PAGE TWO Work B oots DEPENDABLE MAKES SUCH AS CHRISTIE'S, VALENTINE, GUEH AND TILS ON BERG. Roots Built With Years of . Guaranteed Sturdiness . . . and Priced Un, From New shipment of "Jack and Jills" AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. 'The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PUIXEN, MANAGING-EDITOR MF.MIII.rt OF THE CANADIAN PitESS Th nuiluilATl PreeA la ptp.IhaIvaIv AtvMt-.lMl Hn iica -fro miVllcnH .11 u,.B Touring Canada . Presbyterian Ladies Hold Fine Bazaar Large Number Attended And ISO Sat Down To Supper Afterwards The Bazaar held by the Presbyterian Ladles Aid yssterday afternoon In the Presbyterian Church Hall was a splendid success. Many ladles called during the afternoon and were received by Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. McSween. The committees in charge were: Tea Room Mrs. M:Rae, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Bussey and Mrs. Sim-undsen. Pourers Mrs. McBobbie, Mrs. Christiansen, Mrs. Flaten and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. . Serviteurs Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. T. Brown, Mrs. T. McMeekin, Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. Eastwood, j Home Cooking Mrs. Foote, Mrs. Frew and Mrs. Ivarson. Fancy Work Mrs. G. Abbott and Mrs. Sandlson. Plain Sewing Mrs. J. B. McKay and Mrs. C. G. Ham. Candy-Mrs Lakle, Miss Molly Frew, Miss Pat MeClymont, Miss Mona McRae and Miss Margaret Morln. Fish Pond Mrs. Calderwood. Country Store Maurice Teng and Axel Arnsten. Mrs. J. Steen was cashier. In the evening supper was served to about 150 guests by the Senior Choir. Following the supper there was an interesting address by Rev. J. A. Donnell, pastor of First United Church, a reclta- jticn by Major McLennan and the deepeUhee credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the,EnowmS f moving pictures by A. local news published therein. Tumbull urnuuli tiroved verv lntprptHnr All rights of republloBtlon of special despatches therein are also reserved Pvea very interesting. .Rev. A. F. McSween acted as SUBSCRIPTION RATES chairman. Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. ADVERTISING RATES ' Local Readers, per line, per Insertion 25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion 02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION A Trilogy By Jay Es3 1914 Full of the vision of youth. And the courage to dare. Glad to enlist In the forces FRIDAY, NOV. 7, 1341. Ana ao nss tuU are ror nis country. 191C army woum last.' inree weeks," answered the prime ; Sheffield, Eng., Nov. 7: minister. Ana wnat did your generals tell you?" "Thev Henry a park said two weeks." replied the nresident. "hut. nlonsp rWriIouna an lron crew undr a nnf,v u - 4.U rnu..... ' ' r :r" Wbush at MoK inciinuii it, tu muni, uitiyre very sensitive aoout it. i I III We've sot to fight to defend" our homes. l That's why I've enlisted. keeper, holly only Park near here. "Its good condition showed It. 'could not wave b:en -there he said. long,", IX THE Sl IMtF.ME COI KT OFI1KITISII I COLUMBIA In Probate j In the .Matter of the "Administration Art" and .In the Matter of the Estate of John I William Mells, Defeased Intestate i Take Notice that hv riniw r.t i. ! Honor, W. E. Plaher. made on the 25th day of October, A. D. 1941, I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of John William Wells, deceased and all parties having claims against the ald estate are hereby required to furnish some, properly verified, to me on or " lu" "ie a fin nay or November, A. D. 1941, amd nil parties Indebted to the estate are ramlred to mv th of their Indebtedness to me forttiwlth. nR?ted ot Prlnc Rupert BjC, .thU 27th day of October, A. D. 1941. PBfB,'l riURMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. Attention Ladies WINTER will soon be here, so why not meet It with a FUR COAT. Our manager, Miss Bell, will be back from a buying trip Friday with a large new stock, You are all Invited to look our stock over. Prices to suit everyone, and remember your credit is good. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" THE DAILY NEWS - FRIDAY Novr; Inter-Services Bowling Scores R.C.C.S,- Hilder ..... 131 137 179 Ackkerman 205 239 . 224 Cowgill 180 120. 167 Hart 134 159 188 Jones 114 1C5 177 Handicap 110 110 110 Totals 930 912 1051 R.C.E Tully 159 107 195 Taylor 108 229 16ri Prior 1G2 195 147 Johnston 211 167 178 Ricketts 94 99 170 Handicap 128 128 128 Totals 922 985 981 Seal Cove No. 2 Hardy 154 190 81 Smith 120 111 202 Hart 101 132 152 Lavell Ill 113 106 Nellson 172 180 124 Tolals 658 72C 665 Area Headquarters McRoberts 130 115 125 Coombe 172 188 194 McAdam 201 147 107 King 129 220 201 Low score 101 111 81 Totals 753 781 718 Scottish No. 1 Turner 157 179 132 Dow 195 177 151 Hodges 169 152 140 Douglas 190 227 148 Glassford 198 230 199 Handicap 116 110, 116 Totals 1025 1081 881 Dry Dock Thompson 189 187 142 Carr 136 147 179 Cherry 216 188 .143 Arlington 194 211 14G Tobey 135 154 230 Handicap 71 71 71 Totals 941 958 91G Scottish No. 2 McLennan 118 174 246 Roberts 189 154 232 Akerman 152 129 220 Hutchinson 218 222 128 Joy 177 239 202 , Handicap 142 142 142 Totals , 996 1060 1230 Navy Noble - 212 Cundy , 168 Elliott 192 Cymbal 173 Newell 185 I "Rest after toll, port after stormy Simpson seas Handiran .17 It was announced from Ottawa recently that a dele-' Bravely he rought and endured, Totals 937 gate from Cairo to make of TheSS " was a tour Canada. ST'3 I , , places to be visited included N' Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston, 'But his sacrifice freely was made Learn 111 Hamilton, Welland, Brantf ord, Guelph, Gait, London, For his country. Ccte . ; """ " " 175 Montreal and Quebec City. All these cities are in On-, p0DDy Davi94i Drake ......1............ 195 tario except Quebec City. Evidently that is the concep- was it worth while, twenty-five CraPPer nun ouiiiu ueu jih nave ui wnac cnnsr.u.mps i nnnr n hpvn' yeuia ueui- -v are only seven provinces not mentioned as to be visited. stln he, pay-Ul darkness and Df.t. 4.1 4. : i. pain. u"lt lh JUhL a uuie- iPassing years bring no Joy. R.C.A.M.C.- Is he forgotten by those whom he Robinson T . r I served .Bichard When President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill' stance for him met last summer at their rendezvous in the Atlantic, JSoto SLry they began discussing the campaign being waged by the, dent, "how long did your generals tell you the Russian GETS AN IRON CROSS Handicap Totals ... &XPert UDiniOn ... And a new generation? McAdam 284 1 "No. Give him, hope slve vour Glllespy ... 105 jWesten 109 Handicap 791 Totals 891 for common ordinary sore throat PRE-XMAS SALES With EVERY SUIT purchased at De Luxe Tailor you set one SILK CKEPE SHIRT to your own measurements FREE. HART, FREED MAN & QABBE CLOTHES TO MEASURE DE LUXE TAILOR The EAST SIDE COAL CO. will appreciate any patronage given . . . with prompt service and clean coal. G. B. CASEY, Mgr. Phone 755 or Green 527 Bridge League 1 Result of play In the Prince Rupert, Brldg? League last evening was as follows: C. N. R. A. 9570, Belmont Musketeers 6840. Ramblers 9830. Cowboys 8040. Giotto 7380, Prince Rupert Dairy 8830. Piptflttcrs 9690, Dry Dock 7910. Grotto 28D90 22190 28990 Cowboys 28550 24770 28550 Ramblers 26630 23070 26630 C. N. R. A. 26060 25320 26060 Dry Dock . 25970 25030 25970 P. R. Dairy .... 23620 25550 23620 Pipefitters 22100 27710 22100 Musketeers .21530 29620 21530 SPORT CHAT Remember when . . . Lionel Conacher, one of Canada's greatest all-round athietes, was bought by Montreal Maroons frcm New York Americans in a straight cash deal 11 years ago today. Conacher retired from the N.H.L. In 1937 and won a seat In the Ontario legislature that year. Remember when . . . "Billy" Sunday, major league baseball player, who gained more fame In the pulpit than on the diamond, died eight years ago today at Chicago. He was seven years In the National league before entering religious work in 1891. Remember when . . . Jack Shlll, Chicago Black Hawks Jeft winger, was relegated to invalid's status for three months five years ago today, following a spinal injury in a game against the Toronto Maple Leafs. An X- Seagram's 1 I 855 890 2 I 1 1 UJhishy I 232 185 180 137 frvl 9 159 132 'A SFI J 272 193 144 ' Wjj 0 X 162 233 157 WV I 143 211' m I mmm All ' ' --V I r- l.-m l . I. ...ft W I 16 ozlJO 25 oz.$2.65 40 oz.M.05 JMpt I. SwrM I km UwM nwm. Out Tills advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Li-quor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia JOHN M. S. LOUBSER B.A. (Cantab.), D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block :-: Phone 640 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office STANLEY W.COLTON D.C, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone GI0 CYCLING 3Wi:i)I Ther? are more .than 2,500,000 This advert sement Is not published or displayed h tv, . Control Board or by the Government ot British ray examination disclosed the seriousness of the Injury, and doctors ordered Shlll confined to a hospital cot for a month. WILL T1IORNE, M. P., 84 LONDON, Nov. 7: tfi Will Thome, oldest labor Member o! Paillament, has Just celebrated his 81th birthday. He has bsen In Parliament continuously since 1906. Chicago Winner I NEW YORK m .. !cago played a c'as, r,.1 , night against the New Yc-k,. leans in the (fe':or.a Rj League, the score bc.j c I rUUCUL'tULN u as vi:ll as ice The hc. : , bicycles In use in Sweden, or five told, salt, anc va: c . I Instructions to Importers OF Steel and Steel Products from the United States THESE Instructions refer to all orders m-eluding contracts, Indents or commune of any kind) for shipment of steel ana -products from the UJS.A. to Canada These instructions include all such orser ; steel, and steel products for further procr . - or fabrication in Canada (excluding mac:.. and equipment and parts thereof' neSr ordered from mills, producers, exporters houses or Jobbers in the USA.. One copy of any such order already ourr-d accepted or submitted or pending accept: the UJS.A. and now outstanding unshippeo c- be forwarded to the undersigned befori- N :vt:. bcr 15. 1941. On and after November 1. ID41. ana : . duration of this War or until further n :ixi- c: copy of any such order must be forwardca the undersigned at the same time as 'tie ::se is issued. In every case, full details as to pur; which the steel will be used must be -nuv. o the copy of the order sent to the underi WEIOHTS OP MATERIALS INVOLVED MKST BE SHOWN IN EACH INSTANCE. EITHER POUNDS OR IN NET TONS OP 2 000 POUNDS PER TON. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN OFFICIAL CANCELLATION OF ORDERS. F. B. KILBOURN Steei CcntrU? Dated at Ottawa this 31st day of October 194) Published under the authority of Honourable C. I). HOWE, Minister of Munitions and Supply COAL! COAL! Onehz'n&s a enouah for sure Ae aets SUMMER COAL PRICES ;nt;.-..,.u It is only natural thai -! should want to lung his money as long as he c to f h 11 1. u;hpn it comes coal buying question J should part with some 01 p v cash at this time autumn coal price rules. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come tu your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Ah lnitrniio'al Dully (ituispaptr It Moord. for you th wotlj't clen. conitructlve dolngi . Th du not (jjpluit erim or tenatllon; neither doe It 'lin7.t; im but dealt uorrectively with them, mturei for bu ma ,u Umil, including the WeelUr Mnsnlne Section. ChrlMtan Science puhllihlrio toclet One, Nrw Btee Bpeton, MeuachUMttl fof rireiie enter my aubacrlptloo to The Chrlatlan Science Monitor a lr:oit of ,k 11 M hV'".,".-m 1 moMh " 00 J montha 1100 "!on,.;i,W wedheadar Utue. Including Magatlne Bectlon; 1 rear IJ o. ",u" fame ' Afldreaa Stmfilt CePy en R