..-.day. February 2& 19lt, T32 B2E7 K3773 POUND STERLING ' Ntw YORK COPPER NEW YORK, Feb. 26The Brltkh ' 3nnd s'.nrilng was Utt at $4.03 Vj. on NEW YORK, Fb. 2G-CoDner wai ie New Yrlt forl8n exchange unchanged on the New York metal nu.rs. j . o ...uiaEv j cowiuaj na Mar ciGSin? 5 $4.03 u at 11.C8C Der txund. r Food Values &&tM. Lynn Valley Peas- Scne 4. Per tin lie llfinz Soups Rr" size tins. 3 for - 28c 5ee our window lor a.vwrtment Old English Wax No-Rub-bin" required, pint :.ize tin Each 59 c MAI.K1.VS BEST PRODUCTS "Guaranteed for Quality- Baking Powder Contains no alum. 12-oz tin 17c niiii rj '1,1 iii ROYAY CITY BRAND Plums- Light syrup. 21C ' ifi-n tin 2 for LENTEN SPECIALS Paramount Salmon Fancy Red Sockcye. 2lC Paramount Salmon Fancy fn 15c 1 s tall Dundas Clams OOV 10-oz tins. 2 for Sliced Peaches Choice quailty Australian. 15-oz tins. 2 for 33c Orange Marmalade 4-lb, tin. 47c TRY AND COMPARE Sovereign l ace Tissue Large, 400 sheets 25c .Small 130 sheets 10c Nabob Grape fruit Juice 48-oz. tins. Each- 23c Sc Marmalades Cithers Jams Mado in England. 10-oz. jar. Each 29c ROYAY CITY BRAND. Pumpkin- Fancy qual- 4 Ca ity. 2 Va Each Mothers ! We have at all time a complete stock of Ileim Strain ert Baby Foods. Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones IK & 19 P.O. Box 575 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT 3600 v FromPort Simpson $39.75 (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points.) (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1910 to February 28, 1911 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. g.S.CARI)ENA Kvery Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from . frhice Rupert Asent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 568 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at uu.ee SB Canadian Pacific - - LINKS I I Ti-.insrnnlinental l 1MW4. V ... Trans-Atlantic Trans-racilic f ..U nir. ra- find Wlf VOtiS S.S, "'PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every Friday 10 V-TO VANCOUVER DIRECT s-8. PRINCESS. NORAJi" Feb. 13th,24th. Mar. 6th,.17tn. To Ketchikan, Wrancell, Juneau and SlutW Feb. 9th. 20th. Mar, 2nd. I3tn anu WINTER EXCURSION FARE, VANCOUVER and RETURN : 111! cicets on saianov. iw - -- M"U T.imlt Mar. 3lst. mi Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services .., , Tickets and Reservations from B.C. Prlncg JIuRtrt, JLl COATES. General Agen.. O, Gottfred, superintendent or, Canadian NaUonal Telegraphs from Edmonton, arrived In the city on last night's train on one of his periodical visits here on inspection duties. He will be here until Friday evening's train when he will return to Edmonton. Col. J. w. Nlcholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip- to Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere In the south. Mrs. Nicholls and daughter, Miss Pamela Nlcholls. are still in Vlctorii where the latter recently underwent a successful operation. Hospital Women Had Busy Year The annual report of the Wo men's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, prepared by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Tcng. was read at the annual meet ing of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association last night. The Auxiliary, the report stated, now had, thirty-seven members. A num ber of valuable members had been lost during the year but it was hop ed others would come forward to take their places. During the year the Auxiliary had raised $709.25. Six overbed tables, twelve spring mattresses, two pictures and Christmas Cheer articles had been provided. Money-raising efforts of the Aux iliary during the year had Included annual ball, raffle of Vancouver urlp. teas, tag day, tea and dance and turkey raffle. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Amadlo are desirous of conveying to many friends their keen appreciation of the numerous thoughtful kindness es extended during the recent s?rl- ous illness of their son, Victor, who they are happy to announce, is r.ov. making an excellent recovery. 41-2 fight cold and fatigue with HOT Bovril Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 27, Illustrated travelogue. "Up North" Mrs. Mandy, United Church February 28, 8 p.m. March 1 Tea, Mrs. B. Morgan. United Service Hut tag day, March 1. St. Peter's Tea, Mrs. Croxford's, March 6. Navy Auxiliary tea March 8, Hall. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs iFlaten's, March 13. ; Varden's entertainment March 14. Second Searchlight Auxiliary Tea Legion, March 15. , Catholic Ladles' St. Patrick Tea, March 17. : Anglican Tea Mrs. Darton's March 18. United Tea March 20th, Mrs. Large s 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Legion, March 22. Horticultural Dinner, March 24. Anglican Spring Sale April 17, L. O. B. A. Spring Sale, April-23. LOCAL NEWS NOTES - ,1 Just say "Three Two please." Rev. Father Anthony Meulenberg of Stewart is a passenger aboard the- Prince Rupert today returning north after a trip to Vancouver-. Mrs. Blades and children arrived lh the city on the Prince Rupert today from Kamloops to join Major Blades- who is here with the Rocky Mountain Rangers. Mrs. A. M. Dowther, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from DOESyourNOSE CLOG AT NIGHT? DOTHIS Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nostril ... (1) It shrinks swollen membranes-, (2) Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush nasal passages, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL W. H. Tolln of Stewart, who has been 5n a trip south, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning to the Portland Canal camp from Vancouver. The canvassers for the business section of the city are meeting with good success in getting people to In vest in War Savings certificates. A considerable sum of money has been pledged In monthly payments. Dr. Monday for Montreal to represent, work. the British Columbia Department of I Mines at a convention of the Insti- Prince Rupert recently after spend ing several months In Vancouver and Kanalmo. Mrs. R. Berney arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning ( from Vancouver to pay a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kelsey. Mrs. Berney Is the former Miss Edith Kelsey and for years was a member of the City Hall staff here. ! Rev. J. E. Whittles of Burns Lake was the speaker today at the regu-' lar weekly luncheon of the Prince j Rupert Gyro Club in the Boston ( Cafe. President W. F. Stone was In the chair and there was a good at-' (tendance of members with 1 few guests. A meeting of the Canadian Hali but Fishing Vessel Owners Assn. Thursday, February 27th at 7:30 p.m. In the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union Hall. All members&nd prospective members please attend and state quantities of bait required this season as mere may pe a snonage. of bait. ' - i (48) A general meeting of all members of the general committee handling the sale of war savings certificates will be held at the City Hall Thursday at 8 pjn. All who are ready to help In the house to house canvass j are asked to be at mat. meeting, it ' is planned to have the canvass of 4the residential area start Monday. IX TIIF. KVPKF.MR rOl'UT OF IIUITISII (OI.IMItIA IN rnonvTK Iii the .Mallrr of th ".(lmlnvtratloii Art" Anil In the Matter rf the . TMMr ot Osrnr oImiii otlirrls known ocar )lrn otherwise known, n Oskar Olson otherwise known iw Oskar ONen. 1 TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Jill Honor Judge Flslier. Local Jwdgw of the Supreme Court of British. Columbia, I waa oa the 14th day of February A. D. 1941 appointed Administrator or the Estate of Oscar Olson, qtftfrwlse known as Oscar Olse-n, otherwise known as Oskar Olson otherwle known, aa Oskar Olaen. fornvftrly of the City of Prince Rupert. BrltUJi Columbia, deceased, -1jo dVed cox or abaut th 3uui caff or sep Umber 1940. All pwmorj Indebted to Uie said Estate are required (to pay the amount of Uifllr Indebtedness to me forthwith and all peruana bavins claims agalimt the aald -Estate are re-quired to file truwn with; me proijerl? verified on or before the aoth. day of Aprti A. D. 1941 falling umcli dlsU-1- butlon will be made having regard only to such diUma of wHitcK I ahali have lieen aotLfled. DATED at frlnoe Riiert, B.C. thla 17th day of February A. p. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prln'o Rupert, B.O, Just say "Three Two please." Mrs. Robert Brasell returned tc the city on the Prince Rupert morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown and little daughter returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. Lieut. Al Milton of Kamloops arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south to assume his duties here with the Rocky Mountain Rangers. Capt. Allwood of the Rocky Mountain Rangers will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Mellor and child of Digby Island, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Victor Amadlo, son or Mr. and Mrs. Louis Amadlo, has recovered sufficiently from his recent Tons and serious illness to be able to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital for home. Donald Maclvor arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. A graduate of the University of British Co-lurabiahe Is here to Join the staff ol Booth Memorial High School in succession to Walter Ferguson who has Joined the Young; Men's Christ. J T. Mandy is leaving next ian Association for war sprvlr. tute of Mining and Metallurgy- He will be accompanied by Mrs. Mandy Flviner Officer Douslas Chrlst'e of the Royal Canadian Air Force! here returned to the city on the I Prince Rupert this morning after I having spent the past month lnr Ontario. Mrs. Roy Ilardman arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to Join Mr. Hardman who returned to I'g 25.2 ) CA Ttii advcrtiMmtnt ii not publiiKcd w dltp!iy4 fy '.y the Liquor Control Board or by kW Government of Britiih CoIvaW, TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubberware, Tires, Tubesf Etc, Vulcanized 6th St. opp. OK Barber Shop J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldff. FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Arriving Every Boat "BUY RIGHT" Shop at Tom Lee & Son HOUSE OF FINE FOODS Pb'one 517 2nd Ave. West NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprletor "A UOM11 AWAY FROM nour Rtet lie op 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Wtttr Princ Rupert, B.C. rhontZSl r.O. Bat lll 4i 41 Canada At War 25 Years Ago 1 t 4t 4( 41 4 i PnONE 116 - : ' 'French troops evacuating Hau-mont. Portugeurse seized GenAah : vessels lying ia the River' Taus. WantedRaw Furs Lord Robert CeiiL- arnlttt Ed; Bri tish War Trade Min ster., If you want si.ii.Hti.iix.1 .' Feb. 2fl, 1916: Verdun, battle Use for it. Hundreds of prtJP.l continued with Increasing violence, what they want that vfay. URGENT 1 aflttr- HIGHEST" MARKET PRICES PAH rtejEei -Li t -'t i i TO RESIDENTS OF PRINCE RUPEJ.T' ; On account of the arrival of the Rocky Mountain Ranrrs there is a new demand for furnished rooms, aparlnienU and houses. It would greatly assist the Area Chaplain, Capt. It. C; II. Durnford, if those residents of Prince Rupert, who havejiiMh. facilities for soldier's wives and in some cases their families, also, would cet in touch with him immediately by letter ply- . ins him details of accommodation, rental and address in fait. All communications should be made by letter if possible, not ' over the phone. if Ship to J. J- ORMI1EIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY , Phone 711. 1 C7 East 3rd Ave. We ain't mad at Nobody The Wise Persoh gets a lot of. satisfaction out ot every purchase they make. Ii you have an Idea as to what good coal should be, try a ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction that the money you spent was wisely Invested, Keep our name and phone number In mind. Ccaafarf won- Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 652 This is the Time of Year Vhen t QUALITY j COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the. best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. nrvnua rnoNB 11? fJANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS; Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cara Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Rim $36.00 1 WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN. . Tlckets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 23tn, 1111. Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Puii information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avehi Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert " 1 Agents for Trans-Canada Air Linea , . , 4