4 GUARANTEED BY viy 7 X Phone 654 BS'jgi Delivery , R .nUUIX 1 sVsL $10,000 BOND. Enjoy this racy, full flivortd lijcf. Order est tody. COASi BREWERIES LIMITED VANCOUVER VICTORIA NEW WESTMINSTER TMi 9rivprtisemfnt is not DUb- lLhid or displayed by the Ll- oar Control Board or by tne Government of British Columbia NOTICK The:; flciro o. td&mUUS for CHRICTMAS C'FIB Will kindly leave their order.; witli m a c before No. .Oth. Alter na date we enlist guaMtrs Premiums for Chn'.:mas delivery. MUSSALLEAl'S ECONOMY STOKE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" RONALD HRIDGETT English Singer and Broadcaster for BBC and CBC ts open to Coach a few pupils In SINGING ANfr KEPERTOmE rhone Kcd 921 J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station STANLEY WXOLTON B.C., Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 619 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ratcs 75c "P ou inr, Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. fhone 281 P n. nor i A Snnt" .... flollir StS '0U 0nlV naU a Rifled coiumn, (tf) GRUESOME CHAPTERS NEW BOOK "Into the Blitz" by Wm. Strange Has Ire Aroused by War- 1 time Tragedies. "Not far from the hotel, on my return Journey from this sorry tour, I came to a place where a rescue squad was digging steadily and hard towards the base-ment of a demolished house,"! writes William Strange, noted au-' thor, lecturer, and CBC writer In his newest book "Into the Blitz," describing his sea and land ex- jperlences during his recent visit to England. , "There was a grey look on these men's faces. They were obviously j tired, but they kept at It with a sturdy vigor," ha continued. "Finally they broke through to the basement, and one went down ' Soon he re-emerged carryin;; In his arms a little golden - haired girl of about seven or eight years of age. She was limp and pale. He and his mates placed her gently on the sidewalk. Only one man spoke and he had but one word to say. glinted on her hair. She was un touched. 'The blast,' one of the men told me, 'sometimes collapses their lungs.' "Then they" went back to work. "So I am Just back at the ho- seen u. realization still of what our merchant seamen, our sailors, our air men, our soldiers and tnose irom all our Empire countries and the occupied countries are saving Ca-, nadjans from. j THE DAILY NEWS MOTORS ON THE MARCH Recent United States army manoeuvres held at Milford, Mich., brought together a mighty array of mechanized units headed by a General Motors' Diesel-powered Canadian-built tank. Illustrated above is a scene at these manoeuvres which were witnessed by high-ranking army officers, General Motors' executives and 750 members of the press. The planes overhead are twin-powered by the famous Allison liquid-cooled engines built by General Motors. 'Dead.' "The ruddy glow of the fires tha nnmv S1inl. Ttp. rill and the red-gold of the rising sun mg th yoyage nls snlp wasbomb ed and machine-gunned from the air. Part of his story was actually written during the worst air raid London ever experienced, on Black WprtnosHnv Anrll 1fi whllp hp nc- iei. wnere we came in. i came , T,ori1j t,,io ntr Mirtc VVWV.iV-VU ....... l U U It. J Ul.... fcUttllJ in uuuugu nic umjia wuu uiiw.-i told anger m my neart, ana n was no. pathos and humor tragedy and easy to sit down and write again .ltn-ht. tniM.h th naees of this for the tempestuous rage within stralght.f0rward narrative, writ- mc cunu uuw jtujwuw Canadian ten by a Seif-effaclng ior nw, ana lor long wm symo- who risked his llfe to brlng bactc lize, all the wickedness of themen;tjn f.,,nw nnns the "strai2ht who let loose this horror upon the goods. on tne Empire's war effort wona. n is Deyona au comment. nnri thp FjTinire-s struaele. His I understand now why the Brit-, chapters on air raldSi the r at ish shrug .their shoulders, and say se vlslts to Canadian trooos and jerry u ao anytning. airmen, rationlnir. the work of our They're right. He will. I've merchant marine. above all the Man in the Moon You better watch out else the SEE COLOR AT NIGHT taggers will get you on Saturday. pilot TraininE In Canada Includes Beg yer pardlng but most of you will be tickled to death to give . a few dimes or two-bit pieces to the lassies who offer poppies for dimes. The recent ruling at Ottawa Special Tests Under Complete Conditions Of Darkness By J. A. McCOY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA, Nov. C: B Some men are gifted wim tne aDiuty u says you must pay your bills or pe weU at nlgnt and it ls par. your creait, win oe cut uu. i o tne Royal Canadian Air Forc pect w near auoii i.un, u i uwi k medlcal senices duty to see that pay my bills my nose will be cut tnose who have tnls glft are plac. oIt- ed where they can be of greatest value, officials say. "If the barometer droos sudden-; m went months German nteht nlnln "?Uts" diSDlaVed bV thOSe ltr- lcr'f 4hlt n clon thflt it.V-l M M. l TTll ITInrr- That excerpt from Mr. Strange s wno flght for freedom and the st0rmy?" dem have been made more haz- toiUy "uwuu, Empire make "Into the'Blitz" an ..Elther that.- or it's, fallen, off ard0us to the Nazis by the'effec pia.uww uuiui6 u, w "s-; inspiring epic, and a cnanenge to tne nail" land must oring to nis reaaers a all of us of who sm ilve he. realization of the horror with cause otners have dled! which our English defenders are; continually faced and a stronger; Paralysis Takes Famous Conjuror Mvpnpss nf nritkh nieht flirhter squadrons with crews whose night II Duce, who used' loudly to in- vision ls good. sist that "war Is swell," is now Air Commodore R. W. Ryan, understood to be leaning to the director of R. C. A. F. medical ungarbled Sherman definition. services, told a House of Com- mons sub-committee on war ex- The fellow announced to a group pendltures recently that a surprls-! of friends that he had been made ing number of people have bad manager of the First National perception at night under com- Bank. One friend looked skeptl- plete conditions of darsness Mr. Strange x nXK is to be puo- tqndon. Nov. 6: OD David , Pilots had before them a liehted I llshed in Canada by MacMUlan's Devant, conjuror and illusionist, ..'you couidnt hold a Job like Instrument panel and when theyl on Nov. 7, and Mr. Strange, an died at the age oI 73 m a Putney tnat ne remarked. "What have took their eyes off that panel and araeni oaiuiuian, ima occu ou un- hospital where he naa lain neip- 0 evc managed before?" looked into the darkness it tooKl pressed during his two sea trips lessly crippied for four years. He Tne feuow smiied condescend- them a considerable time in some to England and back with the was compciied to retire In 1920 ingly. cases to adopt themselves to the need for still further extort on which had wnen tne skiifUi hands T manaeed marry the pres- darkened conditions. behalf of our uncomplaining, he- created so many illusions were at- idenfs daughter," ' he said. Individual Test roic merchant seamen, that he is taed by paralysis. Every year "in order to. determine what donating the royalties from the members of the Magi: Circle, Rejected Suitor: "Well, In any men have quick perception and sale of "'into the Blitz" to the conjur0rs' organization, went to case ril ajwys a brother to Quick adapations at night, we Navy League, to be specially used the h0SDitai 0n Devant's birthday have to study each man indtvl- on their behalf, .... n entertain him with old and new dually," Air Commodore Ryan said. Mr. Strange recently visited tr,.k. . She (sweetly): "If I had any use We have evolved a test in con- England, having requested to be sent there, that he might observe the war at close quarters on be SWEDES GO HOME half of the CBC. t 1 ,vir,f STOCKHOLM. Nov. 6: ue eieciea 10 travel mciv.iu" during Swedish sailors rescued from vessels-both ways -and and torpedoed ships now in his trip over went through a four- mined hour Submarine attack at night, England will bs brought to Swed-durlng which several ships out of en aboard a Swedish vessel. t BROOKE VISITS CANADIANS "She teaches arithmetic in our grade school." i. Hon nrooke. commander ln chief of the British home forces, is shown it Pvtreme left as he listens to Major General Victor Odium. The photo was vivVn during Sir Alan's visit to the Second Canadian Division, which is commanded by General Odium for a brother I could reach under junction with the people in the the sofa and get one now." United Kingdom. The necessary instruments have arrived and tests "Now there's a WOman Who on mnrlo nnm n rlptprmlnp pvprv - . - If.n., . . 1 V11"' mnkps the little thinZS COUnt." nllr,t's H'snrwiHnn rr riUnrxinl mhm "What does she do?" he gets over to England; that Is to say, we recommnend him ,to be a first-class night operation pilot or a secondary cne who will be i below the average." I Color perception ls another concern of the medical services as .knowledge of primary colors is 'essential to the pilot who is glv-!en Instructions about landing at i night by colored flares from the ground. I "About six percent of the people (Who come up are what we call .color defective; that is to say they will recognize a " green as a , red and a red as a green which Is a very difficult situation to find 'oneself in in the air," Air Commodore Ryan said. I "Further, navigators and wireless people have received instruction on their panels, their instrument panels ln the air, by means of colors, Indicating what wave length they are on or what course 1 and so on, in contact with the various people on the ground, and If a can cannot recognize his correct colors he'ls going to do some harm." ' Cannot Grow It I Air Commodore Rvan said he had been dealing with color vision for 20 years and was very Interested ln the subject. ; 1 "I have ccme to the conclusion J that a man who Is born with a defect in perceiving colors is in ithe same position as a man born without an arm," Air Commodore Ryan said. "You cannot grow one.j To Award Cash Prizes, Ten Pins $8.00 to Be Givn to High Bowlers Sunday .Night -Eath Bowler It- Pay SU.ThrecGames. : A plan which may revive ten-' pin bowling will get under way Sunday night at Max's Bowling Ar.tys. Twenty bowlers entering Into play will be charged $1 for ths three games. The winning ceam will be awarded $5, high aggregate bowler will be given $2, and $1 wL'l be awarded to the trundler with high single game. GERMAN IN RAF LONDON, Nov. 6: a member of the F:rce, a Sudetan German, land before the war. ADS. OVER GOTHAM Umitcd States York City. Is done over New It is a constitutional lack somewhere. But wa are pursuing It to ic-e what ws can do." Particular cate is now taken to see that no man goes in the air without food, Air Commodore Ryan said. An overloaded stomach in air sickness would not Incapaci tate an experienced pilot who would become ill and .then be all right, while an empty stomach might lead to a feint. FRENCH INVENTORS The Gauls or ancient French are credited with the invention cf soaD and mattresses. Good Whisky- m fQHNNIE ALKER ' .n.we STRONG ONI820.""v tlilf. uuveniseiacm :.s not uu-llshed or displayed by the Ll-ciuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia , W Formerly "r- ... . German Air IN the sitrf.me ovkt oniHiTisii 13 4 In l'rnb:il sergeant pilct In -the RAF and has In thi Matter or th "Administration brought down several enemy -nu thf i planes. He was an exile in Eng- wiiiiam hik Dwrasnt intestate Take Natlcc that by Order of HU Honor, W. E. Fisher, uuide on the 2oUi I day at October, A. D. 1941, I was ap- pointed Administrator ol the estate of I J Clin VilUam Weill, deceased and all Dartlcs havlne claims uratnst the said Most of the sky-writing in the estate are hereby required to Mrnush r.xnie, piroporiy vru.'a. to me on or berore the 27th day o? November, A. D. 1941. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required tJ pay the amount of their Indc&cd'.ieM U- F f-rthwlth. D..'d v :., .this 27th day of October. A. D. 1941. Off'clsl Al.nl.,i mtor fVnoe K-itpert. B C We Also Carrv BELMONT CO. Ladies and Gents' Suits or Topcoat to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 9C0 1 PEACHE These selected Peaches, in the RSVALCrrY can, will grace any meal, in appearance, in tuslincss and in nourishment. Try thcmfoi linking or sulud recipes ... or 09 they come from the can. s ( Work Boots t DEPENDABLE MAKES SUCH AS CHRISTIE'S, VALENTINE, CREB A N I) T I L S O N B E R G. Boots Built With Years of Guaranteed Sturdiness . . . and Priced Up, From New shipment of "Jack and Jills" Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS wMo'mfflo your home every day through THE' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An ItUirnttiofjl Dully Newspaper It record) (or rou the world' clean, constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it Ignore them, but deals correctively with them. Features lor bus men and all the family, Including the Weekly Mf izine Section. Th Christian Science Publishing Eocletf One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to Ths Christian Science Monitor tor a period of 1 year 113.00 t months 1100 1 months $3.00 1 month 11.00 Wednesday Issue, Including Magatlne Section: 1 year (1.60. t issues 28 Name Simple Cetf on Rtiursl hi , jj '