AQB mot Expert Optical Service BIG FORCE OF FLIERS Grpup Of Canadian Pilots Safely ' Landed In England Is Greatest Yet AT A BRITISH PORT, April 29: (CP) The largest force of Cana Mrs. A. D. Popoff I'rom Kcd Revolution, Passes i, f In Victoria Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Raggagc and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Talk On Steel Strike Ruled Out In House OTTAWA, April 29: At the suggestion of Prime Minister William Port Essington Woman Passes Mrs. Sarah Spalding Passes Away At Port Simpson Hospital Aftrr Long Illness TOUT SIMPSON, April 20. Mrs. Sarah Spalding of Port Essington passed away on Saturday in the Port Simpson General Hospital after many years of Illness with rheumatism. The remains are being taken to Port Essington where the funeral will be held. Mrs. Spalding leaves two brothers Stephen and Titus Campbell-three' sons Peter, Johnny and Henry Spalding and four daughtersNina, Jane, Freda and Mary Spalding. If you warn sdmetnuu;, adver tlse for it. Hundreds of people get iwhat they want that way. (tf) 1 Slow Burninq CIGARETTE PAPERS NOHC FIMEft MADE Lyon Mackenzie King who deemed in tiii: sM'kkmk coi kt o . 1 T ll HI II U 1 1 .v.- Ull l . '!. aian-irauieu iinpenui i.icis yci. ii, wuuiu nut, ue in tue puunt uir ( ihr ja((,,r r j)r ".,in reach the United Kingdom was in- 4erESt under exlstlne conditions. Art" eluded in thousands of Canadians tVlp Snu. wrri!,v .-..Vrf n,.t. in ... .... , ......... ... IIICITISII .port at 7:45 this evening from Stew- mort(. w..,- rrt n, 1P rln,m. . art and other northern points and of which i shaai have ?n notified.! Who Escaped ' will cnH nt R-IS nm fnr Vnnrnn. Dated ft Prttuce Rupert. B. C. tlula 1 ver. Ormes Ltd. Jfm Pioneer Druq&tats The Kexall Store Phcnej HI b it Open Dally from X a.m. till 10 p.m. Kundaya and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Trlnce Rupert fpr Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert April 14 and 26 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNI-R. Prince Rupert Asent. Third Ave. Phone 56H I 20th day cf April 191. NOnMAN A. WATT Offl2tt Adnri'inl'mtci" Prince Rupert. B. C. I Anil lu (lie Matter of the IMute of Joe Johnson. Drcriised Intestate YES! We Repair Water Pipes. Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned . $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" FRESH Dairy Products We have thirty-six cows in town and can supply you with fresh milk daily. Our barn is located at Eleventh Avenue .East. Visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 Ui Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SII.VERSIDCS BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 410 TH UAILT mrWK Tuesday, I. . R. A. F. Records AIR NEWS SERVICE LOUIS V. HUNTER operative news gathering gathering or or- ganization, and its allied agencies "cover" the world for the Domin ion, the Air Ministry News Service J I I i Unique Source Of News J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bide. Ladles' and Children's DRESSMAKING A'NI) REMODELLING Reasonable price, good work Phone Blue 91G 203 3rd Ave. KIMIKO UYEUE which might be actively engaged In a major war. Promoting British Besides betas a fertile source of news, the Mr Ministry News i . i ..I4i nl In 4 V,a VlrlMch 1 T AlYllLliV prepares radio scripts and now is By LOUIS V. HUNTER Canadian Press Staff Writer n ce n n i I OTTeC TOf KClCn Is Intercepted At iU. ..Ui.nfnnJ nntlvif Inn w. A wv KAML00PS NEWS n.M.irs "iio.mi: town" i ; The Kamloops Athletic Hall wa; the scene of a two- As a news service, the Ministry lay affair a Parade of Manufac-organlzation is "Just a baby." But ircrs and Entertainment development has been phenom- h aid of the Canadian War Scr- VICTORIA. April 29:-Mrs. A. D. of eighty-nine. She had lived here 'vTl T TCS campaign, inere were Popoff. affectionately known here since the last war. having craped ?r lo1? Mf Mmistly han th thousand paid IN Hl)f as the' "little white mother from with whits refugees from the Red '"'.IS s?L""Ml 'nl & mlss to the novcl ""dertak- ' in Matter ,of nevvs- N such v. organization had inland the net proceeds amounted rilrrt vPSf.Prdav a.t th- afrP revolution in Russia. tbc r the 'Administration 0 ' .Ut" i . PVPr rvon -off am n tort in Hrlto n Mfi 4 in WINSLEY Bath Soap 35g a Cake or 3 Cakes for a $1.00 The setvice dates from the crisis i of September, 1928, when war As a "Salute to Britain: the take notice sha by order of His clouds were approaching. Air Mln- Sons of England Society of Kam-VrS: ? 2 T authorities realized that If loops held a monster open-alr ser-poimed Administrator of the estate ofitne ncw R- A- F- then being built, yict 'n Riverside Park on Sunday Jo Johnson. deceed, aiwi ail parties 'ever went into action, a detailed afternoon. A parade preheded the 'TZJlTnu? ,serv: U b demanded service and a large congregation nnperly vwKicd. .to me on or before jand it was obvious that official turned out. Military units find in aaiZ i-K,ay; A;hD 104!' and! rePrts wWch would come to the various civilian organizations took XmTt. ,n th? normal way w"l Part in the parade in which the iiie.btiiiM tn me forthwith. not enable a news service of that city band also nartielDated Mavnr riA4tAA.,DPi9tD' " n!,iurp ,0 be provld?d- " was dc char E. Scanlon made a short NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prlnc Rupert, B. C. press agency to relate the actlvt- ant churches also took part. ties of the R. A. F. , . ! The manner and methods by ! Th funeral of darenr Willlim which complete stories became Johnston of the Royal Canadian available is a ?tory in Itself. The Air Force, killed In a motor acci-tpsk was twofold: How bft to pro- dent ot Victoria, took place tn vide news from the operational Kamloops last Friday afternoon nnd othr command stationed at with Rev. James Dunn, Presby-home and how to do likewise In terian Church pastor, offreiatlng. respect to overseas commands Deceased was the son of the late w H. Johnston, well known Kam loops business man and contractor, lie was born In Kamloops thirty-seven yean. ago. The annual graduation exercises of the Royal Inland Hospital will (be held on May 16. There are ten graduates. I Reach ten tnousafni cople with i a "want ad." In the Dally News. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Cotton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone CIO : We ain't mad at Nobody ISLANDS WEDDING is a viuu un. m . .promotion chain. As well a-, lis iM,ss porcnce Wilson And William news stories, the service provides Uuss Are untcd At Skldcgate innu- nmnalims. I : Each Mission working on a motion picture which cw.Tn1?nATR mtkkion. Anrii v- .... .r will take the movie fan on a' ,,. f mnh Xntirost iv ltorii Willi mc liar iiuuus i - - li iim . - t lla Become Vital Agency 'ffT Pce on April 17 at Skidcgatc MLs-l ,tlves. A weekly news lette. pn- m Florence Eleanor ii.. r v ii'oolrlv noil's. v" marny " "J ' Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .papers Is published. Solomon Wilson, became the bride , The man response for or- . i ft n Ul William vaiu u 29: (CPl- "By ganlzatlon , o the service Is C.P LONDON. April w jj Russ. ccrc. the Air Ministry News Service, tris nooerun. n.r uuMJr - ' took lace ,n tnc amoon credit line at the start of a story is Publicity Officer His scheme de- brldc.s as familiar t"" in the presence of many friend news paper , ... . Vpwi7n Kev. Basil Hartley, ' United Church readers of the created a Dtorateof PubUc Re- which Incorporated the United King-latlons. ,n domas"Bv the fay hef fatflfr Md aUcndcJ by Canadian ... PauIlne Joncs and MUs Pearl PrpiKt" i to mer director of the Auxiliary Air , ... , . TeTde Oolltaon as bridesmaid-. Grooms-CanadaVdauy ot fbrfte. was appointed Director of r s w- Russ Jr- and Vc' were " Public Relations and for the first papers. .i.ic e ijciaviiuci vm wc "i Just as the service came under the immediate Canadian Press control of a serving officer. Canada s co covcis w.c wmc'"" IJ..L 111 II k R r. PnrVor. of the Royal Air Force. TOHUI Y anCOUVCr o "Vrlv of List wppk Mr. and' Nabob Red PlumsChoice quality. 16-oz. tin. fn Each Milk Evaporated. 3 tins for I RAILWAY 25c Queen Charlotte Crab. QQst Meat-Each A 01 iunigiit and 2 Shows Nightly, . .c a, 7:1( . CEOUCE FOR In Also CANADA CAIinitS ( DONALD I,itK ANI NOVELTY COiSlNO TIllR. , Anna Neage i MjNONANEnrl quet was held at the hwnc of the W pmp,mhl!irift bride's parents where eighty guests C1IIC.1I1UI UUCC assembled :d to to enjoy enjoy hospitality hospitality and and' ' tender f ii . their congratulations and inienOF iNcUlVP wishes .V. t the l.A Ua.... .....1. I t bet to happy couple. The guests Included Rev. and Mrs. ' Basil Hartley and Donald Ilcy- Memorial Service M J wooa. manager oi racou piani oi nesie.ii Is Held at Kltm-I I It- opei-ates like any of he big Mfs w H;Rusg n KITSEOUKU. April news agencies and differs in that AVTr. . . , v,,, , . . .,, ,, mcmbcrance service I. hi ,r,t..,n!lt S f loLront " nillUon and a half pounds of ried couple. Special Invitations were Klteegufc. United Church i ,nh1N,rat..,n r A a r r and as a government of Reuben ory coffee beUcved ye becn scnt mmbers Qf HU Uajosty,s Wesle, ri o nrotf niwKo K1 if t Vo WAct It fill A '" for frCCS at Allford ,,r'oF output ikind in ... the . . Tpermany . . ,bce" . ' ii i v a avu i-aiu vaM vw w v v m v , , . ... . i r- " - - - in 1 1 1 r . i ri i iir n-iuir i -tt,V the House of Common iotkrr. Den-asci ls avaiiable for the asking to news Tiicnts inents for for the the u D Royai Royal . o Canadian Canadian1"1" , i,uu U1 1 ' a a tt proposal k H W1 take take notice notice Mt mt y y order order of of hu hu " ZZZZ .... 1 . ..wirv,-r f way of San Francisco and Russia. . Na.wwhn havp ' lust disembarked by Angus Maclnnls, C. C. F. mem- Honor Judge FJshtf, Local Judge ot associations ana 7 J . Wie Supreme aaurf of Brfttoh Columbia, dally and weekly . Word of their u . i landing . v,r ber r for Wnm. Vancouver r,() East, to rfJ discuss at this port. , wlg Ioil me day u AprU A, D united Klnedo Wn vf 'f4loMlncrv4 until fV on 1 11 l l tail omnAU.f't llmlmMmfAM r!. fK I VV & hPPn rilsnrrsoH t.n ramns camps 1 WUI Blinexfd of ithe Bstaite of Feter throughout Britain. Little Mother Of Russia Dies newspapers In Many of the stories publt hed In IIon N0rrnan McLarty, minister Becker: frrnv;riy t.he e-r.-Jemcnt of Canadian papers relating the acU-of labor, has appealed to all steel Port Clements. British Columbia, De- pities or the RAF oriclnatcd workers in in the th country nfr,, tr. to report nnrt w3Kl. wjio died -i cr about tihe lM,h' .. , ,;,,'' . r iws. 'aJ' SSeiSS th the Air Ministry Ne- Ser-for duty In the vital war Indus- to ttie td Estate ere required to pay vice. Other stories, particularly In tries- rmSc with the R, A. F.'s fcrtlvwlUi and all persens having claims 1 : ,, aja'nst the said Estate are requ'red to Canad'an squadron, were obtained file Uiccn -wltJi me pr:perly verified on by CP Staff writers during periodic Union steamer Catala Is due in . r,0 the ,?th day of June A- D visits tn thP stations drqwncd Just a year 19 i Skecna River. The vow- his was a promtaatj spot" cors yju only half a ber of the church ad dollar. Try it in the Daily News among the activities oltbj -lassifled column. tf) people. i SPECIALS I KOIt THE WEKK. ENDING MAY:'' Sheddon's Grocer Butter First grade. 3 lbs. Grapefruit Juice 50-oz. tins. 2 for 500 5th Avenue husl-rPhiHic 581 IJbby's Tomato Juice-14-oz. tins. 3 for Ay'fn'r Soups 3 tins $1.00 45c 25c 25c .Valley's Sandwich Spread 8-oz. jar. Ajn Aylmirr Boneless Chicken Each B.C. Peas -SUe 4. f 10-o. tins. Each ' i Boya' City rcch- C q' ,lity. 16-oz tins. J 2 uir Oxydol- Large size 2 pitta for Mae Makinf roadtr J 12-oz. tins. Each Itotcrs Golden Syrup- j 5-lb. tins Each lledlund's Sandwich Spreads- 3 tins J Nabob Stranbtrry Jm 4-lr tins Each Canadian Pacif Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans I To Vancouver via Ocean Fall, and Way Vmii 8.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Evry Friday 10 pm- TO VANCOUVER DIRECT S.8. "PRINCESS NORAH" April 7th, l'rth. Wtli. May To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Junt iu and SkaKW'T April 3rd, 13th, 24th, May 4th, 15th, 28lh Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific ! Tickets and Rescrvatiiins from W. L. COATES, General Agent rrinre Itupr wsssm Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, pm. Air-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars -Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERI for VANCOUVER Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and PovtW For Full Information and heservatlon, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 828 3rd . Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Line