m T1GZTOCI. EYES Xaeeficee lor 3tBB)KZSlS FsB-Tat fnms. ibe N rani is lye-Wear EETEAL OF ZO.VE LAW (Csatsssd tnsa Page Osei iodesd. be bad failed to tears of a tz&t pexxm Trfio faTored ft. EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, CJoefc, Jewelery Repairing Hand Engraving- CHAS DODIMEAD OptonyTrwt in Chxrre Phone 2W far Apyamtianit Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and N ovelties were feeing acsadei Uk.hi sh oonnci. anc soafaasaae of the rater -Ther w n& ran- he feZL is a This is the Time of Yrear Tien SEiHCSpeJ affairs Sfrwv nrfa-as jwlt cattac JAr Casey rscsstted flat be a die service end zoi not rafcn? tad taken an active part is av tte people mis. tut config-ace lCr. Tjrxsag the bylzx b-c fc bad BraceveS repose dm be coald 305" been ortgteaBy enacted. The then be beat nr. 111 aai a to stzi Cl II II I liartOBT- Mr Airt-r had caw mia. mm m -- TCSBflEJaW tam aVaHaft H w- m tbe pjriaa- and tben -ras ntil Standards for your home Betty Brite Kakrnj Copv White or awsrtd. Per MS . Betty Brite Shelf Paper f ft. lie 2 lor Uranium Emtocted Napkin Whale or aaceeled. 50 Crepe aapktna. TS ... Wad' Laeey Dilie White or colored. Pkg. 4 oozsn pkg.. aaaorted Happy Birthday Cake Decmtions Jpise Fonsne TtiKng cake lat . 8rertign Cteandng Tmoti liO ... lc Fwex Toilet Paper fisoppeza package Unrrx Ctllalove Tape 369 rnch with (napenaer OTertea Flag Stationery portfolio CUridje Raying Cartiv Fancy, deck lUpid Contract Bridje Tally Jdeal TaUy Card Set 2 Ubie Ic 3 tables ISC .2Je lie Ue 1 Uc and 2c tie Grey Gte Ileary Waxrd PaprT Jt. roB : Uly Waied Drinking Copw CeSe vrrapped, arbk cohxri. Drjzsn v Seat VJi to a roH 2e and Sic Mc -WD lie .24c 2e lie lie eMfijcuMvs.Jjd QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. phone in . Jyvnosvm 1 Mas. 21 tie Moon Tnts: Vy ra -aaaei. Adas sjJte-' :baom. fcai in-nck. raaraaxg zs be inos?r. of ih Inft Becky ""r EiEscrj" AH oeraistg &-xe a atrzagen ea r;st"r ane frC tarr- Thej'jj: jam, escsar hesv ic trait Aad s9 m fit- tfee aa Basptesattj is st to mak ITj dac iai prartrr-; case: "laias? yea? vac- mt. isai txaaj ace I a&ae rabbit as' J kaacked 11 (jBn TCt. a 3ia cat aateeetfcer an aner. a? AO iaaU& lh tavjfcd ZD ISte'U'f "Fore i- pass by a vidtnr Jad-atto earv-d it Grandpa itas hzvCi ba aiter- ep b fee araseisar' anal wbt: ex- that the maewr was of ao eeperi- w rnniiliiimr ht he rrov a ewss-cal sz-a- A nental nalurr a a 1 mill rf mi t. w mthrr eaaeed tee nxx b be Si t va hoped to inteceat r -at n iiaaiiairr Iti- 1 irt u rt- awit BT rststm; oas T prajjd tor botae bmkHng u tt vaa an- have tbe iwipi aaiibj a fe hyrj KicraMu; ia iir. juk bad and b ada irettEcae ast exprr- nra ajBarzuac at die time that mm of OMar ifeva. he -vvaSA be xnrsnstA to reMai it - -TETut aze yom. avaor'" be . persd. "Toa ncrtat daearb ga. Mr. Caerdssbiei! thsr, tbe tutor t3 BrtiTa a-"to T acartaK biai diukf- rred so avrful poipa. the ea Car x-aarkei Mwl-fcr efalkn aia jo?- wcwid be better vttboot ai awl ... tas to icn? irka fai mi znolh-r j-, A year aa a rseetaac the a hearf of anySwo ai a IjIsrr" aJJtc had aaaced for tepeai of lbe h!9 .rt w .5 aad mored lap to' byte Mr Owr aid bat a, ac- kc to b proper? and desired TZL'bf Kato" an adaunaasatwn S-tr i, and zs CJLTZ b?i,t- I BLACKHEADS - b iMi jiaur r cta m . RtsU a tic. Mi, n4 -t iKSWtE Cxm of ErtSiOi CntZBte. X w od la day X iacoMrf AJJ SA(e af UrraS ifin for&rrtf tjir &iaK ct HTUer BcttMi OstoatMi Trf. t aoJ en or abn t 3lt T of EVaabtr l40 All ktwiok t-owl to lia? mm rcqotrel so PT tfce atannat of tbrtr ratfefetmS- to nve toramui tn pmm BATtOZ t&ASaan mma m Vw.. of AprS AJ3 1M1 ftn.r? dVttn-i ' taJco b. made baifa? n?anS enrr w the evmstz cxkirt of Earns h COiCMBIA IS PROBATE la tbe auUer mt the tiiMtit-tL I 1 nt tux etpeoo: oosar op Bsmsn ! ' OOtCIggIA Dt PSOBATZ 1 Uf TKT UAniP. Or THT "ATACJOS-' TEATJOS ACT" AJD JS SKC-MATTZBOT XKT EBTATT OP DAVID TJcMqj TAgy XOTXCZ ttt b7 Order of BJtj ant Me Gin JTIEKETH !5aairVrrf iftn Uii fatj $ut f jSZiSl ax lAr aLf lius adTgr;, Tamgz.. is not pab-bsned or c-jrid br. tlie Liana? Centre. Board or by Use Gorrmmm: Brtttf; Cotamba TODAY'S STOCKS Tanronrer Big Maaaam, JM. Bnke,J Cariba Qnam. 23t. OentaslB, Jg aski. FtoinrVer. Ml. Gold Ban, Ji. Bedley Maeeoi. M (aak Noble Five. J94 aak-Pacific Mekal. JaS PHoeer. 2.PI. Premier. J aak Privateer. .'42. Beeves McDonaJd. J2. Beno Jt Relief Arftsgtoa. J0S. Safcaon Gold. ML Steep Creek; j. Oib A P Con.. MR. Cabaont 20 4bid). C li F. 1J8. Hczae. 2JU bid Royal Canadian, J0 Merenry. J6 taaki. Prahie Boyaltiea. JB7 nt tkt KupHaafE rMnrr or bhuihh OOCCMBIA TX PRORATE iW THZ JXATTZR OF THZ -ADMnOS- TRiTIOJ ACT" A.tT aw co caen etacB of sajoa I bml I eooee EOOEE FBA!CIS tbakos pehzt FEHJiT. dmm XXxvtO. DATED at Trtni- tim- i t IStb 1J of Jan&xrr IMI j re Ab4 ! tbe llurer f Ike LUte f jaB laie propertT verMwd on TAKE KOTICE tfait br im o tmtrOmrZ m L.i bate itii out of a Prteoe Boprt r to cUA auaw of vSfeb I u untMta ixramat eateo Uy to oaf "ini a; Frlrxe Roprrt. ' B.C. e w WIB17 a-u mi. 1 n naoMtl Ea-' cctKtt of tb kct -Mil aod Teatameat: of John Kamcdt Uomaari. Dneaaed. 1 tamerrr of Prtnoe Rupert B c . 1 iiel al Pnnre Bnwr! Rr .tm. oay of Detenib-r 1WO AU perraw rn-deoted to tbe aald Ectate are reoaired to pay the inyyrn: of t&etr tsdebted-Dea Co me ZorUia'tth anri ail t.i. battnz rtahm azatnac tiie uiit rit are reqtttred to fuznitti ttaem to roe property verified on oc before t Jirt dar of Uarsfe IMl in nr of crtor. leaani. Bronrn tc HarreT of ttoe BeanerEock. Prince Bnpert. BC DATED aA Prince Bnpert. BC t&U 4tt dar or Fetoruary AD. 1U1 ULLIAS UOBPJSOJt. Ezecutrlz of tbe Efltate of John M-jnlocfa Itorrtsoa. Deceased IX THE XCPREME COL'ET OF BHITHII COLCHBU IX FKOBATE In tbe Hatter of Ute -AaraiaUtratMi Aft- Aad la tfae ifatter af tbe EtUle af Iaald Crerar, Iereae4 TAKE Vi 1 r if? tK hr ftw r tri Hocrr. W V Puh-r nub lv. 9. of Jacuzry. AX) 1 94 1 j vma eppotaed Ad-miDlatrator vun viiiaofiexed. of Um eclats rf rvniM rs . . jparUeaharmjclalou aainataaU esUte properlT ter5faol to at on or before the 28th day of February, A. D. tail. and all partlea Indebted to tbe'eatate rr rr-jiiirm v DtT Uvt iramnt ef their toaebtedaeaa to me lorUrrttti ....XTa 3X31 W Janoary. A-D. 1M1. JfOnUAJf A. 'WATT OfOetal Admlrattrater, Prtace 'Rupert, B.C. Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 15 Heated Room! Hot Water Steam Ealhs Dining Room in Connection 3Irs. C. E. Black, Proprietrew FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 1 pjn. BOAT W.SX. TROTIER'S DOCK Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Jlilk VALENTIN DAIRY TOON! f7 'WEDDED AT Whiff yy nirriers lerc vvrwkurk From The Waterfront f A fa tSerrfc etw wtucfc woent-h acacr aenft troae tbe Araaaav Salae Co t power tac Tacbeaa Thersday Friday torc trosa AMard Bay 3uper. auT jaiaaj Ore a-, ruat ade on tbe Fe&rrary 13 and Fram Vanconrrr Sunday Wednesday Frfdar February 9 and 2 Fw Stewart and Premier Sunday Wednesday fight cold and fatigue with HOT Bovril j TAKE Saner. tta 07 Orbr oC nil ' ,hr ilitlw f lb "tdalnlttntioa Hmxjr JH Ihcbirr. laaal Jad of e . " 31 - - ae raratred to TS fe2" Jaaaary. AD. KOKUAH a wi-it I ST of iaaoarr 1MI I OMiflaJ AdrataMtrsior. I XOTU1AN A WATT 1 FrsiM Bier! Br 1 Prtace Bspen. B,C CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Col ton, D.CLPh.C. Willax Block. Phone Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SIUiaIDES BLOCK Second St Phone Green 416 CLEANING Oil Burners S1.50 Free wicks irlth erery burner Chimneys Swept CJja HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 733 )Itss Sarah WStan af Bazelten Be-tmt Bride Of !Or4d D. SintUir KITWANOA. IW. 11: A qatet sand TOf aaues aeso w rdav aen Mss Sarab VTU- tbe caat eoas t Graham UanaV rj uf and Mr? danavr of fartber de- rrnam Haselum b- it i brbrred. and. as ma- rd T?arr n Kin- woo as rather aeroaaes aaare fn- ete jajj 7 marrSaje laaaTpaaec: iT be aent t (1 of aeroat Becate aratta P f AngSean aaaaaana?T by Her Frank ami briag n on into Prince Hapert gajgiton asaiated by tbe aauMaartes. lir and Mrs A3r: Janoar tfeaaiaoat nwpec- Jota Hajbam. Tbe vtlneaaes were icr a dae in tbe etty oc the Prince Ja2ae Byan VL Bnpen taaaortov nornina froaa H Teoaier Be att mapec! : the to emUa a lwMn pany eaaer Prtoce George iirbJcb at ta KK-rai?a Oom-cndersoBas ber annna. owrrawl at irt the kiea: dry dock, a, i-eEai ober Ja3fma to nornd their best esaeb tnchatinf :hc Digrn Island wMm aad eonralakUkxu to tb-lerrr Oatherrae B boat eoapte AO the bead chiefs and the oaf aid yoaag people aHke rnioo ateaaaer Oatala. CapC Bm- b attendance, the affair be-e: Steppard. again retarned in tog very enjoyable Mrs. Mary V Soot unf a: T 15 thb aaonung Iroat Bazrat and 3ac Clara Forler had Smzr. and other northern nomts ebarge of tbe aerring of relresii- arx ui. a: : Je una afimoon rtf X&rc-jm and araypoints. Mail Scoedule Far tbe Ext Uonday. Wedatdaj. and Friday Prm the Fast Toeada-c Tharsday and Saturday Far TanMcrer Tnnday Aucng tb aaeakara wbo extend ed feUettataMM to The exrapSe were ehtef David L. WeaK Chief George De-'oeS-auoue. Chief W B. Mor-an. Chief Ctmncfflor 11 H. Brttht Chief Paal Beaton and Chief Charles Dsdarard of Port Stmp-aon. the kut-raenttoned betnr a 3 P-nx. apedai gvesc. accompanied by Mrs Pudwaird and Un F D Sanunre Tbe bridegrtxzn gare a speech of 11 PA. apprecatcam. The proceedings ctat- ea inn prayer by Honorary soon tain Henry Left of the Church . 14138 pis. Array. 9:3 rm Mr. and Mrs Sinclair hay left . pjs. to" the Kinranga VaQey to take op reaidenee at the tie camp of pun. i ts(Sraa Ooort of BrtSMii Mri t t JUIter af tbe LiUtf of' at On tbr Ltti Aaw r ni-r a n XtU KwftnlDr ttmr fiu4 . A" EJ of Bozer Frabett P-ttt. torm Hcaor W E Fitter made tbe 27t drr iTj . Bntto a append , ' v uubw. ai 1 11 mi u, wbo Oa?r5 on or wxsww. wii wui Lanrtta, ot I ahnaw m 1t w a tabs aMrtAa a . A - ' - askw irty .Aii w ' afi i raauuDg tTTTmr. P9K indc3d m u Aid Tst n rsZ C pou btTttif cititxu rV'initfvvi lir. . &2aJsaaat Jbw - - okar S-Sm a j. oil art a ottM to ate farttraltfa a an u Wama na prtaxily ml-i pnwmt ha-ttag- haa axaioct ifc aM to or fetter abe 2i dart fwn raroErea to to n tlMni waa vttki ai yial '"n ' t. aad aaaaas all gaU parties JJUu the groom who has a contract . 18 a-EL)nKn Canadian Katmnal RaS- Ifl aja. aja.1 7 pjn 2 pjn Steamship Sailiiigs For VancoHm Tuesday Catala Thursday S5. Prince Rapert Friday ss. Priri. AdebJde Vennrre Feb 13 and 24 SS Prtneeas Norah roin VanroaTet Bun day -Catala Wed S prRdpert": SS Prtn Adeiarde ss. Venture Feb 9 and 20 Praieesa Norah For Stewart and Premier Mik 1:30 pjr 11:39 pro Colussi lfi pJD 10:30 pjn -- 5 pn 10 am. Accordionist and Teacher A-A-A. Certificate PHONE RED 81t J.H. BULGER Optometrist 4 pm Royal Bank Did 5. MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local RepresenUtire Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN f IS LOOK Bieytles and Wheelioods of all Wnd. Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Etc, vulcanized at GUNN'S Variety Repairs h St ppp. Qg Berber SI105 pm s-m Sunday-ss. Catala 8 pju Wednesday SS. Prince oirwan ana Premier Tuesday as. CaUla 11 30 u Thursday Pr Huoert 8 pjn For Alice Arm. Naat Hirer and . Port ran Simpvjr aimrMon- D TTOT MATTER OT THE MTATZ" CH L"' E rrKtIE TolKT OP BHItHII, c, rl,,. . COLt 1IB1A IX FKOfllTE I pjn pjn. TREMENDOUj CLARK GARl Io "BOOMT01 SPENCER TRA( la BOOM TOM CLAUDETTE COLBERT In boom )Y LAMARR In BOOM TOm LOOK!. . Thejriil together in Metroii wyrr-Mcyer's mightj! tertainmcnt . . kl the story is as thr as its stars . TOW Prince Rupert Will I Talking About It ! Starting Tomorrow ! ITS 4 RIG PICTURE . IN ONE! LAST TIMES TONIGHT 2Shows,7;00and 9:93 Mary Martin. Uinir Crosby In "Rhythm On The River (Al 7:30 and 9:3J