.'g m Is,? MONDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1941. .5 ttiil . at !0 w. J. iff Iff 1 ,u- oatterns in 3ilks, wools .ri ilk and wools; made by ir.d AmvIt cd $J00 $50 $200 i, atra"" Gift boxes, liJI Take My Tip, ' n . B says danta Heie and Now Is the Place and Time to Buy Those MEfVi v IFTS New arrivals In Shim. Tics we7er.and ther thlna n' HANDKERCHIEFS Fine lawns and linens; plain and Initialed. ;j -ft Per box of 3 wUt to A.DU KELTS : ad quality tongue buckle belts in shades of grey, brown, ...rci aim mu.n.. nCZn 5-B flfl Br.xed 10' and iiUU Watts & Nicl erson Va MEN'S AND HOYS' CLOTHIEKS 5f V Tltlffl) AVP. IIIII1VP nl- "A Good Place to Uuy" CEDAR CHESTS (by Hondcrich) GtauUIulJy finished with butt and burl American walnut, trim- wall : trj wttn zewra wood; waterfall design: "automatic tray, utility iiHwers. A gut to make your eyes shine. Pv:-ed from I'hone 775 P.uy Eariy and Lay Away. $32.50 327 Third Ave. ONION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCER WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All MeaLs and Berth Ac ommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT ..." JK Vlus From l'ort Simpson S39;5 This TadJvll Tax fii'oucej Rate Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from intermediate points . 'Five car! ol aije and un-er twelve - -Half Fare. Ticktts on Sale from November 15, 1!M1 to February 15. 1'J12 Uuod to reLirn up to March 15, 1942 Si H.ner Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S CATA1.A Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S ( AUM'.NA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a m. 'tickets and Uescrvattons from P'l'H-e Kupcrt Asent (FRANK .1. SK .NNF.tt) Third Ave. I'lione 508 I, Convenient. Please Purchase Tickets at Office terj CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Send a 10 lb. box of "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD 2.00 Delivered. To our many customers who usually send a box of Kipper.3 to their friends or relations at this time of the year, we express our regrets we have not yet been able to secure any Herring suitable for kippering. ,nu than nisappo.m our triends in the Interior and on "p Prairies, who really appreciate a taste of smoked fish "". from the Coast, we substitute the offer above. Fr $2.00 Wc will deliver a 10 lb. box of Smoked Hlack Cod 10 any cxircss point in It. O. or any Canadian National t'-xpress point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Ii'via: 7Jlf brder with cheque or cash to: CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD., ' Prince Rupert, B.C. with name and address of consignee. We will enclose card w'th name of sender. If Canadian Fish & Cold Storage jl NCI! HUMCItT CO. Ltd. 4? s 4V 29 Jtia. in SOCKS New designs and color combinations in fine wool and mixed Pced from Olft boxes if desired on Tanges from 75c. at B at B Ot B B at 'B at 'B at at at at . at at at B ft A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. HKITISII COLUMIIIA ! 9 ft ft ft ft ft K i Capt. T. A. McWaters, local area adjutant, returned to the city the latter part of last week from Montreal where he has been tak-ng a course of instruction. A A Photo of the family makes an ideal Christmas gift. Have it taken now while you are all together. Benson Studio. A Can. Legion, B.E.S.L. executive leeting tonight. Monthly meeting Vcdnesday. BIG PARTY FOR GRAYS llijhly Esteemed Residents Of Smithers Honored On Golden Wedding Anniversary SMITHERS, Dec. 8: One of the finest social events of its kind ever to take place in Smithers was held here last Friday evening when some three hundred friends of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gray filled the Anglican hall to capacity to honor them in the celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Gray received the biggest surprise of their 50 years of married life .when they entered he hall to find it filled to overflowing by their well-wishers. They had expected a small party but were not prepared for what they found. James Brough was master of ceremonies for the occasion and carried out his duties very efficiently. The stage of the hall was prettily decorated and a table in front of the stage bore a large wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and their children and grand-i hlldrcn occupied seats on both sides of the table in front of the stage. The stage Itself was occupied by 'he Smithers Brass Band which endered a number of selections during the evening. The band was irganlzed by Mr. Gray in 1929 and has been carrying on under his leadership ever since that time. Walter Bodger was acting band master for the evening. A musical program was presented. Mrs. A. B. Washbern was plan-1st and Mrs. Margaret Warner and Miss Doris Barker soloists. An instrumental trio was played by Mr. Bodger and his daughters. Helen and Dorreen. All the numbers ren-1ered being much appreciated. Mr. Brough presented Mrs. Gray 'vith a well filled purse in appreciation of th many kind deeds nd christian acts which shs had rlone during the tweniy-elght vcars thev had lived In Smithers. Mr. Gray wrs presented with fbh-'ng tackle which would delight my follower of Isaak Walton 'and which will no doubt see plenty of service in the coming years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gray wero visibly affected r.s they made suitable reply to the ijood wishes expressed by Mr. Brough. After receiving the many guests at the party dancing was enjoyed for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Gray were married ?n Aberdeen. Scotland, 50 years ago and. after living there for seven ye? rs. they came to Canada and lived in Montreal for some time. In 1910 they arrived in Prince Rupert where they lived until 1913, leavini there at that time and moving to Smithers where they have lived ever since. They are among the best known nd niftst well respected citizens! of the Bulkley Valley and this was well attested to by the gathering rf their friends on the night of December 4 to congratulate them rxx having reached their fiftieth veddlng anniversary and to wish 'hem many more years of happl- ness. 1 At the time of the Smithers fwenly-ffth anniversary telebra-lon three years ago Mrs. Gray wps nresent-ri with the Good Citizenship Medal. Telegrams from old friends from all over the province' were read at the-party, conveying congratulations and good wishes. One of these bore the names of great many former Smithers citizens' now residing in Vancouver. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Give Photos this Christmas. Make your appointment early before, the .rush, phone Red 269. 1 ! :' . Abe-Studio.- (286; A No Canadian Legion Christmas Tree this year. The Canadian Legion W. A. Meeting will be held Monday, January, 3. '286) Rev. J. B. Skene of Vancouver, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, will arrive in the city on tomorrow night's train from Toronto to conduct the induction on Wednesday night of Rev. A. F. IacSween as pastor of First Presbyterian Church here. Rev. James Mcintosh, also of Vancouver, will arrive on the Prince Oeorge Wednesday morning to assist in the induction. A All Wool at pre-war prices at the Dollar Store. Canada at War 25 Years Ago December 8, 1916. David Lloyd George became 3ritish Prime Minlter. German orces stormed Hill 304 at Verdun, ' i .Icavy artillery bombardments in Thiepval area on the Western I Front. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert F. P. Steele, Victoria; D. W. Sauter, Vancouver; S. T. Strim-bold, Topley; W. Cummings, Edmonton: Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davies, Edison; William Irvine and Fred Edwardson, C.N.T.; C. Kerr, Premier. Royal J. A. Brown, Montreal: Mrs. W. Bagshaw, Terrace; B. Aune and V. Korhonen, Smithers; P. York and S. Beynon, Prince Rupert. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for u full month at 25c a word. Scotch Dance, Dec. 13, Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 35c. S.O.N. Dance Friday, December 12. NOTICE A The Ideal Cleaners is now open for business. (288) GIVE THEM FOR XMAS! Xmas Gift Booklets Containing Theatre Tickets for Children, Students and Adults. Priced from $1.00. to $2.'!5 (Tax is included) NO LINING UP AT THE BOX OFFICE. You can also send them to Friends. and Armed Services Friends elsewhere In Canada where Famous Players Theatres operate. ORDER THEM NOW! CAPITOL Famous Players Theatre PHONE 68!) Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hone 37 P.O. !o 544 FKASER STREET Prince Rupert KITKATLA WEDDING Miss Martha Gordon Becomes Bride of Dwyer Lewis at Pretty Ceremony. St. Peter's Anglican Church at Kltkatla was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon last, the Rev. B. Shearman officiating, when Martha, elde.st d:u 'titer of Mrs. Dorothy Gordon, and the late Casper Gordon, became the bride of Dwyer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, t The bride was glv.en in marriage jby her brother, Johnson Gordon. She made a pretty picture in her wedding Eorcn of white ;?ilk sh"! land her long bridal Veil 1 mile, carrying a bouquet of pink ros buds and lilies of the valley. Sha ,was attended by Mrs. Flora Hill, as matron of honor, in a gown of pale pink organdie, and little Thelma Tolmie as flower girl in ipale blue sheer, carrying a bas-'ket of pink roses. Maud Lewis and Alberta Bolton were train-bearers, both prettily attired in pale pink sheer. The Wedding March was play ed by Norman Lewis. Wilfred Jackson was the groomsman. The Kltkatla Concert Band was in attendance, under the leadership of Henry Brown, and played the bridal party to and from the church. A reception was afterwards held in the Agnes Hall, where the bride and groom received the good wishes of their many friends. In the evening dancing was en joyed until midnight, Norman Lewis' orchestra supplying the music. It's wonderful what a little classified advertising may do for you. Most people read the classi fied ads. (tf) nuianm "Build Pacific Flavors nQiui'ian'miinfn B. C. Payrolls" "I have been compllmentrd many times on my coffee," writes Mrs. G. "I use Pacific Milk as It adds to Its flavor. I believe one of the reasons my children like cocoa so well is I use Pacific in its preparation. Pacific gives it flavor and the children talk of the flavor of the cocoa," PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed aRtpmn7B!ircimtKABtKSBii:B:7a:ia!i When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Klldal NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot'& Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we arc now addinjr a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Chailie lias many years' experience in the trade lie knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING 1100TS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 649 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Wait. ' -X -X -X -X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X STURDY WINGS Canada's fledgling bomber pilots will learn their craft on these 3t.ii'oy wings, shown receiving their final touches in a Montreal aiicraft plant which turns out Avro Anson bomber tralncre. If you lose anything, advertise for it. I WALLACE'S I i Winter Is Here! Let Us Supply You With Warm Bedding FLANNELETTE SHEETS, $2.50 $3.75 Per pair to FLUFFY BLANKETS, $12.50 $22.50 From, per pair SATIN COVERED COMFORTERS, $9.50 $22.50 From, each to ALL WOOL REVERSIBLE REDTIIROWS. SSdTd:.. $10.50 and $12.50 We Have Our Christmas Stock on Display. Shop Early! PHONE 9 THIRD AND FULTON THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST STREET SPECIALIZING IN Fruit and Vegetables You are cordially welcome to inspect our store. We will demonstrate our new produce. "DELNOR" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES PHONE 313 FREE DELIVERY Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling- at Ocean Ealis and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean f alls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return $36.00 Plus Tax Tickets on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. loth; 1942. Final return limit March 15th, 1942.' Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. ' Alr-Condttloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG4 CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 2G0 ' Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines - X-X- X-X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Co. i ruin