contain 40 acres, more or less. chain thence north 80 Chains, thence | KATHLEEN AGNEW, west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains to} Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. place of commencement, |} Dated February 1, 1912. SAMUEL D, SOMES, Locator. | Pub. Feb. 10, Dated March 21, 1912 +r 2 2 Pub. March 20, 1012 skeena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice nrg 1, Paul Curtiss, clerk P ana atric stric ,ey | VE Victoria, intend to apply for permissivd Skepns Land. Pt sei trict of Queen) 1) purchase the Tollowtng “ieacrtbed lauds; Pake notice that thirty days from Gonmucncing al & post planted on the 1 Se i D. Somes, of Cashmere, ¥; }east boundary and about ive (6) chains ¢ SRM ely to the Assistant | (4m the southeast coruer of Lot 4484, FODOURE, SGOT oe an. fan ont thdecnen ing jilence orth 60 chains, thelice east 30 eee er ot a petroleum on and | Cuaiis, theive south 60 chains, thence west prospect for coal and petroleum on ane) sy chais bo polbt of commencement, con- under 640 submarine acres of land on| § sini 180 aces, more or Je iraham Island, described as follows | “etnens * PAUL CURTISS Commencing at & post planted about 40 Fred E. Cowell, Agent chains soult f the northeast corner of} Dated Oct. B41, 1911 a ° s m }Lot 117, Graham Island, thence east 80 Pub, D 09 9 * . lchains, ‘thence north 80 chains, thence ub, Dec, 9. west 80 chaise thence south 80 chains, to place of tumencement Skeena Land District—-District of Cassiar. SAMUEL D. SOMES, Locator Take notice that James Ewing Macrae, Dated March 21, 1912 j}of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, Pub. March 29, 1912 intends to apply for permission to -pur- chase the following described lands: Conumencing at @ post planted about |} Skeena Land Diesrics epTne of Queen seven mallee Gusheat Sh, i. os ae Charloth j . . 7 . rake notice that thirty days from date, cighs miles perth ot Ala Se See I, Samuel Db. Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., eighty chains, thence south ‘eighty chains |rancher, intend to apply to the Assistant oe y eaat inlehay aniine a oint of Commusstoner of Lands for @ license to} Hence west N ehty o DP prospect for coal and petroleum on and CORTE cad EWIN MAGRAE. funder 640 submarine acres of land on 8 ane f Graham Island, described as follows ; f utter, Agent. | Cammencing at & post planted about 40 Dated Oct, 34, seri. chains south of northeast corner of Pub, Dec, 14, Lot 117, Graham Island, thence east 80 | chains, rce «south 80 chains, thnece west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to place of commencement, LAND LEASE NOTICE SAMU D. SOMES, Locator. Dated March 21, 1912. Fae eee a Pub, March 29, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that 1, Alfred Christian Garde of ~ | Prince Rupert, B.C,, occupation mining engin- eer, intend to apply for permission to 70 acres of land desoribed as follows: Commencing at this post planted 1-4 mile SMITH & MALLET I of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and ap nents 271-4 miles east of Prince Rupert, THIRD AVE, * chain, thence ceny 10 anaing. thence rr th 26 : . : chains (more or less) to railw Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and || westerly 25 chains (more or less) following said Sheet Metal Work fra $0 paint -o8 somisenecenens ‘ne 0m Office: 3rd Ave. orkshop ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. Tth ae 8th Sts Date Jan, 81, 1912 | Pub. Feb &, Lolz wosvoni-weetqnanenneti iti an: at i i ce rind —S =. oo oe aie e = ee ' ’ tiie ce. a>