i Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, uaggage ana roveiues . MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Accessories Make the Woman . . . AND PEOPLES STORE HAVE THE ACCESSORIES Just Arrived! FINE IMPORTED KID GLOVES Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia I'NCLE SAM'S ISLAND Puerto Rico, the United States' 'argest West Indies island, has a population of 1.800,000. We Also Carry BELMONT CO. Ladles' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 9G0 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box1 196 J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Matorials. Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station FVVY r.TER TOO A skunk eats its weight in food several timei over during a week. Scratching Affirt Itch Fat Far quic k reJitffruffl itchinf al ectemt, pimple, tl-ku't ('(, cale, aeaUea, rabat and oUmt ntarnalJf caoitfii tkin trouble, oe Ut-actin(. cooling, aau-rptir, liquid U. D. D. Preacripbrm. GmMlH. uinka. Snotht irrftatioa and qujrkJy atom intmaa itHiifiK. 3 trial buttle prpait,ormonba4-k. Aik your drniiiat today fut D-D.D, PRESCRIFTIO.N. NOTICE Thore desirous of PREMIUMS for CHRISTMAS GIFTS wii! kindly leave their orders wVi ms on or before Nov. vah. After that date we canrxt guarantee Premiums for Christmas delivery. MUSSxVLLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAR DEN A EVERY FRIDAY 10:30 p.m. m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 It's a Bfue River registered Diamond Ring. She will be proud and happy to wear it foreTer. Guaranteed quality and exquisite design at every price. mi ' i n r.Ti rmr7-. TENDERS TENDERS FOR EXCAVATING 2 LOTS, NO. 11 AM) 15, BLOCK 3G, SEC. 1, OPPOSITE post orncE. For Information See Killas and Christopher Commodore Cafe B. C. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE. 10 STUDIO SETS 3 pieces, In latest models and $A00 $ftt50 calors priced $ from 39V92 I!rIt'l fl CITtTrc 3 CHESTERFIELD ii.s SUITES ouulo n 79V125 2 USED CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced $650 n oo from J42V49C 50 MATTRESSES priced from ... SQ00 $()Q50 fj to iu 21 HOOKED RUGS at $ 25 2 ENGLISH CHINA DINNER SETS $fi)A50 $Q.50 at Vand lL PHONE BLACK 321 4 ,s PAGE POUR THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving We were fortunate in securin? a. i substantial stock of imported J? Gloves. Don't miss this opportunity . . . Styles and sizes for all and at last year's prices too. You'll Find What You Want Here: PURSES - HANDKERCHIEFS FLOWERS HOSIERY JEWELERY SCARVES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" i THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 TOP TITLES from the Book Lists "THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM" (Cronin) S2.75 "THIS ABOVE ALL" (Knight) 2.75 "THE HILL OF DOVES" (Ctoete) S3.00 "THE WHITE CLIFFS" (Miller) $U5 "I HAVE LOVED ENGLAND" pie tu res (Miller) S3J50 "THE AMAZING SUMMER" (Gibbs) $2.75 "ONE RED ROSE FOREVER" (Jordan) $3.00 "THE SUN IS MY UNDOING" (Steen) $3.25 "CAPTAIN PAUL" (Elteberg) $3X0 "A THOUSAND SHALL FALL" (Habe) $3.75 "THAT DAY ALONE" (van Paassen) 51.50 "BLOOD. SWEAT AND TEARS" (Churchill) $3.75 "BERLIN DIARY" (Shirer) $3'75 "MY NEW ORDER" (Hitler) 53 00 All of the above and many Mew books are now in stock. Every efort will be made to maintain a complete sto k from now until Christmas, but delays in delivery are unavoidable and everyone is urged to make their selection at once. All books at Publishers' advertised prices. COME IN . . . LOOK THEM OVER, AND LET US HOLD YOUR SELECTION UNTIL NEEDED. DOGFISH LIVERS UP KETCHIKAN Article In Chronicle Says Pries Reached 30! Cents Wednesday How much is dogfish liver worth? The November 5 td-ion ol ihe Ketchikan Chronicle nas uie following arucie in regard u -ne demana there: How much was dogfish Uvj worth? That was the qu:ion local fishermen gleefully speculated upon today as b.duing li ms Rapid's approximate 2100 pounds, which staued Monday, niu continued, uy eany auerncon latest bid was 30Vz ceiu a pound. Gilmore Rolie, iei.re:nung juae: Products, maae ine b.a. ine o.ne. buyer, C. L. Cloudy, representing Washington la coi agones, was awaiting a wire from George Bur-chard, director of the firm, advising him whetner or not to iaise the bid. Moie than a week xo Mr. Bur.ftard, ui ann-juiin ;s.uo-ZLshment of a vitamin oil plant ncie in paiuieiiaip wiui Saimon By Products corporation, gave an opening price of 12 cens a pound. This summer buyers were pay-n 5 and 6 cents a pound. bu. wnen ine Rapd showed up Monday WiUi ils liver, Laes Pro-uut, leprujented by Mr. Robe, aiso was in the field. His concern has machinery for Kechncan on the way, w,th which to start production of vitamin oils in oie near future. Since w.cnday, PtCe Baade, sk.p- per of th Rapid, has wakened I with pleasure the valuj of his trip steadily rise. When it reached 2u cents Monday afternoon Rolie wr-.d his firm as to whether or not he should go higher. With pauses to await wires from ..heir itspei-ive firms, the buyers have been bidding off and on ever since. Whether or not the end is near was not even known by the buyers this afternoon. In Sta-tii do,:,.ish ilver over the w eek - end was bringing as miui as 40 cents. Alaskan dogfish, however, are nu. supposed to be worth as much, Jice :.: .'s believed their livers do not yield oil with as high a .itam.n ettney as oJ from dogfish caught in the south. The local buyers may be trying io find out just how much their firms are willing to pay, it is believed. Captain Baade and Hns Olson, who fished with him on the Rapid, are not the only local fishermen watching their catch ris in value. The Sentinel, skippered by L. P. Sunderland, delivered about 650 pounds of dogfish liver Monday to Alaska Fish Products with the understanding that the Sentinel will lrpplvo tho morl-nf ...1 lever that is determined. The Rapid is unloading its trip this afternoon sa it ran j be 'kept in cold storage, although ;the ultimate buyer is still undeter- 1 1 1 minea. Two black cod trips sold yesterday afternoon. The Delight sold 10,000 pounds to the New England Fish Company and the Balder sold 14,000 to Alaska Fish Products, both at 7 cents a pound. fcf tVt Liquoi Control BowJ by (J Gt'tnuMM of irtiAi Coluabl Uueen Mary Chap. Ko!ds Meeting Queen Mary Chapter. I. O. D. E. were in regular session on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. Wrathall, Fifth Avenue West. Huslne s was largely of a routine nature. A large bale of used woollen goods has bjen collected and will be made into blankets for the bembed-out people of Britain. Ihe committee in charge reported good progress being made in connection with the round trip to Vancouver raffle which will b drawn on De.ember 9 at the Capitol Theatre. A donation was also given to provide heavy Indian-made socks for the Navy. Sawmill Plant at Smithers Sold to ; Fowler & Collison SMITHERS. Nov. 7: Fowler & Collison have purchased the sawmill plant known as the Hlcken-botham miil on Seymour Lake near Smittiers. R. J. Collison will be in Jull charge bf mill operations and it Is the intention to cut lumber for the eastern market. They have a good outfit and a good stand of timber, chiefly , spruce and some hemlock. The" outfit is not far from the railway J and th?re ? goud road. Another par-roll in R-"'rs. will be quHe a it is vy6 c -e the younger men taking hold of industry. House Warming For John Smith At Hazelton HAZELTON. November 7: An ever.: or interest in iiazeiion re-xn ly was the house warming in the new home of John Smith, when a large crowd of friends gathered to bring good wishes and toi.ni jiutions to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Th tables very veiy tastefully laid for an enjoyable supper, after v. n.cn s-e.ai speeches were made. Among those speaking were several chiefs, including Stephen Morgan of KUsegukla, Robert Wilson of Kispiox, Moses Jones 0! Kitsegukla, and Tom Campbe.. and John Smith of Hazelton. Peter Wale and Major A. F. Parkinson of Glen Vowell also spoke and Mr. Woods and Mr. Waij sang a duet. One very Interes ing aspect of the evening wan .he relating of several of the old Indian legends and "a number of the old native customs and ceremonies. In closing Major Parkinson piayed God;-blessing upon the r.?w h ne. CARDIGAN'S RETURN SYDNEY, N.S.W., Nov. 7: tf A 10-year-old London girl, evacuated to Australia, was adopted by a woman who recognized a cardigan the girl was wearing as one she had knitted herself and sent to England for a comforts fund. WAR WEDDINGS Last year's marriage rate in England was the highest in it., history. each ODD CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS from, each I'l.one 775 THANK YOU LADIES and GENTLEMEN 'or your grand reception and record attendance yesterdav hi, our reward for helping t0'ffiai one of the most magnificeat entertainments in screen history. UNA TDBNEH HE0Y LAMARR JUDY CART. nun !32! JAMES STEWART appearing in flIWV Extra! World News and Colored Cartoon Complete Shows u n f 12 03. i 14, 4 48 7 22, 9 iiS l 12 CO 2 Zi A. Mackenzie Furniture ill MA GOOD PLACE TO BUY" GOOD ASSORTMENT O PULL-UP CHAIRS priced at $-i 50 STI'DIO COl Well cods' ... at- ill CM earn M DAY-NITE I.Ol NGES-First - c'.d priced a; sC)-3 32 Tluro Arc, Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver lhunU:i) al 11:15 p.m, calling at Ocean Kalis and PotJ River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m Air-Conditioncd Sleeping and Dining t .r For full Information, rcservat r: e'.: . call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Ave., Phone 260, Trince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Au t -ei FOR MEN ONLY HOLDRITE LASTEX BELT With Two Detachable Pouches FOR $2.25 Supports the Back Supports Stomach Muscles - No More Tired Feeling Easily Washed Sizes 32 to 40. ' Ormes ltd. Jfm Pioneer Drtuzfffat THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 Pro' t