S i ; t paqb ers Expert Optical Service porta nee of gold in the vrar effort k emntiMlsed In the pros ram by itw sjVfral nrnintjc riaetimix! tn RmnsWck NnWa F-oOh. Two and thr in or the tono- gmnhkvil nrtifs hav ben aiifni rri tn Rrtttrh Pnlitmhis (m 1 Al bert?, thw to Quebec, and two to ! Chas. Dodimead Optointltht iu Ciurje Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving . VISIT OUK HASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT QUEST FOR aiiWV nrnKnrtnrK in UiAhr uwrh inr eel 01(1 for Ihe metl and to aid in the mcnte ctevtowHent of active deposits The lutmt nrnjeet Is the exntoniUon oi a 49i00-uare mil? area lying it of James Bay in Quebec. Two of the seoioeical nartim British Columbia will be creased in the mapping of areas In which . aeDOSiLs 01 mercurv cr.romite. iVHNh R A I S 80ld' PP"' and otncr minerals i 17x11 iUljruO occur, as an aid to prospecting' and development. The areas are to Federal Parties To Give Attention be capped on a 4-mlle scale and; To This District nave a total area of approximately i 15.000 square miles. Another part; ' w,u re-exam ne me geoiogy oi an OTTAWA, June 14.- A program tawtani gold producing of field work which will comprise area, n to continue the the mapping and examination or A: Rtogll mapping of the east hall many thousands of square miles of mineral areas throughout the J" a"sn tR1Icr rea ; whUc " the'eSt hal J' Astrong will Dominion is being undertaken this make a the year by the Mines and Geolosy ?'stematJ? 5t"?y,of mercury deposits. He will also con-Ronurces. Branch. Department or Mines an. the seological mapping of !nue Ottawa. A total of trie irc3, twenty-seven geological parties- '..,.. several of which are already in C: S rd U, ncncc the eotolcal mapping or the McCon-partles the field, and nine tooo-.raphil 1 rce" area' have been assigned th- work. A reature or the program is v E- fvT-ld will continue the the investigation to be made of ma",r'nE or the east half of the possible oommercial sources ot Ashfirort area and H M A Ricc tuntcn. chromlte. and mangan- man ,he east nalf f he Hope esc, three or the strategic min- area which artJoins It on the south, ruh! the production of which in A F Buckham will re-examine Canada has been snail. Th im- tne Barkerville gold b-lt in the uriwo aisinci. aince JU3V wtini the area was last examined, its rirtken at th rnuest of provincial government. a increase and drvrlon- at depth havr disclose 'rii-tu-s. he relationship of -h'h ih oW rietwsitlon not -Wrly HeflneH. A fnrhr sfwtv nf th v thi rreeary as a guide tn development. A. C. Tilt TI,! I anH an'1 R. B" J J P:,r,', ParW "HH "," Nova See!". t Thnp- am hniit i n t Pinal Uitfs Conducted Her; Lale Alexander Frbes of Prince Oeorje t In Nw xi o ... . Th nroirrt Is helne un- ti,o m i iuicuoj niiiiiLRfii. iviauy mem British Columbia -h Vnrth America, north of U'takcrs and ML Loi, Judge TiVA nf Ilia rrrnlr.lr. T nni4lM t w I nrAcilArl nresideri at nt- th V. nmn . . .... ... ... iivt (di tin 111 i"xini Paeksige for Package Sweet Caps are your best cigarette buy! t Yf?S Sir. VOIir llOS cigarette buj-tlie greatest value for your money! That's a big claim. Hut it's hacked hy my own experience and the fact that more Canadians smoke Sweet Caps than any other brand. They buy tiicni because they get an cvfra measure of pleasure. & do I. So will yoii. That's why since you siiio'te for ' pleasure Sweet Caps arc jour liest cigarette buyl SWEET CAPOKAL VAijuvvAivs "7 h'mn-sl J.rm in uhi,h iJ.ur-n tun I .motfj" 'Kiir h I-j v MonrUy Wedneidaj. and Friday & pm Vram the Fast Tuftsday. Thursday and Saturday n p.m For Vancouver Tuesdaj Thursday 1 Friday 0:30 tun. I Saturday 1030 June 11, 14, 21 and 28 4 p m. Frem Vancouver-Sunday p.m. Wednesday io a.m. !. Friday ,. io aJn. 1 Saturday 10:30 pjn. June 6. 9, 16, 23 and 30 a.m. for Stewart and Premier 1 Sunday 7 p m I Wednesday 2 p.m. I ay 2 pm. From Stewart and Premier , , 11 so are j 1 Thursday -.'. 8 t.m Saturday 8 p.m. I'nr ADro Arm. Na Rirer and Port Simpson cunt-.- , pjt From Alio Arm. Naa Riter land Port Simpson Tue.-day v u xi am --aiin rUarlM-lslandt. June 7, 17 and 28 13 pjn. From Oneen rharl.ittr Islands-June 0, 17 and 27 0 m TEE DAILT KIWi THE CURSED THING ?C? ,1fcth?,?.rles 0f cartoons contributed to Canada's Victorian Campaign by In the United States. This is bjr William H. Summers of the Buffalo Evening New? Masonic Funeral Is Accorded Him lor will nnrate t,- Northwe Ter. ,,1T ""drr a unices of jy Lodge of rttntir. on-in y.,kon. rtir tn R- m"? A ,,trn Ukp area ,n ,ne this city, the funeral of the late Ueh Onlumbl. four in AltxHa op- 'Tin .'hC "Tnvinrr to Alexander F,rbc. whose remains u "nh In SMknt-h'n. one ,n AfsnltnM N later groin- werc browht here rrom Prince a , . "nl wrlr Air nhntoTrarhv will - : Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings During Past Week Quite Substantial Meetintr to be Held Here on Salmon Prices Ml TT-1ib,lt lon'lintTS at tllO linrt nf Pi-innn Pimovt fnv Mm the per- r' the craft, a-s frl-nds gen- & :,15'n Up tn and ineliulinc ytft'P(lav totftlloil fi.lG.- erally were In attendance. 4 0U1 lis .IK rtjvan-(l x' ith 7,4 48.01!) pOUll'ls at a mrros- u?v. j. c. Jackson, pastor of iimthI: Firrt United Church, l Vrw lUliU iU,r ' " officiated pt lnl :u nnn i !' 1 the service in the charei of n. c. i02'10 Pounds in comparison with ;?,o:W.5H) on- lids it the same date in 1910 wln'In thr. rnmi.iin,, n.r n srexate is 2.C03.400 lvrtmHs a nany the hTnn.s which were "Lead a;aint 3.514.119 pduuds. For the Dritlsh Columbia and native fish- KlnrilvU2hr and "Nearer My God week endinit ycterday landings""' , committal Fcrvice ,.as wlth WJ,UnU"1 ,f a t"tal of Cant John Wlliiam. ha. Uken M-nlc rites, p. M Rayner. vor- ' ' conslsUnS ot 334-- ov" command of the at earner Prin- shlrrnl master, and C.onree HM1. 030 ncunds American and 319.700 cess Adelaide, which was In jwrt chaplain of Tyee Iidae. were in Punls Canadian fish. The hl?h Jterday afternoon, from Capt. charee of the ritualistic proceed- price rf the week for American flh Henry Anderson- '"", -was. 11.4c and 8.6c which the Wire- ... . Pallbearers were H. E. Altn. A i tJ , . Unln steamer Casslar arrived in R. Nichols. J. M. Walker. Neil Mc- T . . . ' UnGS a"fl nort morning at 10 o'clock to uonaia. David Ritchie and Scant W. S. McCormlck. Mail Srh.-rfnl, Ser- m 1U ,U "u o oc wnicn ine loaa I'sh at the Atlin Fisheries Polaris and Mitkof received for The vessel left at inoon for the catches of 40.000 pounds In each south- ' ' case. Top price of the week for ' Canadian fish was 11.2c and 8.6c C.NJt. steamer Prince Rupert, whiclv, the Kalen received for 14,- Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port 000 nounds and the low 10c and 8c at 10"30 yesterday morning from which the Annabelle and Fanny Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean F. were paid for 7,000 and 6,000 Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock vester- i-vunua respecuveiy. uay aiierrioon for Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here this evening southbound. The ves-A salmon canners' oneratlnn 5el brought north a fair-sized list committee, with Sam W44i 41 Murray Ui itXJ as 543' .of passengers " ' and considerable chairman, will be In Princ nnrt freight cargo. i:.iu noon wu rnaay 01 next week ror con-10:30 p.m. terences in connection wltlt salmon prices for the season. They will meet, among others, representa-' tives of the Native Brotherhood of Central Hotel ('rnlral Hole! Annex 150 Healed (looms Hot Water Steam Baths Dinlriit Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress YES.' We Repair Water Pipes. Krnf,, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc Oil nurners Cleaned .. HJ&n Chimneys Swept 13.50 HANDY MAN HOME '' SERVICE I'hone RUCK 733 THE SEAL ' QUALITY .13T (OM) SEAL Kancy Red Snckcyc IMNKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon P"hrd by the only lmon ratininc rompany with' an all Ihr near round payroll In Pniire Rupert RELAXATION FOR WOMEN .Mornings and Nights Crowded With Work, Hence Demand In Shops For Afternoon Frocks Hy ALISON SKTTLK LONDON. June 14: (CP-To the Kulish women the choice of afternoon frocks Is something for more exciting than the choice of her tweeds or topcoat. And this excitement Is emphasized by the-recent clothes rationing orders, of the government, applied not only as a "problem of material" but also "r nroblem of factories and plants which we have to turn over from the necessities of peace to the ne cessities of war." , Do vou aik why the Entt8hwo- jman, in the mldU of war. has need of afternoon dresses and why she Is not hard at work through the I mf ternoon? What neetf haj she for teatime and bridge lrocks' The answer Is that the woman more than 30 are for the most part working In the mornings and again In the evenings and have the afternoon for leisure. And the reason for that Is they are engaged In ; canteen work. ; Married Women's Work j While young glrfc go Into the Army. Navy or Air Force women's auxiliary services, or work In the : munitions factories, drive car and ambulance, married women with ; homes and children to look nfter take charge of Innumerable can-, teens which must be kept open for (regular soldiers, for the Home Guard i the unoaid home defence soldiers) as well aa for firefighters, at'alrficlds and the like. These women shon for th pan . teens In the mornings, make and i serve sandwiches, g0 home for llunch with the children, have the afternoon for rest and recreation . and then spend the evenings sland-linjt once more In the canteens ! cooking, serving, washing up and listing tomorrow's purchases ! That Is why the afternoon dress still plays an Important part in !the dress collections of Loudon, tne designing centre. Let us then turn the spotlight on what Is bc-jlng bought and wont, j The blouse has come jo decid-tely ba.k to favor, worn with a ! dressy little suit, that oue must ,divkle the afternoon moae Into two paits. the dresses (which usually have a brief Jacket designed iwith them) and the suit with blouse. Trend Of Cut ' D;e-sfi all feature the liour-glass moulding of the figure, with slim shoulders and softly draped skirt, the fulness mainly to the fiont. The hourglass moulding Is made clcse fitting elth-r, by zipper fastenings under both arrm. or by shirring and draping round the figure to give a poured-ln look.' Even the suits have a raised cor-solet skirt line to achieve the effect. There Is agreat deal of fine tucking by hand diamond tucking In the cn of some dresses, including the Queen's new models. This hand tucking can be graduated so that the figure Is moulded closely round the centre and then released Into a softly full skirt, j Tie silks are much used for af-: ternoon dre?ses which are not of the tea-da n?e type. Women day bridge In them or go visiting: yel- 2 Ehcvr., k Fcatarr at 7 Talk: TOXltl 1 UlAKiir CHAPLl '"IlisNj,, THE GRRA DICTATOR Addrd 'uld Duck i J MUMral Moment. : Comiin Mon. - TuTl "MCE GIST low and o. x green. b.u::it &. and violei are c.. ation wnc r. dress co.;c-'.. x throat'.inc .o c- " cut throat ,.; cravat f.u childishly tuw round am j i the slop:r, ? . . higher throi , ded shoudrr discreetly (.ci- j Head of Knii Templar Speal lir.J Ontario Man (iim Hi, Of Ornaniialion ,j n (I Lonkin; In Kr-im outsider xi: vhosf n - J fario !, r years a.)-ber ') Ma'n Can"t,, leci'" 1 c at Be befor r-Club ' He giv - 're ' the Ro' i: r. actlvit irv Mr D:a ' " he r"v n' 1 1 ; t K'nt-l''1' Temrlai T Tiiffi 'V 1 dip Pr-n- f rr -for Vw'i r ttnrlrtrefls ol f 1 In the n.i 'v umn Rnd bp r nd r BASEPAII Sunday A rropolis Hill .fonipoMl'H 1:30 p.m. y5 ,i . 4 J.lil ' Admlwion A. MacKenzie Furniture DJ A OOOI) PLACE TO ItlfV Have You Seen the New - FLKXSTKKL LIVIN0 ROOM I-TKMTl A single compact unit. No colls to pop up. no a-an; -strings to break, it Is sanitary No spare fci r. ' collect and the open bottom makes cleaning ea? - ' x iy in this city by us. PHONE 775 Trains leave Prince Rupert for the basi Monday, Wednesday, FTiday, 6 p . Air.CnnrtltlnnoH R!pnli1!f and Dlnlti ; C Steamers leave Prince Rupert for VancotntrjJ Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. railing at Ocran ' Powell Kivrr ror fun information ana nexii - 1 Call or Write CITV TICKET OFFICE, 523 3rd A vri'oe 1 none iuo Prince Rupert. Auents for Trans-v- I "EMcr-'i Cv BHBsMsw8BBsfttHJiKJKaMirMWBttirtMaaBaiMtivfT''Mwf I