PAGE FOUR EYES Licencee for. Numounts Full-vue Frames, (lie Newest In Eye-Wear ON OCEAN Well Known Coastwise 'Capt. William Palmer. . Milestone In Marine Career Capt. Palmer will EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwelery Repairing, Hand Engraving rV -i wl CIIAS DODIMEAI) I I T"""! I ' Optometrist in Charge Phone 264 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties 1 CORN Everyone likes Chilllwnck (Golden Bantam Corn delightful in color r zestful in flavor creamed to perfection many people buy a dozen cans at a time. 37 BiHIHHHI Great Bargains at Elio's February Furniture Sale! Three-riece Bed Outfit Cable spring and felt QOQ Kft mattress. Sale t?&O03 Simmons Bed Outfit Bed, cable spring and spring CQC fA filled mattresses. All sizes. Sale tJUtJUU Carpets Better quality seamless Axminster rugs. QCQ A A 9x12. Sale tJttMIU Four-Piece Bedroom Suite 62 00 Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite $69 50 Spring Filled Mattress All sizes $37.50, $24.50, $18.00, $15.00 ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. New Furniture Department MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE . CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT ror the EAST ' '.. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN GO A A Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th. 1941. Vt?y Uv Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Full Information and Reservation, etc. i CaU or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue , Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Whifflets From The Waterfront Aboard the steamer Princess Norah, which was rn port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, were forty- four passengers including three who disembarked here. Eight went, aboard at this port for Vancouver Northland TransDortatlon Co.'s i motorship liner Northland, Capt ! Len Williams, arrived in port at 8: 30 jlast evening from Ketchikan and, i after discharging frozen fish for I transshipment East, over Canadiau j National Railways, sailed at 1 a.m : in continuation of her voyage to ! Seattle. Indian Department's.power cruiser Naskeena left this morning for a trip to the villages of Kltlmaat. Kltkatla and Hartley Bay. down the ulatlons of his many friends." His ",e" d ' marine career has not been with-1 TT,i, f r.. Vancouver, auditor of Indian Azen- rf tm i nn ... cles- Yesterday the officials were r Sfl YF AR V yeaf; seve" monts' oW at Port Simpson aboard the Nas-OXJ when went to 1 CirliVlJ ne sea Ca'Pt- Palmer eenSi ' was master 11 years later, almost! to the dav. of tJip sam shin In! ...... . . SlCamCr CataIa' Capt Ern' Skipper, xr.:i which wnicn ae h7first Ilrsl sailed as 33 a a child cilUd- 'est f SheDDard. returned tn nnrt at iicuis i r, n-i, i .n.j ... ' . . " - world over. In that first year of and other northern points, sailing jus teens ne joinea me uanK at 1:30 this afternoon in continua-Capt. William Quinn Palmer, Shipping Company of Liverpool as tlon of her voyage to Vancouver master of the steamer Princess ar apprentice boy. For five years' Norah which was ln port yester- was n me sailing ship "Bank-day afternoon and one of the best hall." Finishing his apprentice-known Hnr,r rf tlho RHIUV. shin hp then sallpd for thrp vnv. ships and steamers, sailing to every part oi the w0rld. Having been in- Columbia ccat'.al services, will ages as second and first mate in trigued by the Pacific Coast, he nave peen mty years afloat on,lwo omer sailing snips oi taie wen came out nere March 10 next. On rounding out same company. When he got his officer in the Princess Alice, ar half a century of service at sea Master's Certificate he rejoined the riving at Victoria December, 1911. both in sail and steam ln the Bankhall as master. ,He has remained with the B. C. wuifjc.ut vHuui 4ie ua wiira eyery api.. rainier remained wixn tne .v.c v vaiuuiiui ri-ocean and visited every continent, Liverpool shipninc comnanv until cl,c ever since and has been in ! receive congrat- 1911, in command of their sailing command of all their ships on the ' Variolic IMine ff AY n. wumsnwr ' Reminiscing, In an Interview, of his deep-twater sailing days. Capt. Palmer revealed that he had sailed .iwumiu vape norn aoout ou times TOT DAILY NEWS Tuesday, i.'.i'-JiM-- m lllili EMI ar J (Ti fi iiiiiiinn i This adveniscnunc it not publiiM or dispUytd by the Liquor Control Board or by the GoTtnuxxnt of Britkh Columbia. Man in the Moon It's ft irrn. Hf T vmi HnnH masts to take us Into port for re- Tne mQre you spnd the more pairs." In Capt, Palmer recalls as one of jthe Indian Ocean .across the Pacific. and thence "Once I visited the romantic 'island of Pitcarm, although that is 47 years ago now. the Matter of the Itate of Ernst Kelnhold Halter, Defeated TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor. W E. Fisher, the 30th day of OCtr. A. n 1 Q1H W warn a i , , 'Executors of the estate of Ernst Beln-.tive?" MRS. KATHRINE R. A. OILLETT ' Prince Rupert, B. C. CARL KIRMIS, Masnett B. C. HAROLD ORMBRAK. Watun River, B, C. CLEANING Oil Burners $1.50 Free wicks with every burner Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 CO-ED Beauty Salon (Elsie Klohn) Exchange BIdg. ULACK 668 juu save wiien you Duy war sav ings cer.tlflca.tes. his most hectic voyages a passage n takes two to make a quarrel, from Liverpool. England, to Val- but sometimes more because It paralso, Chill, which .took 236 days, takes four to make a table of The .sailing ship sailed westward Bridge.' ' from 'Liverpool but, owing to great j ' storms,1 was unable to round Cape Horn so turned. eastward and made the trin via Cnrvs vf Otwl Hnw I "Can I have tomorrow afternoon :ff, sir?" asked the office boy. "Your grandmother?" ' "Yessir." "Funeral?" I "No, sir. She's making her first' parachute Jump." I "I did no have a sweetheart ( "While he never actually struck! i!n every port,"1 declares Capt 1 me," explained Mrs. Sarah Saund-' Palmer, solemnly, "as I did not quite ers, suing Edward Saunders for' pall at them all. One country 'divorce, "he'would go around slam-' missed was Turkey." .ming his fists against doors and' . jjsaylng: "I wish It were you!" IX Tilt Sl PUKMi: COIKT Of I1RIT1SII . . , coli'.mbu ix ritoiiiTE ilss tl hair was fair as summer sun I In the Matter of the "Administration I His eyes were azure blue- I ;4,ld And he was purest swine and brute At less than twenlty-two. He Was a German "Is she progressiva or oonserva- iumq wiwr, coeeasen, ana all parties , ..T j u . haylns claims apilnst ,Uie said Estate 1 P3'1 know. Sha wears last are hereby required to furnish same 1 year's hat. drives this year's car prdperly verified, to us on or before land lives on next vear' InonmP 1 years income, the 10th day of March, A D. 1941, and all parties Indebted to the estate are requirea 10 pay tne amount of their I .Indebtedness indebtedness to to u im forthwith. forthwith. I r . . , ,0th a of -bruary.lBj.jgJj gj10es I To Fly Colors Footwear Perks Up as Women Learn to Depend on Domestic-Made Goods LONDON, Feb. 25: (CP) Ccme what may, women are going to flaunt brilliant colors in footwear fat Jeast for the time being. Price of leather has been boosted, heels are to be cut down to conserve wood and American-made shoes are not being Imported. But, spring and summer styles of English-made shoes are appearing in a wide variety of material and colors. At present the only real shortage Is on sandals and the cork and wooden-soled designs which poured in from the continent before the i war. But these are being replaced by wedge-heeled models In embrold-jered and printed linens, In two- coior linens or suedes. Shoe laces, too are brilliant. Brass nail head studs are appearing on the outer edge of suede models. Scarlet pippins appear against a royal blue background..:- jlj j.-. I I1T 4 xrn IITr'tir1 levenlng was the "heavy" romantic 'Ml A WHKH drama, remindful of the days of f f UaAJ I SCowllng vlllians, smiling heroes, rr 4 mnp i rft ' "hcmlng sirens and damsels In kh ii I l r A A I distress, enuuea -curse xou. jacK A--1 lLrx Ealton." Miss Noreen Oibson-was splendid, indeed, .as the black- rrjnce Rupert Lltfe Theatre Scored ownca aayeniuress. wrs. r. . )d. bust e and all, provoked Heavily Last Night-An Evening many an outburst of laughter. Miss Of Real rieasure Jean McLean was the demure llttls i maid who took the heart of the FraturlnT h'-ee ine-a u t!ays of manly hero, Arthur Pearson. John widely differing themes but each Good was as skulking and menac-rivalling the others for excellence jng a rogue as ever darkened a of presentation and entertainment villain's role. Richard Blair, as a value, the dramatic evening of the robust officer ln disguise, and Mlsi Prince Rupert Utile Theatre last Anne WInslow, as a Iluttery heiress night hi 'the Central Annex Hall doomed to spinsterhood, completed was an outstanding pleasure for the cast of a most amusing piece, all attending. There was a large Mrs. Cicely E. Thomson directed audlsnce lart night and tonight, i this. There was a prologue by in view of the general approbation, Bruce Stevens and audience co-th who would get accomoda- operation in the way of cheers and tlon at all had best be here in Jeers had not been forgotten, gcod time. Last night's was a F urcnesira . highly successful presentation and a matter of congratulation and en-1 An unexpected feature which c-nn)7emer to all those identified Proved a real treat was the presen-with the Little Theatr; movement, tatlon for the first time ln public First w;is a wartime sketch. .. of the fine seven-piece orchestra "The 0!d Lady Shows Her Medals" of the Rocky Mountain Rangers with both comedy and drama a rrnoc-'h a musical group aj has Vin vinor in H wltih frair eAHprlv been SPPn hptv ln manv n Aav Have 30 days' convincing trial VIBRAPHONE English scientific device. No batteries no wires. Small, practically invisible, and reasonably Write now for free booklet or call for free private test from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.. or by appointment. CANADIAN VIBRAPHONE CO. Suite 111, Ritz Apartment Hotel 1010 West Georgia St. Vancouver TRin. 3003L FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN 416 Fresh Local llnw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi u; Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to pass up. Come In and let ua explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Black leaves. Reg. $1.25. Special 2S"NUht. Feature at 7:2ujji JAMES CAGNEY ANN SHERIDAN In Phone iS DOMINION Loose Leaf charwemen, three with sons in the Colcr was lent by the special unl- war and the fourth with none but forms cf red tunics and novy MELBOURNE, Feb, 25: 13 who, however, found one. The trousers. No doubt, the Rocky Australian reseahrr. j,.lVf principal character was portrayed Mountain Rangers Orchestra Is go- ,,t 01 rpobil-v run by Mrs. Rob;rt Cameron who left to prove Intensely popular In Easoline and euf.dv, n', nothing to be desired. The other Prince Rupert They did much to wn r(-vPr ' n hr. ,: ;J-. i-uarwcmen. tacn fqus'uy flxceuent, ucjs up uie entertainment last 1-" tanui were Mrs. F. N, Good, Mrs. N. E. night with their opening, between Arnold and Mrs. H. L. A Tarr The act and closing music, part of a bra' kilted lad was taken' Aflss Betty Wood pleased with by Ken Dakin while Bruce Stevens vocal soic. accompanied by Miss appeared as a community rector. Ruth Nelson. Direction was in the hands of Mrs. j D. McN. Lowe was business Shelford Darton. (manager for the productions. .Cos- "The Maharajah's Diamonds" tomes were in charge of Miss Ruth surrounded the plotting for the GMett. John Oood was property theft of a diamond necklace of man assisted by Doug Boucheur. t enormous value from a fashionable, Prompters were Miss Ruth Nelson Long Island home. Miss Loma'and Miss Ellen Moore. Richmond was at attractive young ' Usherettes were the Misses Mar-woman who set about to lift the Baret and Marion McLachlan. The Jewelry. Mrs. O. P. Tinker made a Misses Coral Rogers and Faith charming society matron while jKln2 function in that capa-Mrs. T. A. McWaters was the re- ciiy tonight, sourceful and trusted maid who . - fMaH U - tt . .! ,.1. ... I '"But I have never been shipwreck- Wfnw T to " S' Vndi k Bate we Z U you want hing. adver- ,td or casuway on a desert Island eec. . it. Hundreds of People get wim a beautiful girl. So you see, - R- s- Blackaby. "ai iney want wa f) there Is not so much romance to . .""..T certificates cenmcates , because inira tPi,,n "ire nt of the i dramatic,- 1 n 11,. .j ! w-ah to keen mv free-1 l' ; though, we were dismasted off m' Cape Horn and had to rig "CITY FOR CONQUEST Also Robt. Henchlty and rlrJ COMING TMUt. ZTJ The Comedy StnsaUoi; TURNAnnrT MOIIE MILr.S Ptll cm j Sh fBurnm CIGARFTTF Dieted out run mi l PAINTING Decoratire KaUominlni Signs LORNE COKNEU Photo Albums- Size 7x11. Oree, red or brown, mot d (. itdinereiic covers, stomped "Photographs" In goirf. Q!i Size 10x13. Brown Morroco grain covers only Regular $2.25. Special Recipe Books-Washable coverssheet size 8J'jx5'j. 3-ring binding. Complete with index Sheets Per 100 Sheets Per 100 vvv 1 $1,75 65c scrap nooks-size 12x10. Green, red, brown or black fiSf covers, heavv leaves Uv Loose Leaf Covers 3 rings, heavy black binding- Size 8&x5V'2. At Size llx82. At ....., 50c 60c 25c 1 40c Insist on "Dominion Brand Loose Leaf A Guaranltfd Canadian Product A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 25 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSESA11 full size. 01 Q 50 Well known makes. Restmor unn bi, wnm 3 BEAUTY REST MATTRESSES Containing over C49.50 800 small spiral springs Phone 775 w 327 3rd Aven" When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. Dependable If! PHONE 13 21 Hour Scrvlcs at Regular Rates