20, 1MI. l FAQZ ITV2 ,.:e "ffS9 DUET" No matter how bright the sunshine your white wash needs blue... to prevent clothes from turning yellow LI Sunshine is a lig help but NOTHING take the place of that iwuh or two of RVkitt's Blue in the hut rirue water to ensure mil whiteness. ill Yl IK still are a few where the war- HOLIDAY nur Days In Wartime Britain rind Ufvival Of Two-Wheel Touring P LEN HAaRIS Cir.-Press Staff Writer LONDON June 20: (CP) -Sum- Is t: n :e more come to Brl from work and relax. There are still charabanc trips to all parts of Eneland. And one can hire a boat for a week or so and traverse the winding rivers. ; Head For Country Rationing of gasoline has made 'cycling holidays more popular Ithan ever. Every week streams of cyclists leave London and head for the country. Young and old alike Bi ; -is a different summer lr 11,13 "o models of chrom-country. with gleaming j Gone are the trips by Oonc are the lm. tandems and others, looking 'Ifehtly the worse for wear, one ;;? cranes on the paddle .tar Gone are many of the " serlous-.ocKing oH men ., . ummrr amusements. fc. :.. .de towns are now re-Wmen m? ln snoris' s:i l. barred to the gen- Cycling nas oeen popular m S!l.. who delighted to visit Britain for years. It is cne o: me rrmnnTT The Protection and Intensive Utilization of our Timber Supply is equally vital to our War Effort SCIENTISTS REGISTERED much-needed C.N.R. Trains For the East ARGUMENTS OVER MILK Continued trom Page One) contain nearly jjwice as tnueh cal- 1 clum as does numan mine. ZMjm Expert LWted on BxitUh ' Sixthly .jrou msy haVe heard that ' I K1U and Matty u4 thes la the general-nutritive value of milk Service , Is Imparf- by'rteuYization, the i argument having, perhaps been U- LONDON. June 20: CP Every lustrated by a pathetic picture of extinguished scientist, ln Britain an emaciated calf with the cap-t thp.rTb.rol mn. v.ith Hon "Fed on Pasteurized Milk"; special scientific and technical alongside a portrait of an extrem-quallflcations kept by the Ministry ety robust bullock entitled "Fed on et Labor, 'Raw Milk." The words "Posed by The list contains nearly 200.000 Professional Models' are carefully ! 01 ?nn it thum r.mlfted. The truth is that nurner- i have been appointed to war Jobs, ous, studies at first-Class unlversl-Most of the remainder are ln posi- ties have . established bsyend a ttlons where It is considered, the best doubt, that even calves thrive bet-( possible use Is already bilni made tet on pasteurized cow's milk than fof their. sDeclal knowledge. upon the raw product. "Every silentlflc man of note m Seventhly, much noisy .nrcument the country Ls on the regUtcr." said has centred around the point that a ministry Spokesman, "and the pasteurization encourages tht cool- nnmp of pvpfv nullified Drofes?lon- in ni Mrtv Mid af clean mill:. This al engineer, chemist and quantity argument misses, the real nolnt. surveyor has been recorded. Not a that only nasteurlzatioti will rm- . . ... . . . . 111 1 - L - t - -.t I 1 .1 weex goes oy wnnoui uumuii j aer any rows saie-. iy muhui fUoco cnolilliU hplnra aunoinUd t.mhnlH v.aMllt In. i ntiart. if in I Ik n m n y .-.- i - - - - . ,,pitwH n . im i . - - to war post many of them to do from a piean environment !,? Im- secret wotk. measurably more aangeious vnan "The fighting services and minis- 500 million harmless bscterla In a tries are continually applvln to us nuart of mflk from an aesthetically for men with neeial nuallflcatlons. irty .source: and .nartsuriztitlPh and the register Is so well Indexed ai3nc couid remove the menace to we can find the right man at a pUDllc health -f h' toraier sam-moment's notice. pie. Moreover, under a system of "Onlv men with special nullifies- romnuljorv nastcurrzatlon, tlie us- tions are accepted for the register m channels of advertisement and for thl reason we are ccmDci- wuid still be open to the enter-led to reiect thousands of apnlica- p-rijslng and conscientious dalrins M-.na Thwp Is. however, no SFe n;Viih rpn'llv hnH finp hertls. hirns limit, and a number of persons, on and'equlpment to place before the the register are iuteiy ncn iu uc punnc eye. called upon because they are too Eighthly. It Is claimed that com- old. In one case a man ot 94 - a re- pulsory pasteurization Is not feas- tlred gas engineer asked to be pu lej tnat na means are avail-on the register. lie felt sure the able for. ensuring its proper carry-country would be able to make some lng out But many dties In the use 01 nis services. united States have enjoyed ;ne benefits of compulsory pasteurlza- (cheapest ways of'spending a holl- "oh for years; and in the cityof day. There are many cycling ciuds .-r - WJ ". . . haiu Kon ltnnrpSl thnt Tile in London and it Is quite usual to."""- -...r-- ; -n Prov nclal government has enacted see Ciuo memuers, ouuicumva v ... rj , , strong, riding along the road with their club emblem sewn to their . '"' r; ' 7- uj. lumbla denv it.self the benefits babies along with them. They rwp.i"'--? 7" ,, a tandem and the child Is. placed - - In a sort of sidecar on the tanaem. t" Ccod Mileace wnemer ipitiv oauiiiics imrc u" . Some clu'bs co-er as much as 110 properly pasteurized; ; and such tests could be regularly at Inns Permed miles a day. They put up for the night or carry tents. Tents by your Provincial Laboratories, have to be camouflaged nowadays The ninth argument to be refut- ct!vo is flint Ihro art betttr altcr- UIlU Wlitu Xiao vu UOCU 4 v.r 0 --- . up their tents and rely on inns, native methods available, such as rmUa, u ilh its extreme variations jemjM-ruture, has alimys eUttvil JUmuiCs Lwulun Dry Gin Us favourite aU-uvalhrr drink. J1i.. . .1 . . r Ml. 1 1. j-innVif unncijf. uon oi saie iiuin. zuyxy, uitic uudih afternoon f The tenth untruth. Is. that expert to be no compromise. All raw milk . .. " 11 .1 1 1 . . .1 .1 1 .. . 1 . 1 .... 1 1 opinion is caviaea as 10 vne rcsira- aisirioutea represents a puieuuai bility of compulsory pasteurlza- menace to your health, and to your tlori. Yet this measure has been of- children's health; while most of flcially recommended not only by Vancouver's raw milk is epeatedly . . . . . 1 '... t-,'n ...JI..1 ! 1. 1 i i 1 1 J. tne- lilt, Vancouver vuujuuvcr ana unu , , px, p.u, Mcuit lucuitiii expusius tApuaiug must mux wnu nuu uiiuk uuiin ji. 11 iu iu u u ue Muuuitjrs. neuin.-audjrjs oiwa rri- uc- days,. -fto.nL fl p.m. Assocliattons;, but also, among 6th- finite risk of contracting undulant Froni the Bast- ers, by the Canadian and the Am- fever. Tuesdays, Thursday's and erlcan Medical, and Public Health The twelfth and last contention Saturday 11 p.ni Associations, the United States of the proponents of raw milk Is "Control or Occupation by Nazis Would Jeopardize America" Here are two of the outposts of Europe which, western hemisphere and which were specifically mentioned by President Roosevelt as area? which the United States could not comfortably envision passing into Nazi hands. At Top is Horta,. 'capita! of .the Azores, and Below ls shown St Vincent in the Cape Verde Islands. "Only seven; hours distance from Brazil by bomber or troop-carrying planes. They dominate shipping routes to and from, the south Atlantic." So said the President. It's XMtPrtf London flavour M 1 I inui Goiinis For three hundred years Burnett's London Dry Gin lia3 been noted for its true dry London flavour, whicli, due to a secret process of distillation, is part and parcel of the gin itself. Burnett's London Dry Gin costs no more than ordinary gins. 12 oz. SIR .ROBERT BURNETTS lOmOX 11HY BIN Distillod and Bottled by Distillers Corporation Limited, Montreal - no has been restricted cyclists still regnlarly, and were fool-proof cn- organization of the League m(lk seJls ln yan. -. - mm jjicut-jr u, Fuv.o v --o- -- ----- - - qi wauons. wiuu. ngiik a.,, COUVer todav for at least 11 cenis a fanrHo nnt npir Tendon. Ls Run- bacteria: tuberculosis is only fne . .. ... . ..... . - . . - lavman an 10 p uii i t nis p urejuuicm it,iniiai quart nuart. wnne wn inc jusi as nuiiiuui", nymede. where King John signed of many, mUk-borne d seases For safef kho M.-vsna Carta Tftev are orten instance, local auempis io-f ininii- - , - J , j, rto be seen bathing there, with their ate the risk of raw nillk-borne un- itles? bikes propped against a convenl- dulant rever by means otner man The eleventh point to appose 01. ent tree. .pasteurization .pasteurization recently recenuy , proved proyea a a .an an eleventh-hour eleyentn-nour piea plea, as as 1 it were, And And though though pasteurized product sells for a dime. Mrs. D. C. Stuart had the mis- ffortune to fall last night on the travel nowadays complete ianure. Moreover, ecn u from tne raw mine aacicts, is rnHHn w-tlonal tition nlatform means carrying gas masks, identity a perfectly healthy herd could be the conscientious objector to pas-, Sed a SacSe of S cards and tin hats, still they head secured by some culling process, teurlzation should at least be per- f " J? . . leIt WTlSt. One Was laKen W UK 1. .u. .111.. Im n.ll.l- 'woptQ,.rtnHin nrrM,1 cfllt Ka rennlr Ul. jUll,, ort of rani mlllr irum au me iii-jcs in uihojii c-i.y uuhcu uu uuji " prince Rurjert General Hospital to 1. .i..MiHA a v...... r.nwi . an tn crunfri qffa n pnni.iminar nn n..i I.. nrr.ra nffMr nff trn n n n ween, ucwiiiiuicu io uac numr tun Su.u Dui, m uiaiKia uiumib w.v. hivp thp frnptnrp liatiuie :pt nnrt auxx will h( .l,.rtrt f-cv. fresh air and j -. sun. IntrnrtiippH introduced between hftwm, -mtllclri milking and and hMWh health so closely .1n1v as an does Hops this this cues Klies- - - sxey able to leave there for home tnis The Franchise of Freedom NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold W ater Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 P-tIB This advertlHement 1? not published or disp.ryea bj the Liquor Hontror HorU or u, a,e -rnn.iit of British Columbia Another reason Is that after dusk tubercuun testing, tor ensunn nnsteurizatlon Is a cOstly pro When you invest m Victory Bonds ... . . ...in. , camp mn t fires rpc are nrp nllowpcl allowed. safe saie mUk muK supply, supply, uui out even even ir if me mcr ruu..v ruowc .v..... cttim , 7;;' - "; - nr,ce o r,f vnn Invest in Viciury iui imci- , ...w- w --, . . ... . 1 11,. pp unn lnrrpM increases the iiic untc Although their range or travel tupvrcuuu, v: c u;i5 uu"c omtaiuiui ui,, . o then ( Listen Tonight! Paul WHITEMAN And Wear a and an ALL-STAR CAST Jean Dickinson of the "Album"'; Barry Wood of th "Hit Parade"; Lynn Mur-. ray and a 20-volce chorus; Donald Duck and Clara Cluck ln preson, and IRVINCf BERLIN! station cr.rt At 6 p.m. P.S.T. Buy Victory Bonds VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert CO. Ltd. British ColuniDi V I m r