PAQB BIZ Expert Optical Service Group IV.-2 for $1.00 Clias. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Walch, Clock, Jewelry Ik-pairing Ilund Eiitfiavinj: visit ouk hasement stoke For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, liag",agc ami Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT TOUGH ON BIRDS STILL WORLD WONDER Britain's balloon barrages have There arc 6". waterfalls with proved deadly to migrating birds authenticated heights greater than as well as to airplanes. . Niagara's. roup II.- $1.00 $1.00 GICLS' BEDFORD CORD SLACKS Girl"' Bedford enrri slacks Sizes 3. 10, 12 years. Col-r t?"v1 and Red. An outstanding special. jQ Dollar Day, pair LADIES' ALL SATIN NIGHT GOWNS Shades lea rose and white. Sizes small, medium. In. 'uled styles. Regular value $2.95. Dollar Day, each Us- 81.98 CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS Silk and lisle and all silk In a variety of new sprln? shades. Sizes 5 to 8'2. si nn Dollar Day, 5 pairs for JpJLaUU SLACK SUITS Ladles' slack suits, made from tropical striped wincey in two shades only. Torquclse and stripe and wine and stripe. Tailored in the Callfornlan style. CJO Q? Sizes 12 to 20. Dollar Day, suit 9&oQ SILK CURTAIN NETS 25 pieces, assorted patterns, English nets, values up to C5c yd. Dollar Day, 3 yds for $1.00 NOTTINGHAM FILET NETS Assorted patterns in cream shade only, 36" wide, ' Q-f A A extra good value. Dollar Day, 4 yards for vl"U LADIES BLOUSES Various rainbow stripes and plain colors, fast washing fabrics, short sleeves, assorted styles. nn Sizes 14 to 20. Dollar Day, each JJJL.UU PILLOW CASES' i ;11.'H Full size linen finished pillow cases, ready for Q -t A A use, good quality. Dollar Day, 5 cases for pl..UU CHILDREN'S BEDFORD CORD BIB OVERALL Assorted colors Bedford coid, size 1 to 6 years. Exceptionally hard wearing cloth, well made. tg-fl A A Folh- Dv. pair OJ UU Decoration Day These have won peace, beyond all earthly telling. Here, in the land they loved, beneath Its sod; i No more forthcm Wnr's loud aiarum, knelling, -Their sons press onward where the sites hare trod Lift high the Torch above stern, youthful faces; Yciin" hniiiis to guird our great democracy, Young f,nl t m?rrh in measured, rhythmic paces. Young armies sweep to battle oversea. iUrep on. Ye Bravel-i-Scure and strong and splendid, The Kmplrp 'holds the line' and still shall hold! Rest In Remembrance, with our homage blended. Where droops the Flag, our Prayers In every fold; I "For Duty nobly done, the Faith that saves, "We place these flass and flowers upon these graves!" See Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outstanding Value FLANNELETTE1 BLANKETS Full double bid size flannelette sheets. Green, rose, mr.uve. blue, gold, plaids. Fast colors, whipped -ends SI1 00 ready for use. Dollar Day. each sheet Pl.UU TOWELS TOWELS TOWELS Turk Mi towels in every si", color and quality that's mann-fa 'tiirerl. On .special S;lc Dollar Day nun or the mill direct from the factory to you. Priced in groups. 71 UMQTlJ- Dollar Day, each PRINCESS SLIPS THE DAILY NBWd VISIT TO i SMITHERS, Premier Yhitrd Farmers' Institute Field Day and Attended Lunch-con At F.ntlako Las'. Night -SMITHFRS. June 20; .'SuecM to Pally News) Premier T. D Pat tullo, accomnanicd by E. T. Kcn-ney. M.L.A. for Skccna. arrived from Prince Rupert yesterday morning. Hon. Dr. K. C. MacDon-ald. minister of agriculture, and Mirk Connelly. M L.A. for O.nlneca, Joined the partv here as did also Olof Hanson, MP. for Skeena. Mr. Pattullo met many . local people and conferred over local and (th?r matters and left fmmedlately after noon for the south by car. A call was made at Burns Lake yesterday afternoon and Mr. Pattullo spent the ni"ht at Endako. The Premier, who had luncheon at the experimental farm where the Fanners' Institute convention was havlner a field dav. expressed himself as being? much pleased with the --lendlrt condition of the Bulkley Valley and the prospects for good crops. LLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser and Payne's Stores Close at 6 O'clock Saturday Poori quality satins, white and tea rose, asrorted styles und finishes I 111 I IT HIT liBMiWHW $1.00 (URLS' DRILL SLACKS Good quality drill slacks, sizes 8 to 14. Assprttd. (?! A A colors, white piping. Dollar Day. pair tJJ.Uv BRIEF PANTIES Rayon silk knit, heavy weight, lastex leg and waist, tea rose and white, excellent wearing garments. Of A A Dollar Day, 2 pairs for JXUU HOSIERY Campus stockings, all wool cashmere, assorted colors and assorted tops, sizes 6 to 10. Dollar Day Special, 3 pairs for $1.00 ANKLE SOCKS LadlW all wool, in various shades, all popular colors, sizes 8V2 t0 10'2. Q nn Dollar pay, 3 pairs for JJLvU LADIES RAYON SILK IIOSK Extra fine knit, mock fashioned, all new a A A popular shades, rlngless. Dollar Day, 3 pair.i for V"" BEDSPREADS 500 spreads, assorted colored stripes and checks, absolutely fast colors, nicely finished and wear guaranteed, made In two sizes, 72"x90" and 80"x 100". &1 QQ Dollar Day, each JJH.tO CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Size 80"xl00", assorted designs, full double bed sizes in various colors, well finished, Q9 0 Dollar Day, each : t?A.JD CHENILLE BATHROOM SETS Bath mat and toilet scat cover In assorted patterns apd shades. o if? Dollar Day, set ,. . JpJUflD- TABLE CLOTHS Rayon and cotton mixture In very pleasing shades, fast colors, size 52"x52", good heaVy quality. Q- A A Dollar Day, 2 for J1UU SCHOOL GIRLS' CAMPUS HOSE Knee high, novelty silk terry, shade white; royal, tuvy, red, green. Sizes 3'2, 9, 9V2, 10. nn Dollar Day, 2 pairs for ?1 vll GLASS OR TEA TOWELS Linen finished, good large size, blue and red 04 nn check, ready for use. Dollar Day. 6 for ?JUUU m IHIiliUHlHI I Whifflets 1 From The Waterfront v --- ' . Getting: Fine Spring Salmon Fish-in; at Kinculith With Sporting drat Salmon Prices Being Discussed Here Parmer Indian A-jent W. R. Colllson has been having some great luck in trolling for spring salmon with light gear at Klncolith where he is snrnrtins a h'Hay accordlnt to word brought back by the Indian Department cruiser Naskeena shlch returned from the Naas Rlv-?r last night. On Wednesday alone Mr. Colllson. trolling off shore with a minnow, lining light ' rod and twenty pound Hnc. caught three fine fish w-hlch provided 'plenty of nctlon. The Iariest one weighed forty pounds and, of course, took some skill tr hold but Mr. Colllson was enual to the lob. Mr. Colllson and his dauchter. M'ss Joyce follison. are due home on Ihe Ca-tala next Tuesday. The Naskeena made thf trin to Naas River points with Indian Agent James Olllett nnd E W. H. Husband in connection with the Victory Loan cam-mien and met. with good results among the natives. With ; falr-i7.pd list of niul rcnsidcrable freight car- awash at low water. VANDERH00F Last week Fort St. James lost a1 most valuable Red Cross worker In the person of Mrs. Marlon Klnnl-burgh, who died after an Illness extending for a number of years. The funeral service took place at the Hotel Fort St. James on Thursday afternoon, The service was conducted by Rev, J Miller McCormlck. Last night the quarterly meeting of the Canadian Lenion was .eld In the Legion hall. Constable1 Herbert Parker addressed the members. On Saturday last Miss Daisy Irene Cole, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Alvln Cole, became the bride of Lawrence Rovdon Kells. Rev J Miller McCormlck officiated. Miss H. M. Cole, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. Groomsman was S. E. Kells, brother of the groom Skccna i Indians Coming Down To Canneries Today Henry Wilson and Jonathon Brown leU Sunnyslde" Cannery-last WcdnWday for Kitwanga and elsewhere up the Skccna Rlvor to assemble fishermen for Sunnyslde Cannery. Wallace B. Morgan, representative of the Carlisle Cannery, and David Williams, representative of Sunnvslde Cannery, returned horn to Kitwanga on Monday after a brief business trip to Smther6. The motoring party driven by Morris Williams - Jr. stopped at Skeena Crossing, Hazclton and Morlcctown to give passes to th; fishermen for the sneclal train to the canneries todav Over one hundred fishermen are expected to travel cn this train. Kitwanga School Give Up Recess Have Been Knitting Blankets Air Raid Victims in Great Britain Will Entertain Doctors' Wives for Silmon orlces' for the coming i KITWANOA. June 20. Thn n-season In this area are beln?: dis- tlve 'chool children of tha Kltwan-cus-'cd at a meeting being held Ra Reserve have been nulte busy here today in the Metropole Hftll this snrln? with the Junior Red between the salmon canners' oper- cros Busy Bees who are supervls-atlng committee from Vancouver ed by their teachers, Mr. and Mrs. and representatives of vhe Native Hayhurst. P'?ttherhood of British Columbia After the school concert which and the District No. 2 Fishermen's was a great success, there was a Association. The sessions opened aie of knitted ocks. etc. knitted by this morning and are continuing the school children, this afternoon. The salmon can- instead of having rews the ners' oneratlng committee which children knlttpd blankets for the arrived on the Prince Gcorne this air raid victims In London, mornlnsr from Vancouver and will sirve the bos hnvs stionser sal) tonleht bv the Princess Adc- wrists than th eirls. they have laide on Its return south, consists proved the faster knitters, of Samuel Murray. asistant al manager of B. O. Packers, cbnlr-man: Richard Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fi'bprles Ltd.. Jl D Lord of Anln-Britlsh Columbia Packers, and Oeorse R. Clark of Canadian Fishing Co. with F. p. Payton. Prairie City Has III? I'rotram in Connection Mh Medical Meetlnp I rLi rtT Prl Oecrge WINNIPFO- JlJne 20; (rp,. J ' u Ncddc,n' "rtved Hi Port wlvos of dpIcf,, (he annua, ver nnd Ocean Falls and sailed at A.tatlon onenln? here June 23 rZntor 7art WhnC( ''"J W,I "ot "d time heavy on 'heir The Prince Grorw ., now on-ntlng 'vH oarh da of t, on summer fehnrfule and will be convention ' o,7herenLWI?,TJaV' S,n" n'"'rUl n M"nd Jl,c 23' a toa will be on her first Ala-ska voyage. heIf, at the Unlvcrslty Womcn.s Cluh for the wives of the members C P.R. steamer Princess .drlHo, 0f the CM A. General Council. Two ant. John Williams, arrived In functions have been scheduled for ort at. 1:30 this afternoon from the second day of the cenvention the -outh .uid will sail at 10 p.m. on During the afternoon, Mrs. Gordon her return to Vancouver and way- S Fahml of Wlrjnlneg. wlf,of the ",nts- C.M.A. president-elect, will be hos- tens pt a luncheon at the St. The Department of Transport an- Hiarle-! Country Club for wlve3 of nounces that an uncharted rock at the General Council members and Port Louis. Tingley Cove near the w'ves of executives of the Saskat-routhcastcrn end of Pip islets on ehewan and Manitoba divisions of the Tueen Charlotte Islands has the C.M.A. The same group will be been reported by naval patrol boats entertained at a sunper that even-, of the Department of National De- .1"2 at the Manitoba Club with Mrs. fence. It Ls awash at low water. F-dward L. Ross of Winnipeg as hos-1 oimai water nas aiso oeen round to. iess. extend across this channel and for Late in th nftornrv o vessels entering Tingley Cove the reception for members of the as-west channel is recommended but soclation and their wives will be , care should be exercised especially held at the St Charles Country at low water, as rock bottom has Club by Dr. Gordon 8. Fahrinl ' been found in different parts of this president-elect of the Association' channel. Breakers are reported at "d Mrs. Fahrnl. Dr. Fahrnt was Alhlow Bay about a mile and a elected for a one-vear presidential half from the north cxtrenv? of term at the 4at annual ineetlnir Louis Point. An uncharted rock ls On June 28 Lieutenant-Governor also reported in Sklncuttle Inlet It F. McWllllams of Manitoba and ... supper isiana ngnt, it being Mrs. McWllllams will receive mem bers of the association and their wives at Government House during he afternoon and early evening, The ladies' dinner will be held fol- I I I 1 1 Mm uv((IJPIrl " "'"i"O0(l "Night Train To Munich' 'At 7 0! . , , , - 1'I.irs VIRGINIA WFII),,t In "Bad Liulo Angel" At 8 41) , News iAt 8 D w.h,m, sat 'l.M.y Joan Bennett in I'Mll(lhl) , ti lowing the Govcu.u; ception. A brcaki, Motor Country cint nlpeg at Lower F been arranged l,t 1 al day of the eonv r, Treat yourself daily to DELICIOUS HEALTHFUL! brighten! your teth Miny deniK'K recommend Wrlfclfy'Spar mint Gum, The chewlni ftlvei your teeth nredrd eierclw helpikeep tocth clean, bright, attractive. Aid dl4etlon, too REFRESHING! rtlitvet fatigue Chewing Wrlg- ley'i Spearmint Gum helps re-liere tension, steady your ncrres. Always keep a package handy In your purse or pocket. r a. W DELICIOUS! ' ana iweeleni vouf brealh Enjoy Spearmint on" lasting f'h mint IUvor-an aid to pleasant hrcath ,Ah'' wme irwr vour , ...1., , ml (am- ilv unoriclit?; A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Have You Seen the New FLEXSTEEL LIVING U00M FUKNITl HI' A single compact unit. No colls to pop up, no webbing to sag. ' strings to break. It is sanitary. No space for dirt or vermin v collect and the open bottom makes cleaning easy. Sold exciusiv ly in this city by us. PHONB 775 - Whn v.... in.., r .i.ia nnndahle ....w. i,iu nam a ivcuaoiCt Syunuuinuii "rr SS PHONE 1 24 flour Service at Regular Rates