rtMBda?- September U. U?4L THK DAILY NKW3 SUITS Tailored to Your ''Individual Requirements by LOMBARD! Assure You Of From It Perfect Hand-tailoring; en.-stirinc lit and comfort Correct styling the finest Hri-tish fabrics. outstanding present-day value in liijjlr class clothing $40-00 So Trice Advance Since Fall 1939 15 4 II 7h '!.'; j Steamship Sailings , (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Tuesday -S.S. Catala l"?o pm. Tuur-aay S.S. Prince Geor.e 12:15 midnight Friday S.S Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. S.S Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight Co-"ntvv Ifi nnrt 27 SS Princess Louise p.m. From Vancouver Sunday S.S, Catala - p.m. Wednesday- -SJ3. Prince George 11a.m. Friday -S.S. Princess Adelaide am SS Prince Rupert 11 a.m. 85. Cardena .,p.m. September 22 SS. Princess Louise a.m. For Sttwart and Premier Sunoay S.S. Catala 8 pm. Friday- -S.S, Prince Rupcn 4 p.m. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday -S.S. Catala a.m. Saturday -S. S. Prince George 9 pin, For Alice Arm, Watts & Nickerson 532 Third Ave. Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Phone 315 Naas River and Port Simpson. Thursday S.S. Prince George 12:15 midnight Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pcplcit Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The baffllnr thing- about low blood count U that you cmn weigh about a much u you ever did-even look healthy and atrong. yet -you can feel at-it you had lead In your Irga. dopey, tired and pepleat. Uow blood count meant you baen t g" enough red blood corpuiclet. It U their viul Job to carry life-giing oxygen from your lunga throughout your body. And juit ai it takea oxygen to explode gaaoline In youi" car and make the power to turn the wheeta, o you muit have plenty of oxyiren to ex. plode the energy In your body and give you '"eel Darwinian Pink TllU today. They are world-noted for the help they give In Increasing the number and etrength of red eorpuiclei. Then with your blood count up. you'll feel like bounding up the lUln at if you were floating on air. Aik yeur druririat or Dr. WUliama Pink PiUa today. Breakfast fme, and do you say U a fa a iL- ii nor, yoQ won I get me nnnritUmant vnif tlfipdl Queer but, trut, 1. 1 if you don't really, enjoy jour breakfast, your system, can't get; from it the quick startlyou.need So it's well, to remember that Kellogg's Corn Flakes do the three important things every breakfast should. (1) Proven first in flavour, they tempt your anpetite. (2) Jam- iiuiliy-uzc pataaitcr ii 'I BiiiiTir-iiTtiJ-- f A RIAL KONOMfi Canada' farouriie cereal coin only few pennie 'or.'"' whole family'f breakfm or the thilJ-ten's supper. Hive you tried the new LOCAL NEWS NOTES REGISTRATION OF VOTERS W- A. Richelson of Seattle, who. Dybhavn & Hanson's office, 315 Is Identified with the Kennecott 3rd Avenue, wUl be open evening Copper Co., which has a large, between 7 and 10 o'clock for regis-' mine In western Alaska, sailed tering. (214) 'yesterday afternoon on the. Prince. George for Ketchikan after spend- NOTICE-After this date. Sept. 6, ine a day or so. la the city. 1941, I will, not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name. H. Comer. NOTICE Meyers Studios photographer Is at the Commercial Hotel all this week until Saturday. Coupon holders are reminded to use their coupons before Saturday. (213) J. Connery is sailing tonight on so gooa or late. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Church Tea, Mrs. M. Nickerson, Atlln Ave., Sept; 25. I Queen Mary Refugee Club Tea, Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. 102nd. Women's Auxiliary Dance Armouries, October 1. St. Andrew's Mission opening October 1. Catholic Dazaar, October land 2, Novelty dance Friday, Oct. 3. Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. McLeod's, Sixth Avenue West, October 9. Hill CO Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 5. St. Peter's Fall Sale, Nov. 27. Marie Dalagno. Piano Recital, Presbyterian Church, Wed. Sept. 17, 8:30 p.m. Admission by pro gram. Adults 50c, Students 25c. packed with carbohydrate 'fuel' they start you quick. And (3) they help keep you going. Ready in 30 seconds, no pots and pans to clean! Get several packages tomorrowl And, note for husbands away from home, insist on Kellogg's in the wax-wrapped individual pack, age. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada HouiewiVef vofeJ 5 fo I for Kellogg's as against any other brand of Corn Flake when asked ''What ready-to-eal cereal is your family's favourite!" And here's whai Mrsj Mabel Robbins, Head Dietitian of Honey Dew Ltd., says after n impartial taste test in which she sampled the four leading brands of corn flakes: "No one knows better than a dietitian the impor tance of tempting flavours. So, I was glad to make this impartial test; The sample I unhesitatingly chose for flavour was the sample which proved to be Kellogg s.. 4 the Prince George for a trip toj Vancouver and Nelson In the hope ; that the change will be of benefit T to his health which has not been carpenters to Atlln on of hcial' duties. William. Page, general office re- 'presentative of the United Bro- Red Cross Tea, Sept. 11, Mrs. Sid Thompson. Presbyterian September 18, Tea, the Manse, S. O. N. Dance, September 18. 2nd Searchlight Aux Dance, mouries, September 19. Ar- Anglican Tea, Mrs. Hopkins, Frl Sunday-S.S. Catala 8 pjn 'y September 19. k ?,m " ' , port simnson- Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale, Tuesdav-SS. Catala a.m.' September 20. For Ocean, Falls Lieut. Commander and, Mrs. C. R. F: Piers, whp have, been on a trip, to Vancouver and- Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince. Gswge. yes-, terday. Miss Jean Massey of New York, and Shipwrights Norman A, Watt, registrar of vot- open meeting, Carpenters' Hall, ers, has received Instructions from, Fraser Sk,,.Fri., 8 pjn. Important Victoria to keep the office open business. juntll 8 o'clock Saturday evening, In-j stfnrt nf rlnslner at noon, for the . Inspector. Ernest Gammon, pro.- j conVenlence of those desirous, of . vlnclal police, sails, this afternoon i rcglstrlng IIIII I I If- fill II rA lJlUltTi 1UI il LI 111 uieruuou 01. vapeiitcia uuu iiuui- ers o America, arrived In the city on the. Prince- Rupert, from. Van- couver Wednesday "ana. will De j Mrs. Fred. Dlngwell of Nelson, ar-J- rived. In the city at the first of thlsfc week to pay a visit with, her sister, ' Mrs. Fred Wesch. Mrs. Dlngwell; was. formerly Miss Malsle Dungate j of this city. . leaving on. Monday evening's train j Mrs. J. R. Walnwrlght of Oakville, for Calearv to- attend the. annual Ontario, arrived in me. cuy- on uie Trades and Labor Congress con-j Princess Louise this morning to pay vpntlnn a Visit wiin ner promer-in-iaw ana sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. nr. R, R Coleman, in charee of! They will. leave next Monday even-, ! the pathological laboratory at the ! spend, a while at Terrace. prince Rupert General Hospital, wa& an. Interesting, speaker; today' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett and Flying Of Flags . And Decorations Being Requested who has been visiting for the past part of the observation of weeks with her brother and sister- Ronsecratlon Week, citizens are In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Massey, asked by the local commlttee to.' will sail on the Prince Oeorge to fly flags and decorate their homes night for Vancouver. )and business premises. The- second : anniversary of Canada's entry Into ' the war ls belnst observed throush- MADE IN CANADA. out the Dominion to pay national j honor to those who, on land, sea, and In the air are the defenders of our country and in proud memory of those valiant hearts who have fallen for the common Mrs. A, C. Clarke returned to the city on the Princess Louise this morning from a trip to Vancouver. j DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanlj Ladles, arvi Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529) 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction, Guaranteed, Cleaning and. Pressing Carnation Milk is not any higher in price even though it Is enriched by irradiation with extra "sunshine' vitamin D. Be sure the milk you buy. is irradiated. A "spot" costs you only hall a dollar. Try it In the Dally News, classified column. (tf) A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY, FALL BEDDING Beauty Rest Mattress - 1250 Kupertia Mattress, S.F. $29.50 Slumber King Mattress - $28-50 Kegular Spring Filled Mattress S20.00 30 Mrttresses to, Choose From, All Sizes. We positively do not Trade in Used Mattresses Phone :W 327 3rd Avenue ..before the Prince Rupert Rotary i child, who have been on a vacation L wAriir 'Club. President P. H. Llnzey was in (trip south, returned to the city on I J rf of mumture meraoers anH and a a lew fnur cniacfe guests. frftm Vancmivpr- F, I PEAS ( U Because- tho PfrcAiCrnr kitchens K J specialize iu the growing, selection : and processing of garden peas !m f y thi: brand is. always, the choice of 1 I thone who want the best. J Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges in good condition, 20 sprlngfleld mattresses In all sizes at $16.50, 24 chesterfields In the latest styles. Household! doors, water boilers, 8 unpalnted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. I HOUSE for sale or exchange for j Vancouver house, 5 rooms,, 3j bedrooms. Close to Dry Dock,-2 lots. Apply H. Slmonsen, Boat Svalbard, Standard pil Dock. (215) CABIN. Cruiser for sale Snap. "Lllo" 28' pleasure boat 35, h.p. Universal marine engine. Cash. Phone 72 or Red .925 after 7 pjn, 1 FOR SALEZenlth washer, Excel- lent condition, rnoue uuick. it. i (213) FOR SALE Car. 1938 Graham at new floats. .Apply ' Box 145, Dally Newi (215) 3 u- . : FOR SALE Nesco automatic cook er. $18. Phone Blue 443. (213) FOR RENT I! FOR RENT Large office room furnished in Dally News build-: lag. Will become vacant September 15. (tf) WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY . House : or apartment by- Dry Dock, worker. Phone Greea C07 or n Rox 1365. (213) CLOSING September 13, applications will be received from' men suitably qualified,, for the position ot driver fireman. Apply tare Chief. Prince Rupert Fire WANTS Work as saleslady, office . work or take charge- of apart ment or rooms. Box 146, Daily! News. (216) wanted Bov for. delivery route. AddIv stating age and school cradfi to Dally News. (213) WANTED Housekeeper for man with 2 children. Apply. Box 147, Dallv News. (215) FOR SALE Second-hand car i WANXEDExperlenced woman, or chean: Phone Blue 781. (215) ... urtco,t-ir housework. n.iv Day nr or. month. month. J, H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office elrl for Phone 640. (315) 1 WANTED 3 room house or apart mentunfurnished. Phone Black' 848. (214) I WANTED Day messenger boy. Ap- nlv Orme's Drue Store. (tf)- BUILD A HOME Like This Get Prices ot Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 PHONE 117 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable IS PHONE 13 24 Hour, Service at Regular Ratei HOME NEEDS For The Medicine Chest Tincture of Iodine 25C ,5oracic Acid 15C fSTl 25c ioc Camph.WOil- "T. 0C '2 02 -- Seidlitz Powders I ftp Oil of Eucalyptus 90r 10's. V.V. 1 oz Bronchial Syrup For KCf Friars. Balsam 25C tight and chesty colds" uv leZ ' " Horehound and Honey An Castor Oil . VKn excellent dWU ?ftp 4ozs expectorant Epsoms Salts 9C! 3- Tannic Acid Jelly t,UV Cftp lib, For burns BUY YOUR DRUGS. FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. Vht Pioneer Druqfftats The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. V'- 4