i 11 i if ' PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Visit Our Itascmcnt Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT) J. C. Ollker of the Booth Fisher- Mrs. D. Zarelll and daughter, ies sailed this afternoon on the Miss Louise Zarelll, are sailing to-Princess Louise for a trip to Juneau night on the Prince George for a on company business. trip to Vancouver. v-K'TtfT 13 Large Selection HOYS' and YOUTHS' SCHOOL OXFORDS HOYS' and YOUTHS' SCHOOL HOOTS MISSES' OXFORDS TIES AND STRAPS HOYS' and GIRLS' RUBBER OVERSHOES GUM ROOTS CREPES DRESS SHOES Prices You Can Afford Cut Rate 1 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail Orders Promptly Filled There's a WATERMANS To Suit Everyone Pens From .. $1.50 Pencils From . 7oc Sets From $2.25 For HOYS and GIRLS MEN and WOMEN Special Sets 1. for for The Army the 2. The Air Force 3. Doctors 4. and 5. Nurses 6. Uusincss Men on and Women 7. points An Ideal Gift That 8. 80 Will Last a Life Time 7 COAL! The fre&tesC Victory Ahiure won- Was stornf from tti esunf ST Phi'pott Evitt I'MOM ..., nm CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Cut Rate Shoe Store Official Outfitters to "M' Lords" and "M Ladies" SCHOOL SHOES Exclusive Agents For Wratfgc Shoe Co. Classmate and Shu-Conomy Shoes Shoe Store 506 THIRD AVENUE W. i Across From Orme's Drug J McRae Bros. Have the Sensational NEW Guaranteed unconditionally 100 years. More gold in point. Modern bal-anced styling. Simplest, one-stroke filling. Quick start, leak-proof feed. Writes H mile single filling. Handmade (through operations). Your choice or quality points. flpjjV fnt from SM 53,00 ff'nP Hundred H IjF Yar fan COAL! The coal business Isn't a mat- tcr of guess work with us. We know good coal when we buy It ,and you will know good coal when you try it. We buy the best the mines. produce. It's properly graded before it comas tof us -nd properly scheened and wefghed before It comes to you. & Co. Ltd. I'llONI H.'i? REPORTS ON CONVENTION Canadian Legion in Regular Month ly Session Wednesday Night A considerable amount of routine ; business was disposed of at the reg ular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League last evening. A special feature was the report of the delegates to the provincial convention recently held in New Westminster. This report was prepared by the president. H. A. Breen, and proved to be very interesting and comprehensive. In his statement Mx. Breen referred to the tremendous amount of work done in sub-committees in preparation for presentation to the general convention. This was a testimony to the efficiency of the j organization as well as to the at-' tention paid by the delegates. Five full business sessions in addition to , committee meetings provided a busy I three days' work. I That the Legion was fully aware of the need for Canada's fullest participation m the war was shown oy the attention paid to the most important resolution of the convention. This was presented by J. S. Wilson, who was chairman of the general resolutions committee and called for the immediate mobilization of wealth, manpower and every other resource. The Legion believed that, while the last Dominion election was won on the promise that there would not be conscription, conditions had so changed that, under aggressive leadership, this country would be no whit behind the Old Land and other Dom inions in demanding that conscription be put into effect. This would mean selective mobilization, for the industries must be maintained as well as the fighting equipment and manpower. An interesting development was the presence of members from the New Veterans' Branch. These were men discharged from the present war and who recognized the leader ship of the Canadian Legion and wisned to co-operate with them in aeaiing with present and future problems affecting ex-service men ana tneir dependents. The report of the late Colonel Bucll, who died on the platform while presenting it, dealt with the extensive work of the Canadian War Services Education program. finis was becoming the largest edu cational institution in existence and, while not getting the publicity that other services were receiving, it was dealing with the most important problem the reestablish-ment of men after the war had been won. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Breen for his splendid report. Ihe Legion also supported the observance of Redcdication Week which was being held this week. There was every need that all moral and spiritual resources be mobilized as well as material order to win the war. The Late i Governor-General once said that "It will be the intangible things that will win the war.'' The idea recognises the need for emphasis on the morale and spirit of the people. An exhibition of handwork of the I Women's Auxiliary for war refugees was an interesting feature at last I night's meeting. I Marlon Brown, an Indian wo-: man, who attracked a crowd by col lapsing on the sidewalk on Second Avenue near Sixth Street Tuesday night, was fined' $10, with option of five days', imprisonment. In city police court yesterday for drunkenness. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Sentemh.. . KEEPTHE WHEELS TURNING mimts KEEPS YOU 1 REFRESHED WHILE YOU WORK! Ouick hands and steady nerves are essential for every job in war time. Wrigley's Spearmint Gum helps relieve fatigue and nervous tension refreshes you on the job. The delicious flavor helps keep your mouth and throat cool and moist, your breath fresh, and the healthful chewing aids digestion. For handy enjoyment, always carry a package or two of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. CHEW IT WHILE YOU WORK millions' do! Only Si! B'jy SOMB TODAY ! . The fire department had a call at 8:40 last night to the corner J of Sixth Avenue and Donald Street. It was merely a s"bare resulting from a clearing fire which 'was throwing considerable smoke. You'll love I heir rich ruoviMi.tr, ki.ixtiox VOTKKS LISTS IS YOUR NAME on the Provincial Voters' L.su" is j ur wn dutytoreg. lstex Take ik, clnces. Do not depend on anyonp elsr. You cannot vote unlew registered ra the PROVINCIAL list. Be-in on the Civic, Municipal or Federni lists positively does not put you or itlhe Provlp.al iffE THE LIST CL08ES on the 13th da' of Soptwnber, 1941, after wn)on dati Positively no mJli.t.lr.nji urltl k - celved by me. Qualu"lfttiion for Tlrrltrsitir.n- I 1. British subject by Birth or Nat- . Urnllaallnn 1 2. Twenty -one yenrs of age. 3. ResWtioe of Six months In Province of British CoUunbla; One month to Electoral District. NORMAN A. WATT, Registrar of Voters. Prinoe Rupert Eleotoral District August 30Dh. 1941 Whifflets ! ! From The Waterfront v C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, now operating Ion a ten-day schedule to Alaska for the fall, arrived in port at 11:30 a.m. today from Vancouver and sailed at 1 this afternoon for Skagway and other northern points. The northbound passenger Ust Is not very heavy but southbound a large number of, p:ssn-gers are expected. The vessel had 91 passengers of whom 47 were round trippers. Eight disembarked here and four went north from this port. C N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, got away at 10 o'clock last night for Ketchikan and Is due back hers at 6 o'clock this evening southbound. The vessel is bringing in somn seventy passengers from Ketchikan who will continue south with Seattle their ultimate destination Classified ads. get results. Phone 98. SAV-MOR GROCERY Specials Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable Soup OEn 3 for 431' Aylmer Sid. Pcachcs-2V2's 27c Aylmer Peas-No. lie 5. Per tin Aylmer Pork and 14c Beans 2V2S Ile.'nz Spaghetti OP-Flats. 3 for i5DL Heinz Tomato Catsup 22c Per bottle Brentwood Beans lie Per tin Cloths Tins Spring. 25c 2 for Chipso Special 1 regular pkt. Chipso and 1 Glass OQn Jug Deal Milk- Any brand. (PA QC Per case Dr. Dallard Cat 8c Pood Per tin Dr. Ballard Dog Food 10e Per tin Klcc--Good quality 23c 3 lbs. Johnson Wax Deal 1 lb. paste iax, 1 pt. o.f 4 n GloCnat Ejrgs Grade 'A' large. Dozen 45c Pears 13c Lynn Valley Sugar Fine granulated. 80c 10 lbs. Save More at the Sav-Mor Free Delivery Sav-Mor Grocery 227 PHONE 228 Board , On WT1NG 'stinct,on! A g I Already, thij delicious brew 1 B xr-r, - 1lm , MlP i becoming one of the most IB W$lEil' PPU'" British Columbia. BL Lf jLJr VUf, V " Vu hen' yet tasted it, T B IKw COAST BREWERIES LIMITED TL lfiffll'li I ' V"C0UV" " """" 'JI victohu VW iufl ' ',"f'' WM-'OK FUEE I10.ME DKLTVEH v""' I ; Jjj 1 1 ; advertisement ii net publisned cr dispKyr-,! by the Liquor Control or oy tne oovernment o British Columbia. Letter Box DHY DOCK BUNKIIOUSES Editor, Daily News: In connection with the building of dry dock bunkhouses (such I believe they are) adjacent to the nooth School, mav I voice my opin ion. Surely there must be room for ! these buildings closer to the dry dock in the area set aside for wartime housing. It seems to me that no consideration has been given to the fact that such building might constitute a hazard from several important standpoints. Also as one who has lived here for over 30 years. I think it is time that Prince Ku- pert should grow up and become a city of beautiful dwelling houses, not bunkhouses. OLD TIMER. Early Copy Requested Those who wish the publl- cation of reports of meetings or other events arc reminded that copy should be in the office early, wherever possible the evening before publication. Copy for advertising changes should also be in the office the afternoon prior to publication. A Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE Ml Tom Lee & Son "IIOUSi; OK FINK FOODS' Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PI I ON K G57 Vtinv'i Rupert Co. Rupert Brand SMOKED LACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. calline at Ocean Fall ' Powell Itivcr. Saturday at 11:15 p.m. P.S.T. callinj at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at G:00 p.m.P.S.f. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars A. For full Information, reservations, etc., Vtmflifl c,ty Tlckct JrJTffi' Agents CAPITOL A rAMOUt HAYIM 729 TODAY and FRIDAY Continuous Daily From 1 fnL Complete Shows at l 00 2 4:57, 7:05 and 9 lj IN TECHNICOLOR 1911's Great Clamorous Musical "That Night in Rio" With Alice Faye CARMEN MIRANDA Don Ameche (At 1:19, 3:27, 5 35, 7 43 9 5i Also r.'wscvelt-Churchill Mcttinj In Our News Keel Also Sportlight Travel-Cartoon Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remodelled 10 Ladies Alterations, Repairing Car.: lng and Pressing Qui::k Service" K'aturing-- Freidma:. ana Oabbes, Samuc; xlan Ua Ladies and Gents SvUL au Topcoats to mea; ure DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore afe Phone 307 Uox 725 School Supplies In good quality at reasonable prices. The VARIETY STORE 330 3rd Ave. W. fhntie Ked 120 FREE! FREE! New issue Premium Hooks now In. Call in and let us explain this plan to you. Dishes silverware, flatware and many useful items KHEE wltn out cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOKE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 515 Ltd. British Coliimbli 0nce, 528 Thlrd Ave' rhone 260, Prince Rupert fnr Trans-Canada Air Lines lljUUJUjl.WUHHWgt