gays 1 ee? & ews Is the paper to buy -) says | a LY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist yOL. IU, NO. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1912. NEXT MAILS For South Chelohsin...... Wednesday, 9 p.m. Princess May....... Thursday a.m. PRICE Five CENTS DUKE OF CONNAUGHT TO VISIT EEE = RUPERT SEPT. 23 HAAS RIVER INDIANS ONLY DESIRED TO QUARANTINE 0 id Chief’s Alarm at Wrong Idea That Smallpox Was. Raging on the Coast Led to Indian Resistance to Incoming White Men onth there|time not so very long ago when i ieting rumors|their tribe was all but decimat- { from the|ed by the disease which they ut- ie y in regard to| terly failed to cure or stamp out th y ittitude of the; by themselves India vards the in- Certified Germ Proof ; settlers. In view White men coming up the hes some of which| Naas were advised to return by | state that the|/their guides, and told to get! fs 1a realened whilte|)some kind of certificate from the ; y d driven them|nearest doctor that they had no fonm td cs of the river) smallpox germs about them, aly in fear: of|This was all the Indians requit 4 ed to satisfy them that the in- Official Investigation comers would bring them no : this state of|barr But some ast Indians Pat Philip-|#0ing up the Naas with a quan- ir through | tity of herring spawn which they returned yes-|inlended t barter with the up ing news India f Oolachans tllers who are for a ine DACK and departure in- i ne tit spawn mising Naas niet Appa it (-i a he whit man armed Smallpox Soare. with edica ifical there was real-| freed infection lo g strong oppo-|to th Naa | than for 4 of the Indians| Coast nidias ! th diffieults f white men, practicall at an end now river of the|@ud there should — be trouble opposition|fer ingoing settlers from — the ot arisen ag|!ndians at all events re on the part “meee THE HILDITCH if as a result three CASE DISMISSED U.P... Prin- K i of. the board of Magistrate Carss Finds Evidence 8 patient Against Former Chairman of Rifle Quarantine” Board of Works Unsufficient \ I i hief up there to Make Charge Stick. when he ae 4 ist, and ear rh li the celebrated to his own! eas hh { sus John H fiery eTOS8s! Hilditch ea the Police red that the}; ad { Saturda raging all Ma { La had thoug! that his eantime and the ele recount tO) gy of the defendant had evi in lor white) dent mpressed hin Pie reclion of the) ease was dismissed precaution Congratulations have been dof infection, | showered by those interested up- ingers al their) oy John Hilditeh, who maintain- ifle's point i8)od that he had done more than he but in tbis)jeed have done for the city over infeetion, The} jjying the lane behind the new is Sergt. Phil f and making the side lerribly real} wa} passabli pox brought rhe counei wholesale atlac There was @l/on the contractor has been mé by the imperturbabl serenity LIGHT the magistrate, who holds that a STREETS sidewal which the cil Engin WITH GARB eer admits wa never sale eal AGE hard be made danger Dy contractor Prince Rupert $hould Abolish the Sniff Yacht and Convert Prince Rupert's leading hotel— Her Cargo into Profit from the Juice Plant, Savoy. ul Duncan Ross Here April 22-—Gar- Amongst the arrivals in the fuel that gwener-|city thi morning wa Duncan lighting the] loss, who is here on busikess on of the city electric plant| Presbyterian Social Evening To- ‘ied to ulilize Night. un Capacity of Crematory, Uf All the youhg people of the! ecessful it is} Presbyterian church are gather ies through=} jng for a good social evening to hie fake up the) night The Bethany Girls are h gar their, streets| providing an evening of games. lwith a short programme, F > } . ee . lance, Block, 6th Street,| No admission fee, The address of ladis pcs ‘able goods for! Mr Code on Socialism” has tf |! been postponed for one week, ec freer eonny om teh, K.G, hy George! Org pa \ ‘nough—The new eity hall, - Uy Section Two, gh Coming Court Curtseys. i) trail of the Truant,” Principal Hunter's new story r | pic ‘Upert's prominent Amateur artists have thei tee OC reeree, }and the fsecure ling @#imoyance ROYALTY FOR RUPERT Duke of Cennaught’s Visit Now Definitely Arrang- ed — Party Wi!l be Here September 23rd. The and Van- and days. April 24 Connaught Otlawa, Duke party of will arrive i Sept. 19th, for four proceed to Prine 23, return- the 28th, couver on will They Rupert stay will on Sept ing to Vietoria on for four days’ visil His Royal Highness will leave Vancouver Oectober2nd, and Visit in the in will points terior, OST MOURNFUL CARGO WILL BE LANDED AT HALIFAX, NS. Floating Morgue Mackay Bennett Still at Her Sad Task of Salving the Pitiful Flotsam of the Titanic Disaster---White Star Com- pany Sparing No Expense for the Dead Though Charged With the Loss of the Living Special to Daily News.) Washingto! April 24—Like ihe missing horse shoe nail that the iarch his kingdom, failure to provide binoculars or eee a De ieee | ery large stock of general attann |/hardware. Sole agents for Sher- if “i ty | Win & Williams paints, at Howe authority | & McNulty's. tt had to drive by absence from the excuse school suspension ance until proper Drainage of the ground about| ae e Broune Met" BRETAIN'S AIRSHIP PLANS the school premises was a mat-| ter considered fairly closed by| ene the Board yesterday afternoon,| ®emawd for Trained Aviators for in view of the approach of the} the British Army warm weather. There is a good! _ ter had meantime to be laid over.' those flyers, however, will be or- — dered this year, Provision is For Sale—Four lots on Park/made for 84 aeroplanes for the Ave, Gan be sold singly or enjarmy and 42 aeroplanes and blec. Harry W. Birch, 2nd St,2t|) hydro-aeroplanes for the navy.! About one-half of the machines will be bought in Great Britain with a view of encouragiog the, industry. Everything for the launeh or boat at Howe & MeNulty's, 8nd Avenue. tf citizens of Vancouver, has with real western Canadian pluck set cut to interest Prince Rupert ioo, in this keenly run contest in which she determined to achivve a victory over a phalanx is of reals. That Prinee Rupert will giadly lend a helping hand is making Miss Mangold’s suc- cess a certainty goes without saying. THIS INTERESTS MAYOR.-WHAT? Invidents from the Latest Real fastective Story—The Capture of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, the fam- ous Fugitive. Detective Wallace’s meeting with Dr. Beattie Nesbitt owas rather amusing. The Toronto sieuth walked along and when he neared the big doctor he held out his hand, saying in the tone of surprise, “Well Doctor?” “You have the better of me," said Nes- bitt trying to pass on. “Oh no. You are Dr. Beattie Nesbitt,” said Wallace, corner- ing hin, “Oh, no, no, no,’ exclaimed the fugitive from Canada, and then a cold sweat came out in biz drops on his brow, Detectives "Cahill and Barren in on him and the man who had evaded the limits of the law for nearly two years, was at last a prisoner. Wallace says Nesbitt refused to give him any account ot his wanderings sinee he left Toron. to, His few statements are con- iradictory, He said he had been three months in Chicago and la- tev he made it a year. closet Choicest liquors and cigars— Savoy. Pentorium Pioneer Cleaners. | Phone 4,