, FVbriwry 25, 1941. Pledge for War Savings 1 ALADA TT & Ak ail's .Progress Was Just Mailer in i igures ilLADELPIUA, Feb. 25:' (CP) ct"P from school marm to fmarm was just a matter of pes ror mzanenn K.err, wno aed oaehing mathematics to ie owner and manager cf a Be mm cmpioym more man ersorn. Iter all." -she says, "most of irork is connected with figures junf-3 of yarn needed, costs, earlly as 1920 Miss Kerr led to enter the mill business led by her father In 1873, but family would have none of it. ::;: days it wasn't considered n. :e for slih to go Into a ;he said, Minus Her Lamp Nurse Is Fined DARNET, Eng., Feb. 25: (CP) This is the story of the latfy without the lamp. Nurse Susan McGIn-ley of a South Mimms, Herts, hospital was summonsed for riding a bleyele without lights. in defense she said: "As a nurse it was my duty to get to work at all costs to attend to Hitler's wounded and mutilated victims. With Herbert Morrison's words 'Go to it' surging through my ears, I unlike Folrence Nightingale the lady with the lamp went 'to it' without a lamp, thus falling foul of the law in the honored purpose of alleviating pain and helping my country to defeat Hitler's death-dealing blows." The court fined her 10 shillings ($2.23). 12oz. 1.20- 25oz. $2.30- 40ol 3.40 "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER' MB h. flrl Vrt!Pmpnt 1 nnt ntihlltluA mi .4ten1?i crart Kit Vi T Iiiia '" -' -a. rw. aaa v- At WV fUVMVlt Ul MlOfJlUJ VIA UJ l4a V iMVf UVi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. URGENT TO RESIDENTS OF PRINCE RUPERT On account of the arrival of the Rocky Mountain Rangers there is a new demand for furnished rooms, apartments and houses. It would greatly assist the Area Chaplain, Capt. R. C. II. Durnford, if those residents of Prince Rupert, who have such facilities for soldier's wives and In some cases their families also, would get in touch with him immediately by letter giving him details of accommodation, rental and address in full. All communications should be made by letter if possible, not over the phone. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: IT.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. (Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert March 3, 17 and 31 10 p.m. If Convenient. riease Purchase Tickets at Office IPurther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5C8 RAILWAY Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pacific To Vnnrnuvrr vl.t Ocean Falls and Way TOVtS S.8. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SB. "PRINCESS NORAH" Feb. 13th,24th, Mar. 6th, 17th, aim To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Feb. 9th, 20th. Mar. 2nd, 13th and 23rd WINTER EXCURSION FARE, VANCOUVER and REHHW Sft OH Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28, mi JPQQ.UU Final Retur" T.lmlt Mar. 31st. 1941 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Lw' ' COATF.S rt,ni a. Prince Rupert, B.C. MKaftjyaaj., 1 "V"W 4,-J HOW GIRLS ! ARE DOING Wartime Living Problem In The Capital ache for hundreds of girls from all parts of Canada. Examination of the budgets kept by some of these girls reveals plenty of close comer-cutting. One girl who sild she came front the J "far west" came nearest to making a neat Job of it and keeping her self' out of debt. "But my mother gave men $30 before I came and bought my winter coat so I was able to manage until I became a Grade 2 clerk now it's much easier," she said. This girl's budget, kept over the period of eight months that she was a Grade 1 operative, divided her total salary for that period ($460.40) as follows: Room and board (plus $14 debt repaid later) $266.72; clothing, cosmetics, toiletries $101.45; extra meals due to overtime work $5.15; fruit, candies, cookies $3; carfare $5.10; church $3.50; envelopes, paper, stamps, newspaper. $11. Gifts (family birthdays, etc.) $4.50; dentist $20, hospitality $2.15; doctor and medicine $15; recreation $7.45; camera supplies $2.15; wool for war knitting $1.90. Total $457.73; balance $2.67. Ah analysis of clothing showed she bought one winter and one summer dress, one skirt and two I blouses. She spent $5.72 for soap, cosmetics, tooth paste and $2.60 (for cleaning and pressing. I Y. M. C. A. Advises Nothing a month for diversion. debt or doctors Is the way the majority of these all-across-country daughters of Canada have' ; solved the problem according to Miss E. M. Tyhurst, general secretary for the Y. W. C. A. who (has dealt with hundreds of them In the past 15 months. "Except for exceptional cases the girls must pay $35 a month for room and board or else pay for it iln poor health and diminished re sistance to illness," she said. Miss Tyhurst worries most about how the girls spend their time after working hours and what they do when they are 111 The majority of the girls work ing as Grade 1 clerks are high, school graduates. Some have university degrees. Finance Minister Bsley announced January 21 that Grade 1 clerks In most categories will receive a pay increase of $5 a month after six months' "efficient" service. Miss Tyhurst says the increase will help but "not enough yet to meet the situation here." Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 27. .IAl'M ;' , Mrs. Mandy, United Church Febru ary 28, 8 p.m. March 1 Tea, Mrs. B. Morgan. United Service Hut tag day, March 1. St. Peter's Tea, Mrs. Croxford's, March, 6.' Navy Auxiliary tea March 8, Leg- Ion Hall. Tea Mrs. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, March 22. Horticultural Dinner, March 21, ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Anglican Spring Sale April 17.' L. O. B. A. Spring Sale, April 23. LdCAL NEWS NOTES Jmt lay "Thrf T6 pltlM." Just ay "Three Two please.' Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Morgan Spaghetti Campbell's, 16-oz. tins. 4 Qft 2 for Paimolive Soap A ftp Giant bars. 3 for Tomato Soup Llbby's Gentle Press. A S n 102-oz. tins. 2 for -ox Ubby's Peas Choice, tender. Libby's best. 17-oz. QCa tins. 2 for Lifebuoy Soap Regular bars 6c Neilson's Cocoa 1 Op Handy size tin. Each"' Riiz Biscuits Regular packets. 29C of BUlmof sailed yesterday aiterooon By Gladys Arnold on the Catola.for a brief buslnesa Canadian Press Staff Writer trip to Vancouver. OTTAWA, Feb. 25: (CP) How (to manage In this wartime capital Revl J. R Whittled of Burns Late on $55.80 a month, the net salary will be the: speaker tomorrow at the national defence tax paid of ; regular weekly luncheon of the non-permanent Grade 1 clerks In Prince Rupert Gyro Club. the civil service, Is the big head- A. A. Richards, superintendent of air base construction work at seal Core for the Ryan Contracting Co., sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. Jack Kurolock arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yester day afternoon from Dawson where he has been located for the past few years. D. T. Oreene, well known rancher of Quick In the Bulkley Valley, has arrived In the" city from the interior and may decide to locate here for the time being at least. The Rockey Mountain Rangers Regiment, which has now arrived In Prince Rupert to be stationed, will celebrate Its fifty-sixth birthday on March 28. The regiment has a real tradition and Is finding a warm welcome In Prince Rupert. 2 Phones 585 and 586 LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. 3rd AVENUE WEST All Star Food Values Batter Sweet CI AC VU Clover. 3 lbs. Eggs Scotts' grade 'A large. In cartons. QP 'Dozen MOK' Fresh Spinach Crisp; OQ , i?1eftn! 2 lhs V' ' ? California Grapefruit-Large size. 25C Apples Yellow Newton. Medium size. C .Dozen ix tiii: svpheme rornT or British f rOM'MHIA IX HIOBATE In the Matter of in "Aimini.iranon Presbyterian Tea. Mrs .Flaten's,! A,r March 13. And In the Matter' of the Estate of 1 Oscar' Olsoli otherwise Known a uscar .. . . Olsen. otherwise known a Oskar Olson i w..u March ii H-otherwise Varden's entertainment known as oskar oisen. - i TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HU Second Searchlight Auxiliary Ita'jS'ttJ Legion, March 15. was on h lUi day of February A. D. 11941 .appointMi Administrator or tn .ii..ii. r - ji-.i c. n.t.i.i. rnn , Estate of Oscar Olson, otiherwlse known uawioiic uiuura ok. i-aw.i-a. im, ofcnu."mW. AtJierwlse known ai March 17. Anglican March 18. United Large's Oskar Olson otluerwlse known aa Onkar Olsen, romnBrty of the City of Prince TWtn' Rupert. British Oolumbla, deceaned, who uarion s rtW) Ml rJ. nr i-,., ''afViut the aoth 30th axr dAT of Of BD Seo- Itembor 1940. All persons tnlbted to Ui said Estate are required to pay the amount of 'their mdeutedness to Tea Marcn ZUin, Mrs. me forthwith and oil persona having Claims against the said. Estate are' re-'quired to file them with me properly Legion, 'AjnU A. D. 1941 faJllng which, dlstrl-1 ibutloa will b made having regard only to auch claims of whlfih I Uiall have been ootUled. DATED, at 'trlnce Rupert, B.C. thla t7th day of February A. D. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Ofriolal Administrator Prirwe Rupert, B.C. ( J. H. Engelke returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a business trip to Stewart. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. 1 Mrs. S. A. McKtai and child j sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a visit at Duncan. Vancouver Island. LOOK Bicycles and Wheelgoods of all kinds Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Etc., vulcanized at GUNN'S Variety Repairs 6th St. opp. OK Barber Shop Judge W. E. Fisher left on last ! evening's train for Smithers where the will conduct a session of County Court. Sisters Mary Modeste and Olive Anne, Juneau nuns, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Victoria. Frank Fitch, well known pioneer miner and prospector of Atlln, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Vancouver . Leading Aircraftsman J. H. P. R. Barbeault and Leading Aircraftsman J. P. Dierlnger, who have been stationed in training at Aliford Bay. left on last evening's train for Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ganty of '.Skagway were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip jto Seattle. Mr. Ganty is a well known Skagway merchant MARGARET'S $1:00 DAY Wednesday Final Clean-Up of Dresses Housecoats Dressing Gowns Waists, Hosiery J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid?. FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Arriving Every Boat "BUY RIGHT" Shop at Tom Lee & Son HOUSE OF FINE FOODS Phone 517 2nd Ave. West NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM mo xur lutes 75c b 80 Rooms Hot ft Cold Watir Prlnca Rupert, B.C. rhana ttl r.O. Box 111 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i $4.03. FREE Kitwanga Child Dies In Rupert Mr. and Mrs. John Derrick Suffer Loss of Their Nine-Month-Old Daughter Nina Rita Derrick, nine-month' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Derrick of Kitwanga. died at POUND STERLING NEW YORK, Feb. 25 The Dound sterling is lower on PAGE THRO PREMIUMS o'clock yesterday morning in the Prince Rupert General' Hospital. The funeral will take place tomor row afternoon from the chapel of B. C. Undertakers. I the New York foreign exchange 'market, being quoted today at Wanted-Raw Furs n SAVE NESTLE 'S LABELS and exchane them for beautiful new gifti .. . clock j, scissort, lilverware, billfolds, carving sett, school bags, model aeroplanes, cameras, Uolls, games, aprons, sheets, towels, pillow-slips, luncheon cloths, kitchenware and many other items. Things for every member of the family things that will save you dollars if you get them with Nestle's labels ! I BIG NEW PREMIUM ! GIFT BOOK NOW OUT! Write for this eidting catalogue and He how valuable NetUe'i labels axel Merely write your name and addreu on the aide of thit advertisement and aend it to ua today I Addreu: 520 Beatty St , Vancouver. NOTEl Our Premium Dtpot is now located at 520 Beatty St, Vancouver. If possible, com In and salact your gifts In ptrtonl e t r-iw aa I NEW YORK COPPER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RATIONING BEER BRUSSELS, Feb. 25: (CP) Even German soldiers here are rationed in their beer because of the shortage of grain for bread throughout occupied Belgium. . . NEW YORK, Feb. 25. Copper price was unchanged on the New York metal market today with May at 11.65c per pound, j- a at a wrr - m mm m nH niGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to J. E. ORMUEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 711. 1G7 East 3rd Ave. We ain't mad at Nobody J This is the Time of Year When QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd, PHONE 116 PHONE 117 k irkirk'kf'k it kk k& k H A irk A1 A A irkicjeitit itiMt n