MONDAY DECEMBER 1, 1941. PAGE THREE . M. 4k if Annette s ft ill? PRE-CHRISTMAS iff 5? It' IB 18 Is to 6 If; It) Iff Coats Coats Coats I ur - trimmed and untrim-med Coats. Sizes from 12 in 1G. Regular values to S2!.50. Pre-Christmas Sale Mien. $14.95 R? The Above and Many More Specials hj Arc on Sale at ul views, marie up In Ith-inui. Cards to choose from, Benson Studio. apartment of crepe and '-im h-is at old at i:.".r) Poatwcar. CNR. divisional " win hs been on ' interior as far as G : n. returned to the 1 S.urday night's train. ';' Mi . j. a. Lauiens and i "- h:ve been on a vaca-' 1 Winniree. returned llrV; 'V.. w? tsu- Tri-. tssj. Vv- GIVE THEM Fi R XHAS! Xmas (lift Booklets Containing Theatre Tickets fr Children, Students and Adults. 'ficeii from $!.00 t, $2.25 Ti,x is included) N" I ;ninq UP AT THE BOX OFFICE, C '' ' ali0 ,,end thcm to p cnt: -tnd Armed Services ' .Mil1 nf' m i.i n....l ''amou!, Playtjj The atres 'bperaf 0Ul);u THEM "now! ttpm am,,Us Mayers Theatre l'lln!.' rr.i Satin, lace trimmed; tearose and blue. Sizes in small, medium and large.. Outstanding values. Pre- S?!T.. UM LOCAL NEWS NOTES Slips Tailored brocaded satin, striped satin, cordette ribbed satin, satin and -lace trimmed. All 4 AA sizes; in Christmas boxes v U. A. MacPhee sailed Saturday night on tne Pnnce Rupert for a i.hj to Vancouver. Earl Brochu returned to the city oti the uatala tnis morning from a trip to Vancouver. Annual convention of Native Brotherhood of Uri.-sh Columbia, i-&.nln on xsu.iu ng, iuesday morning, 10 o'clock. ' J. II. .;ui.eod, collect k cus-tcmi, retuiliPd to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to Vancouver The Canadian Legion was among those sending flowers on Friday last to the funeral of the late .Mrs. S. C. Thomson. Mrs. Ed. linger, who has been paying a visit to the cKy, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday night on her return to Vancouver. James H. Shrlaberg, who has In the city for the past week or so on business, sailed by the Prince Rupert Saturday evening on his return to Vancouver. Lieut. Ralph Thistle, intelligence oflicer of the local garrisor. area, .returned, to the city on the Catala this morning after an absence of several weeks taking a course o; instruction at Kingston, Ont. N. B. Robinson of Ottawa, official of the federal housing department, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from Vancouver to Inspect the progress of federal housing work hero. It Is his first visit' to this part of the coast.' , ! Jark TTUdltch, well known plo-Ineer local boy. was a passenger 'aboard the Catala this morning I going through to Premier where I he is to Join the staff of the Sil- r l- Mitllli" CO. He was recently discharged from the W. F. Eve, who been spending several weeks in Vancouver, Princetcn and elsewhere in the south, returned to the city on the Catala this morning. The fire department had a cal! at 1:23 yesterday afternoon to the residence of D. Glbb, Fifth Avenue and Dunsmuir Street, where there was a chimney flr-j which did no damage. Mr, and Mrs. Caleb Williams arrived in the city on the Catala this morning frcm Bella Bella to attend the annual convention of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia being held here this week. Squadron Leader C. A. Wickens ; of the Royal Canadian Air Force chaplaincy servlrc, arrived in the city on the, Catala ihls morning from Victoria to pay one of his periodical visits to the Seal Cove land Aliford Bay air bases. 29. Alfred Adams of Massett arriv ed in the city on the Camosun last night from the Queen Charlotte Islands to preside over the annual Convention of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia which is to be held here this week. I A "snot" costs you only half a ! ''ollp.- Try it in the Dally News classified column. 'tf) Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Circles Bazaar, Nov. Scotch Dance, Nov. 29, Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 35c. ' United -Bazaar, December 4. Oddfellows' Dance, December 5. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, Dec. 5. ; 102nd Auxiliary Royal Canadian Air rms ;J Dccembcr 6. , lng medically uniu. Slips Tearose and white. Sizes 32 to 42. Reg. value $1.00. UeJi &Qp Pre-Christmas Sale Dance Sets Plain and striped satin, in Christmas boxes. C4 A A Extra Special Value . TA,UV Hose, Hose Chiffon and semi-service, in all new fall shades. Pre- I-j A A Christmas Sale, per pair Tea, Legion. I l.'.Mi'iHrU Don 7 Worry Over KIDDIES' Use BUCKLEY'SStainless WHITE RUB 100 otiifoc1ion. Of your mony bock. TWO SIZES 30e ond 50c. n-'t The Frank Waterhouse Line office has been moved by A. M. Borland, the local agent, to the Union Steamship Co. office in the Capitol Theatre building. NOTICE The Highway will be closed to traffic Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to permit bridge repairs at Mile 1. J. C. BRADY, District Engineer, Public World Dept. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blaln announce the ensagement, of their eldest daughter Marie Antoinette (Tona) to Robert Armstrong, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anrstron'' of th' 'v rT"1 .v-rlage will take place in the south this month. W. E. Walker, manager of Ar-randale cannery, was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going through from Vancouver, where he is spending the winter, for a brief visit to his plant on the Naas River. He expoct? to be back here later in the iweek returning south. The EAST SIDE COAL CO. will appreciate any patronage given . . . with prompt service and clean coal. . G. B. CASEY, Mgr.' Phone 755 or dreen 527 Let us play Santa Claus tor your Christmas Shopping . Afternoon and Street Dresses All new shades and styles. Sizes from 12 to 50. Reg. value $9.95. Pre-Christmas Sale . . Vw Dresses, Dresses crepes :renes and and sheers sheers some some v Plaids, prints, with Q9 AA Slips. Reg. value $G.95. Pre-Christmas Sale Lingerie Nightgowns Housecoats Taffetas, satins, brocades, with zipper fasteners, making ideal Christmas gifts. Reg. value $12.95. QS Pre-Christmas Sale . . . , tptetfO Girls' Fur-Trimmed Coats Reg. value to $12.95. Pre-Christmas Sale , Hose, Hose Thos; sending flowers to the funeral of the late Carl John Larsen were Mariha, Kasper and family, Carl and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Valderhfug, Ole Valdethaug, Mr. and Mrs. J. Valderhaug, Mr, and Mrs. John Knutsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haland and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ebellont and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Forss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kruton. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Peterson and family, Oscar Holmberg. Alfred Holmberg (Viking, Alberta), Mr. and Mrs. K. Knut?on. Mr and Mrs. Pete Knutson, Jacob Knut-'son. Oscar. Minnie and the cirls (Edmonton), Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Scherk, Mr. and M-s. Mru;: Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Albrt Erickson and Mr. and Mrs. rhones 18 - 19 P.O. Box 573 NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE Xmas Cakes We have a complete stock of all your requirements. MUSSALLEiM'S ECONOMY STORE Opposite Canadian Lesion SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli. Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert $6.95 All shades, all sizes; plain and mesh. Outstanding value. .Qtf Per pair Handkerchiefs 3 in a Christmas box. Priced at 25c, 50c and 1.00 Chiffon Handkerchiefs 30x30; reg. value $1.05. 2-j l Pre-Christmas Saie ....JLmVV ANNETTE'S LADIES WEAR CO. Sent Flowers to Funeral of Late Carl J. Larsen Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert R. C. Fulton, R. E. McLcod and M. .Wall, Aliford Bay; C. Forbes, Prince Rupert; George and Thomas Penny, Port Clements: Mel Crowe, R. Douglas and M. B. Robinson, Vancouver; J. A. Brown, Montreal. Central II. Orm. Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Collison, Princs Rupert; Johnson Russ and H. H. McKay, Greenville; A. Wilson, Skeena River. Royal H. Hlnkleman, H. Anderson and A. MacFarland, Prince Rupert; M. Johnston, C.N.R.; R. Rapp, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Watej Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Ito 1K RAILWAY i LINES Dresses Dresses Dresses Evening .Dresses in taffetas, sheers, crepes and satins, in all colors and all sizes. Regular values to $10.05. Pre-Christmas Sale; $6.95 Starting TUESDAY, DEC. 2 at 9 a.m. &S CUSTOMS AND EXCISE Customs and excise revenue at the port of Prince Ruper; for the I month of November this year totalled $28,454.71 as compared with 514,773.16 in the same month last year. 08. Classified ads. get results. Phone ii!ia!iBi!ii!ii;:B:;!iB:ii:iaxia:ii:iB:ii!iB,3:!B:ii;ii:BB TRAPPERS Have larjte order for all kinds of furs. Am paying 30 moie than anyone else. Ship your furs. Will wire by return. If not satisfied will ship goods back paying express boU ways. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" All Canadian Union Amalgamated Iluilding: Workers of Canada rrincc Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 MEETINGS First and Third Wednesday of Each Month METROPOLE HALL Phone Blue 11.1 P.O. Itox 577 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Points SS "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.ini" TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS "Princess Norah" Dec. 8, 18, Jan. 2, 15, 29 Plus Tax Final Return Limit March 15, 1912. Ml )!'!. (i itci Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on Sale Nov. 15, 1911, to Feb. 13. 1912. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services. Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.