PAQE rOUE EYES Iieencee for Nomonnts Full-me Frames, the Newest in Eye-Wear Max Whifflets From The Waterfront imiebte3ae to Ui forthaHh. DATED t&t '.tota flay of February. A. D. 14I. 1RS. KATHRUrE R. A. CUXCTT Prlnc Rupert. B.' C CAHL KIRMI3. f Uawett. B. C EAROU) ORlfBRAK. , ' Watun Rlw. b C. I?v SERVE BY SAVING Buy War Saving Stamps at Northern BLC Pom er Co. Ltd. appreciation members EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist In Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Heilb roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties YEAR OF GOOD HOSPITAL ! WORK REVIEWED, (Continued from Page One) PLANS ARE COMPLETED Provincial Architect's Department Finishes Drawings For New ! Prince Rupert Hospital ; VICTORIA. Feb. 23. The pro via -!cial architect's department is ap- plying final troches to plans lor a new mlHUry hospital at Prince Ru-! pert and the drawings are to be i turned over to Dominion authorities ithis week with tender call to be ) . handled from Ottawa, Plans call! for erection of a three-story build-1 ing of monolithic concrete construe-' lion, measuring 78 by 44 feet and ; capable of accommodating SO beds, i It will have asphalt shingle roof. J and heating will be by means of-extending the steam heating system ! of the existing Prince Rupert General Hospital. I A new 20-bed hospital for Atlin is also planned. Threat To Blow Up Waterworks With a large 1st of passenger, -"f" improved. As JR LllV' Ul OOIia including further members of the rplaclnenU M y necessary1, J Rocky Mounta n Ranger regiment, " T x.vm. ana new oe-: r i . t) - n-i o . mands are made on ih hncnftai SOFIA, Feb. 26 at 10:30. this morning from Van- 3"ett' ana- -aeae wo factors . Y !v vn w up me ooiiai- - couver, Pawell Rtvtr and Ocean 004 maintained, the has-; Fatcrwor and make the water Falls and will vwil at 3 cm. for rul XTycai M bcme of Jew obpry unfit for use. This defense Ketchikan and Stewart whence shs valu ormnmnUy. Tiius I measure arose over the expected en-veal returri here tomorrow evening wcuW aafe for die continued sup- tT? ot German troops into the coun-southbound. poit of the Women's Hospital Anx-. 1 - - itary ana. in turn, that he Aux-j ; Miary be supported by the public j IX the M'PH'cvi: coi kt or iiKiTivn f0 ttwt the Boa'd may b- enabled In tbe sutler of me -AdoiinWfathm u ivn oeuer sernce to the communrly ing ttir war " ar.d " "nn It hs dar- In th M.ttrr f tb r Ernt, nnti RUSSO-RU.MAXIAN PACT IOSC6W Russia today sijn-ert a commerce and naTigation treaty with Rumania. KHahnfd Halter. liminl wo eeryone money, TAKE notice thtx by artier of Hn it is difficult to give either ttra , LONDON SILVER SSSrrA. ri wrTr or mcney to trn benr! nds LONDON. Feb. 28. The London Eiesutor of ifcV ti of "Ernst Rfn- Dut ftle lu? bits of help. con-, prjee of -silver yesterday was 23"a bold w!-. -i. nd n parties r'-otly given. :e ul( in a large ag- rtece Vtr flr- ounce, larlnr .tUljn eirut he said oUte .j. ' x treby required to luraWi time. ! - fcoperir . to w on or before n s a - easure at tnis time -"4r-s who hav rwroimj to dst ui amour of th-ir prcMteg m7 sincere thanks ill immanmr ' carc1 for the nurses arrt -Ht nt v.n TEH DUCT KTrTB Here's Why So Maiiy MOTHERS Are Changing to & M - - . - b v 1 u .711 . 1 ... ... . ... ... BUCKLEY'S WHITE RUB ro KIDDIES' . COLDS atcarsx tw-.i.... mum m n Omm 1 Owr L Prntnto fwtn. t. Bmk nmttimm. Wlp drat cWt4 nU. imw W k kral nw trt m4 rnr mir n" Nutk-My irk r WJLW4 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY fACM Tw Sue: Me tad Se VICTORY IS FIRST AIM Prcident Roosevelt Not Favorably Disposed to Su;restinr Peace Move .to Great Britain WASHINGTON. DC. Feb. 26. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, anted yesterday what he thought about the possibilities of mediation in the war and if the new ambassador to Great Britain. John O. Win- The Bulgarian ' ant. would advance any peace more, CaptH.E. dden. armed in cor" " aud KPnient becomes nec- poHee announced today the dicov-jid that peace terms must wait un- iuutcu Ul -, .. i . ... .til Mr rtmm nn h Haiti. 'iekL He said that the United States did not wish to embarrass Great Britain or confuse the Issue over aid to Britain by inquiring about war aims at this time. The administration. Roosevelt aid. did not wish to weaken the "leae-lend" bill with amendments tending- to render it innocuous. An "all pat" battle looms in the Senate this week against one pro-rofed amendment which would ban the second of exoeditionary forces from the United States. Such an amendment wnukJ onlv ten'i to en courage Japan in ag;rresive moves in the Orient,.it is declared by supporters of thejbill. The administration is still hopeful and during f-r-!ms and il!ne i,inai Dm W lne to trie president, Trteh t0 exnd a stkMI Thank he beard, the sec- You? To all rvh-rs Vm .'h.r . retai. docujrs. nurses and aU em- individuals or members of an employees of the hcKpital. ateo the ganization or group, have in any business pseie of the city for the way contributed to the -welfare of kindness and -o-cperation extend- the hospital, sincere appreciation ed to me sice my arrival. To the of their aid Is extended.' You'll smile too with an ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR in your kitchen . . . and with good reasonl For with an electric refrigerator your worries about food spoilage, ice cubes, frozen desserts are over. The clean coolness of an electric refrigerator enables you to save many a Ieft-over to be made into another tempting meaL Vegetables, bought m quantity at bargain prices, stay fresh and flavorful. With an electric refrigerator, ALL your meals will be tastier, easier to prepare and cheaper. Small Down Payment - Easy Terms NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Senate by Saturday. Tenders For Demolition Are Opened Three tenderSyidoliUon of the old Prinop RrtrtVjnra1 Hn.. 1 oital were operwd'r'a meeting of trie hospital board last nlsbt fol- lowtn? the annual meeUng of the Prince Rupert General Hospital As sociation and were referred to a "-cial committee of the board for action. ; The tenders were: I A. W. Allaire, $3400 to $4400. John Gurvich; $2300. L. C. Eby. $1500. T'i A--- tender was ruled out a it was not received In time and vas not accompanied by the required deposit. Th oM hospital building Is now! empty, soldiers who had been quartered there having been recently moved out. Three Men Are Killed; Gravel Pit Caved In WINNIPEG. Feb. 26. Three men were killed and another was seriously injured in a cave-Jn in the provincial gravel pit at Transccna. HEAD OF HOSPITAL Frank Dibb Re-elected President-Annual Meeting Held Last Night Frank Dibb was last night re elected president of the board of ciirrcsors of the Prtoce Ropert Genial Hospital for another year. O. P. Unto was re-elected tte-prrsidect and H. W. Birch, aaan-a?ia secretary. The ejection of officers took place at a meeting of the newly erected board followtnc tx an nual meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association. ' The 1941 board ws elected to consist of Frank Dibb. Arnold Haten. O. P Tin Iter. D. O. Borland and J. & Irvine The only new, member of the board is 3. S. Irvine who succeeds F. A. MarCalhim wfee has left the city. . O. L. Rode was re-appointed as hospital auditor. Those present at the annual general meeting uere'FtanX Dibb. G. P. Tinker. Arnold Flaten. D. G. Borland. R. E. Banson. Thomas McMeekin. J. S. Inrtne. Jack Mor-an. J. H. Thompson. G. A. Hunter. H. W. Birch arid Miss Margaret Jamleson R. N. There was the usual routin annual business including the re-cent of rero-ts of the president, lady suoerintendent and Women's Au,xBhry as well as the financial tmet wheh howed an operating surrius of $224.46. both re venue and expenditure having Increased -during the year Onvent!onl vo's cf 'hanks were r5ed includ n? -hose r, the re-"rtne. board of directors and to the press. FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 1 pan. BOAT W.S.L, TROTIER'S DOCK MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P.H. Eihfey Local Representative Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN MS Fresh l4K-al IUw and F-tcurired Milk VALENTIN DAIRY Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Bn 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to pass up. Come In and let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Hare More Cents" Great Bargains at Elio's February Furniture Sale! Three-Piece Bed Outfit Cable spring and felt QQQ PA mattress. Sale poo) Simmons Bed Outfit Bed, cable spring and spring QQff ft A filled mattresses. All sizes. Sale . OOO.UU Carpels Better quality seamless Axmlnster rugs. C C ft ft A 9x12. Sale ODtJ.UU Four-Piece Bedroom Suite v QOn nn Sale dbZ.UU Eight-Piece Dininr, Room Suite OOfX Pn Sale 303.50 Spring Filled Mattress All size $37.50, $24.50, $18.00, $15.00 MOOSE BUILDING ELicys Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. rew Furniture Department THIRD AVENUE Second Night Of Plays Went Off Well Last Eve The second night's presentation ' 'last evening by the Prtoce Rupert Little Theatre at the Central Hotel (Annex Hall of three one-act plays was even better than the first Fifty additional seats "ere provided and stiU there was a fell houe that taxed all available capacity Everything went off' very smoothly and the evening wat rounded off wtth a gathering in 'he Commodore Cafr where refreshment were served to mem-berr of th? east and others taking part including the Rocky Mountain Rangers orehwta wh'rh had neored such a hit o- Allaood nf the Rnre spoS- briefly, i ToniaW 'her- "U b a repeat ! performance for all mm in . M3i 4 "IES TO.Mgmt tShowsXlthUy,,;,,, Feature at 7:21 andij JAJIES CAGNEY ANN SHERIDAN "CITY FOR CONQUEST" AUo Robt Benchley and Ctrto COMING TlllR. rKL The Comedy Sensation: "Tt'RNAIiOlT Extra Special Values Sheddon's Grocery 00 5th Avenue East Milk -Evaporated. OSp S.ansdown Cake np 3 tirufor nor-Pkt. M Sugar-Granulated. Qp Lynn Valley Peaches 10 lbs, for 3V a tin, Butter-First Q n Coffee Nabob re Tn grade 3 lbs omy package SC Shelled Walnuts- O Ap InMant Baby Food OfI Light amber pc Lb 3 Uns 0C Libby, Fruit Cocktail O-j Clover Pure Honey n On 16-oz. tin . "11' Mb. tin "C California Grapefruit nfp Grapefruit Juice- n H2L MalkinX 10- W Cut Green Beans- -i Ap J, Lnr rhte Corn Syrop r 1 0n 16-oz. tins 2,,b Un Asparagus Tip and SS0 Cube So?r- -An Cuts-2 for t j.jb. rartori IDC A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUT 25 SPRING FILLED JLVTTRESSES-Ail full sue Q4Q PA Well known makes, fleilmor and Simmons, From vlOiDU 3 BEAlTr REST MATRESSES-Contalnlng over Qt O CA 800 small eplral ispfirigsif J)-fi.DU Phone "5 327 3rd Arenne DOMINION Loose Leaf Photo Albums- Size 7x11. Oree. red or brown, mottled ""er leatherette covers, stamped "Photographs" In gold. ftCp Black leaves. Reg. $155. Special . . Size 10x13. Brown Morroco grain covers only Ql 75 Regular $255. Special ?-' " Recipe Books-Washable covers, sheet size 8rix5Vj. aXp 3-ring binding. Complete with Index 1 "OXs Scrap Books-Size 12x10. Oreen, red. brown or black flffn covers, heavy leaves UtJv Loose Leaf Covers 3 rings, heavy black binding- Size 8H-x5ti. At Size 11x8 Y2. At 50c 60c Sheets Per 100 8heets .. Per 100 25c 40c Insist on "Dominion Brand Loose Leaf A Guaranteed Canadian Product When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni LiNk-ir- Servi ice 24 Hour Service at Regular Rate -