Haiu Airmnn M(wi.. nnAV r !tm nf l ines to Make Money for Treats or Kelief F iree station land have in PAGE THREE :0. 1911- U.S. TROOPS LEAKN INVASION TECHNIQUE rrnes j an troons of the 16th Infantry. 1st Division, swarm over the beach at F4al0ut' ass. xe new type navy boats to land them from transput. The "invaders" penetrated Inland io , bridges and set up machine-gun nests in practice that some dav may turn into reality. the boat no .sooner touches than the soiaieis in ops approach the shore en masse. Bottom, ;uid ready for the mythical enemy. fines by which they raise money for treats or provide loans to airmen whose homes have been damaged Jn air raids. A pilot who starts to grow a rnnnstiiphp Is fined thirtv-flve cents. ,,h,1," VI.e ItrxHll SUif op.ii '"" "' U" 10 7 Ui t m SIMMONS Sl'KING.KII.I.KD Mattresses Ut-auty Rest. 4-0. 4-0. 3-3 Deep Sleep. 4-6. 4-0, 3-3 MalrsLlr. "w.-r. mill iiim: Si lirt $12.50 $28.r.o $21.00 AUcwanco will be made for your old mattress J at $25.00 o. over in our stock priced nx mattress on any new Elio's Furniture Store to 5:30 p.m. Store Hours 8:30 a.m. TIIIKD AVHNUh PLAYED AT HAZELT0N A flier who receives a decoration jclkwa Win Baseball Game by or is mentioned in dispatches is g,.rc f Eight to Nothing I fined $2.50. Mention of his name tm.p 20.- Pilots at ix v a it In in & a newsoaper in. " "Kr- costs ------ him sixty TFLKWA. June 20. - Tnc - - Teikwa the cents. If his photograph appears baseball tm went to Hazelton on ivsti'm of ho Is fined $1.25. M ioth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c BAGS Price 50c - - - Sunday Hst to play the second ii'izplton tenm. defeating them riiht to nil. Steve Robinson, pitch- r for Hi7lton. In the first in ning allowed Teikwa five runs. Rob inson va? placed by Sid Muldoe p 'Tow in on? more score on a sac-. rifice hit made by a Teikwa player. They were held very close In the next, eiaht innings while the next two Teikwa runs were s?ored on er ror- of the Hazelton infield. Thp Hazelton second team will play Teikwa asain tonight artcr which a 'arewell dance will be held In the Kitanmax Hall. I Twenty -Five Years Aijo June 20, 1U16--Revolt against Turks in Arabia; Mecca, Jcdda and Taif cartured by Arabs and Medina heser""i. Fighting slackened In Verdun area os German reserves moved to other war fronts. Dollars will win the war. Dollars win pH it sooner. Invest In Victory nonds. J. Bouzek TAILOR LAOIKS a"d OENTU Hrvt. Materials, Workmansliip 2nd Ave. two doors from ItrniKtcaslinir Station THE SEAL of QUALITY HOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the onl tlmon cannluc company with an all thr rar round payroll In I'rim-e lluprrl CLEVELAND IS GAINING k Ij.uU fanlinals Also Leading . - By Three-Games In flalioual A Leagues vrtrw york June 1: (CP) r:ipvpland Indians have been gain ins ground since their reverses at the first of the week which culminated in' their defeat at the! hands of the New York Yankees on Monday. Yesterday the Indians swamped the Philadelphia Athletics 12 to 1 while the Yanks were winning 7 to 2 from Chicago White Sox. The Indians now have a full three game lead. Tn the National League, the St Louis Cardinals held their margin nf lradershln at three full games by winning over the Phillies while the second pla.ee Brooklyn uoa-gers were winning from Chicago Cubs. Yesterday's Big League scores: ' American League I Cleveland 12. Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 0, Washington 12. Detroit 4, Boston 6. j Chicago 2. New York 7. National League ! New York 9, Pittsburgh '6. Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 7. ; Brooklyn 9, Chicago 4. The league standings: National League Louis 42 TOM COLLINS MIXER for Long, Cool Drinks 7 18 Brooklyn 38 20 New York 29 27 Cincinnati 30 28 Chicago 23 30 Pittsburg 21 28 Boston - 19 33 Philadelphia 17 40 American League Cleveland 39 23 New York 34 24 Boston 31 24 Chicago 31 27 Detroit 32 29 Philadelphia 2C 32 ?t Touis 19 35 Washington 19 37 'OM COtllNS Uivrn SPORT CHAT n Charlie Grimm was released by St. Louis Cardinals of the National Baseball League to Little Rock of the Southern Association 23 years ago today. He was sold to Pittsburgh in 1919 and after six years there was traded to Chicago, becoming manager of the Cubs August 2, 1932 succeeding Rogers Honvsby. He was released as man-aeer a few vcars later but this year he returned as a coach. We need your co-operation to give you belter service. Nease put out our milk bottles daily as we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy rilONE to 26 Vi ozs. Br j kfeiGZ I ) $4.10 U mAf GROTTO AND STONE'S WIN Results Of Softuall Games Evening Last ! WKONG-WAY WALRUS Remains of the Arctic walrus have been found In Georgia. Tbis Is a war to the death'A war between savagery and democracy If you want democracy to win. you must do your share. Invest in Victory Bonds. UM) ACT Notlrr or Intention to AiI.V to LriiM- nrrnorr In Rt-jc 5, C ist Uistrtct. Ind IJ-t- :::nn D ''.r'..v cf rrii-c RiV-Ti.. and slU'V? S'lUfJi cf tpii 4478 and 0853 al Pi ! E-la iri Take notice tlia Britten Columbia Tackers Llnltd of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation fish packers Uitends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: rvirmrrliifT at a ixxst olamted at S. N. W. 8 '.t;.i:rji r.mei- oi xo: nio; nntit-; 37 dcrccs 25" W. 310 feft: thence 7 devrs 19' E. 67J Srri: .lirir 82 degrees 41' E. 218 feet: to the rltflt if way ci th- GrMid Trunk Pad- Rlway: tncnee n. i octrees iu fcllcwtos tb raid rixht ot way 8J)2 feet to a point cf commencement, ex-r .rti.. liT'frrtn Blccks Y. W and V ol Lot 446 (Plan No. ,1038 and contain- ln EVmii bnu mnM rrr fKA. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS - i '" isn per Fred Nash, Agent. Ti Juws 5th. 1941. TIMIIKI! SAI.K XI Mil Srfl.tcd tsnden wUl 8j raoplvd by the ttt firs. For-tcr. Pr,.'-ii? Rpert n-;i lt-l i t mi nraa on me mm aay tu juij. Louis to the canvas In the twelfth xuhi V-ir Kit .-.wiy ciwmvi. c.n 4 of their scheduled 15-round heavy- XZ1 W CcUar" I weight battle at New York five Two (21 years will be sllowed ror re- years ago last night. Ovci whelm- xnZ?r Uwiir- ... . lng favorite to lick the German, v,voi. B.C. .the Dstr'-v F-r-l TjiiiIc fru-it ti tprrlfic noiinrllrnr hp- n-.'or Prl-nv. Tl.tnrert Ranwr Q. W.. fore toujitcd out. Schmeling, a mtm Prlnoe Ruert- member of Germany's parachute . . . troops, was reported klUcd in the Nazi Invasion of Crete but German .sources denied it. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk 'VALENTIN DAIRY IMIONK 657 Central Hotel Central Jfotcl Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress YES.' We Repair Water Tipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners qieaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN IIOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 : H1TE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY WHITE HORSE OISTIUIUS 11D., OIASOOW WH, Ajiiij.i.iuii.u.i.i..u ij.hiuj, ii infill 3i:iij,inji-i.uiii.Bmi-i-ii7.ui-j . i. i i i; i i u, u 1 innnr f jmtml Board or bv the This advertisement U not pumisnea or "? Government or uriusn wjmmuw. Canada At War 25 Years Ago June 20, 1918 V. A. Cole, representing me nn- t - drlorl Rpninr LeazUC tn f fVio nnmlnlnn in a wiic ance cuiuiiubbcc u - CO last night Stone'e lehratinn. waited on the O A J ----- , . . A I nt ffft if i tnrV fll if i m. a -1 ah n i"i n T Cloiniers won u council last nignt to aan. ui u b""" ra tv.... rlafooforl t Vl O . . ii r . . .4 TVitt tne season as uic; u.vv.- sli)U towards me iujiuj. Steel Workers 20 to 3. In the sec- mayor intimated that the esti- ond fixture of the evening tne mates lnciUded a small vote for u..i. ,,f fVo Tlrv Dock 9 l .j n rtvl-iVi'ivn lUrulWJ ojjui, uu 5UCn purposes, ntuuiuuu vjunui'M I i n rrl. nnmA tine rnllprl fit the . i . i CifiV, mnif- u. una bwi" seconueu oy iuueiuiwi 1w .end of the sixth due to rain. ed tnat $10o be granted. This car-Batteries, for Steel Workers, rkd unanimousiy. 700 'Thompson and Bury, for Stone's, arc ... j, i n-rnr tnr fjrotto . ,t u i l . "Knns ri r.i ii' ili ii i uii bic i- v J marriage. .ujj vyenaie ana uiwn-, ouversiues u n .518 Kellett and Morgan and for Dry sentCQ uth a carving set by the LOANED CI T I . 1 1tKOCTr .483 1 umpires for the evening were: : .428 Harrison and Beynon in the first .363 game and Pierce and Hetherington t 298 in the second. Scorer was Dominic1 ( Montesano. ' .629 The league standing to date: 586' W L .564 Grotto - 4. 1 534 steel Workers 3 2 .525 Dry Dock 1 2 484 stones - 1 4 .352 .339. Pet. .800 .600 .333 .200 j New York City has five sheriffs. In the latest casualty list appears the name of Major S. P. McMordle, slightly wounded and returned to rtntv. and Allen Robertson, formerly a partner of George McColl, wound-. Roropnnt Ravner. who is back from the front, is here recruiting tnr thp American Legion and has opened an office at the. corner of will take his three sons to the front with him. Hitler knows one language only the language of FORCE. And force will end his mad ambition to enslave the world. Your dollars- 1 STAND BY TODAYS PASSWORD ($$s&& 1 FOR GOOD BEER Mm T 4 Thert'i sood reion for X2&.f lh ittidily-stowina dmnd for ymWwXfimk W&g( "BriUnni." Hvt you tried it yet? XK Wfaft ifrV Older a doien todiy. (iWl Sk!i Wzfam V. BREWED AND BOTTLED AT J PMm IEBEiJjr This advertisement is not published or displayed by - the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Special Afternoon Cruise Around the Kinahnns and Katlicl Islands I1Y S.S. "CAMOSUN" SATURDAY, JUNE 28th, 19 11 Leaves C.N.R. Dock 2:00 p.m. Returning 5:00 p.m. Afternoon tea served aboard Music enroutc by the Prince Rupert Boys Band EXCURSION FARE $1.00 (Plus Tax) Children Half Fare Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, Build Wc can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call In and talk it over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. rllONK 116 PHONE 117 Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Condi tloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Saturday, 4;00 p.m. and Monday at 3:00 p.m. calling: at Ocean Falls and Powell Klver For Full Information and Reservation, etc r1!! nr Vrl riTV TIPKET OFFIPE. 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines r IK