THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA IS BISHOP ROWE OF ALASKA ing the’way, T encountered bad Published Daily and Weekly by ice, open water, broke through THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. sciue and got wet, After that I felt We have sh immediate purchaser for one or two good lots i TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates THE DAILY NEWS. Se MAN OF UNUSUAL QUALITIES Every Year He Travels Over 20,000 Miles Through His Extensive Territory—-Has a Ready Sympathy and icked sled, and were travelling! before ti was very light. “Barly in the day, while pilot- my way with axe in hand, snow- shoes on feet, until it grew dark. In the darkness [ broke through WANTED: Five and Six. Submit your listings, Lot 40, block 16. see. 1, Price $6000, 12 and 18 months, For Sale $2500 ca ‘ Look this up. : on application. ‘s aim ' s ‘the ice and escaped with difli- SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, .50c Unflagging Buoyancy and Good Humor loalty: ence per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Bist R : ? the Prdteals, leven: inpnihe die. vaucin Wol Kept Howlin ; ~ a § ict} ishop owe, 0 if rots ( months in every yeé olves Kep 9g Second Avenue Other Countries Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly; $2.50 per year, strictly ant Episcopal diocese of Alas-|@ country like Alaska keeps one “All night the wolves howling] Telephone 83 LLO & RADFORD in advance. a hie’ eb \ sj} ip training.” In 1908, “a typi-}near by, and we had to keep our} HEAD OFFICE ka, follows a Ween terrors | ul Epi pal " he travell-j}d tl fir to prevent a eae . ddan ota uae yjee spiscopal year, e ravell-| dogs near the ire Oo es Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. oe . a oe ni ome als mises ed 22,000 miles to hold 124 ser-|their being killed, Bitter iron-| BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES St eCnEeeyoee a ee ir bak vices. Extracts from the bish-|cold shackled the northland. et ———— ior mining camp, thinks Mr Gar- op’s diary telling of a trip from|night the fire roared defiance to) #AaAnnA —Wrntii New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 28rd St., New York City rington Weems, who writes of Pesiiivest6.. Valdes. ‘toad {koe a frost which it could not SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. sub- the Bishop and his flock «wit une m “first due, while dog and man crouch- tale of Arctic exploration. Every “FROM HOME TO HOME," LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar ree iamiur craving See brings such hardships,jed near it for protection from its| Square. of ¢ ets e é jangers ive ad Q an ay, re Wher utside of Susscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly caiiiog up Phone 98 in case of | for tidings from the outside housed Bishop ‘Rowe oak told the Dirk's tlaht the havens eee non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. a, fata ae se saat foresaw the stampede to thejablaze with moving lights—the HOTE I i | YSIUM ee wane * fa “Sa; Tae ese ant Klondike gold fields, and St.J/aurora borealis of the Arctic ence as well as . » news oman’ a aide deen ; as Ty ome ; re Ni teed , DAILY EDITION. ceo yeD THURSDAY, APRIL 25 reading» matter" -Wwhiokche sup< Mary s church at Nome was built shone with wonderful brilliance, Sid. Sykes, Manager . . 5 : by him and two helpers ahead of “Only the great white desola- 3 a : ——_—_ —_ —— ae ne aan es plies, “at night before the time th aa . . settlers ‘ adh]. brok by the The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouy: “ silo } the aid ef the citi-|]comes to turn in, when confid- hy erase ser tx. OF. 3s ers.jtion, silent, awful, broken by the Exeellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. THE COUNCIL CAN DO NOTH- ci] come to the aid e e cill- : ’ Tinese extracts from the bishop’s| wail of wolves or the eracking of ence has been gained all round, ~~. See, ERROR OO rene po areas the bishop remarks: “You are a diary may be read with serious|/ice, as though strange — spirits 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, BiG; Two eee ain ~,.{ reflections around a comfortable|were all about you. The days " f : long way from any church; let's fire: were strange as the nights. Close Rnone 8000, The length, breadth, heighth, In striking contrast to this re-| have a little church here by our- , by tt Bnet ta rie ws er Seren ee es : chive?” Uikewles! oie all she Had to Lead the Dogs yy the river crept the spruce, anc and dpeth of the ineffectiveness} vejation of ineffectiveness was] S°!Ves- Le vs si .,{through this trotted, doglike, ’ Phi R ' resent city] 4 sidan aad sat | Indian tribes of Alaska, “from Our sled was loaded with packs of wolves invieible~ but ——ae o rince Ruperts prese ; the swift determination 0 1@/the Thlinkits in the near south s ; ise : . Bd : : : : -|robes, tent, stove, axes, clothing,!none the less real, as their how- MOPAA WANA council was probably never more] section Two owners last night to] west, to the Eskimos of the Arc-|, , te ays iige Weaker . : Pi $ ’ Section as ti ” Bist R ; and food for sixteen days for|lings indicated. P - i > coast, ishop Rowe's com- me absolutely demonstrated than at}get busy themselves. Work ra year soriethine aK" to dogs and selves. . . . Wind blew _ $ When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the a aka 7 « $ . ° i ’ . > , *nieha a the meeting of the Section Two vane would have taken Mayor them he brings medical aid, reli- the snow like shot in our faces. 4 eine tees se no Rae 2 ot Property Owners last night.) Newton's council about three re-| ginus instruction, and the school|I kept ahead of the dogs leading ee tere ba t BI ‘k en 3 I ; Those who remember the sale of| gular, and five extraordinary|jng so necessary to prepare ;|them, finding the way. We had ers Vite ee $ EL . 1 : ; elings ace is vas|them against the civilization : 4 wane Pee ay he aCeT ee $ | that section will agree that the|™meetings to accomplish, — was) ; : to cross the wide river; the great 4 : pe ‘ ec, 4 et { property then repre.|done by the Organization Com.| Which otherwise engulfs them ie this “an-orieall Ladies Always Want. Many 3 Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day, ie ere Ot) ermerie . Cele ; ‘ ; | disastrously. aT Core eta EW BOBO HNTIALEn Ian: They al-| Hot and Cold Water in each room. e sent some pretty big purchasing| mittee in ten minutes, while the) “a 4 ly “Traini had to use an axe and break a ways go to Mrs. Frizzell’s for the| $ if a SAR ara ie ni ad Early Training ee ea é paid ays 8. hell's 4 es 1: power. Practically everyone|meeting was in session. Phe: Sunittiekiacaetaaeen a” Hin weit ee oo bag latest styles in. suits, dresses, g CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS aa ? ior acn fs sost-| Ways and Means Committee will} ; i oa 3 ‘ Pow ; Paes ‘ollars ¢ illinery 4 v . a who ere property in “that OnSt= oe es ae ep ii nate }ded in 1895 with Peter Trimble! stop; they could not see; their SORES. ree Meeiihobs § $ Vancouver, B.C. i ly section is worth quite a bit of} report in a week on the raising! Rowe as its first bishop, iles on eyes were closed with the frost; < ane > 4 i money himself. The average} 0f funds to carry on the develop-| hot hsides of the Arctic Gircle.| my own were; so I rubbed off the; Wanted — Position as exper-| Wwwaw AAA ah price of lots at the sale was|ment of the section as desired| Sitka is the bishop's see, but his! frost and went. on. The time ae eaten ae eras HI $1000 each, and the sale price of|by its lot owners, attacking thus field of work is septate a came when the dogs would—|Wrk at once. “Phone Black 148. ei : F ney » same class of pro-|@reat interior of Alaska, the could no longer face the storm.| eee ve the whole number of lots sold| swiftly ne same class 0 ree icountry drained by the Yukon, | 1 was forced to make a camp, | Full and complete consign-| Fae eer ogee areata teers i ran to about $400,000, Seven-| blem which the mayor and his} the Koyukuk, and the Tanana,} “After a sleepless night we|™ent of ship chandlery at Howe| ? | et tenths of spenders of that $400-|Chosen confidants have been/and the mountains and the val-| were up before breakfast. It was; MecNulty’s, 2nd Avenue. tf | | § } 000 it is believed will be found|seratching their heads over/ieys te the northward. Every] still blowing a gale: had some} — { ll M 224 )32 ? p j I | | nn | . ji ‘ | . | { i to reside today in Prince Rup-|Vainly for months. year he travels more than 20,-}breakfast hitched up the dogs, ..The place for the very latest. J i) vu Jb QJr rin ng e353 e j ay. ‘ ‘ : 000 miles through this territory} dogs, but they would not ‘face Alway he st fast able de . ; ; Ee Thay av’ bo taken as-par< tis signifios I : at!.. ; gS, , é Always the most fashionable de- a) ert, They may be taken as pal It is significant to note tha by. boat in the . short diver. the storm, so I resigned myself| signs in suits and millinery at { ‘ Th t) ‘ ticularly representative of the}|most prominent amongst the and by dog-team and reindeer in| to the situation and remained in|}Mps, Frizzell’s. tf l 5 Willing most successful and financiallyjmen giving clear constructive! winter.” ;camp. It was my birthday, too. | i ad a { i powerful citizens and business} help towards the financial prob- Bishop Rowe's “unflagging|I kept busy chopping wood for|— — — | ‘ men of Prince Rupert. Yet at}lems of Section Two were two) Ueyancy and good humor, and] the fire... .. In carrying a heavy |} ee ; and $ tisfied { hei : last ht they are| former members of Prince Rup his “ready human sympathy”| log down the side of the moun. jf M ‘DAVIS AT DAVIS’ ibe see who. is ad Mites peopl iv their meeting last nigh Sp EeLe : cits P-\ eminently fit him for his task,| tain I tripped, fell many feet and|# e ° BOAT HOUSE SP Abeee ‘able s ~ prefer a mat } heard, one after another, openly eres first city council, a council) according to Mr. Weems, — Ser- injured shoulder slightly. General Machine Shop and Ship's to buy good print- | eee and unreservedly characterising] which with whatever faults peo-|vice in Canada and = Michigan| “After another cold and shiv- ed ene a ents ponte ing. If he uses tO Do $0... Se ceing with the present city council from the} ple may charge aganst it, certain] sive him valuable preparation|ering night we found the wind | neeinek ’ analiics paatees aud Avi Suzie Sas x 12 Sacbe~ printing—so it little | for his life-work. As for phy-| somewhat abated, and without! cessories carried in stock. whale Fagbed he “ astrous not to mayor downwards, as absolut- ely useless to them, when as Cit- izens and large property owners, they need the elementary type of municipal improvements, “There is no use approaching the City Council. They have nothing.” Some fifty hard head- most and wasted long-winded trifles, ly did things, | sical fitness, “travelling nearly| breakfast hetihed up the d088;,1 peuschesend Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf time in speechify- PEPPe PEP EPEeeeeeeP Pee = — by Sec-| fe the city | is a positive, | ing about petty The attitude assumed tion Two owners to council last night practical and businesslike real-| ization of the attitude of many, | men of Prince of more, ed business Ru- aboul a and pert, representative couple of hundred further representative of all the most enterprising cilizens at pre striving to upbuild here a greal and powerful city and sea- port, are found last night agreed To them the city sent upon the fact. as expressed in| on the vapour-! (2. the} many citizens their comments of Mayor accompanying ineffectiveness of| To the fact that her business of carrying on their own affairs in| they ings Newton, and KEEP OUT! 66 EEP OUT!”’ used to hang as a sign on every factory door. The old idea of secrevy in busi- his council. men are capable determined fashion as are doing with Section Two develop-| Daily | doesn’t care. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE TH ‘'NEWS PHONE 98 News Building AF Fk Hs FF rt GF He Hs FS PE PS HS HG Nr about your pr Thira Avenue veve~w OUR P Only $5.00 monn onalgh frame, most easy t) ar. range ( OUR CAP CURLS RICH INCL ted ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY AND POs tm” UNIVERSAL HAIR CP? TRANSFORMATIONS 9% council, except as a sort of ofi-|ment, Prince Rupert owes her| ness made it seem a crime to show outsiders processes, - ase,” cial rubber stamp necessary for|steady progress towards pro-| : . > be isle sadigatteeis Ne Haein fo. lapetin- ta etien GR is ae ol materials, and methods of manufacture. a eo struments, does not exist. It is dilatoriness, and the demoraliz- Now the white light of publicity is being let in by a there, but it is no use going to it}/ing influence of a garrulous, self : : ‘ 7 o for anything, The most that it}opinionated mayor, whose abili- those who depend on public favor for business profits and STYLISH ake, can do practically towards whe ties have never heen effective business growth. The ‘‘ keep out’’ sign is disappearing Rae tha & development of Section Twolexeept destructively. The extra- fi fi d d h a ] Pais a3 2 z Entire i seems to be embodied in Ald.jordinary thing is that the mere! rom actory oors and the ‘‘welcome sigm Is taking its See nee ~ For Light, / Kerr’s suggestion that it has al]fact of being members of the} place. atta PURE LONG HAIR (as sket h) to compicte &'Xcbure i lot of good lumber going to}counecil under the dull soporific | fo Ne ee cet in Oe S55 . waste which it does not know|influence of the mayor seems to | All Orders delivered direct co vour home, sr curely packed - Candor and honesty form the back- To-day, many public service coms Send tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 1310: A STYLISH POMPADOU! Pe PrP P PEP PP EP EPP : how to use, and which might be| render several otherwise ener- aC , y . mwa. hele in bone of modern Advertising. Men tell panies use the newspapers to tell the CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, Entire Transformation $ ee used for the plankways in the/getie business men almost as} the truth, and it pays. Modern selling truth about themselves 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Toupet only, $2.25 or $3 5 ‘i new section. In such lumbering} garrulously uneonstructive as} relies more and more on the confidence ’ Address all iy ; 1 4,/FOXBERRY ROAD, : ; fashion only can the city coun-/their civie head. and good will of the buyer. To-day, many big industrial enter- Managerens BROGKLEY, Lononon,S.E. ENGLAND. : To-day, eyes are too sharp and in- prises are open wi hout hindrance to telligences too keen to make deceit the inspection of an interested public, possible. Absolute frankness in Ad- vertising is the straight road to confi- dence. The public demands the light; it abominates and fears darkness, To-day, To-morrow, many more companies, depending for their success and pros« perity on public confidence, will lift the curtains that veil their board and work- TEEPE PEEPS Highest Value in Plain and many canning factories, ie Gem Set | {el acking houses, bakeshops, and public rooms— they, too, will come to printing ; (rel sitehens welcome visitors. concealing candid advertisements in the news- e al nothing. papers, i RINGS 7 fp : Sf & COLDS »—> i Henry Birks & Sons 5 The public may overlook, but does not forgive, a lie ie iS ; ‘. ; ‘ i. There is no Jewellry line in which value Sasi crite iat el or an abuse of its confidence. The public regards with M thi 9 S 4 5 more expressed th IRKS’ plain pe ‘ ‘ b his tesccnen “Seonaanets ettcattior thee ech 3 suspicion those who attempt to serve it in secrecy and alhieu § yrup are, Slinply speaking, the personification of rector | . * * ~ ; a ee See al silence. 'The public is repelled by juggled facts or befog- of Tar and Cod Liver Ot i , Ty ; Vancouver -:- B.C Te Pe & 5 h ee eae ee ie ee eee mae ere 5 ging words. The public rewards with its favor and not om stops a cough but cures ie eme s diamo' r4 combina- = e. ‘ t. t | tom selling. "Tue BIRKS” WEDDING RING a money those who tell it the truth. It walks and shops ee eee P. i, is of particularly fine design and very el | ‘ : , F properties enable the system to 4 Pores Mereahens Cane. ne tor ral where the light shines and where the paths are straight. permanently throw off a cold. sent free to your address, 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. s Throw on the light! err PPE PEEP PP PEPPEPEPEEE H So : , Reessessessess SSCeSseEseseasessetsesse sees: 5 Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through J. lp MATHIEU CO,, Prop., SHERBROOKE. . | = any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary 1 = | —————— : ai | a ¢ the Canadian Press Association, Room 508 Lumsden Bldg., j re at C oronto, Enquiry involves no obligation on your part —so L) : ° ° ie trite, if intereted, MAT H EUS SY ) Subscribe For The Daily News! ° TAR & | a a OF COD LIVER OIL fe] TeIeoweewwe ee ewe wee eee BIO eVoeeIwe And Get All the News = SSE °c MS