Housing Is Difficult - - Houame conditions in Prince RtiDert iust now are difficult. Many of the married officers and men nf tW forces who recently arrived have taken over quarters va- room for cated bv those who left last week but there are still dozens I west. -mm nave Deen convertea into apartments, more are need -edr Repentance In Sight - - 't'f . VAQZ TWO BROKEN LINES CLEARANCE We are offering exceptional values in short lines to dear. All High Grade SHOES and priced to dean them up in no time. One look at our window will convince you Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes l HE DAILY NEWS. PBINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pubushea ETery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor EDITORIALS This is the Time of Year Vhen QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaf ferv. Ltd. tannun n ' s uvns ii PHONE 117 Hockey Standings I National Leap Toronto 25 5 11 119 C Boston 21 11 8 134 87 Detroit . . 1 IS 13 85 79 Rangers IS 8 18 113 lit Chicago 15 6 20 S 115 Craalicns Americans 13 S Japanese 6 22 103 112 22 84 141 S SI Fl t FOR SALE FOR REN1 WANTED 51 42 49 M Be Thumb Printed In Registration adding that Japanese not hit lug regictratfen cards would have vxr explaining to do. Adrertise In the DaBy Kews. Slow Burn in (j CIGARETTE PAPERS HOHB FIMIM MXD WANTED 2 or 3 rooms, furnished'! or unfurnlsried. Box 72, Daily Ness 50J fTED 1 or 2 housekeeping1 n. uni i mter rauuuo was in Uttawa recently he hadf rooms, careful tenanU-soldier's with mm most of the members of his cabinet and he made' wife, box 75, Daily News. (4S) a strong plea for a general discussion of plans for improvM3 , , . i ing the rprovineial relations and the relations of the; 1, by mI provinces with the federal authorities. This was refused.! Young couple. Permanent for Now, it is suggested bv the writer nf "RnpWarro orl' duration. Box 73, DaHr Kews. Ottawa in Maclean's Ma gestion may be adopted. Here is what this writer has to WORK WANTED say,: "One remedveminplv Rane-i, helnrr ccrl VOTira tirt, wante steiwpWe or TH rW rrrUU vn TiT "iT ZJZ ' . -i? tt?" ' cieneai wort 3ox 74, uaiiy ews. should call another Dominion-Provincial Conference. It wouldn t deal, say its sponsors, with the Sirois Report nor with any cut-and-dried plan whatsoever. There would be no agenda. Mr. King, would simply call the provincial leaders to Ottawa and say to them: - "Gentlemen, we all want to win the war : let tu get to- xvLuer w win it. vve can:t nelp win the war, can't put .Canada s whole strength in it if we go on warring against one one another. another. I I want want you. you, therefore, therefore, to to sit sit rlnu-n down wfij, with me anttsee what we can do; how each and all of us may help, "v . . J .. I tier AD n .1 T 1 i .v us, aa vytfnauians, ciuse our ranics oeiore tne enemy "Rightly or wrongly, Ottawa believes that this plan would get somewhere ; that it is at least worth trying. Mr. King, seeing the dangers of the existing position, with its threat of growing worse, may be induced to try it." How Many And How Often? -- One auestion we mv uell act How many War Savings Certificates can I buy and how' often can I repeat?" Prince Rupert seems to be doing well ; . ... I'n-foM Kill J i. i un o uui it ia nut lar enougn. vvnat we ought to do is to pour a real broadside into Hitler. Let the rest of Canada know that we are really in this war and can do something more than talk, co tuNMf.T union ATT" Vctke ( pplilln tor 4 dob LWrir NOIICK IS HREBY OIVS Uut on the 3Jt day or lUrdi 1M1 rvnt th IM(Hr114 EUPRS3S, GOCIAX CLUB LIU1TQ) 'aittidi (o apfjf to the Liquor Cjjit I Bar4 lor Club Ueaaee tn r-pct c irtmtozs fclUiU-?l oti (ti top nsor of :b Enrrs Eldc At the oca. mot"! fJ.?.?? t it I I . cr Bin zj or Sertlon 1. Mart 923. In J the City erf Prince- Kawrt. Prince Rup ert tana Eegtratun District, to the Frontier of Brttteb CohmlUa, to enUUe eacb rotmber ef U- aoM Ctai to- kp ca th priuu mvuilc quantity ef rkfUcr for jursbral ctojsunnpttata on tbe- tremlM n aocOreanr wuu Uje !OTteitn -cX en Covrmwnt liquor Aot and the Regulations praaulg&led thereunder. DATED this 20ch. day of Ftftmiarr 1M1. EMPRESS SOCIAC CLUB LIJCTZD By J. O. itaodr, Pretkirht. iv niK srrRirWK rornr or rritisii COLCMKI.t IV ITtOUtTK ' In Ibe- .Waltec mt thm ".UialnUtntlon Atf Xoii la the Matter of tke Ktire r KrnU Betnlurld Walter, Drtar4 TAKE 50TXCE that tf tler cf flla Honwr. W. K. Planer, e 30 day of Optofcer; JL t. !9iO, e- ere- appolnted "reuum cx tne owe 01 Errmt Retn-boM WiUer. decLie(L and all nam h, 1l 1 .hn, ttmtn -Jt . . . . ' X . VUC' Till WKSie I.ar. bareby required to- ninrltii came 'properly rertfied. to u on or btrort the- lOcM day of UsCK A D. 1041. and J,aU parUea lruWd to tW etai are in(iiimi wj pay si amoiuit C tneir inawjmonfflil to u nirtTtwcn. DATED the loth day of FthruarT. 7' A. D; 1041. MOS. KATHIUKE R. A. QlIiETT, CAac KUturs; HAROLD ORMBRAJlrr" Watun RlVMV B; C, PAINTING DecoraUrt Katsomlriiog Signs LORNE CORNELL Phone 4G THX DAILY JTZTTS ThurL Ocean Falls Is Winner In Close Match ; In th firs: two-game basket ball mm at Otnm, , Falls last nigh: brtween Prince E apart lad Omn FkUs the paper VB team wbb by a score of H to 15. It was a tight gtrae. said a wire- re- cetTed today from the Prince 4- Rapert aaaafer. An Murray. Jndrine lim the score, there OTTAWA. Feb. 27 -As part of the registration program tor la-t - "J I50 t panese residents of British Oohna- J4? ca,w rt f1 to. aH registrants rtl be than- 3ffc?enJ.tb'Vh? ! printed. Prime "Jijmwr Ukme tt gq and clean. King tow the House of Comma. V W" t t psayra taugm. troeuero wis- -r 4 citafetv Is tetoc aeni?d in- local party; Art's aire sa'd. Tbo team is dw hoei- tomor- nrjuTi on the Cardena. RANGERS IN BOWLS WIN I CURO. Feb. 27: Yet:rday Bri- -Turnaboiit'' Is Feature Offering Ush forces captured from the Ital-At Capitol Theatre Tonight 'ians the moet easterly of the Do- j - - Iior ths.lnr lamM wa 531 miH t j u. i FOR SALE 24 foot long. 6 fOOl' tv. - v,,., . u u": ura"e w cnane beam srvhrtat hull Can bp n . ; ' " wl me r?eiu. saiapety Mia Landis aTSlfSet lLx J. Xm husband 1 !, over-size atsalt Lakes. Box 18o 18a. 5emade of lhe Alr K.nney Force shoes and experiment with the .-'" proDjems iaced by the male por- All aftmioon Ute troops, uon of humanity. Slx-for. broad- orvrr ,f, . anu sn.ou aemion. oi iaugn- shouldered Hubbard becomes -w " ter ana oi cnapr?n. ma 3 war fashionable society matron (UBon ihe five pics. It is h? first flutters about at cocktail parties. a and '! ;r,V rnftlfl rtf J ViC nilioMmco .:: I fr. nwm,!)n . j "UUSC3- ,1 u l J.c : U1,C 1 1 1 -JBOOM lor rent. Box 10, Daily News. ; r"c'.c-i After the exchange takes place. r. ww , so at a time like this. In spite of the number of buildings : ,3' - , r." " : " ' V r" cenrusten and haos ensue and win on nils 0"if. th"7 hown! Krvw iv, . . , , . itr in the uure c1lma Jin of nnJWi k. 51) 53 RECOMMENDED BY W PHYSICIANS SAME PRICE AS BEER la TbU adrertUement U not published or (H played bj the Liquor Control Hoard or by tne Gorernment of DrlUb Columbia. CLCANINO Oil Burners $1.50 Free wicks with every burner Chimneys Swept $2.56 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE ' Phone BLACK 73S IRESH SHRIMP f Ilaily After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TKOTIF.R'S HOCK Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St Phone Green -416 Hlth Quality Latest Patterns All British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come in and choose th cloth lor your spring suit. Lin? 3 the Tailor Sixth Street Phone 659 r ln?s and laush.fBJed - IrKidents. In spite of the roSTrti Dkvs Carole tandi exhibits a tunnir wardrobe marked by fMnWlty and tophiitication. Among her most elaborate creations are gorgeous negligees. f-rm-tottiM: Tsathlm suits smart town eiotrH-s and stream-Fined CTeniivr gowns. Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. Certificate PHONE KI.T) H CO-ED Beauty Salon (Elsie JCIohn) Exchange Bldg. BLACK CC8 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms not Water steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. R Black, Proprietress THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salman canning company with an all the year round payroll In j Prince Rupert m V P. . . NEW LOW PRICE an the f-l&- tin 80 NOURISHING CUPS TO THE POUND t FILM HAS Island Is I NEW PL0TiCaPtoed ; Military Resent i Training PerioJ Will lie Two Wetk Anil Year. Officer Cammudi! Calvary District State I And Tomorrow lcadan:se Islands. It was described GALOAPV (by the EritUh as a "nall and un- Harvey, off: -c ' "v .ury Lvin.i . A emow mm.. Hit. The H-ky Mountain Ringers a nord theme. "Turnabout." with won the bowliDg competition yes- cast headed by Carole Landis and terday an.'rnpen in Max's Alkys John Hubfcard and tnchidlnr , iu. by de sealing teams from the Royal Adolohe- Mmtou. William Garaan. X'an4i Air Btaree. Headqirirters. Verree Teasdale. Mary Astor. Don-SgnaU and two other team from aid Meek and Margaret Roach, Is fl f1--11- tr-e feature picture on the screen TtKidfajn; hk won th? theatre of the Capitol Theatre here to-1 tickets donated by the Y. M. C. A., night and tomorrow. I eonsKted of English. Burton, Mc- Th- hilarious mmkm iho' .Gill. Batt-o and Lawtey with a compUeattons which are produced total-mt T hWhcJ avratr o- 11101 nuoQim uuuuitu ana auu uuiun, Lanaw ax mt mnn nun .1 f ! large one bufhas a sea- a7 that hp -r i a. l nlnn hot. vhtU. M(u. L.-u -. . . . I nm.N liiiiin. imc irr-zii Tnca ior m u; ir. rscm 1 ura a jujnpuis mi pnej m war vUl be two Wfk thii ml same as prYlcti ty WHOLESOME APPETIZING DEUCIOCS LAGER PHO.VE 651 FOR FREE DELIVER! This advertisement js not pubUsited or displays Control Board or by the Governmenf of Br Hot Water Bott SPECIAL Guaranteed Bottles $1.00 Qrmes Ltd. "3i Pioneer Drtuzgists The RexaU Stora Phones SI w Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 8sQdyjan4 Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. sod 7 to I p.m. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable 2S PHONE 13 21 Hour Serrlce' at Regular Rates