PAGE TWO JULIA ARTHUR DAILY EDITION an d TANGO PUMPS New Fall Designs Just Arrived! "GIANELLE" PUMPS IN HIGH HEEL, LATEST CRUSHED KID, SOFT DULL CALF AND SUEDES Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" EDITORIAL MONDAY, OCT. 20, 1941. Credit of the City . . . For the credit of the city do not ever let it be bruited around that Prince Rupert turned down one of Canada,'s outstanding statesmen m favor of a man whom lew know and whose chief plea for election is that he is able , to repeat some of the shibboleths of the Socialist party. , That is the last time we shall have an opportunity ! to suggest how local people may vote. We know a great i many Prince Rupert people and cannot believe that they will do such a thing. We have so much faith in their good judgment that we feel sure a majority of them will take the sensible view of the situation and that Premier Pattullo will be returned by a large majority. The difficulty today is that there does not seem to be any great interest taken in the election and that, through failure of some to vote their opinions may be wrongly interpreted. We make a plea to Prince Rupert citizens not to be indifferent. We hope every man will vote, no matter what his or her political faith. We have no quarrel with the C.C.F. supporters. Many of them are fine people and should their man be elected we do not suggest that the province will go to the dogs. Tie will undoubtedly do his best, but we cannot think his best will be anything like Prenjier Pattullo is in a position to do. The Last Chance . . . Just two or three more davs and the Civic. Cent. campaign will be over and those who wish to support the building fund will have to act quickly. The more money is obtained the better building can be erected and the better it can be furnished. Perhaps it may be in order now to suggest that the civic t centre building is badly needed. It will contain an auditorium suitable for large gatherings, concerts, dramatic entertainments and dances, taking the place to a large extent of the Moose Hall which was taken over by the Y.M.C.A. There will be various recreational facilities. The city needs such a building and the onlv way to get it is to put up the money ourselves with which to erect it. Railway Attitude . . . The storv about the nresldent nf the rjnlurnv na it came to us was not quite the same as the one that was delivered in the south last week. The mention of the line not paying was only incidental to a suggestion that there would be great developments in central British Columbia in the near future, developments that would mean a great deal to the whole province and would at the same time benefit the railway, something that was badly needed at this time. Under Cover Newspaper . . . France has a secret newspaper. Its place of publication is secret but it deals boldly with French public-affairs. "News from France" says of the paper: "Liberation" is anti-Vichy, anti-Nazi, and, of course, pro-de Gaulle and pro-British. Its place of printing is unknown, how it is circulated is a mystery, but it is to be found everywhere, especially in empty railway carriages. It is tucked between bales of goods, pushed u n d e r doorways, and more than once has been slipped into the pocket of a German officer! "Who writes the articles for Liberation no o n e knows. Apparently it is not always printed in the same place, as changes of type seem to indicate. "The brave producers of Liberation claim that sufficient copies are printed to keep every Frenchman informed; It is estimated that every copy passes into the hands of at least 20 readers." CONCLUDES CAMPAIGN C.C.F. Confident of Outcome Election Here and Throughout the Province. George Weaver closed hi.-- cam nnlffn iw Oo-nnprative Common 'lng used to pull stumps just some more "bull." The Pattullo government's road program had become a joke another "vague theory." There was talk of a steel mill , which would use half the site with 'a pulp mill. The International situation of today was but a logical development of the present types of government whether under democratic, dictatorship of bureaucratic THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll ln Prince Rupert. THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY. OCTOBER conditions. Socialists stood not r Cf, In for unprOgre&sive reaction but forOOKS Ae ullll III practical policies baaed on know-! eage ana experience. The So- J cialists did not depend upon 'something suDDOsed to be sitting of up In the sky" but on realistic I conditions of environment and reactions. Mr. Weaver spoke of rumors of Inefficiency and suspicion In the war effort contracts with no but "for" something. Tday the:' was to be found retrcgiesslon nc only in Germany bui even In Canada. Tr.e C.C.F. was the only part;, which Insist d on reali . ?s. T i .tactical man of -the ruture should he a scclal engineer, not a politician. The Platform Mr. Weaver enumerated the flv-principal planks of the CCKF. platform in the provincial election a, having to do with provincal nla lining, socialization and finance, social Insurance, agriculture and labcr. Provincial planning would han dle production and distribution of food and natural resources on Alley Kittens broad and efficient basis. In answer to a question, Mr. Weaver Indicated that he wa ln favor of permitting chiropractic ttootmont iitifAM 4 U ttr i . fir- Weaver claimed that the compensation Act. . .establishment of a road commis- chalrman , brlef femarks ZCh th6i Co"lerVa"VeS sald tha' a PoUtteri. economTc and Jt4" Pju. had been one lndustrial rlsls was approacnlng. hL Sn.n Slm the Very result 01 s election would beginning as a means of carrying have an Important bearing on the out roadwork on an intelligent thbe conauct of the war and ,od theSn b3SiS' iscussln of reconstruction. The people ho ......w.vo iUUu icnger wanted poverty in the program he asserted that work midst of plenty either in province on the Port Clements-Tlell road you? or Dominion. "Do duty to had been shutdown and was now British Columbia, Canada and the aDanaoned. The only eauiDment Fmni hP hnri con j 7.." meaner - . uu uiub iuuu was a ' Air. weaver) Duiiaozer a duu belonging to a Port Clements man which was be on Sinclair exhorted. Tuesday," Mr. Classified ads. get results. Phone R8DESSS 2 Rinkey Dinks HOC Speaking on socialization and finance, Mr. Weaver contended Stone's Clothiers ..1002 that, if the province could take W.i.las; 12C1 over control of the liquor industry, It :ould do the same with Tollers 1140 other industries. People's Store 1003 As for social insurance, he saw no rea: jn why t h e government Bankers ' 964 could not increase the old iige Pushovers 1185 pension! from $2d to $30. It would only cost the province $1,500,000 Alley Cas 934 more a year to do so. Pete and Repeat 936 in tne agricultural industry, tne . . .-,., C.C.F. would remedy outworn con- 'Eav-Mor 1237 ditiens and would produce on an Standard Oil 971 112C 1031 1321 1014 1153 hoc 872 1143 1018 1037 ll'.T 1057 1196 1122 1111 1116 ion;'. 112T 331 1147 1170 1021 inn 1154 industrial basis. As for labor, present legislation MAH VIA SWEDEN would be enforced to the hilt STOCKHOLM, Oct. 20: O The against employers. Minimum wage British correspondent of a Stock-laws for domestic servants and holm newspaper reports that war seasonal women workers would be prisoners' mail from Germany to Britain and vice versa will go by way of Sweden in future If pres- -mt negotiations being carried on in London are success! ul. DRESSMAKER Mrs. Ntkatanl, Ladies and Children's Alterations Phone Ik, S29, 5Z Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled Into Ladies Alterations, Repairing, Cleansing and Pressing "Quick Service" featuring Freedman and Gabbes, Samuel Hart Ltd. Ladies and Gents Suits and Topcoats to measure DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe Phone 307 jox 725 'DRAW PLANS Lead of Scotch FOR CENTRE bowling League Cooks are still leading the p4nn4lnrr 4n 4iA Pfl r CI H ' fi n fihntm 1 islt Of Provincial Architect Marks Another Advance In Project Canvass Continuing tlsh Bowling League as a result of Following the vs't fixture play at the week-end Jt?pk.t.nd of L. W. here at the Ha-fTmvM BOMBS DROUGHT IIEAln ivouviviun, wales Or Mrs. Hilda Hunter. gA Incurable paralysis ( .,-,-. for four years, wui when bombs fell nca: in a German air Jumped out of bed ana stored to health i.u t m .i . limit on rjrofits. Sabotage was pinm onrf rwv-c a - !ri fro -a.,.. ws Tnnrin n ... .... ft'.. Tlin LAST STRAW LONDON, Oct. 20 M,, Prince Rupurt in tomorrow's pro- not all by the working class. Prat- stwmd place and Ara:-h-d 3 provjnce of Brtttih Columbia, ttt turtle has a war' w , )' vinclal election with an address 'taring, he suggested, was ham- geants are ln Iourth posician. C:- wortlng plan8 wm at once bi tee cream sodas. And ' (. before a public meeting in the pering the war effort Every de- ficers n who did ns. play their drav.n up for tne proposed new them through a straw ' Odd-Fellows' Hall last night. With eat of retreat tor had been due match. as a result have dropped cMc centre De erect:d her? iyi lnA1f titt Ant ThP 7 IT Jr i 1 - n ..JtU . . about one hundred persons in the " Ui cu.. ..... irom secuna uuo a uc wm at tne (corner of Trtlrd Avenus vide an adequate mirtipnnn Vio cnnlrp fnr rmioh!v government, thereby keeping the audience in good humor. Alex Sinclair acted as chairman. Mr. Weaver closed with an exhortation to the audience not only to talk and wish about things they wanted but on this occasion to vote for them. "It is up to you," he said, "to put into office a gov ernment which does what you want and does not tell you what to do. This time see that it is a C.C.F. government in control. Even if It Is inexperienced it will be a delightful change from what you have been getting from experienced governments. Put into office a government which will not only win the war but win the peace." Mr. Weaver asserted that all signs pointed to the fact that the Pattulio government was done. The premier's personal defeat was a foregone conclusion. The C.C.F. candidate paid his respects to The Daily News by calling its political editorials bedtime stories. The C.C.F. was accused of having only "vague theories," but the present government did not even have ".yague theories." He wondered what was meant by the "spirit of the north." Personally, he had been around a bit and did not see much difference between the north and the south. iir. weaver maae some comments In regard to 85 voters having been left off the list at All-ford Bay when the registrar of voter"; was called away on the ao-pcinted day. Of course, that was just a regrettable accident. Vntcy Not Wasted Those who voted Socialist did not need to feel that theL votes "ZZJT ld; .f en the premier enforced aumincu. iiiai. me guvemmeni nan been forced to enact certain legislation ror fear the country might go Socialist. fifth an hour and a half. The discourse te"t, industry, finance ana re- place. was largely a dissertation on ec- sources under a central authority lhe ieaguc standing to date is onomic theories with brief relr- U r ert. " the machtn- as f0nows: ence towards the end to the pJo- ery f Industry was carried on cooks : 11 4 11 vinzial platform of the C.C.F. The efficiently, there would be no ne- officers II 8 4 8 Socialist candidate indulged in cessltv to conscript a fiSe man Stores :. 10 5 10 frequent sallies of sarcastic hu- " was not &0d enougn to def,eal Attached 8erwnU .... 9 6 mor directed against the Liberal Fascism and Naziism and then clerks 10 5 10 return io aepressiuu, uucuiy.ujr- jeeps I D 1 mcnt and lelief. In the present Sergeants II 8 7 war an old system was in its death pipers 8 7 throes. It was necessary to flight No. 1 Section 6 9 for no: only "aga'nst" somethl.i ' Puddle Jumpers 5 7 Engineers 4 2 Dry Dock 4 5 Sergeants I 4 2 Officers I . 3 12 Hell Divers 2 10 Details of Game Scores in Mixed Bowling League dame scoria? results in the Mixed Bowling League Fixtuus las week were as follows: .1090 and McBrlde Street. Estimates of civic centre here ;;.u coat will also be furnlshrd the drive for fund Details of he pnjeit were d:- rnmwed last wuti; cui?wd between Mr. Ilargreavei eyteftde into th cc and the civic centr? c:ntral co n- ct the wlrtdta u mlttre at lurichr.n r-i F--in-day Within th? m:;: ; As a result of th;1 conference It place of businc. ar became known ' - and Prlnc Rupert will l.. more wou:tf be rr-iut! ri ' pv k ed upon. and crefi"-.v. t Give the whole family the cor-rect amount of light. Science indicates that you need at least 100 watts for reading, sewing or studying. Use the right size bulb . . . and for brighter burning, use Edison Mazda Lamps. MADE IN CANADA mm ism LAMPS mm i m When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service New 1942 Model PHONE 13 21-Hour Service at Regular Kates THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate Super phosphates, Monocalcitim Phosphate Producers and Refiner of TAD AN AC Brand Metals Mercury, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Hhniul" and Antimony . . . Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail B-C DODGE and PLYMOUTH Now on display at RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products PHONE 566 EMERGENCY NIGHT SERVICE CALL COLIN MILLER, ULUJB 805