_ gays | to myself, $\ gays |i me News Is tne a gays | 4 on ——— \ DAILY NEWS =. : 7 (CTORIPs Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ne VOL. Il], NO. 100 ——SSS NY ON OLYMPIC—C.P.R. LINER STRIKES ICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENT? = i ____________} : = ———— ———— THE ACCUSING AFTERMATH OF THE TITANIC DISASTER CAPTAIN O ve enaothihaietl Special | Daily News. Washinglo April 27—Ablaze cith light from her saloon cab-| the Tita dashed full) away, weed to he destruction, ae iy Ernest Gili, donkeyman, | » the steamship wh stified today before the | also committee investigating the dis-j ¥ G sai hi Capt. Lord of}é Californian refused later to} fg the aid the Titanic, roc-} é ‘ which could be plain-| ¥ BE [his Capt. Lord denied, ull that he and his pe heard the crew they ha see rockets. llis is fast in the ice the the Tit eless operator | The Aitack on Ismay. \ } \I 6—J. Bruce Is ector Of the \\ Ss I ippeared early room, He re-| 3 sle hh ! testimony be} husband { explaining ! in London and I : ‘ home im- media I promised to ed States when} evidenct again ess Harold G, Lowe, 5th that Ismay was} into the” boat, | is very much ex-/f vas nterfering with | we iz of the boat, F CALIFORNIAN CHARGED WITH MISSING NOBLE CHANCE TO SAVE—ISMAY’S WIFE (ARRASSED BY AT- TACKS ON HIM—RELIEF FUND FIGURES. accor-| him to order him back.” Californian, | and made no reply to him, | Ismay Carpathia who Ismay’s Wife Hysterica! MACKAY BENNETT DUE | —— | ON SAD MISSION Ship with Bodies of Titanic Vic- _ tims Due in Halifax Today. Mr. Haye Oonfirme News —— That Brother's Body Special to Daily News. Is Found. Halifax, April 27.—The morgue | —- ship Mackay Bennett is expected \ telegram received this arrive here this evening with morning from Mr. D. H, cargo of over two hundred Hays stated that the body of bodies o% the victims of the Ti-| Mr. C, M. Hays had been tanic wreck. Already the hotels | undoubtedly recovered and » filled up with people from all} identified, Mr. David HUH, | parts of the country who will be Hays has left for Halifax to vat} Present to endeavor to identify await the arrival of the dead or claim bodies. } steamer Minia, on which the lei e late president's body is be- The Ocean Falls Lumber Gom-|§ ing brought in. yany has opened temporary yards ee. | fpaie “Baek . | the suas of “a eed (Mes inti ee | freight for Hazelton. The Omin-|,, by the clever amateurs, andjwas inimitable. Altogether, am- Bride ; : eca will remain on the upper|the picture show given was also|ateur night most certainly made : You will find the boot or shoe|river and continue in the ferry| exceptionally good. Prince Ru-|good, and- Rupert will look for- cian) you want at Seott, Froud & Co Very large stock of general)?! avenue. hardware. Sole agents for Sher- ee me Se eee win & Williams paints, at Howe Meet me' at Keeley’s and have}|will make one trip to Hazelton|in faet, any part of last night’s| & McNulty’s. tf ;some sweet, fresh ice cream. 3t| before going to the Stikine. lvaudeville show might easily | Important Topic for Sunday have been put on with a profes-| Evening. _imnneesevs" “AMATEUR NIGHT’ MADE GOOD Season of Navigation on the aden ey AND AMUSED A HOUSE FULL The first boat to sail for up ‘ive ] e e ander, at 1 riven walt pe the futanecs S) | FIRST RATE TALENT IN VAUDEVILLE AND BREEZY BRIEF eee aan conuwre aud, COMEDY ACTING 1S EVIDENT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF roan — PRINCE RUPERT’S PIONEER AMUSEMENT COMPANY. |freight and expeets to go right |through to Hazelton. The water }in the river is three feet three }inches at the CGanyon and. atill jrising. It was a safe prediction that;G. S. Fitzmaurice held up his end Prince Rupert's first Nantubegr| epiiatiy and it may be mentioned night’ at the Westholme The-|incidentally that Mr. Fitzmaurice atre would be a success. It was/is the principal organizer of this The Omineca, Captain Jack-) 1 cuecess of the most undoubted| successful amateur night scheme. jman, will sail tomorrow without | -a brilliant sueeess. The the-|The part of “Bouncer the Land- jeargo from this port for Skeena| a+.. was packed to the doors.|lady” was taken most amusingly ; Crossing, where she will load | kveryone enjoyed the show put)by Mr. C. V. Evitt, whose acting | | service there. jpert has proved herself to pos-|ward eagerly to the next one, It is expected that the Hud-|sess amateur entertainment tal- — json’s Bay steamer Port Simpson|ent of a very high order indeed, | PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES Relief Fund Grows fund raised in of sufferers of »} Iceberg Pacific MODIFY PLANS {BASEBALL SCORES OF GIGANTIC Mammoth White Star Liner on the Stocks Must Have Cunard Type of Bottom—ts to be 1000 Feet Long Special t Dally News.) \y It is under he plans of the White Vhich is now be- Belfast and which 1000 in length, | It is possible} plans will provide lulal bottom, Mauretania and] 4s a stipulated | eceiving the gov- oe Ay nas been provid-| Ollapsible boats iXteen additional} . Benth of Roy Andrews. lative of Lreland, An iller a severe at- Pheumonia, died this m3 a body is reposing - Hers funeral chapel th her Can be heard I ides in Saskatche- '0 destroy those moths get Red Ned Ged - Vlakes at 25 cents the Rap I ee trom Orme, the Pioneer drngrics tf Els “ quick luneh, Royal Cafe, Pant "Tlum Pioneer Cleaners, jany signs of deficiency. | Rey. F. W. Kerr will preach on Particularly good were teksten: evening in the Empress |George Robey stunts pertormed| Theatre on the interesting ques- e e |by Mr. A. Stowell, in dress and| tion, “Can a Man Be a Christian | His songs as the old maid out-|same time he will deal with the j} distanced in courtship by her| question of what is the business }mother simply made a splendid|of the church, hit. He was rewarded with} Morning Presbyterian service is Believed to be Same Which Sank Titanic---Picture of It |} he was brilliantly supported by| on Socialism on Wednesday Secured by Captain of the S.S. Etonian Close to | the amusing part of Cox in “Box)|ture discussion will be permitted, the Scene of the Titanic Disaster | As a “Harry Lauder” with the}to 15 minutes unless arrange- Special to Daily News. Struck Glancing Below Halifax, April .27-—-A_ gigantic The great ship was steaming similar to that which} slowly through a dense fog when sank the Titanic has just threat-| the look-out sighted a huge ice- ened disaster to the Canadian} berg ahead The captain rang liner Empress of Britain,| fo! full speed astern and the lwhich had 1460 passengers propeliors - wert reversed. Des- | pite this, the vessel struck the aboard, and which arrived here}... 9 glancing blow, ~bul.was }teday from Liverpool, Her pas-j| not damaged badly The acci- sengers sav that last Wednesday| dent occurred 250 miles from the scene of the Titanie disaster. orning the steame whilt ide 46, longtitude 47, swet Picture of the Iceberg “i just in time to avoid a col A very st ne photograph which would have sent her|a tremendous iceberg believed to the bottom be the identical one against }sional program without showing} |makeup of the most original.}and Not Attend Church?” At the ' | vegetable bouquets in great va-)held in the church hall on Fourth | riety, which he acknowledged and| avenue at 11 o'clock. lacie? Appalling Disaster Averted by a Hairsbreadth---Iceberg |*-11e! \ with a really fresh ‘Phe Young People's Club has j}and clever dancing turn, in which| arranged for Mr. Code’s lecture Mr. W. Whitley, who also took|evening at 8:30. After the lec- j}and Cox.’ {but each speaker will be limited jcorrect walking stick, or rather/ments are made with Mr. Ellis which the Titanic met her doom|dress cane, Mr. J. Kelly made! before Wednesday. was taken by Gapt. William Fer-| goed again and again, and his | ne rie Wood, of the steamship Et-|turns were most popular. “Box At Mrs. Frizzell’s for every- onian. which reached the neigh-|and Cox” went off splendidly and|thing in ladies apparrel. Sixth borhood of the disaster too late] greatly amused. As “Box” Mr.|Street, Empress Block. tf to be of serviee. The ager of ek Nee ~ READY TO SPEND A MILLION ‘ sess e's ee TQ FIND COL. J. J. ASTOR’S BODY f As two-thirds of the berg is submerged, and extends 80U! girls LEIOMAIRE WAS RAC.NG HOME BY THE TITANIC TO Mic AAPORTC END ST ap yaReee above’ REARRANGE TERMS OF HIS W.LL IN VIEW OF EXPECTED Waker, She: SSDP Ieee eee ets EVENT—WIDOW AND DIVORCED WIFE FRIENDLY. may be roughly estimated Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia aceon a a pe away tol trimmings and novelties, at street pumps in patent, i 5. Olympic Forced to Put Back Into Harbor---Fifty Mutineers ae a ae oes Seattle, April 26.—The steam- New York, April 26 Vincent |— Tee | Astor, son of Colonel John . Jacob | STEAMER WRECKS DOCK . J Astor, said yesterday that he did —_—_— j SEAMEN MUTINY ON TITANIC S SISTER SHIPS: *nici te ee an genadition out from Halifax Was Sunk. Gg to search for his father's body. neem 14% (Special to Daily News.) Under Arrest, Maintaining Lifeboats Inadequate een berate THA or Alameda ploughed at full speed into the Coleman passen- THE WEATHER. precipitation, Phone j See SCC ccerccee Amat e n Vaudeville artists y On the side, What thy la SPrink |e Jang Brad bOrtey PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO agent solicits business and wharf employees do can to drive it away ‘stable Bailey wishes he waler his budding ‘ditch says he'd start "elion 2 on the mere strength of the ‘ud available now for "P Prince Rupert's prosperity ¥ : Rat : re » collaps ’ sserters are sus : e|tor’s yacht, left for Halifax last Special to Daily News | Hremet dec lared the collapsible | de f rtel are eo oni tody of th Say a ae aMfloas -Otithe 4g.| Ber pler late last night, cutting Southampton, April 27 After | boats wert oe oe pass police, charged with mutiny , . n a svat liee ‘ as ae jclear through and wrecking it. these co 1 ( ye handied quick- — oO SLA ‘ as : PT ent S ain insite ladies 4} ong delay cquedd “By .t8¢ Per! 1 enough insure saving lives Cunard Adds Boats tivity in making arrangements.| {be Sound steamer Telegraph, a’ a? <400 4 fe eh) } to hear Rey, H, G, ae rook | $1,200 given aw . el the Fossal cat Abie Pia, ie akantan | acknowledgment was at once re- until late on Sunday, as the Ke ) , ) ¢ . 3 . =, s ) I s seslie > as ‘ z : ; | the MOLDiNg @Orvins: Morrow, poo pli at ee roto, tl oe Aca , | turned vessel only left the cruising bine . ment poo om, P | aah eatiel rbala | vy singin BRIE ground today, i Now is kodak time bastman’ 8 Theatre building. yon't forget Keeley’s for . ice , the Rexall Store, }cream soda, 3t | Best room in town at the Savoy. eeees