The Daily News . — — = REESE : More Damaging Evidence That Scoop Would Not Win a Beauty Prize —Drawn for the Daily News by « Hop” WEL. HAVE TO TES YouR FACE AGAIN ANDO SEE IF ITS AS UGLY AS SOME FOLKS THINK—Now A HORSE iS HIGHLY INTELLIGENT ASA RULE — You SuiP Ve To ona AND FLASH THar MAP OF YOURS REAL SUd0E ANDIF THE. ANIMAL STANDS FOR \T-WELL LET You KEEP THE FACE YOUVE! GOT — ScooP YwvE BEEN IN PAPERS ALL OVER THE. COUNTRY FOR THE Past” THREE GaeGen tee — AND HE cS Demand increases For. IMPROVEMENT IN YouR, Face —I'm UPIN HEY cata eee en a ei ee ci eee ne * | at Tae a ere eed ; eee aa ane = Se ee, ei ans tala Dae WESTHOLME - OPERA - a ; ———— re] “The News” Classified Ads. { be ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’’ HERE— ~3 & FRIDAY - EVE, APRIL 26th Two Performances 7.30 and 9 O'Clock ss rs oe rr cs FOR SALE. i ie LOCAL JOTTINGS it er ere , ee Se ee a ae oe For Rent G t Lots 12 and 13, block 29, sect {, 0 te | —See- - } . te j aod eorge own aoe" ani Pihaen pater ee BN | } Suits, dresses, coat collars, fe 8 ms a es rs - tsk ib- tle ia a ie j ~ } ke ‘ i e y “Ot 13, ock 14, section 2, $0 rT | E BEY? and H RY LAUDER? | millinery, hats, trimmings and!por pEentT—4-room house, 649 8th ave. S ll C Ltd cash, balance GT. P. over cae ¢ GEORG RO and HAR U novelties, at Mrs. Frizzell’s. tf Apply Phone 313. awml O. « Lot 20, block 37, section 5, $1 4 rd S c sci FOR LEASE—Mcti Hall; weil heated cash, bal. 6 and 42 months - | also the Laughable Sketch | Now is kodak Um. Fastmante| a letted. "J:'R ROUERS, Phone 116 Lot 24, block 7, section ¢, $1,275. 4 : No s kodak ne. Eastman’s cash, bal. 1 and 2 y 4 “BOX AND COX’”’ at the Rexall Store. tf avec cocker cerite, P. Or tex. 461. Lumber [9% ‘cash, bel ee a8. a ave. co ver McBride oO 6 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 1 ths Presented by te: ror and LoWs4 and $, block 13, section 8, 98 ce 3 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 u 5 Lots 3-4, Block 15, Section 8, | qeewermsemsrmsemsrmsrsrmersemermermmedh fi i JT [ i ‘ ; mn a ee FITZMAURICE and WHITLEY Reena pene peas: Or 38, 20 Ae { Insurance 1 Mouldings With the United States Fidelity & 3) sa cia a rh. Collart, 225 6th street. . . : t t Assisted by | hoe ae SNES i a an rer Nt Guaranty Company for Accidents, Restaurant en 8nd Ave. pear 6th stern + Plate Glass, Bonds and Burglary, | r To r T mm. ; . awe ek a > MADAME CAV ELIERI RU STY CAN | fry the Royal Cafe Merchants OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | A large stock of dry finish- is the best. FOR RENT lunch. o? “tf settlements. We write every known class of > g Q : is a . r Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. ing lumber on hand. Boat Take a Policy with the Confed- tore, 2nd Ave., corner lumber a specialty. Delivery si | Store, 2nd Ave., corner | i | Sprayer pms rE i eration Life / e ° ° : Best room in town at Savoy. ~~ = made at short notice. sity ‘i Moving Pictures No Advance in Prices | eae i: i| Fire Insurance with Board L eaniediek ce ee wi tiie alinde AG Help Wanted Our prices are as low as any. Companies Jeremiah H. K be Ltd. a cago — eas i o destro ose ‘ s re Red C Poa aera o ee ‘ e ae er | Call on us before ordering. ug a. TICKETS GOOD FOR WEEKLY GRAND GOLD DRAWING | Red Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the} “gage rsa 8 PHONE 317 a hee ee a aie ee —__ _'@!_| package from Orme, tiie Pioneer, WOMAN COOK wanted at the Windsor | = — | { | druggist. tf | wantEp—smart_y. ee Pines See : ! ply ¢ ‘entral Market, ord. avenue. vs-b5| OFFICE: | | oe rED—Experienced ticket seller. Ap-| EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. | G I 2 |. wotce 16 Rereby given tha mans ey Stephens Blk., 3rd ave., room 9,| ihe e200 | after date O. M. Helgers between 5 and 6 O'clock D. in. Ee Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. rge k Boye Meereae she Registra ; lw ANT girl attending school to help mind | 613 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert | the company to “H. G. He i ° baby from 4 to 8. State what expected. | | ,_ Dated at Prince Ruper . | “Address X 15, News. | 4 j day of March, 1912 CARSS & BENN Duke of Sutherland, Lord Charl Charles Bercatord, Lord Desborough I SN Pasa. WN Ss COMPA OF BC, Ud : ee “i ae . i iP and Others Acquire Large Areas Along the Railway | beeen eirwernermernernernermnp | The new stee] Passenger Steamers FOR SALE ] . ; WANTED—Large store with good show u Ic: uc ion © i Vancouver, April g4—Entrust- The examplé set by the Scottish; Columbia offers better and safer windows in pert business locality. Wil) 4 s yf | - i ease On gt 0 2 7 2 ed .with the commission of se- peer so impressed other titled! inducements than any other por-}| Box 217, News ome. a. r eld sin 3 “ ’ vv” J lecting large tracts of land in/land owners that they requested lion of the globe. There is no } + MINING MACHINERY block : a: question that among this class = } ; | British Columbia for prominent! Captain Huttan to act on their “ ti h aint : 8 i ] Business Chances ane —_—_—_ F aay, } i itis zum Dia 1s regzardet f British land owners, Captain C,\ behalf. Several of these clients | pope faverbly than any province | Orem 66 ske notice that the Grand Trunk Pa | ts 52 and 53, block 38 | i i Hutton ef London, England,/will shortly reach here to close!of the Dominion.’ WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially sun cine on Monday the 47th Gey oriueel he iB reached Vancouver last night and/ (he deals he has come to arrange. ir y or : c range, also bedding and cheap furniture : A.D. 1912, at the Grand Trunk Pacific| eee iy : ; i Among the prominent British- for about ten rooms. P. O. box 105. a lway Corpany’s wharf at the City lo ; is a guest at the Hotel Vancouver. The investment of large sums} : Pent aehioi Cant Hut 9-t Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver price Rupert, in the Province of British | , or nD ers or om aptal ’ am ; ) Oo sn} t 1 The visitor is a former resident} of British capital will mean a ' Ria ULE © a as follows: hyo pene see gonds at epee to} ing l has t > 1< > ar Ye } red « jarde a rince Rupert of the Okanagan Valley. He was) great deal in the way of develop-! '# made investments are Cap- 1 Mi - 99 jand described hereunder y. al deal ) serita iscellaneous - Wedn f . 7 i a member of the Duke of Suther-|) ment of the agricultural re-| tain, Geoffrey- Bowlby, adjutant { { Chelobsia ¥ esdays al 9 1 un der and tor virtue of Section’ 340" of the | Phone 60 tnire Avon ; land’s party which visited British) sources of this province as sév-|of the Royal Horse Guards, and|®™""™ ee ee , * “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m | Rasiway A ft rere shea. 06. ihe er c , | 3 a ’ ome | Visec Statutes o Canada 1906 order bad Cobantbia last summer and which eral of my clients purpose using!Sir Reginald Macleod, The for-| ENGLISH girl, stenographer, desires a po ae ats V aaa 4%, | to collect tolls, charges for storing ‘adver i! also included Lord Desborough) the tand for colonization pur-|mer owns 2,400 acres in the Ne- ee ail a? eee ee oe _ eee riday TOTS Daten at Prien ped rt, e C., this pecia Ss O ay: tI and Lord Charles Beresford.| poses,’ said Captain Hutton to-j|chacho Valley, which he intends |! tod, Br Gore : pe pany ae = ws onpeSat elit calla ci if YN OO, Ae, PaaS . arge wmitk ot es : ; | : oss gO, Propersy; Very Casy terms L. W. PATMORE, : Largely owing to his represen-| day to a representative of the}to visit next year Sir Reginald Apply 412 4th ave 92-98 | Solicitor for the Grand Trunk Pacinx ake Bicek 90. eect : tations the Duke of Sutherland) Province. “This will mean the|has pugetased 1,500 acres near | FOR SALE—One dory, one round and one} None safer on the coast than these two maliway: G0 a aro Bh . so rel iy * Nat bottomed bo 8 erring nets ’ ; Ss 1F GOODS 1 lot Sect i acquired large areas rf farm | sending out of-carefully selected] (Cuesnel Another titled investor The lot ; Hr E’ rea ey Del.» 80°95 fine passenger steamers } ee FERRED ro nee ti Block 16, Se | lands in the Fort George district | people, many direct from thejis Viscount Castlereigh, M. P.,| WANTED—contract 10,000 yds. sand and { Crate Vertical Engine ts 32 Block 34, S on the main line of the Grand} farms of their landlords. Apart) heir of the Marquis of London-| fixe! dpe per RUE an.” “Box dt, . inn | Reman Cerner, ond A } niles Ma rince i pe U2 2 > = 5! 2 oe Trunk Pacific Railway The from the favorable attitude of|derry Hi holdings’ compr News 93-98 | 2 Crates (2) Sheaves (eact St., Section 2 ee ! y. i i i ; s 0 omprise 93-98 | rd SS itnon ter @hanvok Lot | 10. § gets Duke, it is understood, will visit) last vear’s visitors the taxation} 1,500 acres in the Fort George|FOR SALE—Choice 222 acres, close to J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116) i Anvil epiengs .f at H : : a \ t am . ; cone n ae Wak ieee lates ah o ‘ * Fag , statoin; Ai soll; partly improved 1 Hoisting FE e kaa Reta ae so gee ; *, wer m ae measu : t py Bon avers district; also Mr, Alexander ploughing, jhay One Of she best loca. ee ae | + Crate Docking Bore | ; 0 yians or a coioniza-| George, ehancellor 0 1e @OX-j tu ipson, private secretary to the Ons oh SKeena iver ».U0U.00; ha ‘ . ee 2 Boxes, do Utensils | ; ae ‘ 3 down, balance to suit See or write LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. i Box Paint | tion ere ae ing the settie-|chequer, is contributing largely Duke of Sutherland. Mr. Simp- a E. Carpenter, Lorne Creek, B. C : | i Crate Cross Cut Saw | JOHN DYBHAVN f ment of his farm tenants on/ to the movement of the eapital/son is the owner 000 acres ak eo , | -' 2 Crate Swing Saw ve * these lands, His visft is expect ande opr ‘s abr on fo eat S-awher of" t, meen Skeena Land District—District of Coast 1 Duplex Pump | Phone 384 B19 ard & ms : é 8. : expect- | of landed proprietors abroad for|of land equally divided between Range V 1 do Engine | ee ed to be a short one, to be foi-| investment purposes. Looking|the Fort Geovge and Hazelton | 70 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ¢ Pris Sauter ihe fr , y . i Grindatone ie lowed by a second visit Sead ian den eh nt cane twa : ‘itish| distric his is to certify that I have this day Sh gpg oR pa dik BR env AR red ain. e ’ eco i in August, | around they realize that Briti hj di tricts received from the British Empir: Insur-| ! apply for pertnission to purchase the | i Chain, as : | ance Company, of Vancouver, B { , mms ‘at the ’ l a } i Pump ie —_—_____— . th gh the Mack Realty & Insurance Co.,! ,, ‘ . ence at th ! or B. east corner | ; Bec Pipe Fittings | a thetr local representatives, ehecve for) {> 0! 2! ea idee te ae); 48 Pieces Pines. f >a, AT. DAVIS £300.00, in Tull settlement of a claim for} ty’ bh undars ’ ane ee | 1 Reel Wire Rope ea te F. M. DA VIS loss of a hors sure Messrs, Mar of : | Bird Onn areal WATCHES j BOAT a. : oes: rse insured by Messrs, Martin eh tins mn ‘ , loss 40. the’ Gear Daunte! ; craps rs. : $ ) > " 27 vence north 20 chains more | < of suards I ‘Mi Machine Shop and Ship’ Dated at ‘i rince Rupert, B. C., this 18th) |. joss to the point of « ss | 2 Sheaves } A : ps day of April, 1912 I ren coches and » emergent mee & Li Carpente € i : containing acre m or Coils Wire Rope ‘© : 5000 GRAMOP. ONES> seed penne. ae pents pe rat ALEX. M. MANSON : E DURA lL. WRIGH? 1 Amalgam Safe, Lodge, U.D., A.F. & A.M if e an nox Gasoline Alfred E. Wright, Agent 2 Sks. Fish Plates H -HA Engines, Gasoline Engines and Ac- Dated April 22nd, 1912 | 2 Jackscrews x |held in the Masonic 1 cessories carried in stock, Just the Place Your Looking For, ''\) April 24 (7. pues Me | Tuesday, April 23rd "4 i $2500 GIFTS FREE 8 Crates Patent Eiectro Amalg. Sep-| Visiting and sojour! L Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf Skeena Land District—District of Coast 4 Take notice that Lottie McTavish, of/ #"4tors Vienna Cafe | vancrivct scintt hte, Megevish OF)" S"Koxes anodes for Above | invited. ’ 1 Roll Wire Cloth JAS. M ARMICHAEI! ' £*\ ||? |SEND NO MONEY . se intends to apply for permission to pur IAS { } |} chase the follo yr des eC ds 1 Sack Wood Boiler Tube Plug oe : ae ont ome . | THE ' T Marie Vindar j C “1 me necing rg post laniea th chains 1 Reel Wire ( able . . | of = tary ol eae of Someone eee. | ivi SI GE CU lon ‘ooking Table gj | porth and 40 chains east from the nortt > Dollies : Se Latest Cinemstograph ventas Boreas + |Home Cooking : Table. Board | act corner f Lot 1116, Harvey's survey 10 kegs Galv. Nails t corner 0 0 6 arvey’s Survey *t oF Wupeg Comics, Ei and - petal lowe, Glated THE SYSTL > 831 Third Ave. ast District, Range V, thence 80 eee 1 Roll Wire Cloth re ee oo ave conte, al! oe two ~ ae M BUILT UP, ~ onet i = oe 60 cosins nerth, thence 80 ‘ nasi we | i. woe ve you a Handeome Prese: nt : iain wes 7 thence 60 chaps south to 1. Box. Getatt ndensers and Molds. | ie \. you n o is sen ‘ - 0st oO ommencement, and containing Anna: oaks pine Po your mame and address and we send c 4 ‘ ‘ ’ 430 acres, more or less 1 Case Packing and Lamps ’ Yount Gace an assortment of Caste and oer The function of Mathieu’s Valhalla of Ss. H. & E. Fe wu M’TAVISH ; praws Gepers tt : atest catalogue con ng over ti ¢ : ms (SCANDINANIAN S$ v Johler 4 MO, ————— if Bice Prins ichuding Watches, Russian Pus nyree of Tar and Cod Liver Oil | AMEN ANIAN HOSEPER? | Pated April 16, 1012, py oem 1 Case Hheostat, } on: re. Gramo) on » 2ets eve y 4 , ‘ub Apr 2 y ASE Eiectrica nstruments + Melodeons, eae Iueerumente” is to do this double duty. Meets every “nd and 4th Tuesday as oe ! Iron Snateh Biock ie 6 and 7, Block 3, Section 1 : Roller Skates, Rifles, Dolls, Toys, The Tar cures the cough. p.m, in the hail at 319 3rd Ave. nt a 1 Bdl. Track Iron } Cinematographs, Genuin uto- The Cod Liver Oil st h ' 1 Iron Plate. re Barve, &6., Se. We trust Strengthens # IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH 2 Sacks Bolts | i use veel ve a corde oad oe ul oe stem. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, LUMBIA } i fice Bola ave Peers gee oe meno No other agents equal these, Take notice that nugeaens W. Agnew IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA 5 Bdls, Rods ? “* Ppt yg no other combination is so success- I Prince Rupert, . cy civil, engineer, TION at T 7 Bais Washers vs remember you t th ae acling a® agen or Porpoise Harbour Lan ant ° ad pate 4 cat cone wae ful as Mathieu's Syrup of Tar | Conjany, ‘Limited, of Victoria, B.C. in-|1\ THE MATTER of the Estate | Bel. Aaks 6 \ ud Cod Liver Oil. len to apply for’ permission to lease the OGREZON we Estate of ELI 1 Box Fittings | Lot 9, Block 30, Section ¢ ONE CENT OF Y o : following described lands: he ICH, Deceased, Intestate 2 Drums Calcium Carbide ’ _So wonderful is this remedy Commencing at @ post planted on the - Lomoen. : UST ; AT ONCE—NOW TO tat it is shipped each season in | }'#), Waler mark of Lot 446, Rango 5, TAKE NOTICE that by order of His| 49 Box, Boller dus 8 | Coast district, at the mouth of Woif Creek|Nonor Judge Young, made the 20th a: + cast iron Crete. par ACTE &CO., Ld. (Dept, 97 ) 85 Fleet St. London Eng. | car-loads. Large bottle 35 cents, | estuary on [ake Wainright, thence west| of April, 1912, 1 was appointed omer oo) 1 Smoke Stack . 9 . we to low water mark, thence northerly and! ministrat opr @ oMicial ad ! Carioad Wooden Water Pipe Sold everywh ,. y and 1 f the estate of tt ai f Wh = . Apa a f easterly following the low water mark) Ogrezovich, deceased an 1 all : ar thes? oe Box Eneine “ en headache and fever are present with tO 4 pulnt due vorth « z theas ( ing sims ain 6 ~—s Ores av 1 Box Engine Parts arms | » cold take, Machieu's Nervine cacons with 136 hy aS . rn the ports eat ton ine w : ag sinst the said acetate are i Quantity Lumber | Call at office and get Te Sa | re 'uce the fever and allay the pain, J. thence south t' high water mark, isence| ly verified to me on oe hep eee! i Bal, Windows | Mathieu Co,, Props., Sherbrooke, Que. a westerly and “southerly following high day. a . 10 me On a ns the first 6 Doors al versons in | water mark to point© of commencement. | debted to thi ; eae innit tnccailes | Disirloutore for Western Canada. PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, | to pay the amount of ale, 428 biedness e al ews Foley Bros., Larsen & Company, Inc 2 2g Ca to me forthwsa wedness! At Mrs, Frizzell’s for every- Ltd. , ” ugustus W. Agnew, Agent Hated the 20th day of April 1912 thing in ladies apparrel. fixe a en 0., jrated April oth, 1912 | WINNIPEG VANCOUVER SASKATOOON!) |) Abels. Pr Ome eet mw. AD 1912 i OMeial admis ans x! Street, Empress Block, GRCOND AVENUE