'11 Ml pac.z point jsa DliiT.inrfij BASKETBALL Ocean Falll vs!-SoMl-Hi EXHIBITION HALL, TONIGHT AT 7:30 Admission Adults 40c Children 20c DnraeUor of a German olane shnt . UAll X VX 1 X Vl" down in England, the gun turret of , a British plane with several other i souvenirs of British war effort are . pare of an exhibit of the BrttUil war Kefier Society here. Massett Woman Is Dead Here In Prince Rupert General Hospital been In hospital oital since since March March 4. 1 GIRLS WIN Comets Score Close Victory Over Vancouver I. X. L.'s To TYin Western Hoop Title EDMONTON, - r April 16: Percy J a score of 31 to. 30. It wa- a tightly Annie Peterson, aged 39, wife of ly-giving-the victory to the Comets. Arvid Peterson, died last night at! the Prince Rupert General Hospi tax. Ene came me months ago here about five lir p " from Massett She had ' I ft 001611 S UXaiTlS ' - Send In Your News Earlier ' Jin First Aid t (.Sixty .Persons in All Took Tests f St. John's Ambulance I Thirty-Kx women took St. John's f Ambulance Association first aid Due to changed conditions examinations following the classes arising from the handling of .: conducted recently by Angus Mac-1 late war news, the Daily News fdonald. Twentj;-foar men took the. t iujua it necessary 10 set a lu t , ie;is. ine women s examinauons am. deadline for local news 'were carried out last night by Dr. contributions. To Insure pub- 4L. W. Kergin, Dr. C. H. Hanklnson lication It will be necessary for ' and Dr. R. G. Large. The men had contributors to have their copy J their examinations last week. Re- In by that time or earlier If suits are expected to be made possible, preferably the night iknown about the end-of the month. before. Otherwise It may not 'Mixed classes in roller bandaging ijSPOKESlI C(iM GYPROCfkrMf WALLBOARD (Made from Gypsum Rotk) Combines All These Advantages: 1. Smooth, Seamless Wells with Gyproc Mw..Onlr Gyproc Wallbtwrd h km btwMed6t-m. s am.. : allowing joinu to be filled in fliuh a that the '. varU.ce of wall or ceiling U beautifully smooth 'and level ready for any type: of decoration nbuimtd M mdimmrj'mmltbmmrJt. tlu jvut chaict af inwrotit rreorwm U Umiud. 2. A Lifetime's Sotlsf action from Gyproc Gyproc it no aflected by atmospheric changet h will not crack, ahrink, or warp lofnu neeJ never worry -about cosflyT repalriT Walli and the lifetime of your home. Nocei Ordinary woUbomit io not fuarumut thU ' 3. Safouard Against FIr with Gyproc Gyproc Wallboard WILL NCTT BURN not carry firt. ,Wall and ceiliosa of Gyproc form, a PK , tcctlvc thield for the'wooJen framework of your home. (Demand the double aafety of Gyproc ' fof youx home. . No Many typei vl mUbvmfd ,,t mi firtprvf. I "i"f' '! rFP AVtPt V ...I Tlt...i....l ii.i.i-. mi i 1 - --- w...',. anu iui4iu4ifu uuuiin win ne 10 IDENTIFY GENUINE - i GYf ' I.lok far the asm GYPROC m ih back ( ertry tool fo, tht Cma Strip on boh ttSc ed(sv Wti nlMi'lirPi'i" CIRTIFirATCC - . i PLAYGROUNDIBASKETBALL AT MASSETTi PLAY GOING New Sports FSeJd At Island Village Formally Opened At Ceremony Last Saturday MASSETT. April 18: The Mas- 'ground made by the Massett Ath- IPtVr fThih nrvl f Vmn T&n.n1a 1 I I fl TAXTtAl IT) vi lumunif Ocean Falls and Local High. School Teams ArriTe Today Tie Boys Game Last Mgbt Educational 5Vr-5t e, Ibasketball series which started week's effort, was officially ODenedl111 three ot sam" Ocean last night by B. T. Phillips, In-i"3 slnce k-end, theplay- laian dian Agent, Agent. William William Matthews. Maithewa. e" u 01 ue U1C ocean im,iui5 iaus girtr ana .Page's . Edmonton Comets won theiT, boys' Hfeh School teams O- " ' Oi.l.!Ui iUC - .... . . arrivea (Western Canada women's senior "m ZZJZL in the city on the Prince George joasKeiuau cnimpionsnrp last night I . n this morning, the two Bo-Me-Hi SPORT CHAT New York Hangers, sparked by h twtvpnai oerformance of Franlc Boucher, defeated Montreal Jdari irtint 3.1 .it Montreal IS Tears aro last night to win the Stanley Cup. ,H was a hard and Bitterly-fought game. 21 penalties being handed out. Including three majors.. It was the first time the world's hockey championship had been won by a United States team since Seattle took it in 1917. George (Twinkletioes) Selkirk picked to succeed baseball's, mteht- iqjt hitUer, Babe Ruth, made his debut with New York Yankees an I .-. a a. , . . ,iauca3 one oy slashing out a rr5h2r retime at Mrs. Arvid Peterson. Aged Dby winning a snd straight vie- UZ? "." S & gTomVonme .tory over Vancouver L X. Ls flI "1 boat The series at Qrean Falls re. oe puDusnea. 'and stretcher bearing will be star population of the village lined up m tne street and, led by the Mas-sett Concert Band, paraded to the gate of the new ground where "O Canada" was played while a Union Jack was slowly hoisted ud the flag pole of the ground. Chief Councillor Matthews then gave a short speech, followed bv Mr. Phtt-i wuu uureuea uie name plate. Miss Matthews then cut the rib- lineni- bon which stretched across the gate of the park and the chief councillor and the Indian Asent walked through the gate. The ground had been marked out for softbalL football and other sports. It was used for sport,' on Easter Monday and Tuesday with dances being held in the Community Hall both nights. Canadians expecting mall from soldiers or friends in England mailed during the period March 14 to 23 may be disappointed. A steam er carrying this mail a most enoyable vijit at the paper town with generous hospitality, and round" after round of entertain In Tuesday night's balketbail games between Ocean Falls Hteh and the Bo-Me-Hl team of Prince Rupert the paperrtown girls won by 11-8 and the boys frame vu tied 35 all This deadlock had to remain because the boat was waiting for the teams and there was no time for overtime. The girls' game started vprv bat at -New York six years' ago to. day. Selkirk, utio comes from IHuntsTille, Ont, still Is with the Yankees. W- O. Hanson who was stationed for some months, at Brandon In the Air Force, hufl been moved to suited in each team winning oivJ?"! e JPect-' f J' whUe there was a tie. in th T third ffw tSr i"??6 'game. at R This makes an intresUnelSf- tra!nlng .vhDo1 situatioh as far as boys' play P. concerned. The; focal gais.lost all their three games to OceanTalls. iThe local teams report hanng had SEASON IS UNDERWAY! None of the Season s Favorltci Wonl Their Baseball Games Yesterday NEW YORK. Anril 11 Non of me favored teams for 1941 won their games In the Big Leagues yes- wroay. Except for Washington, where the New York Yankees trimmed the Senators on Monday, it unevenrv fnr Rimi nrA it u. : . . ... "i hair, thi , i .openjns ar lhe The, V r . . mxees came home for then- first -S no7eTer tand and were trimmed 3 to 1 by Rmt Rupert girls w. stepped out and the i the Philadelphia Athletic The S. stood 11 to 8 for the.much-vaunted Cleveland Indian! is overdue. 1 t - . .. . w v"caso wmte box, :ik ca f-A , , 1 I Aureus, ana evenry-.eTen Bob Feller befn ahU 1AIRF0RCE IS WINNER The Navy met the Air Force In -. Isofthall at PaHr wuipnia 1 Teams and players were as fol- tlows: Navy Akerman. Irving. Fair- burn, Morton, Mercer, Husoy, Bro-phy, James and Stauffman. R.CAF Watt, Dodge. Walsh. UVD W.GISTKT ACT NOTICE Rr: rrrtlfleatf of TUU No. 1911-1 t It Thrf. (i), BJeek Tnrnty.rit (U) Sutton Pie (S), City of Ftlnre Rupert, Map 921 WHEREAS Aatlsrafior Xffoof of loaa cf the ahor Oeztincate at TlU lmurd in tb name of Balph T. J. Rac haa ln nted la this offloe. notice U heee-bT eitea AhX I ahall at th exotratim of one month foran tlw of the flru publication hereof. iasu a Protl-lonai Cfertuieate of Tatle ki lleti of the 'meantime; valid oklon tm taaOe to DATED ,t th. r&kt r-Mtr- Off Prtnop Rupert, BXJ.. ta!a 1 Jay 5 I AorM 1A4I I A. Thcenpsfln. DEPUTY IlEOISTRAJt Of TITLES, . .. . pvpnlna 5 OrK .. 1 -orHl-i h II, v n v... Chleae-n , tine- nut a it -a .-. -ia 4n . 6U 1 th7; ;;"r:r riu 0 . . ..r....- . .. louswn 4e 01 tnucn stiaajng, xumoung ana houting and was thoroughly enoyed by all. The Navy players snowed good possiblmlei, and, with a little oractlce. should be able to field a winning team. Ser geant Dodge of the .Air. Force, v.-, vnr'u y.vcaeu, wjr nis team wnue irvingQevean(j and Husoy were on the mound for the.-Nary. n Brooklyn 0 Pittsburg J o American League Chicago j Philadelphia j Boston i - 0 Washington .... a Detroit ".Z'ZZ. 0 St. Louis o 1000 1000 1000 1000 .000 .000 .000 .000 1000 1000 ,10CO , .500 .000 .000 .000 .000 Bottoms Coyer. Bottoms. Harris, Hart, Kenny and Keith. norman McEwen of the YAlc A. umpired the game. TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rabberyare, Tires, Tabes, Etc, Valctnlied Cth BU opp. OK Barber Shop SHIRRIFFSIMLIB FRESH SHIPMENT. MINT, CRANBFRnv BLACK CURR.NT, RED CURRANT I-0Z j Biscuits In cello pkgs. Ass'td varieties. Fresh Q stock. Each vys .7 Woodbury Soap Deal-packaged. Per pkg. Bulkley. Valley BUTTER First grade. 3 lbs. . WINNER IN -4 bars 25c N-.-e. REPEAT SPECIAL S1.17 Paris Pate Spmds- Something different for OCTp sandwiches. 3 for Jello Powders All varieties. 2 for 15c MALKIN'S REST STRAWBERRIES- 13 Each ORANGE MARMALADE 4 l tin. Each . 1 BUY TRY - COMfiU Mussallem s Economy ""Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones Is L 19 P.O. tn'.l PING PONG Jted next Monday. They wffl take Eluding 355 bags of letters andn to thbtrtaint'r L1111' he bclng banifihed to the! ' 'three 'three weeks. weeks. 403 bags of parcels. ihllf the OceaFaUs tola? tl" SUCceedtd 7 Brown. jSerrcant Brown Defeats All Oppo- BUY WITH YOUR EYES" ,0 PE N Ithe lead but. during the lastquar- ored dneinoatl Reds, deinlt, Pam ier, Kupert toot the lead 35 to 34 Derrtawrt nltrhm w .a"', on a nice shot by Bus.se r in th closing seconds of the game WaU made good a foul which was called on Bussey. The scoring: Girls iBenson; Elsie Adams: Martraret Larsen: Margaret Oillanders. Prince Rupert E. Yamanaka: J tOwens: M Yamanaka, 4; A.Clapp; Josey Murray: Zilla Sherman; I Betty Payne: MpUy Wmslow, 4. 1 Boys I Ocean Falls Gahans, 11; Ox-.enbury, 13; Adams; Clozza: Wall, Charleston; Anderson; Larsen. (11: Rupert Maedonald, 8; Arney,4; iSanterbane. 14; Bussey. 4; Oland; BUI, 5; McCouver. I -It was announced todav thatth iNorthem British Columbia lnter- ctslvely to the St. Louis Cardinals for whom Lon Warnecke worked Yesterday's results: National Learue St. Louis. 7: Cincinnati 3 iTnn i ti v. ii 1 .... Ocean FallsWean Lewi,. 5: J,n 1?T .8t ut la8er lor uincinnau.) RhrviA Knoaes, e. tw Dot Widsten: ru- T,i.TL. Edith 1 c. . , .-. -. .r", w .wiau- uiem pitcnmg for Philadelphia, Dlck Errickson for Bnstnn th home runs. New York, ; Brooklyn. 4 ' Adams pitching for New York, Johnny W7-att pitching for Brooklyn.) Pittsburg, 4; Chicago, 7 (Passe 11 sition in Series Last evening at the United Ser vices Hut Sergeant Brown of the Rangers defeated all opposition of the services to win the ping pong crown. The highlight ot the evening's play came in the finals when Brown defeated Bandsman Fraser of the Rangers 11-21, 21-19. 21-16. This was Frasert first defeat at the Hut's weekly tournament. Fra- r had no difficulty In takins the first game; but the second game told a different storv. The rallys became so long and fast that pitching for Chicago, Bob "Kllngen Fraser tired noticeably and. with t r-m Tyi t f V. 1 . . . . 1 4 1 ! rwkuiiiK, ijome run Dy Hicnoi-ime score urown pushed his. son for Chicago.) advantage to take the two wlnnlne American League ipolnts. The last and deciding game Chicaeo. 4: Cleveland 3 rnmlazaln saw bnth nu Dietrich pitching for Chicago, Bobltmder the strain onong fast rallies Feller losing nltcher for Cleveland mediate challenge cup would be at.S , " y "ay Cieve-(stake in the last four games- of the, Ph'9f,MnM, ,. w , Boys' inter-High. School series In- " .:rV"' cludine the hr, "e 1an P,lCilinK tor Philadelphia. anTtoL tonW,t8l Rulltag pitching for New York, iumc run oy cnapman lor New York.) Washington, 6; Boston,'?. Detroit-St .Louis, postponed on account of rain. The standings to date: National League a'uu.: st Louis "... j but, with Brown the more confi dent, finally winning the game 21 18, The . -was the Y . After --'I and plarc -3 evenlngi ' at which !V' ettes were Jim W at ping -x ' BROKEN tl Ajlmtr Sett7B rz. . C5 Fresh c LlbbT-i MosUri. Happy Val thB L5; I ITBP Ud time and aoia tei and bladder wta t.-l rdUtlc.aki kidney remHr kelp soothe aid toneoptlxfciir Monty back . satiified. n.pd tin, m ran 1 .r. CHARTS Just Out Dominion Chart 368 Port Louis to Langara Island 50c We are Authorized Government Agents for British Admiralty U.S. Hydrographic and Canadian Government Charts Comolete Stock of Essential Charts Carrtw H JiPHorilouae Log Bookg H S1f ' Parallel -Rules Dividers Covrse Protractors Chart-Reading-Glasses Nautical Books . $15 $1.00 $1.50 ivy h- hi M J wo.