ft ment. PA 02 FOOT W PHONE WE ARE AGENTS FOR The Famous DACK'S SHOES Hand-made by Skilled Craftsmen Of Finest Domestic and Imported leathers In Canada Over 100 Years ' Shoes, fcr Dress, for All-Weather Wear anj Sturdy Brogues $ll.oo T0 $15.00 Regulation Naval, Army and Air Foree Officers' Footwear SEE HACK'S SAMPLES TODAY Deliveries in One Week atts & Nickerson ret Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Open Until 10 pjn. Saturdays CARD OF THANKS I IMro ADI7 Mr. and Mrs. Copeland express their appreciation to ill their 1 friends who have shown such deep ! interest and sympathy In their sad ) bereavement. Souadron Leader W. Scandrett. FUNERAL NOTICE TIRE EASILY? Take Gin Pills the "relief or money tack" kidney remedy to help remove the excess acids that maybe the cause of that lazy, logy feel ing. Money back If not satisfied. Rtiular l. 10 Pllli Larc Hit, SO rills (In the US. tik for "Glno Pllli") M4 nrotest TAPERING Chance to Fit Figure to What Ex perts Think it Should Be who is here recruiting for the Royal Canadian Air Force, will sail to-' By AMY POUTER morrow afternoon by the Prince Associated Press Fashion Writer George on his return to Vancouver.! jjEW YORK, June 20: (API-Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bryant who'f" g ' have been residing In Vancouver, t A ' for several months, returned to thettJf ?fde?,gne 2 city on last night's train and have JSS? JS? J tUres wlth na"ow' taperlng resumed residence In their house at the junction of First, bcco-od and'. w'. , Third Avenues. They motored leis- 1,t- wel1 theJ ,let t ns n urely north by way of the Cariboo ?'0re Wf V? and left their car at Smithers. Sv e c,f ea,r last .summers bathing suit. It'll cive us Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes and Mel-' The big-chested, wide-at- the -top ville wish to convey to their many effect will be achieved in several friends their heartfelt thanks for ways. The dolman sleeves that the many expressions of sympathy were often shown and seldom pur-shown during their recent bereave- chased in the earlv sDrinz will be with us in abundance next fall. ..Some designers use for the same purpose deep-cut armholes, fullness attached to dropshouldered yokes, . and, on coats, great big shawl collars, vintage 1918. I Then after they've widened you !at the top, they mean to narrow . the rest of you. This is fairly easy Members of Tyee Lodge No. 66, down to the ankle and allow for a A! P. & A. M. please attend the split to the knee. But with day funeral of our late Worshipful dresses, designers resort to peplums. Brother John S. Nelson Saturday tunics, tiers and draperies--all de-June 21st. Meet at the Masonic vices to provide hip-room, while Temple at 2:00 pjn. Service at the still maintaining the tapering ef-B. C. Undertaking Parlors at 2:30 feet. p.m. Bring Regalia. Members ofi Some Exceptions Tsimpsean Lodge and all sojourn-1 There'll be two exceptions to the lng Brethern are asked to be tapering rule formal evening wear Present. J and college girl clothes. At a re- : cent very formal military ball, al- " " most everv euest wore wldp.sVlrtpH ! picture frocks, and It seems likely that these charmers will outrank the smartest narrow skirts for. ball- room wear next fall, k College girls have hips. Even .strong-minded designers concede ,the point. So for- them, they've I evolved dresses that am slim every where except for peplums with accommodating back fullness. The college girls themselves probably will choose their old favorites, peasant-line full-skirted frocks Capt. Lionel H. Lindsay, supervising examiner of masters and mates, who Is here conducting examinations of local candidates, will sail by the Prince George tomorrow afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS , We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete Ine of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 6.12 II DULY KUU3 Friday Jill) Men your first breakfast LOCAL NEWS NOTES 1 Mouthful makes you think . . . 1 D. C. Ryan Is sailing tonight for Concert, at the Lutheran Church, Vancouver on the Cardena. June 20 at 8 o'clock. AH welcome. f . . . . , . T T if tt. ' i a I 1 . ii. xiiiniuiun arnvtu on uie ; we pay caw lor mecnanics iuuis, i Prince George this morning from musical Instruments, furniture, etc., j ocean rails. etc, tuo s, Aioose tsunaing, inuu Avenue. (tf). ; Tbny Lefeudo of Terrace is sail-, lng tonight on the Cardena for S, J. Hunter returned to the city Vancouver. on the. Prince George this morning (from a two weeks' trip to Van-Warehouse for rent, Second Ave., couver. Iclose in, apply Thompson Hard-1 ware. (143) j Arthur Murray returned to the city this morning: on the Prince Women's Auxiliary Canadian George from a brief trip to Van-Legion Decoration Day service Sun- couver. day 2:45. I Richard Nelson of Nelson Bro-,thers Fisheries arrived in the city ranged oredr of merit: PRINCE RUPERT PIANO Associateship (A. T. C. M.) Solo Performer's and Teacher's Honors-Janet W. Young. Teacher's Conditioned in Ear Test and Sight Reading Helen M. Green. Grade IX Pass Joyce Gawthorne. Grade VIII First Class Honors Allan J. Du- beau. Honors Jean McAfee. Elsie Lamb. Pass Hilda Pottlnger. Grade VI Honors Yuriko Nishikaze. Grade V Honors Barbara Olds. Holtby. Grade IV Honors Marcel Blaln. Grade III First Class Honors Leonora! 'Raabe. Honors Haruko Shimizu. Pass Mary Sim. Grade II Honors Ruth Slmonsen. nor Carr, Alyss C. Dixon. Grade I Pass Donna Gurvlch. PRINCE RUPERT St. Joseph's Academy PIANO Grade IX Pass Peggy Large. Grade VIII Pass Alestalr Crerar. Grade VII Pass Dorothy Kergln Shiela McRae. Grade VI Honors Norma Watt. Grade IV First Class Honors Gwendolyn McRae. Honors Bernle DeJong. ' Grade III Honors Mary Adcock, George Glllls (equal), Allan Forman. OCEAN FALLS PIANO Grade X First Class Honors Sach lye To-kiwa. Honors Mieko Iwasakl. Grade VII t..y'' Honors Tokiko Isozakl. v ' Pass Luanna Meunler. Grade VI Honors Taeko Sasaguchl. Pass Kunlko Kawashlta. Grade IV Honors Satako FuJImoto. Pass Hilda D. Potterton. Grade III First Class Honors Yasue Tokl- wa. Honors Alko Morita. Grade II Honors Chlyeko Okamoto this morning on the Prince George from Vancouver. Mrs. R. Thistle, wife of Lieut. R. Thistle, arrived in the city this morning on the Prince George from Comox. Thomas Anderson, manager of Tucks Inlet reduction plant, returned to the city this morning on the Prince George from Vancouver. ' A, E. Wyandott. president of the Foothills Coal Company, Edmonton, arrived In the city this morning on Uhe Prince George and will proceed turn ivua. r . vv ofcuiner ar- rived from Victoria on the Prince East b? train George this morning. They will re- main in Prince Rupert for a short miss ieen Murray arnvea in time and then go to Ottawa. Mr. the city on tne Prince George Skinner is In the naval deoart- tnls mong from her nurses' !ment. Mrs. Skinner was formerly I tralnln duUes at St. Joseph's Hos- ivusj uuiuuiy ItusnDrOOK. ' -...... SUCCEEDED I Mrs. J. S. Irvine returned in th i city this morning on the Prince George from New Westminster I'M TlITTOIP where she attended the Rebekah 111 XfllJijlV Grand Lodge Assembly. Toronto Conservatory Results Are ,Bruce Brown retuld to the Officially Anno.mrP.1 clty morning on the Prince .George from Vancouver after The following Is a list of sue- sPen.dinS everal weeks In the xfiti .r,nju... i .i , ... soutn. wooiui vanuiuai.es in practical ex-I Tu'. ,time to d0 sorriething-elther to!amlnatkns held recently by the rnKuTTT" . PDn An. vtrp I Frank Dibb will LAKU OF THANKS wwtti. .. tToronto Cnnsprvntorv f iui, tr. sail tomorrow loud Z::" Z . " Cr 'ltaion on the Prince Geortre : Legion slon Hall. nau- ."Tops" say nouiewivei; "Rlghtl" tay experts. Asked specifically by trained Investigators "What brand of corn flair do you think laittt belt?" four out of five Canadian housewives said "Ktllogg't." Asked to choose between several unidentified brands, taste experts unhesitatingly chose Kellogg's! Those are the facts! Your family will prefer them, too! Treat them to Kellogg's Corn Flakes tvtry morning. Order several packages today. Two convenient sizes; Made by Kellogg's in London, Qnadaj SERVE BY SAVING-BUY VICTORY BONDS ;;:r, in "C'MS ai "I for Vancouver an Victoria. HP 1 01 we ParIs ittiiKcu in uit-iii ui iiitriL:: : B. Monica Battery Women's Tea And Sale Is Successful Event A successful tea was held Thursday afternoon by the 102nd Women's Auxiliary in the Canadian Proceeds were In aid attend the Gyro International eon- Mrs A ' Rlx was ,n charge of Ivention in Victoria as one of the arran8einen"- The home cooking local delegates. was m cnarse or Mrs. Howard Hib- bard and Mrs. P. F. P. Bird. Mrs. DECORATION DAY: Members of 1 5" Woods s ln charSe of the raf-the Canadian Legion will meet at ' suli,n& as followS-the Legion clubroom Sundav June' . rst Prlze Three pairs of silk 22nd at 2:45 p.m. to Darticinate n . "ocklngs, donated by Fraser & the Decoration Day service to be ! yn?' wn by Mrs- p- Doherty, 'held by the Queen Mary Chapter, (145) CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT All dogs in the city must have 1941 Licence Tags. These can be had at the City Hall or from the J Pound Keeper. Penalties will " be imposed on and after July 1. :94i. JOHN UNWIN, . City Pound Keeper. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr, and Mrs. C. R. McKenzie. oceanic Cannery; Alan Fraser, F (C. Hamilton, Vancouver; W. E. Walker, Arrandale; G. F. Harris, Mill Bay, Naas River; R. H. lop. Usk; C. Hoskins, Victoria! W L. Matthews and daughfer, Toronto; A. MacMillan: CasDaco: JessA -R. Coffey, Czar. ;Alta.-, : Alex Mc-. ------ .t-t.lli.J , VikJ. Royal T. Lefendo, Terrace; A. Jacobsen, Shirley; T. Sumner, city. Central A. R. Williams. Edmonton: P Garram, C. N. R.; B. A. Albertson, city. Announcements All adttrdsementa ln thla col-; umn will De charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. J, R. Mitchell. June 20. Boy Scout Tea, June 21. ' " ' Jurie"28f Mrs. J. Clark. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Eyitt's June 26. Strawberry Tea. Lutheran CireW CathoHTea, Mrs. Brass, June 28. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Dominion Dav CUhmflAn onH Dance at Port Essington, July 5. Rebekah Canteen Fund Tea Mrs. J. E. Boddie, July 10th. Navy Tea, October 18. No. 147. Second prize Two baskets of cherries, donated by Mis. S, D. Johnston, won by Mrs. Annette Woods, No. 457. Third prize, box of chocolates, donated by Grotto Cigar Store, won by Mrs. J. w. Nichols, No. 537. TO BUILD U. s7 ARMY The United States 6,500 draft boards. has about Periodic Distress Bckl?,i Clnnim.Ud Cpoolw lrlnr rr.tf mi "lief. No hot pplictllon. nrrtaurr no nd to lio down no hot drink, .pUUj. Thro. ImrfdionU In B"l,," nor S'f'.A'"" p'.in FASTER, .tlmul.'; nd rtiresh and re ix (aul nmrv vnw NOTICE Decoration Day Sunday. I.O. D.E. members please attend. Citizens with cars to loan be at Lesion 2:45. Parade at 3 o'clock. Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reas-onable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 ' ' nriTmiiBiiiiiiii,,,, llm That's when you can say J "Thanks to Kellogg's Corn flakes!" F!aour I J ; th rich, mellow, delicious flivoi.f r Kellogg-, Corn Hake, . 4 . flavour hich I Ihc kind I of appetite which actually help, digeition here's the secret of Kellogg', enormous popular Populamj- attested, year after year, by the ,hou. sands of Canadian hoosewues who report Ktlloiin'. Corn Flakes their family's favourite cereal. Keep two or three packages in the house alltht time. Wah cream and sugar they gire you needed food tntrgy. And should you breakfast out, ak for Kellogg's in the triple-wrapped iWrA package- $ ..."1-:-T I $ Sovts mntvi mtnivl Ktiio..-t Kn..'. r r kraM, DUGOUT DISPLAY Prominent Movie Stars Are Interested In Prince Rupert' War Effort At the Victory Loan flak.t make a fimil, bf.ikf.rt Of JO-lnrond- break fast it o tan lo rcpfcl ro waihioi-up tdcrwardi! . .1 there Is a display of articles which would delight any ardent movie fan or fashion lover. There Is a picture of Charles Laughton and his wife. El3a Lan- chester, which is personolly Mary Pickford has sent a Dair of turquois blue mules trimmed with feathers. She has autozraohed the soles. Jack Benny donated an autographed white handkerchief. A lovely white moire dress autographed Inside the bodice has been sent by Merle Oberon, Joan Bennett gave three chiffon handkerchiefs a white one with "Joan" in blue and ruby rhlne-stones and two black ones, one with "Joan" ln plain rhlnestones and the other embroidered in white. These are to be raffled off after the Victory Loan Campaign has been completed. TOO LATK TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Household furniture. 426 8th Ave. East. (144) WANTED- Truck driver. -Apply RupVrt Bakery. (tf. J Funeral Notice Funeral service for the late 1. Nelson will be held at the Parla of the B. C. Undertakers at 1 p.m. Saturday. ONE ENOUGH MAYBE The chlrzolo South AmriiiS oug-out sparrow, has 22 sutspet-ies 3 STAR RYE, This advertisement Is sot publiibil or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ct British Columbia. CHIROPRACTOR, Stanley W. Colton, D.Orh.C. Wallace Block, rhone 610 Buckerfield's POULTRY & DAIRY FEEDS Are Now Obtainable at Reasonable Prices From SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. Prince Rupert n.C, Phone 26 and 27 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports B.S. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT June 11th, 14th, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th, 16th, 19th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaeway June 6th, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, July 7th, 11, 14th Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. c