THE DAILY NEWS. W | THE DAILY NEws | GRANBY MINES MAKE GOOD faecareteiiit <2 a... CC : } THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WAN T E D: i ee ee IN MANNER BEYOND BELIEF Sawmill Co. Ltd. We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in ca. Five and Six. Submit your listings. _ tee | | | ae TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates| NEARLY TWO MILLION POUNDS OF COPPER PER MONTH B&- at on application. | ING PRODUCED AND SMELTED—EARNINGS $100,000 PER Lumber | For Sale (+t 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash ie SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DatLy, 50c | en ee eee and ee ee Oe ea), ) - an exico— : | ‘ai j as | is : Aoi per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All we Granby Mine is producing} 000,000 au@ 36.000.000 sounds | a F ‘ Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly| |, psn x wy ais . Tate aha ae a eee eae ' aoe Mouldings Il Gesohd Aveliue PATTU ' 4 : i te present me I coppt ore per annum, Gran- a} in advance. lin Grand Forks about 1,800 000 | by s total output will be brought} Telephone 83 LLO & RADFORD aS HEAD OFFICE |pounds of copper per month at alup to 50,000,000 pounds at a cost} A large stock of dry finish- } | Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. jcost of fractionally over 10% nok over 8% cents per pound.| ing lumber on _ on — ae BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES foent+' per pound. This relatively) — ‘The »Hidden “Creek “property| BEber § tole, ———__. mit New YOrK—Nationai Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City jhigh copper cost is due {o the/was purchased on the basis of| : : dninpiibmiatn Be re So N Co ; Sete eer ce Be aa res}2 per cent. ore, but “in addition | Our prices are as low as any. ve | 5 SEaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co. jtreated, as the mining and smelt-/to the very large tonnage of this] . f Jeri > LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar} ing cost per ton of ore is only!2 per cent. ore, between 350,000] eS ea “FROM HOME TO HOME.” ! 4) Square. ss. : - jabout $2, a figure which can be!and 400,000 tons of 5 per rent. | ; Bh ' Supscrisers wili greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | equalled by few, if any, of thel/ore has been discovered, the net! { non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. lother large copper producers. profits from which should more] OFFICE: . Sora ence emecra adelaide amen ik diatin mings insti a oe 16 cent arr iy a Tiel neee meet the cost oot new | EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. IUM 7 4 showime earnings of oniy ail @); 32,000,000 smelter for this prop-| Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. " 1 DatLy EDITION. ate ATURDAY, APRIL 27) under $1,000,000 per month, orjerty, the erection of whieh will Sid. Sykes, Manager ' i. ; Se re ae == jalmost $8 per share on 150,000)be commenced next month, ie 2 The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver ) ; 1 “WHAT’S BRED IN THE BONE—” [shares of outstanding. stock.|site already having been graded} Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. } Ss These earnings, of course, disre-|and put in shape for the new} ae aT 53) j ee _ |gard entirely the newly ac-| works. | 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C, Be ie As might have been expected, the ruling passion prevails} quired, but fully paid for, Hidden; The directors at a meeting in| PRINCE RUPERT INN ersee and the Mayor in his paper descends again to absolutely ground-|Creek property, which was pur-|New York early in May will go} i less and uncalled for personalities in his so-called defense a about a year ago, andjove: the whole Granby situation aie his council. He attacks a citizen whose name never entered | Which is opening up far better|carefu ly and decide whether it AND Saree ey = § jthan the new owners anticipated.|will be the better policy to defray} —_ into the discussion at which the City Council was described tel The expectation of t@ man-jthe cost of the new smelter from | ‘ helpless. He descends still further. He attacks with mud. He/agoment is that within the next/current earnings or to do some KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY i indulges in the ugliest of slanders. He jeers at his feilow citi-| two years, when the Hidden Creek} financing through an issue of se-| 2 or sae | THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No, 3 zen’s religion. He drags the most sacred name ever penned|mine is producing between 25,-|curities. i into the meanest editorial ever written. . : ——— No more need be said. The citizens know well what manner TO SEARCH FOR BODIES | Owned and operated by the Plumbers’ Goppies ao. ate Glass | . . i © Glass Mirrors of man the Mayor is. They do not require even to read his latest} 1 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on J! Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Raags a | Suggestion That Revenue Cutters [J the American and European plan. Oils Tinware editorial to know what is the nature of his slanderous and abso-| ; atte Ale T oe ; : : Patro! Sea Where Titanic Sunk. |[ Excellently furnished, with Varnishes Graniteware Se eater attac : ; ei have a nee of ae _ MISS M HAYS ae |f steam heat, electric light, and all iis methods. iey realize today very fully that not even the high| ° Washington, April 25.-—Acting|{| modern conveniences, being abso- MONARCH MALLEABLE The ‘ Stay Satisfactory Range office of mayor can imbue with dignity a man whose whole} ing upon information that the lutely first-class in every respect. appeal, defense and attack consists in the coarsest of personal| Waifs from the Yitanic Who! bodies of several of the victims The appointments and service slander, ill-bred derision and libelous misrepresentation. Seem to Have ee All Rela-| of the Titanic re * had been are equal to any hotel on the — The Daily News need say nothing in defense of Mr e tives are Being Taken Care Of. | picked up near the scene of the coast. 7 : ng f Mr. Alex. at New York catastrophe, Senator Martine of 5 PSE SSESSAS ATES AS ASCAS CARER CRE PR CAC PRCRaeRRC RRs Bassas sar sresniaus Manson, the citizen personally attacked by the Editor-Mayor last | ne iNew Jers nap (ada tite juced a seasesseasesseaseaseaseasesses SEESSESSESSESSESSESSESES ES ES se q ‘ a Ne Jerse day i oduce t S34 } night. Only the fact that Mr. Alex. Manson had absolutely New York, April 27—-No onelreselution requesting the Presi- 4 i) nothing whatever to do with the editorial in these columns which|has yet appeared who could id-j|dent to send to the place several Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. a 4 c ‘ ee oe “ awoke the Mayor's spiteful spleen may as well be made known. | °!!9 ee chile = da f re. I itters and t at et nt Highest Value in Piain and Qj : .| from the itanic) by Miss Mar-; there at least a month in the ese i x ans S sivate citize » has > respec : : roo ae a Manson ji , private citizen. “ - the respect Of |) na Hays, but R. L. Neill, New| hope of finding other bodies. The ai Gem Set 3 lis fellow citizens, and can retain it with dignity on his own|york agent for the Children Aid|} ution was referred to th ° Q) 1 | York agent ‘ | I resolution as referred to ‘ : er. 22 , merits. But the Mayor has neither dignity nor merit in this | Society, is reasonably sure their| committee on commerce. G. A. Sweet, Manag ¢ oO . . eee latest mean, petty and vituperative attack. He is answered|father was Mr. Hoffman, who Baoan ered hae <33 R I N G S$ a best in the words of his own editorial: |lost his life in the ‘lisaster. In| The place for the very latest. | S33 H Bi ks & Fe “Honest criticism always makes for a_ bettering the passenger list there appears| Always the most fashionable de- #3 enry Dir Sons 0, tes es : * at among the second cabin passen-| signs in suits and millinery at} i . “aren Au) of civic conditions, bat this jealous, mean, selfish and gers the entry: “Mr. Hoffman| Mrs. Frizzell’s. tf . 38 See ae per werent Satie te cecniners Neve Jewellers and Silversmiths o untrue harping not only recoils upon the small souls and two children.’ The’ boys pina BO iF M DAVIS BOAT BOIKE S22 - bo iid sane te aces fat withion toes Geo. E. C 5 . > ‘ _ sitar: ¢ . — speak Frene an are evide af ® . @e " ao 8 ter S of ou! the ney eo. E. Trorey mm who ae it, but does the city an immense amount Y at ree a} vidently It will pay everyone interest-| Genera! Machine Shop and Ship’s | $38 hee ee eee ore ee eon Managing Director oe of harm. 9 . arts pct} pee ed ed to look over the large new|- Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- [$32 Perfection. o Out of his own mind and with his own pen let him be! Mr, Neill recalled the story Of) oonsignment of ship ehandlery| banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline |g Our: ILLUSTRATED (OAT ALOGUE Snows Vancouver -- B.C. some of the rescued passengers/ 41 Howe & McNulty’s, 2nd| Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- ose a fine variety of solitaire and cluster en ge condemned. that in t hemidst of the exciite-|- ey Tatas ore" | eessories carried in stock. 4 gagement rings in diamoad¢ aud combina v 3 |ment a man ran up to one of COR, hat Ree ee ee | Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf | S33 lion settings. The BIRKS’ WEDVING RING & = ——— — _ =the lifeboats and started to lift NOC BUNT: -SERE ME vides ciedersal - pivase Otte hee 3 . an a é 7 a es fi j é popular throughout Canada Write for oe ithe two children into it. ® Was | &. our Illustrated Cataloxue, hich wt! be ‘ ; warned that there was no room ae - ae Preaches at} a -OUR LAND PURCHASE a sent free to your address 1a ‘< ” for him, and-he replied that be aptist Church Tomorrow. | INSERT YO I SE 3 se mi ie did not want to go, but begged pases et | NOTICES IN THE | 33 “ na tt thatthe children be taken along. | Rey. H. G, Estabrook, super- oPRo PROP ECzES, PL OPRs TIE RNS SOPRAMRC REAR LAKOD { This ria wae Mr. He Rishic ae intendent of the Baptist missions | NEWS Bete t ts REE: v EE Ro 1d . 5 j a Neill believes. The children,| for B. C., is at present in the city q A DRAMA IN’FIVE ACTS—sy LOCAL AMATEUR COMPANY whose names are Lota.and Lou-|0" @ tour o1 mspection of the| are ‘ » home of Frank | Missions. Mr. Estabrook, who AT THE— is, are still at the home of Frank Ope ects | K. Hays. They seem to be not| Was here two years ago at the —IN THE— » least’ b omesic opening of the Baptis thuret WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE, APR. 30th °° °°" tere pet steko el Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley . mense advances made by the city FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM Ladies te ns saw? in that time. He is to preach to- IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS ew seasonable t zs. They al-) y.crrow it eIntyre Hall at the i. m ; on a ie eg = sok a aN aii a ee Myre :H18) + LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prives and on LANDS | Tickets on Sale at Keeley $ Drug Store, 27, 29, 30 latest styles in suits, dresses, : Ce eee. easy terins. collars and millinery. tf Odd Fellows’ anniversary serv- | = rages ice, MelIntyre Hall, tomorrow NO TH COAST L D COM ANY Li . R AN PANY, Limited Wanted — Position as exper-| evening Special music All io }ienced saleslady or chamber-! Odd Fellews in city requested to PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. Find It Through a News Want Ad. i wirk at once. Phone Black 143. a‘tend. ) )) ) ) i \ \\) First Divisional Poi h Trunk Pacific East of Pri p waar A irst Divisional Point of the Grand Trunk Pacific East of Prince Rupert [srs -_ CINCH I you vou \ WOULD The first freight divisional point of the Grand Trunk Pacific east from Frince Rupert is rem..nably well situated. The railroad follows the WOULD K HAVE IN river very close!y for almost the entire distance to New Hazelton, and there is no considerabie arza at any point for a town or a city. HAVE IN XK VANCOUVER At Mile 118, or, as it is now officially known aM@@ registered, AMUNDSEN, the railway has located its first Divisional Point, and the reason is t\at VANCOUVER X IF YOU here is the best location and the most suitable site. But even here the mountains and the river hem the site in so rigidly that there will be only about iF You i} OWNED 150 lots for the entire population, apart from the necessary grounds for shops, yards and sidings. The property owned by the Grand Trunk Pacifio OWNED i CONSIDERABLE Railway at this point, which was formerly known as Anderson’s Island, has been cleared and is ready for the construction of yards and the company’s CONSIDERABLE PROPERTY ON ple ier Aegis. PROPERTY ON i = gta Right from the start AMUNDSEN should be a busy town, for many men are required for construction work. The heavy traffic on the line will I’ he- THe lie Ny i { COMPEL ALL wise cause a big force of railway men to locate here pérmanently as their headquarters. With this to build on, AMUNDSEN seems certain to be the n ost AND ried I} THE PEOPLE important town between Prince Rupert and New Hazelton. anaes | OF THE CITY AMUNDSEN WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION ir ®rince Rupert about May 15, the exact date and place to be announced later. See orry { OF VANCOUVER Real estaie at AMUNDSEN is a monopoly--just as a telephone or electric light franchise. The town cannot spread out any more than an ancient OF VSNCOUVER TO LIVE walled city, and not so much, because the walls of A@YNDSEN are mountains on three sides and the river on the fourth side. TO LIVE BETWEEN Think of it—only 150 lots for all the people of an active young city. No subdivisions. No annexes or additions to come afterward. You can su¥ BETWEEN \ FALSE CREEK some of these lots at your own price at public auction about May 15. FALSE CREEK } a INLET The Continental Trust Company, Ltd., has concluded arrangements with the Royal Bank of Canada to act as Escrow Agents, and the latter will de- AND \ ea liver Indefeasible Title to lots in Amundsen. BURRARD INLET SIMILAR TO Instructed by Chas. W. D. Clifford and associates we shall offer at auction lots in the registered townsite of Amundsen.. Blue prints and detailed in- A SITUATION formation can be obtained from the exclusive selling agents. SIMILAR TO THIS IS A THIS 18 A : REALITY REALITY \ ‘ AmUNDSEN . ° ® rE . ontinental I rust ompany imite ——— SECOND AVENUE = PHONE 318 = PRINCE RUPERT | it —— ! 22S SSaaSSSSS-T_ aSSSSSSTH_ ee ee et en —— a SSS eee FOO HO) SSS — O_O eS Ss 3 3 a SS SSS OSS ar