PAGE TWO BROKEN LINES CLEARANCE We are offering exceptional values in short lines to clear, All High Grade SHOES and priced to clean them up in no time. One look at our window will convince you Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Member' of Audit Bureau ot Circulations EDIK Shrove Tuesday Tuesday, February 25, 1941, Today is Shrove Tuesday the day preceding the first day of Lent. On that day the faithful were supposed to WILL PLAY ! BILLIARDS City Championship Serirs Ceding Under Way This Week With the owning nf the Prince Rupert city billiards championship scheduled lor Wednesday evening interest in the series Li rapidly In-; creasing. The series is being span- ', sored by the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Lesion, and the games will be playtxl at the teflon dubroonjs. The preliminary round brines together Mitchell and Private j Clarke of 'the Rocky Mountain) Rangers. The winner of this game meets Don Brown in the first regular round. Other matches in the flrrt round find P. Zlenian playing Jim Kearney. Neil Camer- ion meeting A. M. Borland and Earl Batt playing Cole Mutch, the pres ent city champion. The winners of the first two regular matches meet in the semi final and Uie winners of the last two will meet in the second semi- good deal of intensive practice has been taking place and the contest ants are bent on making their opponents go the limit. Proceeds will be donated to the Red tuiiieas ineir sins to tne priest, receive abnhitinn nnrl r.rr' sihlv bp ftssmnprl nOM! El lCl . J! i.V a?Cl nno Pos-,competltion wUl take place with"Ln a , leadership of the ajci j operators 1 meeting TVvUv,,.. ! a t -itV tomorrow Is Ash Wednesday, the Aw flays.prficedinff Easter. Many Prince Rupert people r-gVup some of the luxuries of life as a means of traininp-Itherrise ves ill doing without things and thus proving to n -Ti. T ' 1 ve uie,r uouies wen under control ..Utholics are supposed to keep away from public social functions during Lent. Members of the other churches keep the season only to a limited extent. In England it -was customary to eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, these , in the old days being looked on as a luxury. Citizen's Opinion - - - The Ottawa Citizen. tawa conference, said m its editorial column: "Messrs 'amies cafe 02 , fMMti -ffuwiiari ana ratiuno nave demonstrated to Ottawa Wd to the people of Canada that the province can still produce statesmen with vision and courage h in a national emergency." ' - Blast Hitler's Hopes by Buying a War Certificate ; Gives The Reason - - Sometimes a correspondent writes a good letter to the newspapers Here is one from the Vancouver News Herald, signed "Social Credit": "The nresent alliance between the C.C.F. and 'Finance Capife' (i e the 'fifty big-shots') as evidenced by their SUDDdrt Of thfi S rni.Q rAnnvf ia cn l,J (. ....iZ To begin with, the regimented socialist state according to Marx, which is the declared aim of the C C F re- . liuires completecentralized dictatorship. Since the Sirois proposals are a big step in this direction, the C.C.F. natur- Smash Hitler with. Savings. Buy War Certificates A New Group - - - . lieadcrs of this paper, which means practically the - whole city, are asked to remember that, with the Irish rnsUiersgone.wehaveanfiwhnff'iii'nn in ai Falcons .55 Canadian Legion .48 FOR SALE 1930 Phone Blue 183. A 43 55 62 02 G4 04 71 78 AS S I FI 1 0 FOR SALE CAR For Sale at Bargain. Phone . Green 890 between between 5 and 7 evenings. tf. FOR SALE 24 foot long, 6 foot beam speedboat hull. Can be seen at Salt Lakes. Box 18s. (50) Ford. $75 ,V i-'4 I.IJC IIICU, . . ... ; ; ; .? "This bond of friendship between different kinds of FOR HZKk . dictftto.rij) is also well demonstrated, first, in the Berlin- room for rfnt T""343 341 7th 7Ul Ave' a : Rome axis, and later in the Berlin-Moscow pact. If social-' west. ism could climb into bed. with its ' ' paper enemy Fascism ZT, 7 surely it is also willing to share the covers wSh finfnciaitR0M fr rentl Box 70' Dal,y J lll 49 -flietatorahih. Thev-P ia nnfin'nn- 1 'boss chsq ' " K "icHiuer oi me WANTED cash, (tf) FOR RENT 5 room furnished ap- partment. Black lGGi . (49) WANTED WANTED 2 0r 3 rooms, or unfurnished. Box News. furnished 72, Daily (50) all the men are total strangers. While it mav be n f ?K roowanted-2 or 3 rooms. can bp done soon if there is a desire on the part of the pub-, duration. Box 73, Daily News, lie in that direction.; The army huts are not very cheerful " and there is not room for them all in the local dugouts. An TnT " occasional evening at a private home is a ni tant, i'i them. After buying the war certificate the npvt. imnnvf. LOST-Kodak folding , ant -job Is toinke life pleasant for the men who are 1 nre paring to go Overseas. camera at Prudhomme Lake. Finder please leave at Dally News office. Reward $1. (40) THE.DXTCT NEVVB Tuesday, pn - H '1 HQ 1 1.-1 X2vMn.llM T . 7 R..CJSA. F. 71 Signals Armour's 62 Philpott-Evitt .. 948 948 02 e Malkins 42 Bankers" .: .. 810 810 Lipsett's TH( IIITtSH COIUMIIA BISTIllHT CO. LTO. Ml WttTiiTW c Ttiit Jvrlnmnl li not publiifit i w JiiplrfW ") y t)i Liquoi Contiol Bstfd or by tn Government of Biitiili Columll Local Hoop Team 'To Ocean Falls final. i Will Play Series of Games at Paper WiU-,1.-. 4Vin Inci . 1. fnv Vnrtliorn Itriildi "Minn 1V1CT IU.)b ICW WITAS U -.... .v. .,....,. .,.-,. Columbia Title A local basketball party of Albert Stiles. Severlno Dom- inato. Wlllinm r.nmhl. Arthur Mnr- through the Prince Rupert branch.! ray, William Beynon, Andre Letour- - rt r Ta .1 ,fi 1 11 m ,"cau' '"tit uamuut'ii, Angus Mac- ' Phee, Dougla.s MacLaren and John PDIDD i rtr I Obuchln sailed on the Catala this IKItiriAlir. ' afniQOJt.'fD'r Ocean Falls where a sm.m.u&sj. series of games will be played for 'I AT PIM A I C the Northern British Columbia I Pi r I II A I ii 1 chamPIonshiP- The party will return -'-' home on; the Cardena Friday night Savoy Hotel Qualifies To Meet Old Empress For Clip Championship The second half of thp Prhwi Rupert Cribbage League concluded' last night with. Savoy HoliU em-, erglng on top and qualifying to meet Old Empress, winners of the. first half, ln the Dlav-offs for the city championship which will take. place xJJxt Monday night. Also' next Monday nisht the second i ""u"u round in the ",c Tip "f Top Ay Tailors' lauors Cup uup STILL TIE JNBOWLS All Games Last Night Ended In Scores Of Two To One With Home Oil And Malkins ' 'Staying On Top Home. Oil and Malkins remain '""ui Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St, Phone Green 416 I'teh Quality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come In and choose the cloth for your spring suit. Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Mike Phone C59 Colussi Accordionist and Teacher A.A.A. Certificate PHONE RED 814 re- i-jic first iiibt day uay of oifcuis iBears playing jjiaying Eagles. eagles, ix)6in.3' ijuiy.- m; uu L,e))t, a v,t season iPflSfin fit of r fasting, jf TOotinfT penitence nan!tnnin and nrl prayer un. 1 lastinc J." fori n , I Toil Last "'-sht's nlVifin results li were as foi- scored a two game, to one vjc- The Prince Rupert Cribbage . wor similar margin, over League results last' night were asIBankers. other winners last night follows: Bears 8. Smiles Cafe 10. :Operators 7, Old Empress 11. Eagles 9, Savoy Hotel 9. , Falcons 11, Canadian Legion 7. The final standing for the sec ond half: F Savoy Hotel 78 Bears 71 Eagles ;w,...G4 Old Empress C4 Operators 02 j "Trip"" vanauiaii 'AirIt)iJCe and Philpott-Evitt over (Armour's, also both by scores of ltwgTimest) one. High game'scor- ,erwni Max Asemlsscn with 278. . ,1. . . mc giuiic resuius were as 1116 1091 894 995 1120 981 854 913 1018 1 1001 955 .1034 1077 900 930 118" 1129 817 llSi . 903 1074 962 ; The1 standing of teams to date 'in win points is as follows: Home Oil 17; Malkln's, 17: Lipsett's, 14-Philpott-Evitt, 13; Signals, 12: Armour's, 10; Bankers, 8; Air Force, 6. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Seattle 4. Vancouver 2 iBOWLING SCHEDULE Time Table For Final Quarter ' Indies' lea sue Announced Schrdul the Lad I ops' r follows: or February 2-StloUe V. Savoy Swingers, Big- SlSWnt vs. Annettes. Knt x Hn'.el vs. Lucky Strikes. Bluebirds vs. Ranges. March 4 Annettes vs. Bluebirds, Bl2 Sit rs vs. Ktra Hotel. Raniters vs. Savoy Swingers, Lucky Strikes IO WMF S'VlPTfS. . I U l . J. Now Get Safest Fast Relief for Pain and Colds AT LESS THAN 1 A TABLET Dominion Druggists now feature real quick-acting ASPIRIN in sensational economy bottle. No point in taking chances with anything else No reason now why anyone should run the risk of taking dangerous, strong drugs for colds, headaches and muscular nain and aches. Get Aspirin, rated by physicians the safest fast relief you can use, at any aruggisi s today in the 100 tafilrr bottle for less than a -a- ta?et'. Hut remember, get Aspirin. Use it as frequently as necessary with confidence. Aspirin does tint ham the heart. Aspirin is made in Canada and is the trademark of the Bayer Company, Ltd. 100 tablets only 98 WARNING! ir'","" SI If every tablet i? not stamped "Bayer" in the form of a cross, it i! NOT Aspirin. Don't let anybody tell you Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs, C. E. Black, Proprietress "tUClv THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salirjon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert ALL READY FOR MATCH - , i. i,mii.. pounds. fi Reynolds Is well buIR and pounds. He wrestUm,' event here next Monday '"JL . "" I filMvl... ."wo ij "' ''Villi i .Eastern rv,,, 'HI Elates m:,u ' tl l f..i lm Iat mmrtAr nf 1 n ...... i DOX1IM? AVfnK- . . . m .v M.-. of Vancouver, former middleweight ,,, " " ,:. ' wufh ImI Dowttnc Lue Is M'champlon of Canada, and Tarzan.1"6 ""U. .but, Reynolds oi Toronto nave oeen complet-d. The wrestlers will ar-, rr In 4Va rfi(ir n.vl HimHlV tllahf ' .11 .Aid till lltAH U(tMJ A.V . TO. rru tl nicr cief a vo Tnv Tar fifi&ld sine InsL h? iixait.ii -twij. uiia uubuj . - Strikes. Elueblrds vs. Savoy Swing- MWs city. He has made two trips ers. Annates vs. Ranzers. Knox to South Africa and returned from illotPl vs. Stylettes. lEngland last August after a suc- March ia-D'5 Sisters vs. styl-,crfu tour. During his last trip c' tes. Lucky Strikw vs. Rangers. ! to Scuth Afri?a he met and de- Annrl!"s vs. Savy Swings. Blue- ffeated Bob Myers of the United birds vs. Knox Hotel. jStatw, recognized as the world's March 25 Knox Hotel v?. Ran-imlddlewe,Sht champion. McLauch-Utrs, Savoy Swingers vs. B"tt SH- 'an ln on lnLs match when Iters, Luckv strikes vs. Biuebirls Gus Ka,lio refused to wrestlo wiUi Stylcttes vs. Annettes. Meyers in Johannesburg after My- April 1 Rangers vs. Styl-tt-. ers 'iad posted 1500 for the match Annettes vs. Knox Hotel, Bluebirds vs. Big Sisters. Savoy Swingers vs. Lucky Ftritos. Arjril 8 Lucky Strikes vs. Annettes. Stjlfttes v. Bluebirds, Savoy Swintrs vs. Knox HoW. Rangers vs. BV; Sisters. Hundreds of propie t.y a "spot" ln the Dally News classified col-1 umn and get good results. (tf) KICIIT l'.i:i)S NOT txj i t nwriAvi .-I . ,cn the Catala from the south and. 1,0 2 (CP J will sail Tuesday afternoon on d, i; their return to Vancouver. UJ-y(-'i man slnl nn,n MsLnuehlaiT is nr slraneer in i.... cu Prince Runert, bat has travelled ,,,. . , ' '"t wrestled In 1,1 WA Try a Dally New; Wip. , CH1R0PRAC1 Stanley W. Colton, D.CA Wallace Kl.,fk. pboat H1 I Comfort wast - Hot Water W U A 1 The Wise Person gets a lot of satisfaction out of every purchase they make. If you have an idea as to what good coal should be, try p ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money you spent was wisely Invested. Keep our name and phone number in mind. SCTER Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd PHONE C51 C32 Bottl SPECIAL Guaranteed Bottles $ Ormes Ltd. V7i -Pioneer Druqgiats Tbt RexaU Storr Phones 81 & Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to I f.m. "RUPERT BRAND" BRILL FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at", STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. tCf RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARK Also served at the tidston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above stores Packed by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Itunrt V't' f lj itriikh Colum --w-r 1 .