ft 'Weather Forecast Prince R"Pert and Queen Char" ,,,e Wands-Light westerly wind. (a'ir and mild, turning cloudy with showers. .... V VOL AAA Or- rtA'iTi..... m mil.. Oa "an 'pena c. IAZIS ARE ' IN DONETZ Wow Admits Ketreat There Rut . ...j;. mrnnc Elsewhere I1U1U1"b Huge Nazi Losses Less Than 2GO.O0O Germans liriiiH Around Unlngrad And (Viuv Odessa MOSCOW October 1: OA rc-ej( :f ni' Red Army Into the v Dnnptz vallev Is rn uiuu- - jm ...... f DO mllae ennth. m or Kiev and eignty miies west . .1 T 1 1 . .. .. l:.lli 4i.iw. - - - - --j riiinn can: uiarly firm in -rad area wur rorea no hits. F.NMFY K - J. l u NOMINATED , vuiiildent ' Terrace. - tl Wl tTlfl II 1 . . iK'ut winson. $2,500, MWiw.u ... 1p. . ... A.. llllll.llll Nl: E be D-nvA . riding. "w,"nent or J J Reds Jailed Sea port of action Lines Are Drawn STT In Bulgaria .. SOFIA. Oct. 1:-Five hun- drcd Communists have been Jailed In the Bulgarian Black Varna. EXECUTION OF CZECHS M. Malsumotor First Avenue,' store alternations, $300. M. I. Matsumoto, Cow Bay, boat shop alterations, $1,000. j T. Kelsey, Summit Avenue,' dwelling, new, $2200. L. Essen, Seventh Avenue W dwelling, $100. T. Skaaland, Sixth Avenue E dwelling, $250. J. O. Viereck, Tenth -.SENTENCE ine Bohemia and Moravia, according contjuct nis to an announcement maae in uer alcn I.. m n . . ... nu. ..an an iin. Thp Oormnn stale that sn card at many points, far eighty-eight Czechs have been ::, r.raw damage to Nazi executed but London places the -' 5ipment number of Gestano victims at M . . I . I . .. . i ' r. southern front to -: .a'tercd Rumanian - o- :hi report stated. i two thousand I n fierce Red Army " on the southern ' castles were develop- List san losses were' In u, s,atcd.'to260,0W 'finiini that & ii EXECUTED BUILDING GOES UP For September Is Bringing 1DU To Date Up To $128,563 'coortrd killed in hflp fnr Tnlnirmd nifltHlnr. nnrmlfe 1c?tinl frnm the month of September this year totalled $28,635, being the heaviest (nf n 1 frf n s t mnn t Vi tr fir t Vi I c rut to Death in Paris by Nails "Oica mai uus iiii uuca jiuu u- for Having Arms. Cluae lne lar8e amount ot uc- partment of Dcfen:e building that IT . . is going on here including the wartime housing projects, new Paris f-.-h rri hospital wing etc , .lUU.viUK ltU- ..,J1 1 I O t I.UI1V1LLLU Ui ...... and McBride, bill board, $200. Joe Slaggard, Third Avenue and jMcBrlde, $200. p! ( ft III. Hansen, First Avenue, dwell- nre Un Lonvoy mg, $4,000 .LONDON Oct 1 Germany's f suns from the French fci ten mlnutps vps- ' a ronVOV In thp Rnnllsh Avenue East, dwelling, $000. Mrs. G. Couture, Atlln and Sec lond Avenue. $3,000. or Kc-clpctioii . t ciiutt oiv, i l. illlLfLL. UlAlll I , ll. n , d.-ifuui i was yesterdav i v RVirni-inii summit Avenue. w uoeral candidate brick chimney, $100. 'airg in the comlntr t rvnirn r-innn. r.o. -.lun. He was nro- t nr Dnnnnnn .?ivfh Avpnue n. . .. -" anu ana AmDrose, irame oumime. SUSPENDED Kobert Henry Phillips Of Kitsum-kalum Released At Assizes-Has Enlisted Tyo year's suspended sentence Robert Henry Phillips of Kitsum-kalum Lake who had been convicted by a Jury at the Supreme Court Assizes here at the end of last week on a charge of shooting with intent. Phillips has enlisted lor active service. His .Lordship congratulated Phil- Kharkov having been taken by Ninety-five Have So Far Become "P8 naving enlisted. He was All aior.i the Rusi)-3erman 1 London Says. lve good service. rcipitc Everywhere the Rus-. LONDON. October 1: - Fifty- Z Z n01 ' m , Passcd uPn him- phl'PS merely, strong ,-ontinuins .M mnP r. v, s v. for anti-Nazi activities mpntlnnpd that Vin VioH Virt nn. , . . ..HV . ... n iiau uu I some aggravation and also that he had not Intended to shoot to kill, or he would have done so as the ! boy whom he had shot was at his' mercy. Crown counsel having no objection to a suspended sentence be-ins passed. His Lordship thereupon proceeded to release Phillips on the undertaking that he would $28 685 ecP tne Peace, be of good be- naviour ana oe reaay 10 return to the court for passage of sen- tenee: ' In the army there would be dis cipline and good company and he cused would be a good soldier and a credit to the army. "Good Luck." said His Lordship lUktt' ""' , v,rf . : in conclusion "be a tip-top soldier, year and bringing the total for . ... . be credit to the and 1941 to date up to $128,463 as compared with $35,179 in the first nine months of 1940. It might be . . . -.-J It-I- J . i a army your country, my bov. and may you come back safely." NEW YORK, Oct. 1: New York Yankees won the first game of the World Series today from the Brooklyn Dodgers by a score of 32. Each team made six hits and each was charged with one error. Dodgers threatened a rally in the ninth but ran into a double play. Joe Di.Maggio went hitlcss. NEW YORK, Oct. 1: 0 Red Ruffing's brilliant six-hit pitch- in? ana joe uorauns siukkiiib i 'n Skeena Riding. nilrs STi i Brooklyn Dodgers in ... the open Wthfr " ' Oeo- Viereck, Seal Cove Circle, ing scries battle today before a -.V uti,, . hyiu'nrrt T T. ! If . i enn K.nn rprnni inrnnir ni In..i4ii snpcia- tors. Ruffing became the fourth pitcher in history to win six world series games as he held Dodgers batting order helpless all the way and struck out the principal slugger, Dolph Camilli . I il r-1 1 a 4 1 J. M. Strelglcr, Alfred Street,' mrce umcs. uutuon pui mc ' Yankecs ahead in the second dwelling, $500. T...tr,Dr.n rrhiirph Commlttee.l came with a towering home run T iiiu.i.. . . "I ... . .... ..... u "'ia.cn, u. a. McBride and Fifth Avenue, cnurcn, ' w R Ehv t u' MUlcn, ninu i.'. ,nl. . rtllPPr Kinrip'L.i.i , An AAA dy -fosenh v-n ,,ailtr. J- s- Salvation Army, Fraser aireci, T .. 4 viiv. jnnn T I ortA "Jawalrl TTacUi ... m ... - vn.iiis. Mir IiViiti Wall v wan rrii . " uuv.n ann ir - ins cami campaign ,erwavu..,u..0:"."18 cargo, C. IN. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port at 9:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River "clem ' oul aelay and feels 9nH rwnn nnrt will sail at with none on and provided win ning score in the sixth when he lined a single to the left field to score Charley Keller who had walked. Brooklyn counted their first run in the fifth on Rceses single and Owen's long triple. Pinch-hltter Lew Riggs drove In With a fairly light list of pas- substantial freight1 second flat bush tally with sin nnuren lenders but but suDSianwai gle in seventh. TAX SALE LOTS M. M. Stephens was the pur 'c will be no m tohk for Ketchikan .5, tnis mornins wnen me cuy lax rule. But Wmln 4 Bulletins ARCHDUKE IS SPEAKER VANCOUVER Speaking the Vancouver Rotaiy Club own defence. i yesterday. Archduke Otto de- Mr. Justice Manson observed I clarcd that underground activ- that the use of firearms was a ity at present going on in Aus- scrious matter. He was satisfied, ', tria would develop into open and however, that accused had had! large-scale .revolt against Nazi BUILD WOODEN SHIPS VANCOUVER Arthur Mercer of New Westminster, and Gilbert Duke of Vancouver, are going to Ottawa in connection with a scheme for the building of wooden ships in Vancouver and Fraser River yards. QUEBEC TRAIN WRECK THREE RIVERS-ij, -A. Couture, a trainman, was killed and twenty other persons were injured when a crack Montreal to Quebec-bound train hit a split rail near heie last night and was derailed. Hon. Maurice Dupre, former speaker of the House of Commons, sustained a fractured skull. Passengers included several prominent men who had been in Montreal for the funerals of Sir Herbert Holt and Senator Lome Webster. WINNERS'SEPTEMBER mi ui arms. i .j- -n.-.j a . rrca ocuuucu, muu tnuc xook Iirst (Jame or oria series Today by Score of 3 to 2. WAS DAMP There Was Also a Goodly Amount of Sunshine. If Prince Rupert people thought they might have been having a drought during the earlier part of this year, September, at least, gave them ample moisture for there was precipitation to the 'amount of 12.01 inches during the month Just ended. In spite of all the rain, however, there was a goodly measure of sunshine which totalled 117.7 hours. These are the figures as Issued this morning by the Dominion meteorolo gist, S. G. Mellor of Digby Island. So far this year there has been Avenue E re- enabled the Yankees to aeieai "vuio ut ou..m.c m irmivc nviiiui ' i I n . . i ...11, oon a 1 nupciii uuiupuit'u Mini oou.o iiuuia In the first nine months of 1940, wnne the precipitation tnis year has totalled 40.88 inches as against 59.16 Inches. The weather summary for Sep tember Is as follows: Maximum barometer reading at sea level, 30.327 on Sept. 7. Minimum barometer reading at sea level, 29.413 on Sept. 3. Mjaximum temperature, 73 Sept. 10. Minimum temperature, 40 Sept. 17. Precipitation, 12.01 inches. Sunshine, 117.7 hours. Maximum wind velocity, miles 20. on on 25 per hour, southeast, Sept GREW FROM PUPPIES WASHINGTON, Oct. l: V). Government figures show soldiers chaser of lot 32, block 1, section 'since the First Great War, the av In here to-sare session rcsumea auer navms whence she will return imorrow evening southbound. been adjourned from yesterday. "dogs" have increased In size crage army shoe now being size 10 as compared with nines In 1917 18. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1941. ............ BIGAnACK bL-1 ON GERMANY Royal Air Force Assault Upon LONDON. Oct. 1: -The 1 Ba,tic 1,ort of Stetten. House of Commons today vot- ed a new war credit of one billion LONDON, Oct. 1: to A largo j. u.. x. i number of RAF Dlanes aeain roar- Mr. Justice A. M. Manson upon . ,!r. ' thpv they had had done done latn late Monday Mnndnv nlirhl night v air rungsiey woua, to meet v the rising costs of war. Brit- Ish war expenditures are now runnVng to .11,000,000,000 dally, the chancellor said. and early Tuesday, starting great fires at the Baltic port of Stetten, the Air Ministry said. Stetten 13 a vital point from which supplies are shipped to Nazi armies In Russia. Other strong forces Jury On Charge Of Perjury As Result Ot Hay Deal William F. Behnke. Francois Lake farmer, was acquitted late jcsierday-atiernoou - by .a J ury . at the Supreme Court Assizes of a charge of perjury which had been aid against him as a sequel to a County Court case at Burns Lake last spring arising out of a deal in hay at Colleymount. The jury had retired at 12:45 noon to con- ider Its verdict and It was not; 0n July 27. untu o:zu p.m. mat u returned to he court room with its decision. Mr. Justice A. M. Manson com mented that he found it difficult co understand the verdict. He had held an opposite view which, of course, he admitted might be wrong. In any case, His Lordship admitted, that the length of time the Jury had spent In deliberation indicated that it viewed the mat ter In seriousness and with anxiety. Addressing the accused whom he thereupon liberated, the Judge said that this should be a warning to him. He had caused a great deal of expense to the country and anxiety to the Jury. Doubtless acquittal had been under the circumstances of a reasonable doubt having been given in his benefit. He trusted that accused would never find himself In the courts again. Speaking again to the Jury, His Lordship remarked that it was one of the mottoes of British justice tha,t it was better ten guilty men should go free than that one in nocent man should be wrongly convicted. British Justice was respected even in nations which did not have the same system as Bri tain's. When all civilization was at stake as It was today, It was well to remember that Its system of justice was one of the things that had made Britain great. He urged all men to observe the prln? ciples of British Justice In their dally affairs, ever tempering Justice with mercy. Residence Had Narrow Escape New Home of Dr. and Mrs. McColI at Queen Charlotte Nearly Destroyed. A garage and power plant the home of Dr. and Mis. Duncan McColl at Queen Charlotte City was destroyed by fire a couple of nights ago and the new residence Itself narrowly escaped destruction. Only the valiant work of volunteer fire fighters saved the property. workers were still digging dead and wounded out of the debris today. It marked the end of the second month during which London had been without an air raid alarm, the last having been IREVENUE Vancouver Mines Grandview 15'A Bralorne 11.20 Cariboo Quartz 2.25 Hedley Mascot 47 Pend Oreille 1.65 Pioneer, 2.35 , Premier 80 Prlyateer 53 2 Reno - .10 Sheep Creek 91 Oils-i- Calmont 20A C. & E 1.28 Home 2.40 Royal Canadian .04 A Toronto Beattle 1.10 Central Patricia 1.70 Consolidated Smelters 40.50 Hardrock 76 Kerr Addison 4.35 at Little Long Lac 1-80 McLeod Cockshutt 2.00 Madsen Red Lake 65 McKenzie Red Lake 98 Moneta 33 Pickle Crow 2.75 Preston East Dome 3.20 Sherrltt Gordon 95 San Antonio 2.32 Tomorrow sT ides (Pacific Standard Time) High 11:36 ajn. 20.1 ft. 23:46 p.m. 20.1 ft. Low 3:22 am. 5.0 ft. 17:45 p.m. 6.0 ft. i PRICE: FIVE CENTS One Hundred and Fifty Candidates Nominated; 48 Liberals Are In Field Conservatives Forty-Four and C.C.F. Forty-Five Premier Pattullo Gives Radio Address. VICTORIA. Oct. 1: (CP) Bnt.tln uv isn Columbia elections were drawn todav follmvincr thP ed dock areas of Hamburg during , nomination yesterday of 156 candidates, thirty-one less the past two nights, while subsi-tnan m. 1937. The field includes forty-eight Liberals, diary attacks were made on docks forty-five Co-operative Commonwealth Federationists at ineroourg ana u Havre. antl lortV-IOUr Lonservatives. Thp rnnsoruafi,, ? Eight British bombers were lost' " . clude ca ' 7 3, - it n,v,,m. and three fighters failed to re-il AIHC not officially recognized by the turn during twenty-four hours. Hi VI iVrilLlJ nartv. hi., nnnnn.nt, vrv. Tuesday a great back-and-forth i -Vanemiver inM,,d n, a m n, " rush of British fighters over thcl OCCiTR!iM, formerlv phb RiTnprt XT..' channel led shore watchers to bo- lVEuJUlflllU the Conservative blessing. Ueve a series of low-level attacks! , The Uhpra, nmrattm on German positions In France iXwo Northwcst Towns eavlI u launched last night by Premier T. was also in progress. hv ,,,. ,,c. n Pattniir. with n r,mi0.. BEHNKE IS Night. radio address in which he revlew- ed the government party plat- LONDON, Oct. 1: Striking form- Conservative and C.C. 1 Tt'TTTilV with the B'eatest force in sev- leaaers nave already made slm- Al ( 1 1 1 1 I Ml eral months, the German Luft- ,ilar addresses. nvVUll ILuSJ Premier Pattullo said his waffe was over the northeast- I that ! JiHlMl.f.ntU- 1 J - 1 1.1. Francois Luke rannei' Is f reed By ern coastal area during the wuum not wiui- night for several hours dropping draw from the income tax field explosive and fire bombs. Five iand- after the war- would seek a towns were raided but tw0 were definite understanding with the concentrated upon. Casualties federal government as to what are reported.to have been quite Proportion of Income tax collec- heavy, although fires were soon jtions should returned to ths brought-under "control: Rescue Province as its"share; - " HESS GETS HOMESICK No. 2 Nazi Thinks He Should Be Returned by Biitish to the Fatherland. Ryini TMTIIVT idon star sald that Rudo1 Hess IVIUUl'a 1 UiVJ has asked that' in hl3 caPacity as .an envoy rather than as a prls- (oner of war, he should be return- Customs and Excise Collections 'ed to Germany. Although treated Continue Big Increase Over ias a captured officer, he objects Last Year. to being retained in this country. The Star says that he Is being confined at a point close to Lon-Customs and excise revenue at . don- the port of Prince Rupert for this year to date as compared with last year continues to mount. The collections for this September totalled $74,115.28 as compared with $32,543.78 In the same month last year, bringing the total for 1941 to date up to $392,894.92 in comparison with $165,822.70 in the corresponding period last year. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Oo.) OUR APPLES TO BRITAIN Shipments of Large Quantities Overseas May Mean a Shortage Here. HAMILTON, Oct. 1: Six hundred thousand barrels of Canadian apples are to be sent to Great Britain this winter. As a consequence, there may be a shortage in Canada. PASSES AT SEAL COVE Richard Thomas, Book-Keeper for Dept. of National Defence, Dies Suddenly. Richard Thomas, book - keeper for the Department of National Defence at Seal Cove, passed away about midnight last night at Seal Cove at the residence of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, where he made his home. Advanced in years, Mr. Thomas had been In Prince Rupert for the past year or so, having formerly been with Ryan & Stewart at Barrett Point. For many years Mr. Thomas had been identified with the Northern Construction CO. The remains Will fee forwarded to Victoria for Interment,