Friday, July 11, 1941, PAQl TWO TBI DUET XXWV WE RIGHT PLACE v sr Playgrounds Activities To Buy THE RIGHT SHOES Onyx, Plio-Pedic and Tango Pump?, Miss Atlanta and Vanity Maid For Women Hartt, Scott & McHales, Grebb and Campacs For Men Jack & Jill, Hewestons, Sismans For Misses and Children PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Eyey Afternoon, Except, Surd ay, by Pnnce Rupert Pftily New. Linyied, Tnud Avenue H. F. PULLKN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month. 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per llhe, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Member of Audit bureau 01 Circulations MEMBER OF TUB CANADIAN I-KE8S J, Th OmariUa fnm to .xcluilvejy eanaed to as tor republication of til nm emptAcbf credited to It or to Ui AasocUVxl free p thU paper atia also th local tdtm publish thtrtm. All tighU ot rtputllcatlon of apecUJ deeutlobea therein we alo reeervetf DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Hitler's End Coming Friday, July 11, 1941. Hitler? Is he .AVjnnirjg?' His forces move as does a giant glacier, crushing and grinding all before it. But Hitler is doomed, was doomed before he flew a plane or fired a gun or drove a tank. Why dare we say this ? Because all. history testifies that no man has ever defied the moral order of this unseen world and not been crushed before its inexorable reality. The quotation is old, its' time-worn, but it's eternally true "The mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceeding small." Sooner or later between these grinding millstones of righteousness, justice, truth, the ruthless tyrant must be caught. Triumphant Caesar fell that memorable .day, the Ides of March. The seemingly invincible Napoleon, the would-be master of Europe, died a prisoner in exile qn the guarded island of St. Helena. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. Time alone tells the day, the year, the century when earth's real victorious hosts have won the battle they had seemed to lose. Tke Indestructibl . little time need be wasted in speculation as to what Hitler thinks he has accomplished by destroying considerable more than a thousand churches in Great'Britain alone. Until the lull in the Luftwaffe's activities over the island fortress churches, schools and hospitals appeared almost daily in the list of air raid victims, says the Vancouvei News Herald. We need not be surprised, Naziism is the avowed enemy of trje spiritual. '.'A thinking man," said Carlyle. is the worst enemy of the Prince of Darkness"; the school is the first institution to be enslaved wherever the Nazi goes The -hospital, stands for that effete practice of mercy to the weak-so unworthy of the strong progressive Nazi. He does well to attack the school, the hospital, the church If he does not destroy them, they will destroy him. In truth, however, they are beyond the reach of his bombs, The buildings may be destroyed but the spiritual realities of truth, mercy, freedom and faith are indestructible CLOSE -GAME SOFTBALL The Fraser Street Quintettes most suffered their first defeat at the ,hand4 of the lower place Gordon St Anderson team but managed to come through lri the final ..seventh. Inning t get ope ryn to win a c1qs$ 14-13 game oyer Gordon it Anderson. Th losers played line ball up to the final ' Inning when Fraser, Street started the batting rally, ..The - losers outhlt the winners 7 to 5. Aiic- Barbe alayiag second base for the win. ners, pulled off a few fine catches. - Batteries for Gordon Jk Anrir. ison, Morell it Rowe; Fraser Street, nmgsion and Davis. Umpires G. Hetherinetnn 9nH t Keays. This win elves Pn.wr Rref - - ' vv W Mttv first half, now ended. NO WAR FOR HIM TTVIDALE, Eng., July 10: (CP) William Hall, who recently rpUhmt. ed his "104th birthday in this Staf- fnivt.UU. 111 . ... wuMUfu vuiage, aoesn t Know there Is a war on. He U deaf and almost blind. For Monday, Wednesday, and FOR SALh 3 Saturday lu'30 From Vancouver Sunday .... pm. Wednesday 10 a.m. Friday 10 am. For' Stewart and Premier Sunday 1 p m. Wednesday - 2 p.m. Friday 2 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday 1;1Q aia Thursday . 8 p.m. Saturday 8 p.m. For Alice Arm, Naaj River and Port Simpson Sunday - 7 pm. From Alice Arm, Naas River and 'Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. ror Queen Charlotte Islands June 7. 17 and 28 N p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands- June 6, 17 and 27 pjn. For Alaska-Wednesday 2 p.m. Friday 2 p.m. June 6, 9. 16. 23 and 30 a.m. From Alaska Thursday 8 pm. Saturday 8 pm. June 11, 14. 21 and 28 p.m. FOR SALE 20 Mattresses, special $7.50; 14 spring-filled Mattresses at $16.50; Chests and Drawers from $6.95; Chesterfields and Studio Couches at very low prices. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture Cq. FOR SALE Trailer, 33 ft., good condition. Box 118 Dally News. (tf)l FOR SALE 4-room house. Seal) Cove Circle, $1000 cash or $1200 j terms. Inquire Blue Wing Lunch, Seal Cove. tf- LOST WANTED 100 women to Join An-! nette's Stocking Club. (162) , WANTED WANTED by gentleman, furnl&hed 2-roopi apartment. Apply Box 120 Dally News. (162) , WORK WANTED EDUCATED lady about 40 desires position in store, warehouse, post office work, as housekeeper for hotel or private, good cook. Apply Box 121, Dally News. (162) THE SEAL ot QUALITY e1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye. pinkeal Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert McClymont With a registration of 160 members and more expected, Director Margaret Smith has her hands full looking after the activities of her chargeg. Swimming, tumbling,' basketball and all kinds of gamps , r - - are being carried on eqUiutucal- II ii n , i i ly. with a special eveU featured iYlail OCneQUie each week. Last week a sand castlaj contest for the younger members, the East ;wfl held, winners taping Jndv Trav-I 1 iss, first, Joan Geddess, se.cj&p4 and , Friday , 5 pjn. Yem Menighello, third Qn Monday, I rr lessons and practise The special event winners of the Doll Contest held last week were as follows: oeii ft illjM? 1 1 WW Frgm the East jujy 7, a peanut scramble tool; place J which the girls, especially Kathleen Tuesday, Thursday and and iqr next week a welner roast is Smlth and' Rose Mary Hartwtg are Saturday " pm. being planned to occur Vednesd3y, ; showing greater progress than the For Vancouver July 18. it is hoped that as many s. racing at which Bob Currie Tuesday 12:30 noon as wU1 attend. :beats everybody. and softball with Thursday 10:30 pm. I Harold Johnston showing the way. fTluay .... Activities at the Seal Cove play- At the special event, a welner roast, ground, under Director May Skin- Charlie Currie outdid all in eating ner, are once more under way. the he wasn't at the oark not day) main sources of amusement be (sides the apparatus being games, 1 himVillnff vnllpvhill nriil cnfthnll Saturday 10:30 P-jArrangements have been made for the members to attend McClymont pool every Tuesday for swimming They also have scrapbook work. swimming and mi?iSBeStottMaWhalL mlrshmauow On ? -Thursdays the boys and girls go to McClymont Pool for a swim. Tuesday a weiner roast was held at Havs Cove laeoon. Softball Results Westview Playground McClymont beat Seal Cove The park under director Norah Booth Memorial High School. Thomas, Is going full swing with, Westview beat Seal Cov good attendance although could do ' Acropolis Hill. llKly ,11311 Were planted this Year to replace the Timber where repeated Forest Fires have made Natural Reproduction impossible .... SUMMER SAVINGS ON ODD PIECES 1 CIIIFFROBE Cedar lined with five drawers 1 CHIFFONIER Waterfall design, semi-bleach finish 2 MATCHED CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS ' ' At $65.00 835.00 S75.00 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Wben You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable ItS PHONE 13 24 Hour Service .at Regular Rates Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. P.S.T.. callini at Qcean Falls and Powell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday,. Wednesday and Friday at ff:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Frfday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full. Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ll HITEH MONKEY TOBACCO 1 j IPSWICH, Eng.. July 11: CP -iFarm workers In this region have at found their own remedy for the tobacco shortage. They are smok- with a few more members. The Next week's games Tuesday, less hedge plant which Suffolk men activities include tumbling, at July 15, Westview vs. McClymont call "Monkey tobacco." ORSE SCOTCH WHISKY WHITf NOMI PISTIUMS ITD.. OlASOQV WH, . - ... - . l 11 I - I.., .U- This advertisement is not publUhed or displayed by the Liquor coniro. uouru i uT Government of British Columbia, at Acropolis, 1Q;3Q. a.m. Mr.s R. .!: t.s and baby arrived on Thursday, July 17, McClymopt vs. the Princi s.s Adelaide this morning Seaj Cove at Booth Memorial Jligh from Vancouver School. W:30 . j WJ m Mrs A nToul returned Saturday, July 12. Westview w.'homc thU mnrIn!,1Jr the Princess Au.-l.ud- from Vancouver M:Clymont at Acropolis Hill, 10:30 am. FINE TWICE PAID I BRIGHTON, Eng.. July 11 (CP Acropolis I Tommy Farr, the boxer, against whom a warrant was issued for an the Many activities are keeping mnpers of Acropolis playgrounds I ""Paid blackout fine and costs verv busy- Director Joy Foster has amounting to two pounds, 10 shUJ- a gnjup working on some very in teresting scrapbooks. Last Tues day the members hiked to the West ings (about $11.13) has now paia the fine twice. He wired the money i from Blackpool. It also was sent from his home here. 3 STAR RYE ua iinrni 1-1 11 ii 1 iiib at ing hedgerow tobacco oak leaves, This advertisement Is not published docks and the foliage of a flower-- r 'Pl7ed 1.7 the Liquor Control Brltlih Columbia. 9 FOUR At the Top Four Giants of Outstanding Performance That Lead the World EASY-For Better Washing KELVINATOR-For Refrigeration R.C.A. VICTOR-For Radio SINGER For Sewing Put Your Money on Sure Winners Guaranteed Better VALUE - SERVICE - SATISFACTION AH Four Winners ; At