1 Ifi R00PS FOR CAUCASUS I. n the r. .. II. M Witli That Far. Turkey, Noy. 7: ..1 t ,f 4.. U mnnting military bordering the Russian w.'-ii a stream of fresh diawa from the Empire andi American - made tanks t- hur.ci States military mls- 1 -T ., cc. ( u. . . -J kr.l.U. in ;;:U'.io organization ana -! r pair and supply for . ; pines. ll El I I VJl. RUMANIANS - mude in America o .shipped to Russia. Leaf Canadian Na-; Limited from Chi. c.a arrived today at Xuuon with an add-a r containing skis l!r..icsota and shipped Plui They are Deing ..ie Canadian National v were transferred , . to ..t. Express" to leave c stern Canadian port .iipment overseas. The contained approxi-. Jiousand pair of skis. I TV . 1 1 1 1 IllllilllllllV Civic Centre Fund t uurr .ire xei cxpeciru Dt- fore Final Closing of Fund. W., L.,3 it- r- Civic Centre cam-(irlaUy closed, contri-inue to come ln for r $ 5.00 Gi Looks;. 5.03 K Bi FLsheries 25.00 W H lov. Electric Co 5.00 Caie Of Vooi D- Ktunson v... no Christopher, Com- codoti. cafe A- Mcli.toTfi . . Mr -.tcr Youth Association 10.00 3.00 2.00 15.00 2.00 10.00 5.03 side of this struggle and ' more masters of our own Great Changes in City Says Visitor sob very great changes In QUOTAS AIRMEN LEAVING Regular Contingents of Training Plan Graduates Leaving for ; Service Overseas. By FRANK FLAHERTY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA, Nov. 7: W; Men in air" force blue crowd the trains leading to eastern Canadian ports as the schools of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan graduate increasing number-, of pilots observers and wireless op-erators-alr gunners for service overseas. A little more than a year ago the first class trained under the plan received their wings at No. 1 Service Flying Training School. i Camp Borden. Shortly after that " . . A B A I f I WitWVO VI VUJL1 llld AULA Open Port on Coast. WJNTE2AL. Nov" 7: 0,-Almost 1 i"1 Proficiency ln their w Newcastle Is theV : ,' ' r " ,v "" l;iiuuis reacnea smaii-scaie pro-.duction, wing presentations are almost a dally occurrence somewhere lri the nation-wide system of air training schools operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force. As each school discharges its monthly quota of trained men they find their .way, after a brief embarkation leave, to the trains leading to the eastern Canadian ports where they take'shlp for the scenes of battles across the Operate 90 Units VICTORIA, B.C. I j Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides Rupert and Queen Chars' She prmce Whites , . Islands Moderate to occa-J High 3:42 am 18.6 ft. fresh south winds, cloudy 15:23 p.m. 19.9 ft. J.'owarm with Intermittent rain. Low 9:30 am. 8.7 ft. 22:10 pm. 5.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ttLSXX NO. 261. . JO' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, .1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Find Weather Unpleasant KING INSPECTS U.S. OBSERVERS STATIONED WITH R.A.F. King George is shewn chatting with officer-, of the United States army stationed in England as observers with th Rca. Air Frce during a recent inspection. Body of William LOCAL LADY Calling Out Hayner Arrived P ASSES ON ore en or Last night s Irani four IVionths BM Death 0ttamd Occurred Suddenly Funeral of Well Known Under Where 34 schools and units of B c undertakers. The funeral the plan operated a year ago, 90 wlll be Suntiay from the Eagles' operate now. In the fall of 1939, Halli and members of the Moose when the war started, the Royal and les Lodges are asked to Canadian Air Force was stepping attend. up Its peace-time training pro- M- 'iiavner is well known in . i i tuni .... " Evening of Mrs. Lois Kinkade Nickerson ol This City. gram ana ui uecemocr oi tne city as one of the old timers ; ness. She had been 111 off and year uie uuycuuucuwui Auana-u, and a weU Known character. Fori0n for several years but appeared r,ew eaiana, ureat onuun uuu a number of years he earned on Canada Joined ln the British Lorn- a taxi business as auxiliary to monwealth Air Training Plan that of undertaking. He was wellim most of yesterday but the sud- agreement. The first of the network of .schools called for by the plan ln the united States. f -,v more are expected .opened at the end of April, 1949. the Hazelton Hospital v.ing are those -who Schools operating now, with two . , ibed since the last list number a year ago in brackets, ned: 'are as follows: er schools (3); eight bombing and gunnery schools (1); lour wireless schools (2); two air navigation schools (1); six initial training schools (2); five manning de-nots (3);. and 13 miscellaneous NEW Ann r r- .t 'rvmmv Krhnnk and airdromes pie- Minister Winston Churchill , pared for them by the R.C.A.F. 3 unction tour of Tyneslde Now British schools of all types ""i'l MIC ft Q flnr. t n.l 1-. M An I- I . ir CI:' my lodav w Vinvo rn!Pi are settline here v V W JJUVUVH w Strength of The air personnel engaged in the B.C.A.T.P. numbers more than aince I was here last," . Canadian Canadian " ft McDonald, commercial ' ' ' for the Canadian Na- or; 'his morning. "The patly Improved and I tr' changes 'ahead," the aid, Rnnnn ,ivi .a vear ago. Both BETTER SIGHT MORE SfECS 26 elementary flying training TwnfW Nnv 7. ffiMore snec. schools 112); 16 service flying 4 .m -M Ma . . r ,n training schools (3;; 10 air observ- advanced In years and had been 111 for some time. He was" born units (7). , t- .jjiiun tn tim soVionis onrr- oi recruits ,. dLL'U UL1U11 WtV ever He died a$ the nation's eyesight has never been better, reason being that glasses now are worn for precision work by persons who went without them before. entering training are i an inrrpas- strict official secrets. A year ago IB w,.nr, nn nmhPr of Purely British when the first class received their a Camp Borden r orce - E Eyolfson-Z:::: 5.0000 are establishing in Can:wings Again Masters Of Own Destiny Says Churchill 'ada. This movement was l"", ,V that umbered 35. Igettlng under way in the fall ofact 11941 after the fall of France Silent on Numbers Woe it desirable to move. Now, however, with Canadian-France airmen growing factor trained a made It desirable to move L much L possible of British air In the balance of air power -to the numbers are a matter of keen Cinlnc war 0f T activity out of range e?emy bomber" At first only ad-ji"terest to the enemy and silence lentmy. " I. . narL tnlls the rule. Some indication of vancea units cume hj , the volume is provided, by the fact it has been found necessary to set up special embarkation depots to handle airmen awaiting transport overseas. Co-lncldent with the training of aircrew men for fighting duties the training of staff and ground officers and men as com- crew personnel goes on. That pro- jul(.u . - figures Include aircrew in training and instructional, mechanical and administrative staffs of the various schools. They do not include air force personnel of the home -war establishment guarding coasts or uanaaiaiw in Canadian serving overseas cither formations or with the Royal the plan to Air Force, graduates of fThe number of trainees at any fvlvon timiV the number finishing month by month and the number gram upon which, in the first days of the plan, the whole scheme depended was expected to slacken off as the flying training schools came into operation with complete staffs, The recent decision to staff the 25 squadrons into which Canadian aircrews serving with the Royal Air Force are being organized with Canadian ground crews, called for den end was most unexpected r.nd naturally was a great shock to her family and large circle of friends. Mrs. Nickerson was born in Col orado Springs and would have been 45 years of afee in a few days. She and Mr. Nickerson celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday of this week. OTTAWA, Nov. 7: Oj The Na erson wife of George W. Nicker- training period beginning next son one of the best known of month. Prince Rupert's citizens. British Columbia wlll provide Mrs. Nickerson returned only 151 men who have not yet been the day before from the south called out and 89 who have al- where she went to meet her hus- ready undergone 30 days' band who had been east on busl- ing. to be in fairly good health and spirits almost to the last. She . was ARMISTICE PARADE Final Arrangements N'earinR Completion for Armistice Day. The Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., will as heretofore commemorate RhP iM-vM hesldes her husbaid. Remembrance Day, Tuesday, Nov. her mother, Mrs. Ella Kinkade, with a memorial service at the and other ' relatives in Kansas, cenotaph commencing at 10:55 She came to Prince Rupert as a a-m- sharp, young girl and had spent the Preceding the service there will whole of her adult life In the city be a parade headed by a detach-and was widely known as a most rnent of provincial police, follow-generous and loyal friend by hun- ed in turn by overseas nursing dreds of those who were fortunate sisters, veterans and ex-service Pnnueh to be among them. naval, military and air force in the Catholic Church and was and parties carrying wreaths and a faithful daughter of the church. The funeral will take place from the Church of the Annunci ation early next week. TERRORISTS RESPONSIBLE FOR CRIME VICHY, Nov. 7: W The arrest of an alleged group of terrorists Powerful Offensive ! Is Developing Before Moscow by Russians Communications Being Reopened Which May Raise Seige of Leningrad Berlin Says Weather Is Responsible For Move. LONDON, Nov. 7: (CP) A Russian counterattack on the Volokolamsk sector appears to be developing into a powerful offensive which may completely reopen the Moscow - Leningrad communications and relieve the siege of Leningrad, informed sources said tonight. LONDON, Nov. 7: (CP) A German retreat was reported today in the Volokolamsk sector before Moscow today while London observers speculated on the possible British plans for the establishment of a second fighting front. The Red Army has driven German armored units from position after position in an area 65 miles northwest of Moscow said war despatches as a London source CTT A I IWQ said plans for a second front were J X jTLi 11 1 J "ready to be put Into effect when the time was considered oppor- tune." ! BERLIN, Nov. 7: Q) A German' military commentator declared to- Says day that a German drive against Moscow has been stopped by weather conditions which prelude major military operations, but as-, serted that in the Crimea the Axis armies have pushed artillery within range of the big naval base ' TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Mines train- arandview 17 Bralorne 10.50 Cariboo Quartz 2.10 Hedley Mascot 46 Pend Oreille - 1.70 Pioneer 2.05 Premier 66 Privateer .47 Reno 4 .11 Sheep Creek 83 Oils Calmont - 15 C. St E. 1.20 Prior to her marriage she has units, sea cadets, scouts, Women's " am been secretary to Premier Pattullo. Auxiliary of the Legion, Women s Antonio 222 Mrs. Nickerson was brought up Service Corps, I.O.D.E., Girl Guides Gordon .93 Q, Sherritt flowers. The parade marshall will , . be Colonel C. W. Peck, V.C., DJ3.0. ' No lamnnrW k Both the Second Canadian Scot tish and Legion Pipe Bands will participate. Immediately following the me-mortal service at the cenotaph the parade will reform' with the exception of the Women's Auxiliary of the Legion, and members of the I.O.D.E., and march past the saluting base at the Federal Building on Third Avenue where the salute will be taken by the parade marshall, Colonel C. W. Peck, V.C., D.S.O. is said to have been responsible clemcnt the memorial service will fn hn assassination Of Lt.-Col. t L.i j , x i - rr., t w. v.. - oe nelQ ln lae apniu meant: , . ., " . , i FripHrirh Holtz. German comman- , . 1ft.KK of the theory. It was a dark col . tuiuiucutuiB ttl, iu.j a.m. Oliaip. - . . der at Nantes, It was claimed to- Doors wlu ned ftt 10.15 am.ored creature about eight l-V...j inches day by the police. . Programs of the service will be' of which is tail, the !Ji...K..tJ t,. 1 Uttle chap was very drowsy, seem- BRIGHTER LONDON LONDON, Nov. 7: Twenty- a continuance of the ground crew five theatres were running in Oc- nrosrant, much of which Is car- .tober in London as compared with Should the weather be too in come Picked Up On City Sidewalk LATEST Germany Must Burst Under Weight of Own Crimes Within Maybe a Year. MOSCOW, Nov. 7: B Joseph Stalin today gave Hitler "maybe a year" before Hitlerite Ger many must burst under the taker to Be Held on Sun- War Services 1 ... dep,artmentSgba5topoL,.He.sald the.weathAweight other own Crimean 7- " Afternoon. -.The -death defender on the Moscow front had be- address on the 24th anniversar? versary , , , ,,, .aeniy iasi evening aoout b ociock aepartmeni naa requisiuonea lour come such that large-scale oper . The body of the late William aj her home on Fifth Avenue thousand men in category A for ations were not feasible I Hayner arrived on the train last West of Mrs. Lois Kinkade Nick- a four-month compulsory military night and is at the chapel of the of the Bolshevik revolution. Stalin said that all Russia was engaged in a single fighting campaign with inexhaustible supplies of manpower, adding that Germany, counting on the Red Army cracking after the first blow, badly miscalculated. The speech was the second in two days and was made before a military review in Red Square. RAIDS ON GERMANY I LONDON, Nov. 7: B Wilhclms-haven and Bremen in northwest- Home 2.30 A em Germany and the docks at Royal Canadian .(HVi Le Havre were bombed last night, Toronto Beattle 1.03 Central Patricia 1.44 Consolidated Smelters 39.00 Hardrock .05 B Kerr Addison 4.45 Little Long Lac 1.53 McLeod Cockshutt 2.10. Madsen Red Lake 65 A McKenzle Red Lake 1.07 Moneta - .32 Pickle Crow 2.60 the Air Ministry announced. Reuters quoted Oslo radio as saying British planes raided that city early today. FINLAND ! MAY STOP Little Country Suggests Withdraw, i ing Once Aim Has Been Achieved. p. i in down with the rain, but if IPMing TOr there seem to be many doubters about to hibernate for the t.hP m,.t.P of th nnmri if n at ingly I., . 1. ' Iwinter. He is now to become a .HELSINKI, Nov. 7: W The Finnish radio has circulated abroad i important statement of aims as (saying Finland's war with Russia will end "As soon as threat of renewed attacks has been removed and frontiers have been made se- 'cure." Tne broadcast implied Will Be Cured and Added to Mil-'that Finland would quit fighting scum Collection Here. once her aim was achieved leav- Ing to the peace conference of Yesterday, N. M. Campbell of dominant powers in the Indefinite the Summit Apartments, picked future the final determination of up a salamander on the sidewalk her new boundaries, outside the Royal Bank on Third Avenue. d. He He thinks thinks H H must must have have, Bare Existence BERLIN, Nov. 7: B Propaganda Minister Goebbels writes ln the weekly Das Reich "Axis powers specimen' at the museum by the are really fighting for bare exls-help of the staff of the Fisheries tence and the worries and distress Steamer Cardena is due this Exnerimental station and the that we all must bear in war would ried oiv at the technical training three in the correspondJBg period evening at 10:30 and should sail courtesy of Dr. Ne&l Carter and be pale in the face of the Infeinn centrekat'St. Thomas, Ont. 1 ilasbyear. at 12 midnight. . E, R. Slddaway. awaiting us if we were to lose " 1 V( " . .