a ' J ' V' April 16, 1941. TSZ DAILY. NEWS FA0j,KV3 IRTANT COUTH Kiver Indians Bury Hat- nncolith Dedication of arch Improvements Impressive Ua;;c tor the ooeasion a li it rcnce of Naas River, , a-Vves was held at.Kln-j st week-end. Villages as j Bt iiarucy oj itu- Tne purpose or tn?eatn- Tjld first, to iron . ! - I I -t. re :c oi uji;ijuii wjutii ed ' wnny years between It : n io. secona, to aeai-Iv e improvement -which r .do to the cnurch oi &t. KjjJ'-oHth. e) if) regard to the land ;r"iu-led all dlffnences i ie baking ofhai)d' by i)" men of each party, it rm. :- a to forget alpasl be .it unrt to stand togeth-iniu'.v that involved the if lJ) .he poople. This was .he best of ord?r. the Dally News. Kf 95,, iJji itrnw 13 J '"' IS tixmtnt li not BuUiiktJ m tmUiid f Liquw Control Zowi m W At Local Raw and Iesh Pasteurized Milk LENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 lake Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters tisfactlon Guaranteed PHONE 547 Sm Lee & Son gousK iy fine t oousr FRESH I'UONR in i irv KrnHiirfc have thirty-six cows in and fnn Clinr.1 m.HVi m r i i ea at Eleventh Avenue Visitors Welcome. minion Dairy 1 Shells from a Greek; gun put this armored1 in achlne-gun car of Germany's Panzer Corps out of the running. The censors withheld location hui it possibly was in the battle of Greece at an early stage. tut w,i'h CTeat enthusiasm. tone months the people of , RrmmiAT Af tc i of EnRland have been ; w edl' i -'' there a thoiougr. ir. me wnoie wiener srov-t' i and a fine newi astern installed 1 Kitzegukla THE GREEKS STOPPED THIS PANZER WAGON llazelton Hospital Celebrated KITZEGUKLA, April 16: peter Mack, Mr. arid Mrs.. Arthur jHoward, George Milton, Joe Brown 'a few words their appreciation , j I.. i .I.. I Avi ana uuyictiijuuij uic icium uj , lhelr comrade were Smuel Wesley, James Weget, Peter Mark, M. W. Jones arid Arthur Howard. Joseph; Wesley responded. Arthur Howard closed with a prayer. The occasion was enjoyed by all guests. KISPI0X ' 'McDames, who is teaching; in Kis- ' pip?. ! . Most of the residents ot Klspiox returned to the village for the' to spend a few STEWART The annual Vimy Day smoker of. .the-Canadian Legion here was held , of the ladies who took charge of the program which was very ac- A, ceptable. A tasty supper was served j ot a church north of Van- banquet was held at the home of with Alec McKay in charge. ex :et.s it either for size Mathlas Wesley In . Kitzegukla In FOR SALE Rhododendrons. Bar gain prices. Phone Black 984. FOR KKNV WANTED 91 Easter week-end. They have been WANTEDp0rter and waiter. Cen- am winier to- ineir. Tanuua Ioav camps trappln? and pole cutting. Interesting and enoyable servicer) were held in the Klspiox, Church tral Hotel. WANTED Services of young man, McRae Bros. Ltd. (tf)' CONCERT BY BAND Smithers on Tuesday SMITHERS, April 18. Smithers Brass Band nut on a variety concert in the Rej Theatre- IWOMENAS i COOKS NOW cixss oi , litany ior uuij in Camp, or Hospital Kitchens Whenever Needed By FRANK: A. HEALY (Canadian- Prtfs Staff Writer TORONTO, April 16' (CP) - If Canada's armed forces ever run short of army cooks, they should' have no difficulty finding new raV .emits the results' being women. Because, they fet" the urge to do something worthwhile In Canada's war effort, 40 Ontario women, , cocked by. the Red Cross and the Canadian Auxiliary Territorial Ser- vice, took a seven-weeks' course In "quantity cooking" at. ithe Toronto Central Technical School. They studied and practised seven, hours a day, ; lx days a week. Miss E. Mlddleton, head teacher of the class and dietician of the school staff, says the women will b; ready; to. enter any army kitchen, and do competent work aftsr completing another two-weak course in hospital kitchens' receiving pra tlcal experience. " i "In. fiqt." shs said, 'I -wouldn't i hesitate for one- moment to place lanv oriA of the cirls in armv kit ' chens, or canteens right now. I p know they would ccme up to the standards we've tried to teach." .1 M(;.s Middlaton believes most ($f the women will find permanent , Job.? In army canteens acroa Cant like a completely new Return Of: Joseph Wesley I rom an innovation being the presence Fine, Musical Evening Enjoyed at aaa. Aireaay one woman has been inil ".c inss a person, wan op c' Caledonia himself Is) :r 'ne statement mat Vocal solo, "Cherry Ripe," Miss thev oould be of real service.' They McKenzle. realize of .course that at tte pre-1 1 Selection, "Blue Bells of Scot- sent time It: 'j rather unlikely thev land," Helen Bodger, Soloist, ac- will get that chance,.She,. nolnted . jcompanied by band. out a number cf women iiV ft class-' L WANTED- Elderly man to herd Cornet Cornet duet, duet, "One "One Fleet! Fleeting d Easter The were rnos JSSSu? oT .tnTbeSS i cows. Valentin Dairy. .M ger and ? .Bodger. ... .... u I- I ""' rui rcnoinons uy u.c uiuu , WANTED Gin usea to oaoy. very selection, "Twilight In the Moun-school children. little work. Black 766. 90) tains," band. Marrh "Shnwhov.'' hand. Miss Annie McDames left left on on ncinernvi i . cih r.,nH nt tt,o Tuesday's train (days, In Prince Rupert visiting her NQW IS THE' TIME TO GET-A March, . "There'll Always be an sister. Mrs. R. A. Warner, who t In the haspital there. Rev. D. W. More and little daughter; Donna; motored to Smithers for a short holiday trip. Hundreds of peopw tT3 a "sPot" in the Datlv News classified col umn and get good results, (tf), J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bide. CHIROPRACTOR 6tanlej W. Colton, D.CJb.0. WtHtce Block, Pbone M GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Eneland." band. Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno -God Save the King." . etc. Five Dominion-wide exams . held since the war began.. Free pi j , i , Booklet. Mc.c schools Ltd.,! nKideffate Loiicert Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. Agents. AGENTS WANTED For War Services Entertainment as Part MEN who can sell high quality 15 E0 " ' Charlotte Mn' Tailored Made-to-Measure - Suits. Special low Wholesale pricc3 1 Islands given, Give experience and ref-T . ,,. . , ' , erence In ap&on. mplesj ?n3EaATE MISSION, April 16 .oxvapprovaUApplyTa -e; SUto J08?" Concer! Band Is oil band concert f iDeDaTtmcnt CaUrarv Knit- putting a I S SSSu2d52;.U Friday night of this week In aid Alberta, of the Canadian War Senlces cam .paign, the proceeds to be sent to AGENTS wanted to secure orders Prince Rupert by Solomon Wilson, for "Blood, Sweat and Tears" by ' Collections on the Queen Charlotte-Winston Churchill, most dynamic Islands for the fund are still pro-insplrlng ' book of this generation, ceedlng, Among those giving sub- nearly 500 pages Illustrated. Lib- stantlal contributions have been eral commission, large profits eas-1 the Moresby Island logging camps, lly made. Write today for free and their workers. All-the Queen sample outfit. Dept. W, Box 32, Charlotte Island collections are-be Terminal "A",. Toronto. ,,lng sent to the committee at Prince (IB) Rupert. I - , land." W. Bodgcr. .accompanidTif band. a!,.'W!r cWfi Its provcd Successful, Jind. Waltz waitz, "Wave..: waves or of trie ine. "Danube panuDe, " worthwhUe lrt Britain," aie vsaid; "and 1 don't se whX t shouldn't -rot .., e.if .t., f Vocal solo, "Ah Sweet- Mystery of: D worthwhile h , in canaaa Canada. " Life," Miss McKenzie, . J Hour;" i - . .. ........ At The VARIETY STORE Our assortment of, small-wares covers all" the little things one needs fort keeping your kitchen in first .class; working order. And also Use-, ful, things for every ro'orrt In; your houses Come to the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little 3rd Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 737 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated lHomsilk Hot Water teni?aths' Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black,. Proprietress FRESH SHRIMP Pally After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK IT' ' Bagpipe solo, "Barren Rocks of room, refugees from Nazl-irivaded I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McDamef: FOR ; RENTV-One room and board Aden - Constable Todd. - Kuropsan countries, , with their son Rufus and daughter:' for two men. Phone Green 620. I tz, Dream on the ocean. . M ,,e-Extended' I Sally, returned to their heme in ., iii "Thos women In articutai " 1 " Humorous recitation, ,u,fi W. ur J. t r-v0n 0eu. . ...... . . ; i u ,j Skeena Crossing after visiting rpnt 3 room furnished t, t n,rPt ,.,.,'!. Sl)d- M Slve fisht with' their daughter. Miss Annie wrtmnn. PrWnuihmnm. Rs. n....... ,T r, xi to go overseas, .right now liable couple. Reasonable. Phone . colUson and H. Kenney. ,c M.uri- Blue 708. 90 March. "Lights of London," band CAMPACS Ifr The finest crepe sole summer iAf VVl M the market in. tittle Rents, boys and mens. Priced from SL50 T0 S3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home pf Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates Whifflets From The Waterfront piacea in a goop. jod. sne saio, steamer Prjnce George. 'She Is now night cook at a large Ca t H K Nedden, arrived in port The Toronto gun-making plah." 6 tlme at 10 0.clock thU morning from a musical point of view, the ness, economy and, nutrition values! many new young players showing 0f different foods. And. Miss. Mid-' "halrmon fnr- tho evpnlnp Avenue, full concrete basement, - was flSlfOn0ws: o rauras anu uau, Pnnfr(, nf tnimnets. cost $9,000. 12 years old Fully Remarks b the chairman modern, 2 lots. $5,000 with easy Crockett. terms or $nuu down ana caiance spread over long term at $3850 monthly. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (94) ages -of 25 and 45, and that they.-have'a high school education. Most V. of the- women had received no pre-, vious .cookery training .before tak- . "O Canada, band. 1 j ing the course. . March, "Colonel Mirier." band. "The majority of these 'glrb," ' Overture, "Spirit 6f Liberty,'' MH Miudleton sal'd,' "are loniring band. . for a chanc lo go overseas where-- 4."- "r ir no yt"ttir pun Mail &happu i idge, 23,000, San Juan, 93ic and Five halibut; vessels, sold catcne3 In Vancouver yesterday. For '45,-000 pounds of mediums 8 2c an&4c was paid, for 1400 pounds " of chickens 12c and 7 and for 1600 pounds of large, 7.4c. With Armv Rations from Vancouver, f oweil Kiver ana , o,-,.-!.-! ofotinn nrrivfrt In A day's cla.ssroom rork consists Ocean Falls with good-sized list of th clty from the south on the Ca- aar on bunaay uunop1 honor of. Joseph Wesley. The oc-. Mrs. Georse Mathejon. whose here Tuesday evenine. It was v;ell nf t.. Jorfnrps nrt pvnartmpntnl Dasseneers and freight cargo ana f . eHn niv,t or,H Mnn. :ith the assistance .of caslon was his isturn from Hazel- hi (band died here recently, left attended and thoroughly enjoyed work laboratory. The stuV wllL sail at 3 o'clock this afternoon day night on the Camosun for Port t Rev. Norman Greenj ton Hoffital where he was laid up Stewart last week for Mayo Land- by the audience. dents are taught fundamentals of Ir Ketchikan and Stewart whence Ciements in connection with salmon '.he improvements and. for several week&as.a result of a mg. Yukon Territory, to tak up : This was the first concert that COoking small quantilie before she will return here tomorrow .fisheries research work which is made Overflowing con- serious operation. .future residence s ;sre the rule of the dr.y, The table was attractively ar-. ie .fiat would do. credit to janged. and decorated by: (the Mis-1 rein oi larse cities was m Dorothy Samuare and Dorothy The splendid work of the 'Weget under the direction: of Mrs. j toe church Is a feature. Mathlas Wesley. :;-s they provided turn- The guests at tha banquet were kar-uets for about three Mr; and. Mrs, Sa:Uel Wesley, Mr. ' tp: jns Everything was and Mrs. James Weget, Mr. and or- and all arrangements m- . Wilfred1, Weget, Mr. and Mrs. tUSSlFl j this organization has had In sever- tackling larger ones. In the "lab! enlng. southbound . ,al years and It was a -great success they also learn the art of cleanlK being conducted at Massett Inlet. Three vessels sold halibut catches dale cannery; and crew and: George caucuviii, uuvii. uiiuEi -v..-t,w melon pomis oui, iiu woK IS-perr MJiiui,UK iwmiua , r . tiufius, muiiugci 01 auu. oajr wn- of Bandmaster Gray and Mr. Bod- formed on strict army rations." - yesterday. Prices averaged 934c nery, arrived on the Naas Ulver 'ger. .Eight are chorn eachfdiy to and SVsC which was i'ic higher from Vancouver aboard the Catala j The vocal numbers were well ren- cook arid serve dinner to 'he Test than the preylous day. The Seattle at the first of this week. Arran- dered and very much enjoyed and 0f the students with the Idea, as sales were: Bonanza, 4,000 pounds, dale will be packing salmoa'agaln '- the other numbers also were much one teacher put, 'If you can cook Sebastian, 93c and 9c' Klngfish- 'as usual this summer while Mill FOR sAI F i appreciated, x ...... 'i ' " -- fcO you tsm lcforany umef ruivonun The Band intends to' repeat the ber." 1 ' Jchnny Wesr?y. Jonathan Brown FOR SALE "29 Essex Coach, $175. program for the most part, at tne The qualification needed to:'' Herbert Wesley- and fliver Wesley. phone Black 965. (89) Bulkley Valley District Hospital cn take the- voluntary course, jhe'f Among the guests wno spoKe in .Vw. u Tnursaay evening, v. vrocxew was cmyone of its kind In Canada "BIRDS SING, PIGS GRUNT" oweco S5 t(lflve. 771-t.. ,4s' LoVl'Srcjrt Wanted-Raw Furs Qtuaru r 9 w&uef: bou.9 j . .G.Tfl" . i4. J '1 day 6 t!t, '. ' . .t. TOeabove letter froman English lad of seven tellsl lri-his own word j his gratitude for the warm clothes and other::cpm-'fbrts prpyided by Canadian members of the I.OD.E. When his London; hotne was bombed, Michael was sent to a safe farm havenVand, thank to the generosity of Canadian women, was outfitted with ;sturdy.clothing In which he could really enjoy his new experience; out of doors. The I.OD.E., on behalf of chapters in the four western provinces, is one of the six organ-izatlons united in the Canadian War Services Fund. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to, J. E. ORMHEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing- HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 741. 167 East 3rd Ave. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A complete line of Congoleum Rugs, Linoleum Rugs, Feltol Rugs, Linoleum l)y the yard, Inlaid Linoleum WATCH FOR ANNUAL FREE RUG CONTEST Phone 77f 32 3rd, Avenue '"it 4 wt. H-: ' "