TAGZTZQ DAILY EDmojr MEN'S Work Boots Jftarrrafnll range of High Arcji, Greb, Valentine and Pioneer working- boots in various weights and designs. Leather and Panco Soles. Priced np rpm $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rWCE .&CPEET - BZraSH COLOIBU OaSy ews, LtattetJ. Third Areaae SCBSCRIPTIOV RATES frripKrJn Ratta ia Qty -fw jiear J3X0; Haif Year.jiS- Ojm " - 4 ---. ' jiuui, 4jiu z rear Weal Jitaxj, per Itoe, per inaertioa Utsaietf WietCaejaenU, pr wd, per rtn Kcarter Aadit karejj ai QrcolaQaiu tWBez or IB .f.tixtv mv.. EDITORIALS! Prisoners Of War - - - rrM " , ' . " rn.mii: WHO- that .amoflQt Bntish officera is Gferisany or JtaW are fimnarry treated .and a neutral nation makes iifxtif W eaeh.ea-e to see that the prisoners are pronerfy trented. lliere seem tn bA tTii-fc. Titalo rvn.:-. r .1. 1 1 . .. .... vw , ijuiukn ui. aitacK ior rnp - 1 i CRIB PLAY LASTjflGHT &avy. OftnUn Aar A Jul Fal- I-iiM j&us tabcsge League Ranks loot night sat as toitera 3-t-oy Batei 14..0W Bsfmra 4. . Owutftnw fj-gkmg. Opera eon ! n $'4fKS. -raaa l fflk fleagjie weeding ao datec Putlaod IT A 2a SB IN 34 TERRACE xoueh and londries. WAXTJ2D - TEX riATI.T HZ'hS am vent x& zi 39 m i. pH Bean 3 55 M ZTZ.WM Oprtera ,. H r-t OSdEmpress 43 47 43 llfc.la J Hockey Standings .Pacific Coast League Varu:our Jfl 4 KlKMj 41 Spoicane ... JS 4 15 33 S 4 SsuUe J6 4 BUU2I i PASSING OF PICKLE MAN lUnird J. Dtt At PhiU- Wlbii At Ae Oj Sittj-rvr i IXtdfeT 6. LiMfe hod a JoKwxit tjm a -Thundar fn' PHH-ADBLKHA. Ft il -4tov. toor oT Mrs. Twd WriNft ,b wffi art J. Jfean. aatt AmMicao in-te towg Xnoae ia He ar "ttit aid pmidmc ct tb. fatare to wide m ram Rrcrn ten ptcMtoT and pecarrr--Wr WUk tas JatnM M C Abb Btnraj hts oaaw did um Ujs Gtmn. vb be Jirtd Httee aai a tuttk of at two Barb Jact wc. At anr His fatter Knrv many sett and pnrttr gtfU be- wottiiint the iaVa tf bottltnr to presented in anBcSppttan of ' whit-flowi bra-sweju wnt. Mrs. D G LAtlr vza x h.--t- PaM- aurf swwal a .n t. jUfs r. Tturvy f th bride CUssifieD FOK SAU feed eonditifln, septic tank, fay OKidro. two lots, taxes zaaaL. JIM 60 witli texlf eah tear mi kM. He- r mad a abu-fc nn door bmd ! vcaara and a by to heip him ajrate od Ud.tk .-irsc-nMBrti aod '.hus ttaru-d ci-'test uf the ST aj3-UM ftis tfr aid.d two ftvn ia.tr and lb? no nrriiled that te eonalMK a-3Cialjrj of that a prwJet with far ten ar po iKtfe anuraae R his lalh?r Hs wed the 4rW Hete'a anktna T-ROOirHOCSK Tth' Ae. Etun, t "a'af-Jw e Sf varwots" nmp "One dar Wf I was rfciur an ttstp AfM - derittd rari nr ,-, . am V-w T i I -"w-w tK , IWW wm Si OC room JtoKe 2nd lloor. with 3 lj- ,f.. T T" ' me ,1535. Hat n., ins nnd ranayd. H. G HHtgon Ud. ped off he irain at thTLxt T , , 7 ; : T c icw imernauonai WS tnat are1 , ' tte, tack the ftnt icahi mmnsmr nemg Kept ny each country, poiisiMy for fear of retaliation nm doftirx takes bk office sa iownton. went IB case II ia J30t. I Tiv first csmi brteter in ih !haI ior oar ittkamr Oriye Carefully ji - tb frta it DaSy News. , JsaAJWjsaoy .oygnr. .Ccd i- rom time to time we 'have urged that Prince Ru- txxj!asm- PUs Bacic-5co. Md tus aao w. bepo wide o th ad7r-rtt4off card ifaat proved a 9eat aid.' Born In PitUhaFsh Howard Ketoz was txra Aagtut inVf tT, iir,; - j ,c" ' OI in irarrow streets . m pstMbugh. in, Ke was .. wr m ui aiaewanca. u also must he remembered . w K-m tti i hu m- that there is today much more traffic thsa we have hzth IL o B. of r' iB-Ba8S toiHriy MtfOre ID tne hi'flrv nf tVo -If..! jr.. ."" 7 PB0E BUtfc 2- 55i wtaI wHb tha- men and tirrM JSee Dlavlnjrarmfnrl rrt.jiraoyagprxw. Two " i?V? , ! W6wtaWjMec5 etc C" ssamped on attel: . e naye to remember t that Xestoi&atse children have nowhere to ntmt-tn. 3si ppoo -electrical ap- ,jIav except on Jthe streets. The ew playerounds do not c": AreatOQ " accommodate all the children of the city and rrS ee SJJf P5ate' SStroUed ' ia-ruuitu re nv always well it) UV. - 1 t .Oil and Koppers company becam IFhose wiio drive cars wffl.hav fn rpmw iro 1"'-. to the wotm. ?(Iestnaas have rights and that the modern high speed car fefK Children aIso need constantwa-' 'm& to be watchful of passing cars. Some of the yotuW tes are yey daring and foolishly careless fc j 7kr& likely Attack Points - nn - KeIgrsoo The eon sot Jiis nrn n CTi otk at Shady ide Atadony and w zradoajid from Yale 1900 He tenediatety entered his Spth-iinn as A lerk. He worked Jm..--.. w-M- ir sras made WAirraDtptetrtby&taxehlat.nedrerttaiiig nuoager. jn 1507 he i w nun uuosir nniuxmuia. ira-e saujS roanagKr and lo 1215 Phone Red a. (3i chairman at the hoard, jajsiunlng uw jjtesiaeojy 09 Use ?ath -of jus mani?. ivylclenay thev ar nrennrinfr .!-..,. - airin isi9 " v .v. 111 1 in ciioiiULf lir u nw lllfrh i I ill, -j in tr, -r.r.,.r. 1 r . " 1 1 11 f II U rarrfo 7H.,.t. Graneer Mien.. October 3. two sons, one fadTt Heinz, named! rer, 3t 4oes jiot eera likely that Gibraltar could bo " can-' n1 th Ra. nanw for jiu Wd. 1 jaotfaefs folks -XJermanv 1s sKAntfnll ffejtJ)etwoUldbeadnve toivard Greece. It may'5aiv gedtpirtiaiiUt-uwowly with the attempted invarfon of Jirutain nd the mwe would have the effect of dlvidine tbexlefence jortxts jofjhe British. vium, JTtelp&j iS'ew;ig;a member pl ttbf Unadian I)aily ewpper Assodatfen, of the Canadian Press and of the Jm mr&ku ,of .Circulations. It Is the only paper north ,pf Vancouver and -west of Edmonton holding memberahjD in these organizations. Owner can hare ame by alKnS A -spot" ! cosu too onlr half a at uauy News and paying tor this dollar Try tt in the Dally News JatfJed eoUunn. (tfl 1 When Yaa Want a HeUabIe,JDoiDfiftaWe, Dependable S PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at ReroUr Rates THREE-WAY BOWLS TIE H OU. MaBrtn and Ufweu t an .) hi a mm Mf oraw Mai-he n nlinfcup of tse Mea Ft- F . . Bowtanc Lm. reflalar ' jCwm IB .Lips and AittoHrt aearJmegiTiNr to nB net. net vr Baskex aitd fa-Mttan Air iVW Msijec!ry wa- - OMPrf Corps of Sj-cafc? ad MaO-tr veer winaing s . rames to cne am- PWtpott-E'iu and H'je-.f Oil Wjxettvety J3an W":jc m hieh indirtdral . tt wish 103 The 'r; mer a Mfcros: B xmt Oa AJr Mm 1129 1060 !053 M M3 111 MS CM 14 944 urn IMS 934 966 102 1121 m m M8 1045 Tb ntiTgs itww the foliow-ing win Bomu Heme Oil 12 ILxl- 12 Upa't. 12: Philpxi-fyjtl. ID .Km -ur 's 9 Bar!ors 5 SteiuLi 7 Air F;;r.-r 5 Bargain Event! Less than a Tablet for ASPIRIN Canadian Druggists every where now feature economy bottle of Safest Fast Relief for Pains aei Colds at price any body tan afford. Here b grind ner-iaXM. There' r: redtotakeciiacces co t.iinrn strong, dasgeroei drags. fms are cow atsrz tiit, raxeorted w the fa-U Est refief jea can asefcr paaasd UbUtt Rnsensbcr Aspiria doe not hara the heart For great pd pto safety, don't take anything else. Get the eoomray sire bottle at yocr draffiist'i tcc -ICO Aipirin tablets forasrfSe. It's a barjam you ant ess. Bat be sure yoa jet Aspirin. Be sure it's ASPIRIN! fC- VP If errv tstiet At TOt stojr the word j MI MA M, U tbe iocra of a or. it is not Aspirin. Doo't let anytftdr tell you it is. 100 lableij 93 , THE J5EAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PLKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the oly saUsa canning company with an all the year round payra la Prince Ruptri Pbones It X: 13 PXl. &z 575 AFJSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save oar Cain Coupons given for poieb&iea of 25 cents or more It U too good to pass op. Cocnemand let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollara Have Wore Cents uaiucu-aaYY imj .BJv rkci 1 f ft If Lv i.. - nuprr Up Represent!? HUDSON'S BAY ( 0n rtutne ;4I. IS? East ltd Ave m m w ic-u 1- rt 5eu a lot of sattsfaeuon out of erery purchase they oake If you hare an idea as to what scod coal should pe. try ? ton of the kind we etj and yoa can prove to your own satisfaction that the money yos spent was wbely tnvened Keep our name and phjv number in mind. Comor wotz- 'AM "Hfe jain; inaJ at Nobody 1 Ik. Ill -T". OF Ph'llDOtt Evitt To I tJ WHINE C3J C2 Hot Water Boil SPECIAL s Guaranteed Bottles $1.00 Ormes Ltd.; TWSexaUr. Phones 81 & ! 4)jta Daily irm j till It jun. B as days ABd Ualldays from .12 U.2 pun. n 7 to I pja. "RUPERT BRAND! J5RILL FILLETS CeHpbaae Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. uitndmv j1 - WK)I MARKETS LTD. . JiUPERX ufio-S?SJKC JiUTCIIEJiS JJULKLEY MARK0 A ! served .at the Uoston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and .Cured ;Fish available at the alov stores Packed by xmkk n fish & Cold SW rhv. Rayert -Qq ,lritsh Col" 1