THE DAILY NEWS. w. L. BARKER ARCHITEC? es of wood hoists. different Phone 5 Three a] Second Ave. Alberts Block W. Nicholson Lailey fh Sate RO & LAILEY Architects, Building, Second Avenue. Stork Dulen's | STEWART AUDIT ORS Phone No. 280 P.O, Box 351 sTUARI & accol NTANTS taw-Butler Building Prince Rupert ©. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewan and Al- berta Bars. & BENNETT NoTARIES, ETC. ond Avenue. ALFRED ( SARSS tish Colur abi a a Bars CARSS BARRISTERS, office Albert Block, Se v. D.S. wi, §. HALL, L.D.S., DENTIST. sridge Work a Specialty. Grown and BF “4 skilfully treated. Gas and a hetics administered for the painless ex- local ans teet Consultation free, Offices O Bh ince Rupert. ii-12 Heleeron Suet. Pr 4 ef W.E. Williams,B.A., L.1.D & MANSON Solicitors, etc. Alex. M.Manson B.A. ” WILLIAMS Barristers, Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( a, p+ ~~ p20. BOX 28 JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PRINCE RUPERT ae 7 a puri, oF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A-R.AM., DON., ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate Loans and Insurance $19 8rd Avenue Phone 384 puone 901 P.O. BOX B04 SYSTEMATIC M rs’ DELIVERY SERVICE Baggage, Storage warding Agents, For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and I Phone 301 2 THE IROQUOIS POOL i American Billiards SECOND Ave. English ar Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Hotel Central ran plan, steam Savoy Hotel Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT NOW OPEN PRINCE RUPERT CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH 8&T. FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES Williams & Vidak - Props —+-6-6 0-6 — © 6 4 + © FRED. STORK { ~General sped ware $ Mee Psa | Builders’ Hardware ] Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware : . SECOND - AVENUE —o-4+—-44 — @ -#-¢ 6 6-0-4 IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Hays Cove. Agents for imperial Gasoline Motors. Phone Biue 259 P. O. Box 957 .Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: —THE Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 siences, Rates | Peter Black Proprietor coe NER BROS. io EMBALMERS ectors Phone No, 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHA ES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 356. SS. Prince George SAILS ¥ ON VANCOUVER, ‘ifou, SEATTLE 8.8. PRINCE JOHN ie . Service to Goose ind Queen Charlotte Islands Tri-Weekly Train Service Prince Rupert to Van Arsdol LE For a formation apply to McMaster, Gen. Agt. G. T. P. Wharf gency for AUantic Steamship Lines EEE es B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS SAFETY SPEED SERVICE ~ S.S, PRINCESS ROYAL —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Every Sunday, 6 P. Mm. 4. @, NAB, General Agent SEES PRINCE RUPERY FEED (0. Sig stock e of all kinds of “ en Seeds, Timothy, ‘OVer and Grain Seeds, Mail Ora 4l Orders Promptly Attended to Agents International Stock Food:- ALI KINDS OF FEED— The Newest Thing in the larger cities in Chill-| les Brass Beds. Morris Rockers are among the lat- est arrivals at ‘At The Big Furniture Store cor. 6th St. Entrance 2nd Ave., CARTAGE and LINDSAY’ STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable. Phone 68, | Orders promptly filled. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St, Little's NEWS Agency :.: Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF New ox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, The New Knox Hotel is runon the European | lan. First-class servic a the Latest Modern mprovements. BEDS 60c UP Your Success-Meter | Regard your B.N.A. Savings Bank Book as a sort of meter which records plainly your progress toward prosperity. There are hundreds of these Bank of British North America success-meters in the homes around you. Is there one in your home? If not we will gladly provide one. 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Capital and Reserve Over $7 +500,000 F. S. LONG, Manager. MINING NEWS — OF HAZELTON Latest Developments on Leading! Properties of the Trails Cetting Better. The shaft on the Kagle claim of the Harris Mines greup has been sunk 1440 feet, and the | showing of ore continues to im- prove The vein is now eighteen inches wide, with eight inches of high grade ore on the footwall. The entire vein carries gray eop- per and gelena in sufficient quan- PROPRIETORS | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER? | Prince Rupert Branch, | tells of an immense giacier, neve before reported, which he sav jon the north fork of the Skeena. He will return to Groundhos about May ist.—Omineca Miner.! MUNICIPAL — LAYEST IDEA "Qualifications of Civic Employees to Be Found by Examinations at Winnipeg — Examining Board Has Been Appointed. Set examinations by a qualined for all new ¢ WOrkK Peyuir knowl. in board iy ae yyees Whirnse { technical Mining amount o s the ieth Wit natter he Ling of the isuing of anys latest innovation ds Hus edge i im imipeg, and as the examining civic the 1 so far appo hoard ar orders that in men wiedge must pass a reason- examination for efliche: men particularly affoeted inspeetors connected with kne abie cy. The will the plumbing, be city enzineer’s department on water works construc- other kinds of con- all inspectors to the department toe apy i to of the b s inspector. So far as ( arned, there is oyees pass and spe- ition, The examin- nted by the I), Atehison who are archi- Brydon, a an no present Cie @N@h b “dl consists rg Willian I har William yuiider and an expert adjusting. to city’s lie tects, ana experigneed =f } tractor, fire ivs three are jagreed to act examining board, ana als urance anderstood All on For Sale t Ave. Can be bloc, Harry | lots singly Bireh, 2nd our on or en st sold VW. Titanic Inquiry. Washingion, April 26, learn why nearby steamers not One. aid the sinking tanic and to fix the exact jal which Ec jof icebergs, Var otain Moore LOR oR ieainer Mont Temple will give evidence today and the iptain and wireiess operator the steamer California will appear, The Mount To of also away from the stricken steamer. Prince Rupert's Savoy. leading hotel-— Dr. Prince for a Quistan, the well known Rupert dentist, is in town fortnight, in his profes- sional capacity, la temporary office opposite /Arthur’a-——Cmineca Miner, Me. Comfortable newly furnished | rooms, steam heated, hot cold water, Albert Block. m4 | | ‘Try the Royal Cafe Merchants’ | lunch, tf Camp-—| Grout. theg Country Active and} jtity to make the value higher than any average yet obtained Sinking preceeds at the rate of two fevt a day, The Silver Standard shaft is now 100 fect deep and inaking excellens progress. The ore showing is reported to be excel- lent. The hoisting and pumping plant is working to perfection. It has sufficient capacity to serye for development to a considerable depth. Unofviicia) reports from the Silver Cup are to the effect that the finest showing of ore yet seen on the property is now in the face of the Duke tunnel, which is two feet of galena; and gray ypper ore similar to that fromm whieh such high assays were recentiy obtained. “There are trails all over the} Groundiieg country now,” says Robert Mei sald, who has just returned from the sixth trip he has made to the coal fields within a yea’ He left Hazelton several weeks ago wrth supplies early part the summe: he cached at a convenient for werking Bob says he the river trails good, making in| eleven drives the distance whi Ht TCH required a month on pr ous trips, On the return he discarde snowshoes and tobogegans Fourth Cabin, packing his dun-} nage on the sleigh dogs. He i ase OE sa .. Silversides Bros. requiring | city] and | con-| on} | | have new! Park } oF did | hour | lost boat was warned | the} Temple was | said to bave been but a few miles | cence to take and use four cubic feet and has opene ay and) jer of Water Rights, Parliament TO ABOLISH THE DARK DISTRICT Winnipeg Police Oommiccion Re-| valiing at Recent Horrible Red §S.Inlander for- HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER- MERE | som eraemmcaaca LYNCH BROS. |} - la rgest ‘Stock | | | Light Murder Devides to Put) and all interior points. For rates General Merchandise - ; on the Lid. and information apply 1 a = | i; Winnipeg, April 26 “The! R Z | 26. |Rochester & Monroe - Agents es P ‘ . sigrepianetiarict of the:dtist ae Souter ae es | owest Prices in Northern B. C. 1M innipeg has got to go and go} } ue k This was the decision Sees: , Ps _ Se oe i jreached by the police commission 1 x—~ eh lon on ama following the ..We Offer For Sale.. geobdetchet dt McFarlane street last) pots g, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1. Price| = - 2 ee Morvday morning, when an un-| 83,000 each, ‘One-half cash, balance 6 2 et NM ve fortunate woman was found| tow sedan months, » and 17, Block 17, Section 5. Price choked to death in bed and fol-| §2,100: mone halt cash, balance 6, 12 | y Ss. ‘ing, t0o, @ sensational series! Lot 4, Block 25, Section 5, with 5-room ee eee % m O. Comme éf Wbcotiescind. hold ~ |“ house worth $900, renting for $20 per Rane eer : fadups cover-| month, Price $1,775. Terms, $1,275 ing several months, which have] ,,Ca#b, balance $2) per month. ait ’ : ,ots 15 an > lock 5, Section 6. Price placed the restricted district | $4,200. Que-belf cash, belance 6, 12 : a ie acd ‘ i ™ anc months, 3 lur‘dly before the public, The} Lots 9 ana 10 Block S, Section 6. Price commission, consisting of the | 3,500 1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 : oi and 18 months, chairman, Controller Douglas, | ee aaa Beowon °7; aaace $900. " Intiea i idto : 50 cash, balance 6, 12 an ' . a ee" Sa. Jobm | ote 4 aan uetanee, ©, 12 snd, 18 months, Real Estate andjStock Brokers | Macdonald, Judge yers, Mavor | $1,600, One-half cash, balance 6 and 7 : ’~* | 42 months, APPROVED AGREEM 5 f§ Waugh and Alderman Potter, | cout plock 38. Section 7, Price $750. Ne ee Ee SECEASED were unanimous, and this morn-| po ide Say HARKER | Poke} . t 19, Block 23, Section 7. Price $450 pe ani ewart ing seventecn women were) | | Equity 5 Block . Prince Rupert Ae d - St ‘ ts a 2, : 4, brought up in the police a) 1,275. $676 cash, ‘belence 0. and 13 and given from two days to a| months, seid alibi week to get out of town. Co al T C Ltd. Rcd ae r There are fifty-five houses ntinent rust 0., all, of which nine are empty, orm Real ear. en last night's raid empties five) °® eee Ca di G al Electric Co pan Limited more. ‘They will be raided at| Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent nadian ener m y, ; Short intervals until all have| a eee ee oe cras Guseaeens |been cleaned out and until the} Fea Be eee = distcict is closed up. All the} Ph Gr am | won en will be given a chance to 7 ah Kearney, Mgr. aoe LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, the lieave the city, failing which they | ili ge hard labor terms. The! New Wellington Coal. Rast on the’ { next raid 18 scheduled for to- Coast Cae CRE eMaR F re een Te a al night, LAND PURCHASE NOTICE eras Phone 116 Rogers & Black | Full and complete consign-|— ae ERO, satan Sam @ubealabices ; jment of ship chandlery at Howe SONS OF NORWAY eres Range 6. senate eas | ee MON lida & isha ss os Rad Phiten tas ~| Take notice that I, William Fraser, of | é& MeNulty’s, 2nd Avenue. tf |Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7] spokane, Washington, Secupation’ Tariser, p. m., at 319 38rd ave. All Nor-| intend to apply for permission to purchase wegians are welcome. » MeCaffery & Gibbons — FOR SALE Lot 4, Block 27, Section 1 ond ‘ for 2,500. Lot om Park Avenue for §2,625 Easy terms Lot on Market Place for $3,100. Easy} | The up-to-date House Decora~ tors of Prince Rupert terns, !touse and lot on Borden Street for $3,500. $ 21,000 cash, bal. easy terms. . ee, Lots 23 and 24, Bipck 19, Section 5,]| S W ti £1,000 each Half cash, bal. 6, 12 and ee ign ri ng.. ; {8 months. e ; Lot 19, with 5 room house with bath, ‘huby Te scetea"'s Sei" rams, Paper-Hanging i of $1,000 cas sh ,bal. in rent, { bots and £8, Block 29, Section 5, 50. Half ‘cash Our Specialties t ‘14, Block 32, Section 5, $1,000. Good terms ; 21 and 22, Block 11, Section 5,| WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS ImMi- P| M4, 400 pair. 81,500 cash. j Lot 20, Block 25, Section 5, $1,650. Half) TATE { ust, Last 4 Block 32, Section 5, with 13-room | 2nd Street Phone 156 Green } use, $1,806 Half cash. | i 1 and 3 Block 381, Section 6, } 3 each. Half cash. Ree RAPE Erz { rt Block 11, Section 6, $2,500. i #1,975 cash. i Lot if Block 10, Section 6, $2,500. $1,000 j ca | Ltt te ee: 16s abihaeaecdl - Church Services - - | | 24,000 pair, Good terms. | } Lot 15, Block 1, Section 6, $3,155. Good ———IIIIIIIIICCGeEeeEuUESESEEmmws ; FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on Seventh Section corner Avenue, i 7. for $1,050. Services every Sunday in the | | Lots 19 and 20, Block 34, Section 7, Coureh Hall at 32 2-m-: an ; #700 each. Easy terms. Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. lot Block 21, Section 7, 8 Sunday School at 2.30 p.m | | Lot and 19,’ Block 1, Section 8, $1,100 REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor {| alr Half cash | | } Lots in ali parts of Section 8; mall cash te po eae | i pevments with easy: teens THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH } ee — a 2 ho MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH 8T. | Farm lands in the Lakelse, Kitsumkalum Bervic BV 3 , and Bulkley valleys, in blocks of 160 ree Sate nen acres Uf ad } School 2.30 p. m. Baraca ren acre tracts adjoining Terrace town- Bible Class 2.30 p.m. ee an eeey Or REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cc a ee ibbens, SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 11 THIRD AVENUE a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Sunday School at 2.30 p.m, — a REV. C. R. SING, B.D. PASTOR | THE SALVATION ARMY | } Services every Sunday at } ii a.m, 3 p. m. and 8 | p. m. Sunday school 1:30 | p. m. Weeknight services Mondays, Thursdays and CAPT, KERR Wednesdays, Saturdays. Cc, oO. 1$ 50 x 100 feet ig Corner \2 2nd Ave. and 6th St. ‘‘Hart Corner’’ '$ 10 to 25 year lease 3 Offered from August 16, 1912 Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. ih | Meets | in the Helgerson Block e Every Tuesday Evening | Continental Trust Co. Ltd All members of the order in the | Second Avenue city are requested to visit : a the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. ¢ WATER NOTICE | W. G. BARRIE, Sec. FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND ee The Standard. NOTICE is ‘hone viven that the ] ueen Charlotte Fishing Company, her ited, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bldg., MONTREAL. | Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a_ li- THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion It is national in all its | | per second of water out of Edward Creek, which flows in a south-westerly of Canada. |direction through unsurveyed Crown | lands and ooree oe Pw momen uims. 2 soo Harbor e wate Bay near Tas It uses the most expensive engrav- will be diverted at Third Fatls and will be used for industrial purposes on the land described as shown in sketch at Water Recorder’s office, Prince Rupert, and situated on the East Coast of Two ings, procuring the }hotographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and Mountain Bay its editorial policy is thoroughly This notice was posted on the ground lon the 10th day of April, 1912, The independent, | application will be filed in the office of} A subscription to The Standard | the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp prot: uild- costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! * Montreal Standard Publishing Cow Limited, Publishers " 8, Victoria, B.C. ues, Charlotte Fishing Company, d, Applicant | Limite By Samuel A Moulton, Agent, four haif thence chains, east 40 chains to point of commencement; ce more | chains more | Skeena | intends | post | 430 acres, | place Commencing miles south south 4 thence ontaining one or less. Dated March Pub. March 2 Skeena Land Take Prince notice the Commencing four miles west south from End Hill, chains, 40 north 40 thence south chains to point ing one hundre less. Dated March Pub, March Skeena Land TAKE NOTIC of Prince apply ollowing ng ,» th south th boundary of or of Lot or less to containing 5127; 0 i Dated Pub. April 2 rake notice Vancouver, o€ to app chase the Commencing north and 40 ¢ east corner of Coast District, east, thence chains of comm mor Dated April Pub. following described lands: west from District— Rupert, B. intend to apply for following describ ed land Rupe for permission descr’ 20 chains more thence the point of commencement, acre April 22nd, Land District following deseribed lands: 60 west, thence April 20, 1 at a post planted about and three miles and a End Hill, Bauks Island, 0 chains, thence west 40 north 40 chains, thence hundred and sixty acres, WILLIAM FRASER. Fred Dawson, Agent. 5, 1912. 3, 1912. District of Coast Range 5. that 1, George Graham, of c,, occupation brakeman, Ene to purchase at a post planted about and three and a half miles Banks Island, thence thence west 40 chains, chains, thence east 46 of commencement; contain- d and sixty acres, more or GEORGE GRAHAM. Fred Dawson, Agent. 5, 1912. 23, 1912. District—-District of Coast Range V. E that iL Dora L, Wright, rt, married woman, intend to purchase the ibed lands: at the north east corner ence east 20 chains; thence or less to the nor- Skeena Land se of Coast ange 5, Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew of Prince Rupert, B. C,, occupation civil en- gineer, intends to apply for rmission to purchase the following descr 3 Commencing @t a post plafited at the southwest corner of Lot 635, Range 5, Coast district, thence south 40 chains more or less to east bank of Hocsall ee ee following said east bank nor aie ear to mouth of Falls River Lene then following bank of said sloug: sete to point of commencement, to contain ouatus W. AGNEW. Dated vepruaty os 1912 Pub. Feb, 10. acres more or art Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that Kathleen Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the follow described Jands: Commencing at @ post planted at the witness post of the northwest corner of Lot 635, Range 5, Coast district, distant 13.73 chains south from the northwest corner of the said lot, thence west 40 chains more or less to the east bank of the Hocsall be thence southerly along said east bank to mouth of Falis River poe, thence fol- lowing bank of Falls River Slough easterly and northerly to point of commencement, to contain 40 acres, more or less. THLEEN AGNEW. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Dated February 1, 1912. Pub, Feb. 10 LAND LEASES, 2285, thence west 20 to the east boundary north 20 chains more and Lot | more or less. DORA L, WRIGHT, Alfred E. Wright, Agent, 1912. i. District of Coast. Lottie McTavish, of married woman, permission pur- that cupation ly for to at a post planted 40 chains hains east from the nortn- Lot 1116, Harvey’s Survey, Range V, thence 80 chains chains north, thence 80 60 chains south to rencement, and containing less. )TTIE M’TAVISH. W. Bohler, Agent 12. 2. e or Lt FP. 16, 19 91 CO Skeena Land Take notice I, Samuel Db. rancher, intenc Commissioner prospect unfler 640 8u Graham Island Commencing chains south ¢ Lot 576, Grah chains, thence place Graham Island, Commencing chains Lot 117, Grah chains, thence west 80 chains, of rir Dated March Pub, March Skeena Land Take notice t, Samuel D. rancher, intend or oal | Commussioner prospect for ¢ junder 640 | Graham Island, Commencing chains south Lot 117, Grahi chains, thence west 80 chains, place Dated March Pub, March AL NOTICES. District Somes, for © west 80 chains, of ¢ one neement. SAMUEL D, SOMES, Locator. Dated March "oh 1912. Pub, March #9, 1942. Skeena Land District-——District of Queen Charlotte, Take notice that thirty days from date, I, Samuel D, Somes, of Cashmere, Wash., rancher, intend to aply to the Assistant Commissioner of Lands for a license to prospect for coal and petroleum on and under 640 submarine acres of land on south of the MUEL District Somes, submarine of comme SAMU District of Queen Charlotte. that thirty days from date, of Cashmere, Wash., 1 to aply to the Assistant of Lands for a license to oal and petroleum on and binarine acres of land on described as follows: at a post planted about 5 of the southeast corner of am Island, thence east 80 north 80 chains, thence thence south 80 chains to described as follows: at a post planted about 40 northeast corner of Island, thence east 80 north 80 chains, thence thence south 80 chains, to nencement, D, SOMES, 21, 1912. 29, 1012. arm Locator. District of Queen Charlotte, that thirty days from date, of Cashmere, Wash., Assistant to apply to the license to Lands for @& and petroleum on and acres of land on described as follows: at a post planted about 40 of northeast corner of am Island, thence east 80 south 80 chains, thnece thence north 80 chains, to aoemnent, 21, 29, SOMES, Locator. 1912. 1012. Phone 114 Pub. April 16. SMITH & MALLETT Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave. THIRD AVE. District—District of Coast, Range 5, Take notice that 1, Augustus W. Agnew, of Prince Rupert, b. c., civil engineer, acting as agent for Porpoise Harbour Land company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C, ‘end to apply for permission to lease the lowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, thence north to @ point equa-distant between Lot 446 and Watson Island, thence easterly ad northerly following a line equa-dis- tant between the high water mark of Lot » and the high water mark of Watson island to a point on low water mark be- «ween Lot 446 and Watson Island on Lake Wainright, thence east to high water mark. thence westerly and soutberly fol- lowing bigh water mark to point of com- mencement. PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED. Per Augustus ue Agnew, Agent. Dated April 5th, 1912 Pub. April 8, 1912, Skeena Lana Skeena Land Deities —District of Coast, fake notice that 1 Augustus W. Agnew, 1’ Prince Rupert, B, C., civil engineer, scling a8 agent for Por soles Harbour Land company, Limited, of Victoria, B. C., in- tend to apply for permission to lease the ‘olowing deseribed lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the most northerly point on Porpoise Harbour, Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, thence north to low water mark, thence ‘wester! and southerly following low water mar to @ point due west of the southwest corner of Lot 446, Range 5, Coast district, nence east to high water mark, thence following high water mark northerly and easterly to point of commencement. PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, LIMITED, Per Augustu: is ee Agnew, Agent. Dated April on 194 Pub, April 8, 1912. Skeens Land District—District of Coast, ange Take notice that I eAugustus W.A of Prince Rupert, C., civil FR ar dk acting as agent for Porpoise Harbour Land Company, Eire ed, of Victoria, B. C., in- tend to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the high water mark of Lot 446 gilts Coast district, at the mouth of Wolf reek on Lake Wainright, thence west io low water mark, thence northerly and easterly following the low water mark to a point due north of the northeast cor- nee Cc! Lot 446, Range 5, Coast dsirios, estuary thence south to high water mark, ‘den westerly and southerly following high water mark to point of commencement, FO IED. HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, L Per Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, Dated April 5th, yet 2. yup, April 8, 1912 LAND LEASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range Take notice that I, Alfred Christian ‘Gerd Prince Rupert, B.C., ovcupation som to eae 7 eer, intend to ap acres of of the Tyee Station, G 24 A maten east of Prince Rupert, Oc ma thomce past halt thence south 26 ins (more or to thence westerly 25 ere pn = A. said le to point of eommencement and containing acres more or less. ALFRHD CHRISTIAN GARDE Workshop 2od Ave. bet, 7th and 8th Sts Date Jan. $1, 1912 Pub, Feb 8, 1912 1 «nae ton > ane eee aa