29. M ri:RS P"re shades Arrival: . . . In The Boys Department U With Uf 11 T wool, good weight. JfOTTON PANTS- 10 TCrs I'SEKS hi vear gpANTS- Tweeds. 12 vrar. ti l SWTS- llO vears ha OVEIULtS 1 10 year HELTON JACKETS Full dipper. ana ereen 'SHIRTS With "There 11 Always be an Sand' motto -Two-tone, hi Ari' -. i.'l t ..ieil For play. Cotton. -V-fc V- f :::r.-.ftilly Sunday af- fthei home on Seventn t . iM fn rAnyAtt ; ) a veil ill lOicnm and Mrs. Elvln John- icaving the city this :o 'uture residence W About chlrty Mt crencni Intimate Ar.denon proposed a upie expressing sen- wishes for the fut- itLr-s of regret mat ivSg the city. On bo- ton couver. Mi r-" 'A-- III l $1.95 $2-95 and 3.25 $1.65 $2-75 TO $3.75 $1.50 $1.95 $1.00 and $1.25 $4.00 $1.50 yatts & Nickerson jBaptist Young People Meeting Miss Kuth Hints And Miss Kay Watson Speakers At aOtherin; Last Night Miss Ruth HJnes and Miss Kay .Watson Watson were were ,peaice tpeakers Monday Monaayi Peonle's Society of First Baptist Church. The former spoke on "The Power of Prayer" and tne latter on "The Meaning of Christian Life." Petty Officer Ernest Brown was in the chair ana bignaiman Earl Harvey led community singing. Aircraftsman Eb McLaughton led in prayer. asscinwu. pud ,tm,r Princess Louise Ic-to a handsome ,tf .... , uaPl- B- ura' " -ns Both Mr and B-.Tpuea i . .J,., -Virn nnlnts .tjKUgwuy uuu umm.4 u""""" tixs assisted by Mrs..ani wm sail at 5 pm. ior van- Whifflets From The Waterfront of the vater test. Every drop of Sea-ram' i litillcl, age.l anjl test. Jffi all-search.ng to ,eet this one den.an.l nothing ; U.au Wh-,kie, jrc S a ram . P ii-in rive ou a iriiiy lain nr en.'irkllll!: p- t IIUIM - All : Sr. Ill .lelidltflll ii i us - rvm kmrm i lrm Seagram's Famous Brands "KING'S PUTE" Hl13S ass SEAGRAM'S 01D RYE S1.Z5 . SZ.35 11.55 Salmon landings are also becom- ,ng neavIer and mc of the fares night at a meeting of the Young fln theJr way tQ ,he boaxA at the Fish Exchange. The price 'for red springs dropped to 13c per pound yesterday. Sub-Lieut. Tom Johnstone, now assigned to newlyjcommlssioned Canadian naval vessels, was home during the week-end visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Johnstone. Only one halibut boat sold a catch at Vancouver yesterday. This was 11,000 pounds and the price was 9Jc. ntlS57 ' 'Km$& V 80N' LIMITED 3 IL iU U l U UI J 4d'tlaemenl la.B0t DUU8ed or dispuyea by theLiquor - an tii.i. I 'aiiiiiiuib h Government "533 DSC? H3W LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. M. Krook axe sail-, Nomination meetlnfc Canadian Ing this afternoon on the Catala'ciub in City Hall, Wednesday eve for a trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert Branch, Navy League, annual meeting, Wednes day 8 p.m. Naval headquarters. (101) Is Opposed To Taxes On Food Morgenlha" Not In Favor Imposts On Coffee. Sugar, Tea Or Cocoa WASHINGTON. D. C, April 29: Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau expresses his opposition to levying of taxes on such foods as coffee, tea. suear and cocoa. ninr at a o'clock followed by- an Wdryss by Mis. Laura-Jamleson, M. L. A. ' Tonight's train, due from the i East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be four hours and ten minut late whfdi would bring lit In at 3:10 a.m. tLACKHEADS to vtcUy by a almpl. nutbod that dl-HjWti them. Gt two ouni of proxiii powder from yoor irutftrtj apply with hot, wtt elotk intlf mt th blackhead 4 IV will waff B.r. tiwy hT Con. AiUntnt and Mrs. Ivan Halsey, transferred from here to Nanaimo in the Salvation Army service, are sailing this afternoon on tne rrin cess Louise for the soutn. ' Last evening Lester F. Sumrall, ' '.urorld travelled evangelist, lecturer i .thni cvinir ot t.hp Pente- u uu auMivif ov.w v 'costal Assembly last evening about present day pestilence ana tneir 'i-nvnerM rmnn mankind and the ' devastating result): of earthquakes .,.,.1. ii 4i. . in rvr. 'nnH famine in relation to the oratinn hnlihnt landines continue words spoken by quite heavy at Prince Rupert but upon ithe earth. prices are holding satisfactory, yesterday American vessels soldi 100,500 pounds at from 9c and 7c to' 9.6c and 7c. Canadian boats dis-( posed of 37,800 pounds at from 9c and 7c to 9.5c and 7c. J the Lord while LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. Another Great Week of Outstanding Values Regular IQo tins Toilet Tissue Large rolls. Purex Brand. j9C 3 rolls Lily White Syrup Karo Syrup 19C 2-lb. tins Glocoat Quart R7C tin, -special Classic Cleanser (Jq Per tin Bleach Snowwhlte. Quart bottle Red Label Coffee Fresh ground, packed 42C dally. Lb Tender Leaf Tea gQ Per packet - Peanut Butter SLo Squirrel 4-lb. tin .xt, Devon Bacon QP Sliced. Per lb. Yellow Newton Apples Cooking or eating. 8 lbs. 45-lb. box: ... bunches. 3 for Fresh Radishes- Young Green Onions 4 DUticuca $1.25 Garlic Sausage 4 Qp ruai quitiivjr, uu.- w New Carrots Large 90n Crisp Celery Clean whlfe stocks. Large 25 C JICUUS Fresh Asparagus-r OQp HEW J.rf. New Peas Fresh 97 n New Potatoes California UT,' 25c New Rhubarb 4 lbs First Aid team Is Going North Local Group Win Take Part In 15c 3 Deliveries Dally To All Parts of the City Free Delivery on All Orders Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Competition at Premier Next Month A team to represent the Prince Rupert Branch of the St. John's ambulance Association- at tne annual competition of the Portland Canal District First Aid and Mine Safety Association at Premier on May 24 Is now commencing practic es In readiness for tne event, ine local team is being captained by H. J. I5unn, the other members being Gordon Blank, John Wllkle, Harry Worsfold and Hueh Mackenzie. Two spares are also being sought to make the trip. Tne necessary transportation arrangements are now being made. Rocky Mountain Rangers Leaving Renort That Reriment Is To Depart From Prince Rupert. Is Corrent I Renorts are current, although. without official conflrmailon as yet, that the Rocky Mountain Rangers Regiment, which has been stationed In Prince Rupert since late in January, Is about to be transferred to another camD. This would appear to be In line with an announcement of the minister of national defence. Hon. J. L. Ral ston, that there is about to be a general transfer of militia units all over the country. Hundreds of oeopif try a "spot- in the Daily News classified column and get good results. (tf) Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Mayday Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. United Spring Sale Mny 1. 102nd. Auxiliary Dance, May 2, Armory. Aneilcan Evenlns Branch Tea, Mrs. Hueston, Leeds Apartments. May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. L. W. Kergln's, May 8. Local No. 4 Steel Workers' Dance May 9. Moose Hall. Hospital Auxiliary Tea. Nurses' Home, May 15. Hamtarai Chanter I. O. D. E. Spinsters' Spree Friday, May 16. R.C.C.S.. R.CA.M.C R.C.A.S.C., R. C. E., Auxiliary Empire Tea. Legion, May 17. May Seventeen Program, Moose Hall. General Steffens guest speaker. W. A. Canadian tfonv. Spring Sale, May 21. Presbyterian Tea', Mrs. James MacKay. May 22. "The Private Secretary" Capitol Theatre, May 28. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" vtiA. r Annllratlim for a tStti I.lCfTHf NUTIUr; U jktoj given 9Ui day of May. A. D. 1941, th unefcr- f r 4 - vmtrnt frvr n. rTB 111 VMDtCt ot premtew tselngr PMt o building Known 88 Uie oeunoni. oum, ii.im -rot Thirri Amntu. West. Prince Rup ert, upon th lands deeerftwd m Lota Prince Rupert Townstte, Map 823. Prince n.urwrt I Ann Keei9Lmuian imritv, ui the Province or uniian uoiumuia, jui ViUD MIC V trv-v "J - O J bottJe tor consumption on the premtaea or eisewwnere. . DATED this Z8U1 day or Marcn, a 1941. JOHN Ap(ltoant TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubbenrare, Tires, Tubes, Etc., Vulcanlied (th St. opp. OK Barber Shop Mrs. J. Atkinson of Grlmbsy, England, sister of John Moran, re tired llehthouse keeper, who now makes his home In Prince Rupert, Viae Viort Via hnrrnwlncr experience PACK TITO EX . r.T-L-r Pledge for War Savings "SALADA TEA LOST ALL her home was bombed out. The , factory employed forty men. i Having lost all her worldly pos- Hu7 TrHirC sessions, Mrs. Atkinson Is now ' tj K J. I u 111 J V? lJil evacuated to Woodhall Spa in the jcountry Even there they are not . tfree of bomblnes. Sister Of Local Man Is Hard Hitt Writing to her brother in Princes At Grimsby, England, As Result Kupert, rs. auuimki uesiiue.. Of Nail Frightfulness scenes of horror and devastation 4IM4 - - j ( l of being bombed out three times couver and Victoria on In the Old Country. Mrs. Atkinson business. owned and ODerated a furniture - manufacturing plant In Grimsby ,-ht-Aii Mnt ftnlv hpr nlflCP Of busmen DUl " II Major T. W. Sutherland, meSlcal officer of the local garrison area, Is sailing this afternoon on the' Princess Louise for a trip to Van- I Recbmmend ALABASTINE for attractive, low-cost decoration Enough for an average 72'x J2' room cosfj only $150 L.p.B.i.-i l-n: P?zim covvrs approidmaloly ZSO obo coot yt cm oly 7Se. BoasliUI eolotf 14 Uol putol list lo chooM If om. Eaiy to ut. Mini wltk Imko-wum wtr. OlomiUti diloi Blekly. Rooma can bo occaoioa tho ammo day. 1 Get a FREE colour-chatt today, at any Hardware 1 or Paint Stor: The New official Little Dining Palace Cafe IS NOW OPEN Everything New and Comfortable. Prices Re asonab le and Serving only the Best Foods In the Most Delectable Manner Third Avenue next Fraser and Payne Store oa A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY wood. Each 12 Magazine and Paper Racks-White 6 Tables With drawers. White wood 2 , Writing Desks White wood 4 Radio Tables White wood - - Phone 775 Just Completed! Prince Rupert SEE OUR WINDOW ICE Co. Ltd. 95c .. $2.95 .. $5.95 ...i$3.25 327 3rd Avenue New Ice Storage Method Ensurinff only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage British Columbia If you lose anything, advertise for it. I V "tf it! 4 . s. .- i " h: .J I 'A ft t 2 m I. II ' 4