Tu?sdy. February 11, 1041. w fmm "y wx,. nuv? . t BOYALW ( 1 Size 3 PEAS The tempting, drliciou uniullp hIzimI peaH that Jook JnvItinK unl mid just tlw fluviir to round out th ninit course. Try ji can Resumed Glasses .Under St. Jolui Ambulance Association' t flPPEORIHEiilKKLV High Quality Latest patterns All Hritisli 'Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come in and choose the cloth for your .spring .suit. Ling the Tailor NIU Street Phone C50 First Aid Class For Men Growing About Forty Present .Last .Nitjit ;U which the class spent half an hour practising fracture treatment. The ladies' class-will have lts sec ond night tomorrow. motion? Announcement .At the second ngru.of,thc ropum- i .whsli to announce that J have ed first aid claws for men .under sold the Kaien Cedar Mills toMar-the auspices of the local branch of tin Miller, and In future all in-the St John's Ambulance Associ- debtedness incurred In connection ation there was a turnout of .about with the business of the Kaien forty at the Fire Hall last night. Cedar Mills' will be met by Mr several more being present than on Miller. the .first night. Instructor Anus (38) JOHN GURVICH pro ai urn i in HLuin Ft P A mm THE SWEDISH PRESS H4W.HAS1INGSS1: $ (Op pRYAR VANCOUVER B.C Our February Furniture Sale Ends SATURDAY FEBRUARY FIFTEENTH You have five more days to save in purchasing,! Fivp more days to take advantage of these fircat Bargains ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSK nUII.DINO JHIItO AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUJiS- T.S-S. CAKDENA Fill 0 AY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thur. pjii. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m.. Queejt .Charlotte Jisla4ds Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert January 0 and ,30, February 3 and 17 10 p.m. If ConvcnienMriease (Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations .and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, P.rlnce Rupert Agent. Third Ave, rhonc 568 Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue, 32 colored illustrations. Full of valuable information. Complete list of plants for the home. Latest plant novelties. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase .EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardls,.U.C. Just say "Three Two please." Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. George JBabcpcJc, O. Swellerer and H. Sabo, who have been employed at the local dry dock, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for lecturea on the blood v.m on St. Andrew's Cathedral, Men's Banquet, Wed. 12th at .6:45 p.m. Admission 50c. Addresses by Blshpp Rlx and Major Sutherland. (36) Mrs. R. S. Sargent, who has. been 2 Phones 585 and 580 LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. 3rd AVKNIIE VYTST 'STOCK YOUK PANTRY SPISCALS" Kffcctive Wednesday Till Saturday Campbells Soup Chicken and Noodle. -f Oi legular Uns.iach resh J'ullej SC 'Pej dozen In 2i2 dozen trays .UlnceMeat-2-lb. tins. ' Each 27 c 5c Jlappy-Vale. 25c Soda Itiscults Ecd .Arpw Fresh stock- .Plain p or salted. Pkt Peaches Orchard City. 17-oz. tins, ?Zo 2 for Tender Peas Gardcaaide. 17-oz. tins. 10C Pineapple Juice Llbby's 13-oz. tins. lip XXXj Special Sauer Kraut Llbby's, fancy quality, large, 20-oz. J mi - Diced .BeetsW-oa,-, While they last. OCp 3Uns Grapefruit Juice Llbby's un sweetened. Large 15 fluld- oz. tins. 25C d 1UI All Bran Kellogg's Large package Cut Green Bearts-17-oz. tins. 3 for 23 c Quaker Oats Regular ; lJUli.aB(-. iitw.ii Pet Dog Food A product of B.C. Packers. 9ftf 16-oz. tins. 3 for -Gardcnslde 25c Bunch .Carrots Tender and crisp. 19 C 2 bunches Hothouse Rhubarb A healthy .spring tonic. 15C .Bananas 3olden ACn Nabob ,Boneless J)icken S.Uns. 27C f paying a visit here with her sistor.jj Miss A. M. .Barbcau, left by laigtj evening's train on hex .return to her home At Hazelton. ---. .uu uw just aia m preparation for the .regular t Just iijHaxtt Tjrd jl?Me ': Ueut. p,nd Mm. y. t. Ellis sailed, wirf&ftooiron Jhe Catala for avlpilertii, . Corp. yi; . iJBeJt pal, Corp. W. Wood ,pf mf.-jfkal ,eaka4lan Air Fogce. trpnsfed .fjjrifri Aliford Bay fa vCa,lsay. 4f n5jat eve- 2 row. rasi wesiaent a. A. Hunter bv an automooile Saturday atter- was in the chair .at the executive jnoan JirwLflousIy. injwed,was re luncheon but President W F- Stone ported jast '1. 'tJoliirles iriclurie,! is expected back from the south In ji ractfired sjkuy 4d j timp tr tnkp nvpr timnrrnu' J li j Utlrtg' to -ill aiwety a.a.cjjtyg iiimself as .well as .City -Treasurer D. . Jkfatespn ,and 4Ur yAccoun, jiceirs for fivy. REO CROSS ! SHIPMENT Numerous .Articles Jlave JtteitB Vp' warded From .JcJ V(orkroui , Two substantial shipments jof. knitted articles for the forces, jhos-; pttai supplies ana ciouung apa donated articles or refugees haxe uccii iiiaur ItlAU AUC IVACLl 1U Cross workroom' since -the first of this year. One shipment was made" January 17 ahd the .other Febru ary 7- Itemized, the gocd3 in the two shipment were as follows: Knitted Articles Navy Scarves : 12 Air Force Scarves : i4 Army Scarves Air Force Sweaters v4 Army Sweaters ...!....'.. 8' Navy Sweaters lj .Ktiic iuvi4, vr ' 1 Two-Way tts;p.irs J Sox, pairs . . .'.i. . ..r. -76! Air Force Helmet's 2 1 NaVy Balaclava .Helmets ,2 Hospital Supplies . .Hospital Pajaijjas, suits (,9 Amputtioiy Covrs i 3 iPiJlow Case' ,48 uea lUOwns. ...v -z iKhakj llandkerchiefs 12, Surgical Towels J2 , Sanitary Pads, dozen li Refugee Articles Boys' (Sweaters :13 'Boys Suits. 1. .- .?. 2 JSlnglets 10 Hatchways 9 Boys' Pajamas ......23 Women's Skirts ....,;6 Women's ightgowp.s , . .:: .....v21j I Women's .Bioomers I Olrls Sweaters-: -v Grs'lanHel .passes, i spa f- Girls'-Skirts 2 Girls' flannel presses .-7 Girls' Combinations 1 Girls pajamas' li ur.w oiuii;isf urns ranues Olrls: 'Slips '.'.' Girls' JTAunel Jacket :. Gir' Blouse" ..: Scpir'f, ., Child's .Sleepers Child's Pom'b!natfions : JBables' JShlrte W Vests . Babies' jOghes .53 Baby Jackets ..4, 4 Crib fluJlU - -I . T- I AM I .WfapRTS .y....,.,...rr-.;)c.io I J J)on.atd .Refute Articles Girls' Sweaters .ah'ls' pv&S ; Girls' blouse ... Baby. (Shirts : . BiUy ..acjfcets Baby .Boone ...A. ..l...-,...,..I6 2 Bedrooin Slippers,, pairs 12 Quilts - ..,6 Knitted Quilts ...2 Crib .Quilts t,..........,.... ,? Baby ..Socks, pair .... .Mitts, pairs,. 2 .Baby oottee?, pairs v5 (Boys'- Velvet Panjs .and Sweatier.. 'I Women's ?pajamas ............. l lolrls prou . :.,-J..U.r.i .1 'Girls' llood 4-..i..- Girls' jdrt . Sleepers, wirs . ;.;25 1 crib oma .. . s Mltttn and Qloves, pairs PLANS FORJHNNER Annual Meeting X),f JUartlcultural Society To B Held Next Month --Grass burner purchased The PrjLnce Rupert Horticultural Society .will bold the annual dinner on Monday, March ?A, It jras decjded Jast night by the executive committee. Tills is p. little later than last year. Then a week or tx later there will be the annual sale of jjej-enulal jjlans. The dinner will mark the annual el- ejtlon. of officers. At the .meeting Li J -i x r n r-. . 1 1 uie, yrcsiueiit. n, r. ruiicii, iiu- nounced that he would not be a candidate for president again. He had held -the office a number of times and thought it would be better to pas It around. A committee meeting will be held soon to make recommendations for the officers for next ear. The committee last night in spected the new fcrass burner which was recently purchased, in Vancouver, it was reported to at the cost had been $27.50. While it was not a new one It had been tied only twice. Those wishing to yse the burner will pay 25c a day or )art of a day for its use and findtheir own oil. Public organizations wishing. to use it will have .to pay a .dollar a day. It s 'hoped to arrange to have It located at the Fire Hall. Those present at the meeting were H. F. Pullen, president, C. G, Ham, secretary, Mrs. C. J. Nor-rington, Mrs. Thomas Priest, Mrs. Neal .Carter. Thomas Priest Theo Collart and P. C. Miller. SaJytion Array Hostel Proves Its Ujsefutoess The .Salvation Army hostel on Second Avenue .has now been open for three months .and the .use to which .it has b?ep. put , by .members of Uie forces here Is proof of the value of unction. Adjutant Ivan Calsey jeported this morning that, although the place (has acccoioda tion .for pjy seventeen men at a time, jap less jthan 475 men during the three month perica had accommodation overnight. Many more made use of the reading and wrlt-Jng room facilities and several thousand i;sheets oX writing paper, 'riv'elopes and postcards were used. Weather Forecast . Prince Hupert and Queen Charlotte Islandi-Llght to moderate jtiorih ,to northeast winds, cloudy iWith occasional light rain. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W.O.T.M. tea, Mrs. S. Haugan's February 12. Proceeds War Relief. Presbyterian tea, Mrs. Mitchell's February 13. Cove. George tMi kist.Pete?s ivehfng prahch Tea Basketball Association Valentine Party February 14. T'l Lutheran Valentine .tea, Metro-' '2$, pole Half, .February J4. Cambral Valentine Tea, Legion ..'6.1 Tea, Canadian Legion, Pcbruary ....... 8 JZ.l.Bridge in evening. Masonic Ball, Friday, February 21.' S.O.N. Masquerade February 21. United Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February ,27. IUu$trated travelogue. "Up North" Mrs. Mandy, Unlted.Church Febru ary 28, S.p.m'. March -J "Tea, Mrs. B. Morgan. Navy Auxiliary tea Warch 8, .Leg ion .Hall. jSt. Peter's Ta. Mrs. Craxford's, March -6- yCatbolic JLadles' .-St. Patrlck Tea, March d7. .United-Tea March 20th. AngUcin Spring Bali April 17. BUILDING ! OF HOMES At Least Twenty New Residences Have J5een Erected Since -Last ; October I City Assessor Arthur Brooksbank I RAILWAY I UNES PAGE THREE Slow Purninq CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADl CARD OF THAlCS estimates that since last October' , nnA D ,.t,it some twenty or so new residences , " ' have been built In Plnce Rupert W1S" 10 "jnwr nqrweu and thus, in a measure at least, thanks and appreciation for -the the need for houses Is being met. acts of kindness, messages of? syrn- These houses were built since 'the pathy and beautiful floral offer-assessment roll for t.ho..vMr urae , VI 1 r- made up so are n6t taxable .for friands in Mfttiakatii thrtr sn'rf Improvements this year.' " . .faereavmerrt in the ion of thrfr b. " m iloved young son, Henry jpet'er CN.lt. TUAINS- ;Uyan. We epeclfljlly hank . he L'f " J, (members of the Young Men'siBehr For the East 'jvolent Association. , .', '. Mondays, Wednestjays and .Frl-1 days 6 pin. JUST THAT MUCH BETTER if trom me l ast Hunurets of oeoffle trv a "snot" Tuesdays. Thursday's and ' in the Dally News classified qol-Saturday 11 p.m. umn and get good 'resiUts. (U) 12ol J.20- -25oi. s2.30- 40ol Sj K2B Tills advertisement Is not publlshea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. " A GOOD PLACE TO BUY WINDOW DPvAPES All ready made up to hang, iMonks Cloth and Shadow-(Jloth. Hoojss sewed onSeethem & ,C fl A A befomyou buy. Priced from, per pair ."r-...::..:...'1 PUul Everything for the Window PHONE 775 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS; ' Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars : , . Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11 :30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River - WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN $36.00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, lS4j. Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Full Information and Reservation,- etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines i Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY ROM HOME" Rates 75c nji 60 Rooms Hot tt Cold Watir Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 f.O. Box 111 TV Trans-Pacific ? To Vancouver ia .Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p.m TO VANCOUVER DIRECT .1 S.S. "PRINCESS NORAH" Feb. 13th,24lh, Mar. 6th, 17th,i7thCf i' To Ketchikan, Wrangeli, Juneau and Skagway. Feb. 9th 20th. Mar. 2nd, 13th and 23rd 1 " 1 i 1 ' WINTER EXCURSION FARE, VANCOUVER .and RETURN CQ 00 Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28, 1941 PQUUU JFlnal Return Limit Mar. 31st, 1941 ' Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services , Tickets and Reservations from W L..COATES,.General Agens Prince Rupert, U.(t For Full Satisfaction ! TRY Tom Lee & So JIOUSE OFJ-JNE FOODS Phone 517 QUALITY 2nd Ave. Wert i - SERVICE .