The Daily News Pie Se ee S . 4 : 2 . se eager 7 Mee: ; —,_ The Gentleman in New Jersey is Correct—Little Scoop Agrees With Him —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” Youre Rienr— WHAT LE You Give THE WHOLE Darn Bvirping- — 9 HE S Just JEALOUS OF MY Fara BEavTY— HERE COMES A RAT Now — TLL wair TILL HE Lamps ME AND WATCH THE EFFECT — TJusT LOOK AT THAT Face N \T ISN'T FINISHED BELOW THE CHIN ~ ITS @WEUL- Thi TAKE 4 BET WITH YOu THAT You CouLp WiLL A RAT BY Tost LOOKING ar (T— ARE You on — ? SCOOP-HERES @ LETTER } FROM 4 CHAPIN NEW SERSEY WHO THINKS NOU ARE A DISFIGURED LOOKING WREYCH— TS— Blankets—84 pairs 365.00 re eens re _— zens, as to what has been don REOBIPTS ae aa : I te -—~ Use Power of Veto eee teak as aie) Saal ‘ with the money which passed) By sale of Cook Books $115.50} Plannette s s—8 dozen nO Lavish iilet- : | Sa winill Ltd came the Bride of Mr. Frank }—Lar tore with good sho for a few on oO. F. W. Hart Co 30.35 ‘ } yest business k lity vill Avenue tf —— 10r a few &g J. Miedecter This Morning. ot exorbitant terms : ae ee ae were Tak Y t _ that the Gra Trunk Pa SECTION o Lindsay Cartage Co 2.00 ? L k r Brin Furniture Co 99.75 te + + Wanted Pesitior as exper-| cic eT ee tee Oe i um Lynch Bros 12.35 His mo ev ssed a very) ¢ ° / ienced saleslady or chambe 4 D. 1912, at the Gra k Pactf . tiie Couture Bros 9.590) Charming wedding ceremony mM} } Business Chances j work at once Phone Black 148.| )2)°"3 ee ee ese eee ae and fae / e Ruper 1 the Provines Britist 7) - J. E. Merryfield 1.15|the Roman Catholic church. The Qe. ormcommermmedp pie as a imbia erta goods signed t w- utier oO. 7 r 7 of . :. Alfred ¢ Gard at Pr e Ruper f if Mouldings M. “Corral! 6.990} bride was Miss Margaret Macne WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially The Place to Go.—Mrs. Friz- a deacrined hereunder Phone 60 Third Avenue Me . ‘ . =e and the legroo! Mr. Frank J. range, also bedding and cheap furniture ze||'s |} "ESS . : Stree And take notice that such sale is mad me. Jabour Bros 156.10 | 4 he brid ! cae het s ea smpress Block, 6th Street, y i boar vapkardehal sal +s ae q . or out ten rooms P. O. Dox 105 and by virtue of gsectior ‘ the | Empire Publishing Co 156.50 | Miedecte MOLN Prince Rup- 9-tf : for new seasonable goods for| Kailway Act, being Chapter 37 the Re c Sek. y E ‘ eon d of hono te the | ¢=- nek vised Statutes of Canada, 190¢ n orde % A large stock of ury finish- P. R. Publishing Co 6.80 A eae Ee ' a j eer ae ppc t ladies. tf |i ect tolls, charges for storing, adver e ] da 7 } i p- . } 9 mide iss Agnes ‘ ay took ‘ Bai sing and selling such goods H ing lumber on, band, Bost | Prince Rugprt Journal -. 2.58) bride “say wok Miscellaneous Sot te ee cw on Specials | oday: — 4 ye 5 Director-Cohen Co 12.00 | Sracel pa and he bride- { For a quick lunch. Royal Cafe.| day of April, A. D. 1912 te fet ee Prince Rupert Theatre Cx 30.00 |#reom was supported by Mr. tet Ott ee rs Se ese a i Ww. I vbr 7 -_ - ao : : S it f re Grand Trunk acini I h “er r iar ented: Dr)-Mciniwene 10.00 one les Madigan as best man.|enouisn girl, stenographer, desires a { Full and complete consign- Railway ( tae e ut ae . he ch vas decorated beau- sit i 0. box 308 93-9 ent of s inte me iiitlineeer ia Saas HEPULE OF GOODS ABOVE RI 3 ‘. Call on us before ordering. |P. R. Fish Marke ‘ 1 nile 4 fe : - se as 1 hip chandlery at Howe FERRED. TO B 5 | Florence Dawson (station- meey | he occasion by Mrs ae cil Th roperty; very eas & McNulty’s, 2nd Avenue tf { Crate Vertical Engine 2 Block 34, S ‘ | ery) 1.2 ms ore Amnipagh ens crowded with the ADI i12 eset Box Fit ngs for Engine able J. H. Rogers 20.290 | friends the young couple’s.| FOR SALE—on Fy Sal Double corner, se 2 Crates (2) Sheaves (each . i. i OFFICE: Christine Stork 2.90} / g pretty in her brida ee — 8, block 24, on plank road, a Soe Fittings for Sheaves ; EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Pony Express .. ; 4100 | @Pr a) he bride entered the) wants tract 1 yds. sand ; snap! $1050. Easy terms. Bain- He “at 18 Easing. se Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. G. D. Tite ; 589.609 | CHure! the strains of the wed- i oO: per See ere eee , and Sloan, Phone 387 2t 2 Boxes, do Utensils . c I j . Rupert Box 3 Boel AVN ‘ = irch played by Mr R New 93-98 Box Pain JOHN DYBH oe . , i Crate Cross Cut Saw — = Total expenditure $2,490.26 holle The ceremofiy was sol-/ Fr R SALE—C ry the Roya! Cafe Merchants 2 ates Bag bn Saw Phone 384 319 3rd Ave. (January 1 to April 12, 1912) | °™nized by Rey. Pather Bunoz ploughing, hay. C funeh tf i do Engine. UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.0., Ltd. Secmtrrs Tee eel: deen, ene : | Betebcten “__ wwnes By sale of Cook Books ¢ 55.00)/'"S Characterized the whole chas.’ E. Carpenter London Fur Market. 1 Chain. rials : By balance Jan. 1, 1912 191:69 17°" '™* hich took place at nine; *"""* fhe London March sales | Pump. ; , | The new steel Passenger Steamers ‘ | showed extremely strong market ‘S Phones, Pipe sseeenge 7? Total Receipts $ 246.59 - cre TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN n all kinds of furs and substan { Keel Wire Rope a. és e 99 #5) m i vee ' PEP a ; This is t rtify that I have this da iT atest cht Aetees ‘Katie tens ie Scrapers Total Expenditures 244.70 ; fo destroy those ge I ived from the British Empire insur : aAUVal ove anuary prices Saw Guar is , sf e 0 Sin — jtted Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the/* ang a : irene aver, B f were made on a number of the .-c Mie W re R An emergel meer Ay z t ack t y nsurance Co., Colls ire ym : i Balance 3 1.89 package from Orme, the Pioneer| t al representative heque f eading lines. Mink remained the { Amalgam Safe Lodge, U.D AF. & A.B —AND EXPENDITURES | druggist tf |icss of a horse insured by Messrs. Marin | “@™Me, While marten advanced 5%,| 2 jackserews. held in the Mas . nat Par otte re eave ne 2 s Gates ‘ 2 vy 1 s 4 9 Pony Express $ 3.50 3 Saree se Sak Tt eee vee 29 beay 15%, musk rat 12 | ae Rail Puesda Ap Pe 66 Jabour Bros 11.75 | B : & tay ‘of April, 4 Aha i . ms 1810) 15%, black bear 15% Red fox, 8 Crates Patent Electro Amalg. Sep-| Visiting and 3 ! t vor : mosun rn , est room in-town at Savoy. ALEX. M. MANSON. j declined 10%. «ti srators 1 P. R. Publishing Co 1.00 | sec tINned ‘ while white fox Box Anodes for Above invited LICHAE! ~ fallace C OS advanced 10% Woif 5% ver 1 Roll Wire Cloth JAS M CARMICHAL t Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver H. 8. Wallace Co ‘ ’ 16.05 5 f 46 we 1 Sack Wood Boiler Tube Plugs A S tary Bi . ™ J. ‘Piercy Morris eo - arian THE GOUGH MUST BE SURED Just the Piace Your Looking For a> January At our last sale 1 Reel Wire Cable 21 : : ; s show +} ; 2 Dollies i 5 as follows Empire Publishing Co.... 6.00 b , i a hown it this sheet, prices if Rese tase oibe 3 — : “Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. Tota! Teh phlhaagebday THE SYSTEM BUILT UP Vienna Cafe were fully 20% higher than those ie eee | List of Articles Furnished the Hos- ' SHOW! mn ony of the London 1 Reel Wire “ Camesun ” Saturdays at 10 a Marie Vindar Mare 1 Box Returi, Condensers and Molds ° 0. | , .° , —_ larch sales The offerings and ark \ an pital by Ladies’ Auxiliary rings an i Case Packing and Lamps m ee : ‘ . ; liome Cooking 3 Table Board! duality were above the average 1 Crate Generator ¥ Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening |31 Mattresses ...... .-$ 287.00 oi The function oa} Mathieu 8 a94 Third Av ; for the t ; ; : ‘ he averagé { Package. Wire —_— and Monday morning, respectively 3 Mirrors Bs ee, 6.00} =y¥rup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil : me SOE OBO IMO 0h “JOR, Ono shows 1 Case Rheostat 5! : 7 Beds 64.00] > to do this double duty. 7 ‘hat trappers are confining their | ion mentor Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, Section 1 ” : a ; The Tar cures the cough itch to the open season provid ! Bdl. Track Iron : ' | 2 Springs ? Bee 12.00 > owe i £4. “6 99 . f * on Plate None safer on the coast than these two 5 ieee 110.50 The Cod Liver Oil strengthens Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. ed by law, and we advise all ; Zs Be at; : fine passenger steamers ss § oe eee ae the system SCAN DINANIAN SOCIETY traders and dealers strongly to ; roe gnets $ ] 5 00 , 17 Table. ad 27.00 No other agents equal these, | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8/réfuse to buy any skins not so 5 Bdis. Rods 3 F : oa bie ee a 6 2 an ene 4 7 q s $ rs fb 18 Chair 44.90} 2@other combination is so success- pm. in the hall’at S19 ard Ave. aught. Ship your furs along on > Bais. bolt rs, Ss . : its ; : +f fui as Mathieu's Syrup of Tar he good market, whict ‘ ! Bdl. Links J. H. ROGERS, Ageat Phone 116, 1 sidebo: 75.00 : Step arxet, which may not : on 6 te Scre roe aaa and Cod Liver Oil. Skeena Land Distr District of Coa iiways continue Senuse ioletem Carbide Lot 9, Block 30, Sect! Screen ames i ae 2 = : : cena Lend District yistrt of Coast 1 le F r Drugs 9() 25 ; 50. wonderful is this remedy vei Ae Holice that Lottie McTavish, of ; oot jler Fittings - “ve | ithat it is-ebipped .each season :in | j.'s; occupation married womas For Sale—Double corne ; {2 Cast Iron Grate Bars Furniture donated by Mr ends apply for permission to pu Die corner, se - y mr. car-loads. Large bottle 35 cents. | chase the following deserihed lands n 8, block 24. o1 : 1 Smoke Stack ; 9 . ‘t se : t : nted 46 chains . a « On plank road, a 1 Carload Wooden Water Pip« a F M DA\ A AT DAVIS Hart Fins 100 00} Sold everywhere ncing at 4 post planted 40 chains | _ : $1050. 3 | Garson “Woes ee % . . BOAT HOUSE Linen i When headache and fewer ere present with cas her of Lot ite. coat ineves j : Cae awe sears Bain- Roe reds wants Call at office and get Terms : > met» = . an old take Mathi N P st Strict. Range : * 80 ehains **' 200 Sioan. Phone 387 >t Quantity umber | General Machine Shop and Ship's | Sheets—54 dozen .- 456.00] feed sghe, Memes’ Rertine Lowder to | Coast Disirict, Range Y, thence $0. chain tone 387. 2t | {| gusntiey Lum ntering. Also cag for Fair- Slips——28 dozen 76.35 | Mathieu Co., Props., Sherbrooke, Que.” (MH) |chaiiis west, t 60 south to oi Doors ee re we ee Quilts—7 dozen 109,20 Distributors for Western Canada. Te acces ee eens y large stock of general ee f c- r . . . - oe hardware Sole rant » Gha . ’ ; cad i } ae ‘ 5 LOT M’TAVISH ) agents for Sher t “s . all's > every- ) cessories carried in stock. eee aon er 20.75 Foley Bros,, Larsen & Company, Inc., Fr. WB bier 7, win & Williams iints, at Howe tk : 2 ] vi age é = 3 th 4 a en 0., , Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf | * * Gonated—-5 dos, WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Dated April 16, 1942 Le MoNulic é wwe thing in ladies apparre!. Six Le . SASKATOOON Pub. April 20, 1912 fcNul ~ tf Street, Empress Block te! SECOND AVENUF ' a