War Rocky Mountain Rangers $100 Canadian National Recreation Association 500 V THE WAR IN SYRIA CAIRO While British and Indian troops are making progress toward Damascus preparatory to storming the world's most ancient city, Australians are advancing up the Lebanon coast towards Beirut. The Free French are holding their own against superior Vichy French forces in Syria. SHIPPING LOSSES IN MAY LONDON The Admiralty announced today that Biitish shipping losses during the month of May totalled ninety-eight vessels for an aggregate tonnage of 461,228. EXPELLING EXPELLED States. wa OF NAZIS United States Seeing That German Consular Agents Are Not leaping to South America Hardrock. .70. Int. Nickel, 30.50. frf Kerr Addison, 4.20. Little Long Lac 1.72. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.60. Madscn Red Lake, .58. McKenzle Red Uke. 1.06 Moneta, .32. Noranda, 51.00. Pickle Crow. 2.55. Preston East Dome, 2.9G. San Antonio, 2.26. Sherrltt Gordon, .65. Uchl, .09. Bouscadlllac, .02 (ask). Mosher, .05 Vi-Oklend, .03 V-Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge. 21.00. 8 KUSMMiKKiMAN SITL 4N . LONDON Tlie Russo-German situatio. xtlll hanging fire and there is little definite indication of . ? xt move. Moscow says there is no definite sign of a Gem. Evasion. 1 if lis radio said last night that the Soviet Mould no nger attempt to appease Germany but would resist further demands (rum the Reich. BRITISH All) FOIt SOVIET LONDON The Evening Standard today demanded that Brilisli give aid to Hiissla should there be an invasion of the Soviet by Germany. What form thin assistance might take was not suggested. Declaring that an invasion attempt on England was imminent, the Standard said that, if Hitler, was able to overthrow Russia, it would leave all the weapons of Germany available against Great Britain. FINLAND VERY NERVOUS BERNE DJW.B. (Germ n) News Agency reports here that Finland continues feverish preparations against the possibility of war. Army reservists of 43 and 41 years of age have been called unexpectedly to the colors, being ordered by the government to report for military service. Women and children are being evacuated from Helsinki. In the event of war between Germany and Russia, Finland would be a battleground. GERMANY ATTACKED LONDON The Itoyal Air Force, for the ninth successive night, attacked objectives in Western Germany. Secretory Becrary.o of , butcum.icr nv Qro arP rhar!?fri rhar2f.d with with esnlon Wfc announced that steps rre bcinz taken to prevent Infiltration " - irto Latin America to continue H.-i. vt,,i nxitvitipii there of German nationals from rhe United Huns! belni arranged for. Kitwanga Child Is Drowned At Cannery Point Ritchie Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Gray of Kitwanga, was drowned at Carlisle Cannery. Mr. and Mrs. Oray have the sympathy of their many friends. Maori Officer Is Courageous Lead New Zealanders in Counter-Attack Despite Loss of Hand CAIRO, June 20,-A BtUWi oi-flcer, wounded and In a Cairo hospital, says! he. will never forget the heroism of a Maori officer who, with his right hand blown off and four wounds besides, led a handful of New Zealanders In a counter-attack hot vinrioH back an entire company of Germans. The O'JH remarking on the extreme youui the Invaders, said there were large Croups of Nazi boys between the ascs of 16 and 18. A Man who won't Lend is Friend I Victory Loan 1941 ROME, June 20. example of Germany. Italy a dcrcd a the - expulsion TODAY'S STOCKS (UourKsy 0. D. Jotuifitoa-06.) Vancouver Dralorne. 9.90. Cariboo Quartz, 2.05. Dentonla, .01. Falrvlew, .01 (ask). Gold Belt, .20. Hedley Mascot, .50.' V ' Mlnto. .Ol'i. -v Noble Five, .01 (ask). . , Pacific Nickel. .04. Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier. .83. Privateer. .49. Reeves McDonald 18. Reno, .10. Relief Arlington, .01 Vi. Salmon Gold, .O0'2. Sheep Creek, .80. Oils A. T. Con., .00. Calmont, .15. C. & E., 1.05. Home, 1.75. Pacalta, .02. Royal Canadian. .06. Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .0'2. Toronto Aldermac, .08 Vi-Reattie. 1.06. Central Pat., 1.06. Cons. Smelters, 34.00. East Malartlc, 2.32. Fcrnland, .Ol'i-Francocur, .36. Gods Lake, .262. ' & M Shekels for l'r eedom-or Sliackles for Serfs. Buy Victory mm Vol. XXX.. No. 144. Germany Orders Consuls and Express Company Employees to Leave Europe BERLIN. June 20. Germany last niirht okVpH i.h( United States to i remove all consular and American (Express Company employees from Germany, Norway, Holland, Bel-glum, Luxembcrg, occupied France, (jiuui, uui.....o, 1 - i ... 1 1 T..1.. K later than July 15. mml it..u..i ct .tv Miivinr in Conserve, of row yielding the milk, and the Slocks for Defence Needs time elapsing between bottling and I delivery, than It Is by pasteurlza- , tlon. In any event, the cream Hne i WASHINGTON, D.C., June 20 u not a reliabie ndex of the cream The United States government an- content; and even If It were, one ! nnunres that rubber will be ration- v,ij Mm.mhf.r that, more than ... DUUUIU w.iwm.ww ..... Does Not Favor WASHINGTON. June 20. -CP- - - (' nSlflfF VlfhV A Strang German protest over tne ---. - - ' rmtUion of Nazi consu ta from Un- eoun y a . M f tied States has been rejected oj the y The American con- Wiinibiry IIUVY United States Department of SUte y. Ita, in Under - Psmon- ArraimPninllU had bCCll madC. Welles gave assurance, whereby the fftum to Germany direct ol expelled consular officials would be Insured. Their Immediate departure . .. . i tj 1 it araie. nave civen snnwn iouuo function. Relaxation Of Ship Inspection Will Quit Income Tax Have Done WINNIPEG, winmriyj, June June 20. w. It it was an- WHEN CYPRUS CAME milk because of its taste, that you carry out. a similar experiment ln Izatlon, while tne vitamin u con- tent ls reduced only very slightly, True enough, pasteurization may "destroy up to zo per cent 01 tne vi Cyprus has been a British colony and base since 1914. ! " .m"K' mumejik ta wua wticti, to o , , w IWnat ,cvcry L1' ,e.v!" iraW millt, evcti mwura o nu, to . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941. Prince Itupert, with its total subscriptions of $372,000 to date in the Victory Loan campaign, is six per cent over the top of the original objective of $350,000 as compared with the oversubscription of five per cent for the Dominion with total of $631,090,100. A twenty per cent overscription of quotas is necessary for the loan to be a complete success so the mark of - $420,000 must be reached vm a -mr cd n order to buna up mucks h,f ,.hB fl.ii a ue of cow's nnlK. here ny tomorrow niguv was not working against the inter- - t JQnn DarKCr S Body Coming when KY II l I Y defence PurPses and 10 conserve and neariy an its protein content, subscriptions close. U 1 1 IrkMa 1 of shipping space. Manufacture are retalned by the gencrally-des- prlnce R t yesterday passed , . ( , i automobile tires and other rubber t d .sklm. portion. The slgnifi- . - uola t , ln vlctory Loan 1941 United States Consular Agent, Or- producU w)11 be curtailed. of he cream llne ls a fallacy $350,ooo. dered to Leave That Louniry ti-rivinz from the relatively high commercial value of the butter-fat last evenjng was $372,000. The day's con-tent of milk, j subscriptions had been $29,000. To. A second claim often made is morrow nignt the subscription lists that pasteurization scoils the fla- closc and lnc local committee Is vor of milk. Uoyi. in rcent years hppcjul of reaching the $400,000 14.. nt nrttlcVi Pnlnm. . . . . at Mir iiiuvcioitjf wi u-.ni. mark..- fc ,.;' bla; & large, class-'of Bacteriology j ,t T,Htr.ifvai Mintt rnntrman stuBtnts has takfen, nart4n an an- noStec an onor pennant on the -I A.t Ihi. ArrmrtAtltlrkn The ela.SS ... . ri 1 ln r. nlrrVif OTTAWA June 20 Prime Mill- hu vvu.K : . victory uoan iwi 6- results have always shown that raw tnus slgnalizlnB that the quota King Mackenzie utrr later William William Lvon Lyn.M.acKenz,el"f mk rannot be differentiated from hM rM(.hprt and nassed. said yesterday tnat ne was not m - -- flavor , our ., to b. the , . 1 h. VJJgr XTlZZ ' ministry 10 u.uui . nr smaller 1 ..! ' your own household, with an unprejudiced neighbor as referee. Some nemains f Bentinck Victim Due raw mlks have indeed a special Thjs Afternoon From Island flavor and aroma; but this is due. as a matter of fact, to absorption of stable smells; and can be res- The body which was found on tored to a sample of pasteurized the coast 01 ueen unauww . SJ . miii- milk hv by addition addition nf of a a droD o or or two lands and is believed to be that of President This I. Doing Asked By Roosevelt In View of Emergency f been told tim, is arriving from the Queen Charlotte Islands this afternoon on that pasteurized milk rots on keep- WASHINGTON, D.C.. June 20. w, whereas raw milk merely sours, the police boat P.M.L. 15. An In- rresiacni r raiiKun u. ivuuocvciu xnis siatement is iaise. wasuta ..... chant marine Inspection laws in depends upon the relative numbers me cxisung ciiieiBcutjf. jic OI souring ana 01 puueiuig um- to hnve rarco snace In tankers in- nrir initinllv nresent. Thus. If creased and crews spread over a putrefying bacteria preponderate larger number of vessels. , , in a raw milk sample (as they may do) It will rot on keeping; -while If souring bacteria preponderate ln a pasteurized milk sample 'as tney ! usually do) it will sour on keeping. Convict Safe-Cracker Help To Locksmiths INDIANAPOLIS, June 20. Kept under parallel conditions, , . milk ""tains sweet pasteurized dlan lis recelved a temporary longer than raw milk. If kept long . a safe at IU u t ns noes lilt dl, tUJU Iliailjr "liuuiv , t.. 4 nnan o o fa IWU""". clior ff 411 ior a OllVt Halibut Sales Summary American 14,500 pounds, and 9c. Canadian 67,000 pounds, Prince Rupert District and Queen inadequate source of vitamin C for ' Canadian 11.4c 10.7c and 8.7c to 11.4c and 9c. American Zarembo, 14,500, Royal. 11.4c and Charlotte Islands Light to mod- Infants, wno aepena upon orange, ,,.20,000, -Storage, 10.0c crate southeast winds, part ciouay or tomato juice ior mcir mm andmlld. plies 01 tnis viuimm . Fifthly, the valuable calcium and I phosphorus content 01 miiK is aneg- and 9c. Morris II., 7,000, Pacific, 10.7c and 8.7c. Rev. Alex MacSween, the newj- or rendercd unasslm. " w pasDor of First Presbyterian u w b y pasteurization. This con- p . " tt 11 500 storaKe g 11 4c ' Church, and Mrs. MacSween and entlon is categorically untrue; and J' t1' ' ' arrived In the city on last the child lf as much as me.h:ilt .Storage, iun rnln TVipv romp from the . . i 11,. iwstajjtui ltt 10,000, tu.uuw, iiiBtixa uoi". caiCtUm saiw m tows mni tium Alberta Peace River country but be rendered unabsorbable by pas-liave recently been visiting ln Win-j , . . nlpeg (Continued on Page Ftve) and 8.8c. , Nornen, 8.8c. 10.9c 6,500, Booth, 10.6c and Bulletins LOCAL RENTAL BOARD The local three-man rental commission will be discontinued as from July 1 after which date Judge W. E. Fisher will function here. At present as a rentals board members of the board are Judge- Fisher, G. 1. Tinker and Thomas; Elliott. U.S. SUB IS SUNK? PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire The United States Navy reported today that one of its ; oldest submarines,-the. 0-9, was seven hours overaue on a dive. It is believed two officers and 31 men are aboard. WOMAN FLIES ATLANTIC LONDON Mrs. Jacqueline Cochrane has delivered an American bomber safely across the Atlantic from United States to Britain. She is the first woman to do so. She brought three dozen silk stockings with her. NEWSPAPERS BOMBED LONDON The News-Chronicle and Star newspapers were recently bombed out. They are now publishing from the establishment of the Sketch. NEW C.B.C. STATION OTTAWA To Improve service for British Columbia, listeners a new lOOrwatt short wave station is to be put in by the C.B.C. at Vancouver. BURNABY FIRE VANCOUVER The dry kiln and a box car of lumber were destroyed In a fire at the Riverside shingle mill in Burnaby during the night. VICTORY LOAN OVER TOP OTTAWA Victory Loan 1941 went over the top yesterday, the total up to last night being announced at $631,096,100. There's Safetv In Numbers Buy . . .. .. . . . snerm. ine uuuvitv, mmani more oouuai Fourthly, tne vuam ns in mil remoyed te safe., u"-!are said to De aesiroyea oy often . . ... rf ,,, nounced yesterday inat Manuooa pasteurizatlon. Now milk ls an ex- of the Income tax field as a war i contalns useful amounts of vitamin measure. Six other Canadian prov- Q vitamin A content of milk lnccs have already done so. ls at,solutely unaffected by pasteur-1 Tomorrow's T ides High Low . - ... 11:34 a.ra. 23:26 ap.m. 5:30 ajn. 17:20 p.m. 16.8 It. 10.7 It. 5.7 ft. 8 3 ft. Roosevelt Is Outspoke A Moot Question TO MP ART ARGUMENTS w ! tr OVLK MUA Provincial Official Answers Points Raised AgainstiPasteurization By DRyC. E. DOLMAN Provincial Board of Health There are some twelve points commonly raised by raw milk pro ducers queers aiid ana consumers cuhsujhcio against as""" pass- "- Scrbla (Yugoslavia) and Greece not eurlzation and I Intend to refute ..M.II. ...Utw. RATIONING OF RUBBER each one of them. While certain of the claims are intrinsically of a trivial nature, they may loom larg'e in the minds of otherwise quite unprejudiced persons. For Instance, pasteurization is said to change the cream line in the milk bottle. But the cream line Is much more affect ed by such variables as the breed Sinking Of Robin Moore Lalled Act Of International Outlaw In Presidential Congress Message RUPERT IS United States Does Not Intend to Yield Freedom of High I Seas to Germany Intention is to Maintain American Commerce U Y LIY 1 Ul WASHINGTON, D.C., June 20:, (CP)- President sum of ,372,00 is subscribed m Franklin seve Local V , lory -n Campaign Moore : as vield the high seas to Germany. The President made the flip sinkinrr of the American vessel in V . - - th the Atlantic Atlantic Mav May 21 21 in in a special message to Congress, permuting stronger language than the formal diplomatic note. He said the general appearance of the sinking "would appear to drive American commerce from the ocean wherever such commerce was considered a disadvantage to Germany's designs. It is a warning that the United States may use the high seas of 1 the world only with Nazi "consent. Were w-e to yield on this we would inevitably submit to world domination at the hands of the present leaders of the Oerman Reich." The message, however, proposed no definite line of action or retaliation. TO STEP UP WAR EFFORT Tremier King Announces This on Return From Trip to New York I OTTAWA, June 20. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King returned to Ottawa yesterday from a brief trip to New York. He said that an increase in Canada's war effort might be Increased More 1 heavy bombers will be turned out, j there would be an Increase In the output of trained prtsonnel from the Commonwealth air training plan and a restriction in the use of civilian commodities. Cyclone Felt In Manitoba Strong Wind Experienced Yesterday at Brandon and Camp Shiloh BRANDON. June 20. A wma 01 cyclonic proportions visited this city and the military camp of Shil oh. Damage was done to camp buildings at the latter point. 5,000 YEARS AGO Egypt had beauty-salons as early as 3,200 B. C. Not Bye-and-Bye But BUY and 1 BUY I VICTORY LOAN Program TONIGHT 6:15 Radio Program Native Radio Program Chief Councillor Tom Cosncll, Port Simpson 7:00 G:tj Retreat Service Grand Street Dance and Jitterbug Contest Second Avenue between 6th and 7th streets, IUH.R.. Orchestra 9:30 See Poster Exhibition, City Council Chamber Afternoons and Evenings Drive a Nail in Hitler's Coffin at the Dug-Out Exhibit of Movie Stars Autographed Souveniers In Dug-Out 4- 5 t t 4-