War Jkws NAZIS INVADK , lAIKO The Germans attempted (o kioZ .old in ,lc tday b) la,lUins; Parac,,ule troops. 1 1, .lundred i, wrre disgiilseI as New Zealand soldiers. In Lonfon Prime N,ljslfr Winston Churchill said a serious battle was in pro-but le expressed confidence tliat Urillsh New Zealand "(ircck forces would be able to dispose of the German FRENCH FIGHT FRENCH LONDON Tlic Vichy government of France may launch jltack against Vrcc French forces in French Equatorial wilh a view to regaining control of Togoland and the icruns and turn them back to (iermany to whom they be-Kn!.,i beiorc the First (Jreat War. Free French forces are fully Spared to meet any attack, it is staled. ICELAND IN DANCER LONDON The British Broadr isting Corporation says that land is l laBcr o' Nazi attack. Troops, naval vessels and raft being concentrated at Narvik in Norway may be used '"(he Pnose 11 Ls SUSS"1'11' T,le Parliament of Iceland dissolved the union with Denmark which has exited i t Friday sjn(.c 1918 when Iceland became a sovereign stale after h Ting been a Danish protectorate. The Danish King, as a II is no longer King of Iceland. The move is made, it is lain cd, )Clause of communication difficulties and not be-cISsc Iceland is no longer loyal to King Christian. QUIETIN ENGLAND LONDON Some damage was caused by air raids in soulh-. all('rasl England but, on the whole it was a quiet night. ! damage was done but casualties were not serious. The r "ll Naval College and the Koyal College of Surgeons arc "lung buildings recently hit by bombs in London. BRITISH ADVANCING CAIRO British forces have advanced fifteen miles from (lit direction of llabbaniyah towards Bagdad. The Euphrates j crossed on a bridge which was leu intact. :annot be HELD DOWN Wit ot Norway in Support IdeaLs and Institutions un qumchablc, Declares General Stcffens to (iyros of thp Slnr?liin ,,f tl.A M..n.lnn n n GC 1 ICELAND IS REPUBLIC Island Country Dissolves Union . With Denmark Which Has ' Existed Since 1918 I STOCKHOLM. May 20: CP Delayed advices rciwrtcd today that the Parliament of Iceland rc- llKc:ari:-. Uiat the spirit and love solved last rruiay 10 tnssoivc wic ( "jnva: (or Hie Institutions of union with Denmark which existed k-B, (Ibe -and democrucy would since 1918. a temporary cnici 01 -aa umiii 'mble at Norse- f'ae luw been appointed to take it ai'Mnwo Cv fight both nom me place 01 mh-j viuiu.m. ; i-.a w;uiout agalntt the port rwwhlwr. Oopcmiaaen. .ma ...At il.nl Tj.aIi.wI li'ifl rliwiftrrl 'fcn hp- f-Ci HUD '.i n riltlUCSS 11110 uun iiiii iumi'u v.w.v.- - ..Llli -re ::: 'it icral William nici- come i'u'" jhiy i .mii .r ihi rtrttUh tirorti are at Ml . -1- J ..II ...t I.. Tnn1ar1 tt tofflfM't. Inn loricrr -u PrmcG Rupert Gyro country Paliwi iwmIWc CWmnn - ...i..i....n.,.,i. hn ririiuh nfirr Drnmnrk sur- anthem and "God Save the Arrow, 38,000. Storage, "PlmncNV.R.. Lieut. Col. J. K. Wood Flvim. frri.nr tr t Mtrnhrri- U.CA.F . Rev. J. II. Myrwang. I Ulin. t- . Bather. Tlico Collart. L. U, I W.lbly J p. nnnlmlm Pint. R A. Wallace Jnte Pierce, R. e. Mortimer. T. W. "wry Dr. B. E. Bailey. L. A. wn, Peter Lien. II. E. Alton, J. R. Wllllama n w rrin. a nruce ... wMffgi 5ron. James Alexander. L. M. Gor m, Dr c j, iTfinVincnn nr. Neali I 'am bour lcs B Olbson, Alex McRae, A. S. ran,. Dodds. n 1 "AN'S FINANCING Iran ho- TT . .. 1 " ue 01 tne worms most yWiCaterl vci f,l ov. 'Se contrni and 7.5c. 11.2c and rung pPlcr Llpi. nrpsidnrf at the m .,0. "itum organ Sentinel, Aiun, n-.- cludcd ,.rii Mrs Mrs. TllP ,n, f II. n.l,.rtirl CC. In. ' 01 M,c ,,"'IU" il ..illan lie mm Vol. XXX., No. 118. Was Sunk Ity German Sea Kaidcr And All Those On Hoard Are Safe In Nazi Hands, It Is Announced WASIIINliTON. D.C., May 20: (CD The United Stales today asked the (icrman government for full details about 138 Americans reported at Itcrlin to have been saved from the Egyptian liner Zanuam. This request was made after a Nazi spokesman at Ilcrlin had said that the .am-zam had been sunk, presumably by a surfrfc raider, and her crew and passengers, including 23 Canadians, were safe in (er-inan occupied territory. Until the statement was made at Berlin il was feared thai Hie passengers might have perished, announcement liavin? been made at New York that the Zanuam was a month overdue out of I'crnambuco cnroule to Capetown and must lie considered lest. II was feared that it might be the first major incident involving the loss of Americans shim the Athenia. There is no indication as where the pas-sensrrs mav lir held. Th expectation is that (iermany will release all the Americans as neut-.jals. ' - . - DbltiilN, May 20: (Ul't Myslcry .. 1.1..U I. .4. 1 .l 1 i. . f.. ! ..I present twenty or more Uuuuliaus aj well us over 1U0 Ainencaiu and incin-beis ol the crew of tlu ligyptlan liuer Zamjuun. repotted sunk by Ucwnan VJliUlttll naval Xlcl ai action awviuit on v. a voyage ' "Jo1 III"":. Ijr ' 10 gUCftto 111 llturuvt- - - rntr AU-r m confidenre thai rendered to Germany a year aw. Irom Ncw Yotk to Alexandria, wa, i-lor wmuti vrntually crown the runndtons were at, first stationed ljIud t(jday wKh (hp announce- . a uritatn and Its allies 'here but were nvrntly withdrawn. menl by by a a Nazi Nazl spokosman spokesman thai that :s mrrebi bnn about t'ne llber- )' ii NorweRlan homelin'i iiwi Cu'M-n.. ave an interest i) iic:,;oiui ai '-ount of the even 2dii:3 up to uie Invasion of Nor a Aiw ftert-tbed ills own exper "irtr . (.iiimniifirr.ln-rhlt,r OI t HIS TRIP CANCELLED s the vessel had been sunk by a surface raider and those who had been aboaid the 8200-ton chip were safe and being well cared for aerinan-o citpied tenilory. The German announcement said that ihere had been 322 passengers on board the v s;el including 138 Am- !.t :ni:. ,m:, o) western :iorvav . , ,. , .... to rr:::aed sn valiantly against iuPm..... -,". ' " - ... ert-ans and twenty-two Canadians. wwhcimm odds. The neneral ,u ''ascfl hi lalk on a note of aood junior ir-ountln'-: some light lncl- if !': :;ii li liowi'f liiw Nnrweg- " .. ... ,lwi HI visit to uanaua owmB , i ad kr. up their sob its and ?xxl nature even In the darkest position. ur. "I '.he invasion. The Ovo made a sicclal occas- I'ln ol tin: luncheon which wa3 Uawn open to all nersons deslr- j0 ol lieartng no distinguished a peaKei President V. F. Utone Halibut Sales. Summary Ainetlcan-93,0J0 pounds. ll.W It was hardly to be presumed. i 1 Ilia ifilroaiiiriti flin h OTTAWA. May 20. - Presidcn he Zamaam lmd been sunk by a Franklin D. lfcxxsevelt lias cancelled ,..bmarine which it was unlikely would be able to take hundreds of survivors on board. Tli- explanation given for the sinking of the Zamzam was bemuse she had goods of value on board for the enrany. The idea of unrestricted submarine warfare was scouted. Furtherintiulries are being made l uiinri i"i""- "' o U) t ip rhilr muH Mr Jens ot l" Lt' . .. Muth! uaLSed aortal Steffes C-anadlan-7.000 pounds, 11c an. by mu Statu diplomatic rep Rev t ii ii... . 7.5C. rnseiuatives iil-ju. p .J .". ",',Wtt"B' ":,awJl .uu: Amcritan r-p Zanaam had left New York G ri' . " I i .. in, Kxuiorer. 35.000, Booth, 11.1c and ' 20 for Ale36andria. On ra.8ieffcn,;Ltcut. Command- t ti . K,maE lie. )....'u,'ZT,'v, t 1..... f r Iff. Mr. ntlJ'ffpC?! nrt Mrs. JUU IhlM'l! i,vvi IiHllIlLl.l-ii-"" - - STRIKE IN COAL MINE One Thousand Employees Of cess Colliery At Sydney Walk Out In vin,,, . .. . . . . , having cone on strike Hip n yesterday s luncneuu, - - 110t mCC wcdiwsd GIVE MORE KISSES case it; might bfi code. I'rin- 'April 9 rATTULLO COMLNG Information has been received at the Daily News office that I'remicr T. D. I'altullo expects to be in Trince Kupert about the middle of June. ARMS TO MEXICO WASHINGTON Secret hip-nicnts of arms and soldiers have been made from Spain to Mexico and Chili, according to reports here. NEW DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON President Roosevelt yesterday established the department of civil defence to be headed by Mayor LaGuardia of New York. It will organize air raid protection and other measures throughout the nation. CLOSER TO GERMANY VICHY Marshal retain is swinging even closer to Germany than under the terms of the agreement made with Adolf Hitler several months after the PRINCESS RELEASED SAN FRANCISCO Princess Stefanic of Hungary after being in custody for ten weeks, h to be released immediately. If she ever returned to Hungary, she says, she fears she. would be executed for her anti-Nail attilude. DAYLIGHT SAVING VICTORIA Ytie'-Victoria H ify council will sound out Vancouver, Nortli Vancouver, New Westminster, Nanaimo and Trince Rupert on the question of daylight saving and. If they are favorable. Hip federal government will be asked to institute it as a war measure on the coast. 'f ia'T More Equipment for Capetown. 1 . n 11 1 Canadians aboard the liner m- nr r in 111 LdKU Tarrant Guernsey, CANADA AND VICIIV O'lTAWA Premier Kin? said yesterday that the Canadian government is keeping closely in touch with London In regard to I lie question of relations with the Vichy government. There will be no hasty action in regard to asking for the closing of the legation. The situation as regards the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon is being closely watched. TELEGRAPH GIRLS VANCOUVER Canadian Pacific Telegraphs put three girls to work yesterday as messengers as boys were not obtainable. JUDGE SWANSON RETIRES KAMLOOPS Judge J. D. Swanson, senior County' Court judge In British Columbia, announces his retirement next month. He will live in Vancouver. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. 1 McD. Itussel of Vancouver andi Carioads 0f . Pipe . Is Brought BERMUDA IMPORTS 1 F W. Guernsey. She was on ner. I way to Rhodesia to Join her husband who is a geologist with a 'mining company there. Mrs. Guernsey was born in Vancouver. FIGHTERS FOR TOURISTS . . t. ...i n f .... nn (CP)-Influx of U. S. army, navy,01 P1 and air personnel to handle con- itnicUon of ncw dcicnce Dascs in I . i J in. itrwmnntl. twk Nova Scotia,, Bcrmuaa is wpwu w u. uoaies, u. 1. thousand employees Kite 101 "iwu. M Winslow and S. J. -jXP. aS idle, and U. 5. tourist traffic this year. OTTAWA, May 20: (CP) Im- (CP) norts to Bermuda from Canada, nf AwriTF?TKT!.. May w. "' . j r,,,u In By Consolidated For Mercury Property vANfiEtmoOF. May 20: The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. has received further material for its mercury mining operations ot. pinrhi Lake near Fort St. James In the form of two carloads New Westminster Pioneer Is Dead Henry Hugh Mackenzie Had neen Resident Of Valley Fifty Years !Gn s'oTs 'in Holland, hand- the Bri i,n WESTMINSTER , May 20:- ltng letter to Britain, ao nun hea vy ded'es In those Henry Hugh Mackenzie pioneer 01 .out sih things as oo 22, ngdom this district for over fifty years, is kisses.. They add a few more jiv" deadi NORTHKRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESAJMAY 20, 1941. Bulletins LONDON. May 20: (CP) Sinking Sinking of OI the tile 6833 WSJJ Ion ion naval navai U.S. PLANES BEING USED Tomorrow's Tides High 10:30 am. 1".9 It. ,-. 22:46 pjn. 19.1 It. Low 4:30 am. 7.1 It. 16:26 p.m. 7.7 It. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Nazis Land On Crete Mystery Lifter STATEMENT BY BERLIN ON ZAMZAM Fifteen Hundred Parachute Troops Are Dropped By Air On Strategic Island Today Cruiser Is Sunk Announcement in -Regard to "Serious Battle" Made to 4 , Parliament by Prime Minister Were Disguised as New Zcalandcrs 1 LONDON, May 20: (CP) Prime Minister Winston Plini-oliill niiiuiitiipprl trulnv thnt. 1fi()fl fiprm.m trnnns wearing New Zealand battle dress had landed by gliders, uarachutes pUv...uu and ....v. troop v.-r carriers in Crete to which 7 island the t y , , auxiliary cruiser Camito was Greek government fled and made its ., , headquarters alter . announ:cd today by the Ad- c Nazi conquest. The Prime Minister added, that, ac- mlraRy mlraRy. rordine to M reDorts "J to the govern- UIU.I.Q mcnt, the military situation was in French Attack British hand, savage iignung nau laiteu, place and was still in progress, Mr. Churchill said, but he stated that, although a serious battle was de- veloping, there was confidence that I the British. New Zealand and Greek ( forces would offer stern and reso-i lute resistance and that the enemy I WUUlU UC OUtCL'OOl UiiJ uwtwvu ( Royal Air Force Making Continued It was the first Indication that the I Blows At Enemy In North Africa enemy air infantry had operated In fhp lnruext mass. Roval Air Force carried out con- Mr. Churchill told the House of . 'Hnucd raids on Fengasl harbor in Commons that a military hospital Libya, the Koyal Air Force an- between Canea, the capital of Crete, ' nounced. and Malemi had been captured by , AIR WAR IN SYRIA HITS INTO STRIDE - t.- v a i UBjjuwi.. CAUtO. May 20: (CP) The parachute attack so far In the var. 1 ree French ... Also in I l i! ight I , ' ......... m American AMtariAiN Il Planes i tt ti L'n Enemy t Suffers Losses British Consulates Closed With At the same time it was dls- the parachutists but had been re-( closed that American-made bomb- captured. The Germans also tailed lng Planes have struck the first thus far to capture a British air-j CAIRO, May ZOTheFjreFrench blow" Id North Africa.belrfg vied droTnealthough several' attempts using latest American plalies to to drive back an attempted Axis had been made. The Prime Minis- bomb air bases In Syria with the advance into E;ypt from the Mb- ter said that a fairly strong attack- Royal Air Force, have destroyed a yan border base of Fort Capuzzo. jug group on the Canea-Maleml number of German planes. Two Axis thnr-is Ime been driven road had not yet been mopped lip At Beirut In Lebanon the Vichy back with heavy casualties. but other parties have been ac- authorities have ordered the Brl-Brltlsh and Axis forces are locK- counted for. tlsh consulates In Syria and Le- i i , , i M. n TiVvnlhn. Tl-m nofmane ftpw ntlOllt One u. , ..mi .l.i.l Hi o rtprcnnnpl rf- CU 111 UabUC cWVilg uic ht I1C uviuu.w Liaiivii tiunu oiiu v.v v . uv...-. Libyan frontiers. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtes; d. O JohnMoa do.) Vancouver Big Jvllssouii, .04. Btalorne, 9.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2. JO Dentonlo, .00 V2. Fairview. .00l2. Gold Belt, .22. Hedley M cot, .50. Minto, .01 V4. Noble Five, .00V2. Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, lJJ6-v Pioneer, 1.95. Premier, .91. Privateer, .49. Reeves McDonald, .10. Reno, .00 Relief Arlington, .01. Sheep Creek, .75. Oils A. P. Con.. .05. Calniont, .14. C. & E., 1.08. Home, 1.60. Pacalta, .03. Royal Canadian, .07, Okalta, .50 (ask). Mercury, .03. Prairie Royalties, .05. Toronto Aldermac, .08 Beattle, 1.10. Central Pat., 1.66. Cons. Smelters, 32.00. East Malaitlc, 2.20. Fernland. .OlVi. Francoeur, .38. Gods Lake, .22. Havdrock, .72. Int. Nickel, 3055. Kerr Addison, 4.10. Little Long Lac, 1.75. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.56. Madscn Red Lake, .58. Moncta, .40. Noranda, 49.50. Pfcklc Crow, 2.35. Preston East Dome, 2.86. San Antonio, 2.15. Sherrltt Gordon. .69. Uchl, .082. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mccher. .0434. Okknd, .04. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 21.25. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.06. hundred miles irom ureece in gieau moVed before Che end ol tne weeK strength to Invade Crete, preceding as reprisal for Royal Air Force the invasion with Intense aerial bombing of Syrian airdromes, bombardment of the Suda Bay French planes have been sent naval base. The invasion started aloft to defend airdromes in Syria, suddenly this morning but was A Frencn pursuit plane was report-not unexpected as It was apparent ed to liave snot down the Urst that preparations were being made 31 bomber over Syria, for such a move. Night after night Last nlht British bombers des- the Royal Air Force has been carry- iroye a large German transport lng out destructive raids on air- plane at pamiyra airdrome, also dromes In Greece irom wnicn wie wrecklng a Henkel 111. At Dam- n . . - 1 1 .1 1 , . r-r rrot o . . 1 1 r. 1 n : 1 there have been further unusn success?,; In southwest and north west Ethiopia, particularly arouna Gondar. The Duke offered to turn over his sword to the British In sur rendering but It was returned to him. in Home Premier Benito Musso lini, admitting the surrender 01 Amba Alajl, predicted thai fascist fnrpps wnnid some time regain East Africa. He said that some Italian unltft hi the country would stand out for a long time yet. Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Char-iMtn Tvinnris Lieht to moderate occasionally fresh southwest winds, cloudy and mild with scattered showers. ascus aoUUS and ttllU cUlUwlltl another kjjr Syrian 1 lan airdrome C 1 tuaiiu uiv- --o Thp sudden Uivasion of Crete Is n,v, nin np wprp also attacked , UblltlUll L n ( n-l Avis O I . regaroea nui, " by bombing. tempt to gain a stepping stcne for passage to the Near East mainland but also as a possible dress rehearsal for airborne Invasion of the British Isles. PRISONERS NUMEROUS No Less Than 35,000 f ascists sur rendered In Ethiopia Yesterday Aosta Gets Sword Back CAIRO, May 20: (CP) It Is es-tlmated that a total of 3500 Italian and naUve troops surrend-01 t in Flhloola on Monday. pviiiowlnz the surrender 01 Am- ba Alajl and the Duke of Aosta, Italian military governor, today, I. These Syrian airdromes are being used by the German planes as stopping places on the way to Iraq. The Vichy government's air minister, General Jean-Marie Bergeret, ' arrived hi Beirut last night to organize anti-aircraft defences in .Syria against British aircraft whtch I attacked the German planes, using Syrian bases. Exodus of British, American and 'Palestinians from Syria has begun. QUEEN'S AIR RAID FUND "I have seen her. I saw her In Edmonton. I am going to get the picture framed." That Is what one man said as he called to get a ure picture of the Queen at the Dally News office. Only a few pictures are left. A number of those taken will be framed. Those who have received the pic tures might remember that the Queen is head of the Queen's Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims. Donations may be left with tne Dally News. Previously acknowledged $10.00 Anonymous 2- WHEN WINTER COMES LONDON, May 20: (CP) Look ing ahead ito anotner wauuc winter, the people of Britain are being urged to conserve in every way all coal and other fuel during ithe summer. 1 1 . '1 ' " jl .4 T ! V