FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 1941. CANIDA'S, ' " " " mm. Local Car Dealer Reports Extent Of Ford War Work Bob Parker Returns From Important Meeting At Vancouver And Is Enthused Over New .Models Bot Parker of S. E. Parker Ltd. season on ame nhing in Alaska and no ten q, required. Notice Piirons and friends of Jdcal Cleaners are invited to bring in "Je' cleaning soon, being that we stabllshment will be closing November 15 for a week's duration Wle moving to the new location. E. EVENSON, Proprietor. RONALD BRIDGETT En8lish Singer and Broad-taster for IJKC and CBC Is open to Coach a few pupils ln SINGING AND REPERTOIRE Phone Red 921 BREAKFAST FOOD QUAKER OATS 'BECAUSE. . . Ifl Tiriftj a big package of Quaktt Oati eivti you over 30 hie servings. Less than lc each big bowL It'l Hot 136 out of 159 dietitians la t recent surrey recommended hot ceresl for the average family. Quaker Oats is ready to eat in 2H minutes. It'l Healthful Quaker Oats Is whole grain oatmeal, rich source of food energy. Up to 50K richer than many cereals in proteins for firm, solid flesh. Whole-grain Oatmeal is an excellent source of Thiamin (Vitamin Bi) in the entire Vitamin B Complex, in nature's own proportion. Legion Auxiliary 'Fancy Work Shower Letter Telling That Recent Ship-1 ment Is on Its Way to he-I lieve Suffering. Last evening at the Legion Hall 'the rpwnlar mooting r 1 -'a J ...v U 1 'the Women's Auxiliary Canadian mur .fi fr m Vancouver this glon neia 1tn a very sat-week wnere h? attended a general factory attendance of members mer:::. of Ford dlers of British In sPite of the weather. Mrs. Wil-rnMimcia 0:1 Thursday. October illam Rothwell, the president, .was in the chair and routine business Bob ... enthusiastic about the I occupied the tilst Part of the eve-' i342 Pord ; nd Mercury cars which nirS- : urp th; finest this com-' Concluding arrangements forj panv ru..- ever produced. Poppy Day, church parade, Armis-1 O! .. with the company's "ce Dav and tne annual fall ba-mamv:: m in- plant so extensive-1 zaar were made- A shower of' 0 :;;...-:s-r in war work, the sup-fancv work t0T tne bazaar result. piv Dt nrw cars will be drastically I ed ln several handsome donations I A 1-4 1 9 1 mruueo However, trie new mod-(n ieutr was received ana reaa deemed, built' and. styled rom tne president of provincial u-. itHjg ill and economical ser-' command, Mrs. Beth Curry, which :e aid Bob. 1 said in part: "You will be pleased tr addition to having a preview to hear that your shipment of 01 he new cars, Bob heard ad-, floods for bombed areas in Britches oy R M. Sale and E. F. ain k n the way. I received them ifiliaro company executives from n September 19 and am pleased Wind-:) Ontario, and saw a mo-tto say that tney are ln perfect trm r!' urn cVi-Mi."rnr v, ..ti pnnrtltlnn Our nrn'prs on v?H ' f J - Dv. o4wwis tiiC CA.lliL 1 Central under jurisdiction of H. B. Camp bell of Smithers, instead of under Andrew Thompson. Yesterday an extremely inter esting address was given by Major Lowe of the Signals, on the general subject of signalling and lis growth in connection with army work. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. Oddfellows' Dance, November 7. Cambral Chapter Telephone Bridge, Nov. 14. Alex Hardie and L. M. Cong- Scotch Dance Nov. 15. Oddfel- don, city; F. M. Steam, Burns Hal, Aamlssi0n 35c. Lake; J. G. Stearn and E. Boss-j ner, Tintagel; J. Hagan, Vancou-i ver. Right Rev. Bishop Rlx was a visitor at Stewart over the week end, at the village at Hyder and at Premier. The B. C. Gazette announces the cancelling of Lawn Hill as a rural school district. This dis trict Is In the area between SUJde-age and Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. . The area of the small debts court of the Prince Rupert district, has been curtailed on the west and a portion of it Included W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. Nov. 19. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. Rebekah Nov. 21. Catholic Tea. Nov. 27. Dance, I.O.O.F. Hall, 102nd Auxiliary December 6. Mrs. Hanklnson, Masonic Organ Committee Dance Nov. 28. Lutheran 29. Circles Bazaar, Nov. United Bazaar, December 4. Tea, Legion, THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Poppy Tag Day Saturday. (261) C. C. F. Bridge, Toe H. rooms, 710 2nd Ave. W., Nov. 8. 8:30 pm. "They served till death, why not we." Wear a poppy in remem-'j Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colllson have brance. 202 ' returned to their home in Smith-' trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. O. Larsen sailed r ers. Mrs. H. B. Stylos sailed on the, Prince George last night for a . n.ji. tMinn n t? t. Church Parade, Sunday, November '9. Fall in at Legion at 10:30 for service at Baptist Church. Medals. on the George last night for Van- berets to be worn tuuyer enruuie 10 vising, Aioena. (262) nron.ni7ii.firm. .nH tnHivtH,iJ Window dressing competition requiring Poppy Wreaths should If"chan1tsJ 0X9 ,n,f dr0eSS place their orders at once at Oiei"" W"1UW"3 o.jr - Canadian Legion. (262) Mr. Eby, who is In the hardware business in Smithers sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. memorance uay. ioj Members of the Women's Canadian Legion fall In for church parade 10:30 ajn. at Legion Hall, Sunday, November 9. Miss Marjorie Kenney Is leav-i Steamer Prince Rupert Is due to ing on tonight's train 'for her arrive this afternoon at 3:30, the home ln Terrace where she will! delay being due to weather con-attend the marriage of her sister, -ditlons. Lorraine. ' . - ' Mr. William Blckle has arrived j in the city from Grassy Plains, TRAVELLERS BROUGHT NEWS OF A WONDERFUL BLADE-fits All DOUBLE- RAZORS' Iljillt!n Brltlih Emiitl- NOW MADS IN CANADA ' ' . CjLJ COHMNTCEO TO I liriesrteilini EcinoiM ... lflt ACanadlan Legion, B.E.S.L. Armistice Banquet, the Armouries, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. for members of the Legion and Ex-service men only. Tickets should be purchased of vat prcdurtion in the great tnem ior their safe arrival and at once from members of the exe- Foro oiant at Windsor. Nearly 13,-' hope that they will help ln manyjcutlve. (2C2) 050 workers are busy day and!wavs of relieving a little of the 0 producing equipment' for suffering of the people who are fcptn. armies. taking the brunt of the battle for The Ford company ln Canada freedom." u .he iane.n single source of nUtarv automotive equipment ln HOTEL ARRIVALS e Br.;i.;h Empire and has al- '-uppio our ngnung men with mar than 100,000 fighting machine:. 'Fcro Trince Rupert Mr. F. B. Roberts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Haan and P. Haan, ai ithe United States Is Onepn Charlotte Islands: E. Mar- iow pouring 1,850 and 2,000 shall and Bdr. and Mrs. J. M. norsepowo engines for war planes. Sparks, city: Herbert L. Randall There , aiso a mammoth bomber and E. N. Da vies, Ketchikan; R. warn tearing completion for the E. McLeod, Allford Bay; M. V. production of B-24D bombers, and Gaxton, Prince George; William Wans arP underway for the pro- Blckle, Grassy Plain; W. J. Deans, auction of medium and heavy Vancouver; Mrs. Bodnar, Barrett; ante tn Ford's Immense Rouge Mrs. H. S. Keiser and Rosemary, Piani m Detroit," Bob reports. Inverness; Stanley Gray, Ktmber- " 1 ley; M. O'Rourke, Saskatoon; A. SPORT PARADISE F. Williams, C.N.R. There 13 no closed bringing with him another load of cattle for Burns & Co., Ltd. Those who try to amuse them-! selves by calling the police are finding it rather expensive. The last man who did it was fined $25 ' when It was found that there was no good reason for doing so. I CUSSIFItO FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT A fully equipped confectionery store and light lunch counter, formerly known as Dominion Dairy Store. Easy terms to reliable party. Phone Black 608. FOR SALE 1930 Chrysler Sedan, in very good condition. Phone Fred Wesch, at 118. FOR SALE Quebec Heater, brick- lined. Phone Red 976. (262) MALE HELP WANTED i CALENDAR and Advertising Spe cialty Salesman. Full or part time, exclusive territory, highest commissions, start Immediately, year contract. Apply Box 521, London, Ont. (261) WANTED WANTED Girl for housework; full or part time. Phone 672. (263) FOR RENT FOR RENT Bed-slttlng room, close In. Single man preferred. Phone Green 491. PERSONAL A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Other Interests compel me to dispose of the Central News and Coffee Shop. Fast action may secure Daily Province franchise. Good steady trade that can be further developed. See Geo. Johnstone at Central News. CANADA HUM MEN 'J&BmvMBm - : ,..wmBiawiW! Ik L7m WHITE HORSE $4.10 gg His honour the lieutenant-governor ln council has been pleased to cancel the appointment of Thomas E. Taylor, of Burns Lake, as a stipendiary magistrate in and for the County of Prince Rupert, and as a small debts court magistrate. Says the Victoria Times: Pte. George Burns borrowed a pair of long trousers just after his Hth 1 reputation at Work Point, however, for he Is leaving for Prince Rupert. Dunstar, B.C., is his home town. When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Kildal Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll ln Prince Rupert. I 1 SCOTCH WHISKY WHITE HORSE DISTILLERS LTD., GLASGOW WH2 ( I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FUNERAL NOTICE All members of Moose Lodge are requested to attend Funeral Service of Brother Wm. Haynor at Eagles' Hall Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Funeral Notice NOTICE TO EAGLES You are requested to attend the birthday and joined the Canadian Funeral of the late Brother Wll- j Expeditionary Force sent to France'; Nam Hayner at the Eagles Hall ln the last war. Now he is a. "big Sunday afternoon at 2:30. man." In fact, he Is probably the j 1 j biggest man at Work Point. He ' Barrow, Alaska, is the northern- j I stands 6 feet 4 inches and weighs most town on the American con-: Mrs. Isabell Eastman and three 230 pounds. He can't hold his-tinent. I children sailed on the Prince George last evening for Vancouver where they will take up future residence. Miss M. Sutherland sailed last! night on the Prince George for Vancouver where she will residj , with relations. She was accom-! panled by Mrs. Ritchie. ! When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHON 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates t TO MIDDLE AFRICA LONDON, Ndv. 7: 0" Lord Huntingdon, governor of Victoria, Australia, 1934-1939, has been appointed governor of Southern Rhodesia, succeeding Sir 'Herbert Stanley, whose term expires January 7. mm A Deposit Will Hold Any of These Toys Until Xmas 10 Only Doll Prams $8.93. 2 Fibre Carriages SB and $8 10 Boys' Wagons - SL50, $6.50 and $10.30 9 Kiddie Kars - S2.50, S3.00 and $4.00 3 Scooters $4.95 and SG.00 8 Velocipedes $9.75, $10.50, $12.00 and $14.00 36 Wheelbarrows 95c, $1.25 and $3.00 5 Kindergarten Sets $5.50 5 Child's Rockers $3.95 6 Baby Walkers S4.30 24 Baby Swings $1.G5. 5 Baby High Chairs $7.50 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn. FfflYourBHtMOW! Are you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and advice of our qualified fuel experts. We are prepared to fill your coal needs now at lower prices from stock on hand. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay ln a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 TUONE 117 WIDE OPEN SALE ON 1 0 Discount Have You Been Down to the Variety Store Yet? If not, there's not much time to lose. This Sale will be over SATURDAY NIGHT AT 10 P.M. Come, come, come to the Variety Store for Christmas Cards for your overseas mailing. Remember SATURDAY is the LAST DAY OF THIS SALE at the Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" 330 THIRD AVE. W. PHONE RED 120 t