r, April 16, 1341. IjcSli 1 sr iT CHOICE . ... . by Mechanics Everywhere ja- j-. HEADLIGHT VERALLS ( ul to fit and made' to wear of Double Duly Denim Sanforized shrunk: . ' High-Back Continuous Suspender. Full- cut and roomy. 'Made by union work- - men. Per Pair-$2.50 "The best overall you ever bought or : your money back after thirty days' ' wear" W atts & Nickerson IlIKD AVE. Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. ;ens FAVORED Sell Air-Raided Hub of hm- X' .. f .... rrl,. T'.-.-r caning .uuic Not About War lUOLAS AMAkON .'-1 Press Staff Writer) 11 A 1 tU 6UU :-r -r.d dace here. The don't need 'to be told about hv know .ll they want about the bombing of rilONE 315 fancy now. Give the Englishman hi choice between a symposium on the war and "Pickwick Papers" aftd hell take the Dickens' novel. Re-Printing PickwUk i Five million books were destroyed !ln the fire raid on London last ; December, among them many of I the old favorites that are so rnuch in demand. "Plcwlck Papers is out Mp:i Apru 16 Lfi- ""P. nf nrint and Dubllshers are ru.H fci -his of b-mblng and . ,... nff ,.h. nrrsscs. people of Great Britain scarcely keen up with ;.ior t 2ay -Aan ever demand - sald chilinaFoyle. r and libraries are directress of one of the neoDle looklne for." ... to help 4h;m forsct . . ,,ih w'rp a!m:sl any book with t I'j subject Ivas a place .rkct in r rending hasrhan- selling 10,000 books a day. one- third more than a year ago. rn", wiucnw. company deal with 20.- Ain, religion, garden W. criticism of books ' 'entifte or technical j" ,. . p favorites. A 10-ccnt fc st;)rcs and libraJ w , . rsMii-Ar in iynrtnn are evi- We ain't mad at Nobody T A X I Oil UlC 1X1 ICC UVUlfyC i . fc-t vvtv PAGE I Hit El "7 ' MS LOCAL NEWS NOTES llxrri furniture boucht lor caih - nr inlri nn rnmm ssion. B. xauuc BuMrig. TtorrcrAvenu. (! Mrs. Vcrrie.Daly returned .to the ejty on . the Prince George MU) morning from a trip to Vancouver J. l . J. J. I Payne U J lit; returned IVllUUVU to. M. the. city Presbyterian Spring Sale tomor row April 24 to 6 pjn. (89) ..tt. IS. sTaylor, school teacher' at Port Simpson, arrived in tlie city' from there on the Catala yesterday aitemoon. ' W J. . Lambert, MUtWIt engineer in charge C- at - j from a Dullness trip to vancou-scove tor. the Ej. J. uyan com-racunjj t vcr. jco sauca yesveraay on me uauua. C. It. Ormtf arrived in the city ori the Prince-George thJ mornins. from Victoria lor a iweek's business visit. lor Vancouver. ; Oiler Bcsner arrived in the city j pn-thev Prince George this morning ( I ram vsutcuuvqi ucio 'uriTate business. i Charles Graham, inspector' of f ; mines, returned to the city on the! . Charles C. Everston, well known ( noti-'vritPTdnv-ftlt.pmton'frm'ftlAi! Arm miner, arrivea in me trip to Stewart on official duties, 'city' from the north on the Catala lyfi'terday afternoon. Mrs. William CI Little and ,son of i Woodcock, after a visit of a. few Miss Gweh Palmer, who has been days in the city, are leaving by Ihls- visiting In Oaklandlth her sister, evening's train on their fet'ufn to Mrl.E. H. Taylor, returned to the the interior. '1 cltJf Iroin tt;e oj1 the ?rince " ' " this morning."" : . Qeorge R. E. Moore, local manager' of P.'f Burns Co., returned to the city on Mrs. Robert Brase31, .who has the . Prince George this ihornlnii hopn on a visit to Oateary "and iram a ousiness inp to jwunanwn, Vancouver,, rexurneq to -uie , uij, Winnipeg, uaigary ana Vancouver. iironv wie souxn on ,uie aa-tuiwc i 'George this morning. The winning number ;tn the - , ,.j . rfronrtner f,r tho tS War Rvlrtrsl Mr onrl 'Mrs P. P.. YflfflT and ammtmBmi' certificate at Queen Maiy Chapter. daughter, Mls Frances Ya'get, re- imperial uraer, imgnvers vi -uic -turnea xo uie vixy .on uibtiuiw; and Lome well-known authors are Empire, tea on Monday was 4S7; George this morning from' a holi-etlll popular but It takes a four- the holder of the ticket being Maw day trip to. Vancouver. ' , star war story to win the public's n. c. Stuart. I ; . - Miseries of Head COLDS RELIEVED FAST Put 3-purposo Va-tro-nol up ech nostril ... 1 1 ) It shrinks swollen membranes; 2) Soothes Irritation;. (3) Helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKSVATROHOL ivu, aim ..4.0. ..v.w, .w . have been spending the past couple 'of months, in Vancouver where Mr. Mprrls has been receiving special surgipal treatment, are expected to. return to the city next week. I Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Washbern of 'Sm)thers..whq arrived in' the city from the. interior on Saturday night's Iram, sailed yesterday af' ternoon' op the Catala for Vancou vcr: ... a i i i u- -14.. Vi W Tt. Tnlln fnrmprlv nf Stlwn.rt ' II I IViilo in uic .viij au" w-. "-- J . ' lending inlcrlor on last night's train ln arrived in ihy city on the Prince eluded Mrs. C. L. M, uiggcy ana .ueorge inLs -jnoriuuB iruiii .van-Mrs. G. C. Sessions and son, Brian, couver.-belns: her? onjbuslness in . i v n elrlm. nnnrtlnr . wl,t!K .ill's mlnlnff' inter- In ramblinir. old-fashioned offl- KnM nnrl two rhliafcnrToolcv. .ests lri .this district. 1 " iw., vm) fifiO Hrls In . - or al F. C. Eadlc. Canadian National . . RaUways agtnt at Oscan Falls, is yjjSS DreilCla Alleil : m paymz a unci uuauitiia nu.i. , w -v ciiv. havlni.'arrivcd on ths Georee this morning from the morr readers than a dence Qf growlns jnterest m read- Falls tomorr0w night -n novel. . i ...ri . nr ana men ana tumiicii ui uiun the fall of France or JJ, dally thumb pa?cs Cf - of L-.mdon. war novels . and , y. books nn on display ,mhv along nlfmg. mvstrrlcs may have a but : i :i 5! : ! : , i Rev. and Mrs. Edward W. Slater; THE SEAL of QUALITY mm tO thC : - 3- To Marry In' May He will return to Occaq (JOLl) SEAL Fancy lied Sockeye IMNrFlSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed the only lmon cannltie company with an at! tlir rear round pyrll la Prince Kuperf NEW ROYAL HOTEL i ,rrlll rroprltflr "A HOfofc. AWAV FROM UOMV Kle Iht if io Roonu Hot & Cold Watu Prlnc Rupert, B.C TUnnr Ml P.O. fti,.lM , .Qf. interest -here and in northern British Columbia is the engage- in connection with his duties as. Allen of Prince Rupert; ana Mr. SCALLOPED EGGS Mr. James Clark Pilhiistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK .Sfi'ond SI. Pbone Green 4IG YES! U'e Repair Water Pipes. Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil burners Cleaned $1-50 Chimneys Swept ....... $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 Save Food and Money all year 'round . with an ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Keep all foods at their freshest over the lengthiest periods. Make tasty dishes out of leftovers instead of throwing them out. Buy perishables in larger quantities at bargain prices. These are just some of the economies . ; electric refrigeration brings. And some . of its inexpensive luxuries include dell-cious frozen desserts and an abun-dance of clinking ice cubes. Ask about our convenient terms that make owner- ship easy. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. old new who have Dcen spsndlng spme time ment. of Brenda Phyllis, eldest Cathedral Spring Sole, Thursday, ; rhPring Cross 'Road's open book- at stcwart. Mr. Slater being there daiiShtcr.of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dennis April 17 Anglican Anglican Church unurcn nnssiuaa-ty, missionary, re- ic Ferguson Ross . rrascr, son oi . Mr. ..... j. uca uruss - uancc, Apru - io. r.im- REAL LANDLUBBER turned to the city from the .north o. Frascr and the late Mrs. Fraser ones, R.M.R. orencstra. M'EXICO AmU 18 CPi-Charles on the Catala yesterday aivcmoon. . .w, .vtuwu.cr, iu.u. y "' T"1 . . . . .j . vancouven xne. weaamir win iaKe y are living their own Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix. Bishop 6i plac. May 3 In Holy Inity Church. I vl and anadaP and has never Caledonia returned to the city on- Rev, .it. D. B. Larmonth off.clatlng. of i tb- a war war book, own, hlri- mvu yesterday afternoon - ", - i Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts S.S. 'PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT 'PRINCESS NORAH' April 7th. 17th, 2t)th. May Uth. 20th To Ketchikan. Vranccll,.Jitneau and Skajwaj .. I April 3rd, 13th, 24th, May 4th, 15th, 2'cth 6-f-:r. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services I Tickets and Reservations from. IS 1- COATL'S, General Ascnt. Prince Rupert, B.C. from a week's trip to" Naa. Rivtr,' point on ecclesiaisal buslnes. Klnrollth he dedicated extensive, ' new improvements to the yllWge. church. v L. O, B. A. Spring Sale, April 23. Pop's Dance, Armory, April 23. 24. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April , Gyro Hoedown, April 25. j Mayday Dance, Oddfellows' Ilall. ' tliiilprt F?nrlntr Rnlr Mav: 1: 6 esgs, 1 cup milk, 3 tablepsoons I j flour, 4, teasipobn salt, table- 102nd.. Auxiliary Dance, May 2 i fpoons grated cheese, 2 tablespoons Ar'morj'.' j chapped onions. ' . '. ; . . Hard ccok eggs. Cool. Remove wAn cant Evenin? Bnuidh Tea, shell Cut in halves lengthwise. Re-. Jf8- Hueston, Leeds Apartments. move yalks and mash withm fork. iMay 3- Add 1 tablespoon butter. Season st- Pcter SpmSaie. May -8 s with salt and pipper. FU1 whita .; olllrig up yolk iljhtly. Place eggs, ' . . Mrs' W' in St casserole. Prepare a ace afFMBtar Msft 2 tablcsDOons butter. Add Kiln's, May 8. onion. Cook until clear. Add flour.' .. . . ... Auxiliary Tea Hospital -milk. Rlh.iv:-nrirt M-irrln cnnstnnt.lv until thick and smooth. Add salt. Pour over eggs. . Sprinkle top with grated cheese. Bak? until heated through and cheese Is melted. Serves 8. Home, May 15. Nurses' Cambrai Chapter I. O. D. E. Splnstet Spree Friday, May 16. R.C.C.S.. R.C.A.M.C R.C.A.SX3. R. C. E., Auxiliary Empire Tea. Leg-1, . ... 1 A r I ion, may ii. i W. A. Canadian Sale. May 21. Legion Spring "(HIVKIINMENT I.NHU ACT" (Section 28) -t!nr: of Application fur, a llcrr ,l.tcriiM NOTICE its lwrsDjr given xihw on ine ' 'oth day.pfAM4fr-.Ai D18. tlw-under- I Control Board for a license in respect rI premlaoe bcln; part af bulldlni known s tho Belmont Hotel, situate lt 727 Third Avenue, West, Mnce Itup-, irrt. ujkui Uie laiKlx ttencrtbed as lots Non. S Mid 6, Block No. 32. Bcotlon 1. Prlnco Itupert Towjwlte, Map 023. Prince Itupcrt Land ReRlstra,tlon District. In 'the Trovtoce of British Columbia, for ine sale on Deer oy 'uic glass or py. unc bot.Ue for consumption on the premises or elaewwhere. . DATED this 2Sth d-ay of March. A XI. 1941. JOHN HOSKINS i Applicant. Donnacona Insulating Boards WAL1.BOARDS Wc huvc on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line or lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are hot kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PIIOXE G51 PHONE C52 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, CAUDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert April 14 and 2G II Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 Trains leave IMUNCE RUPERT lor the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Condltioncd Sleeping and Dining Cars , Steamer leaves I'RINCE RWLUT for VANCOUVER on Thursday. 11:30 pan. calling at Ocean Falls and Towell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents (or Trans-Canada Air Lines , It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same, ' ... 1