SEPT. 24, 1941, fBBBSDAY Sep mi complete line of DACK military shoes, In re;uu'ion styles for the various branches of service. T.:e offer you the enduring quality that made DACK S famous In the last war plus smart appearand and perfect comfort. Air Force oxford priced ai $i 00 Ankle boots $14.50. All sizes, ready to t Come in today. WATTS & NICKERSON 532 Third Ave. Please Note- DACK'S AGENCY Phone 345 DAYTIME DELIVERIES for the present will leave the store at lla.nh 2 p.m. - The difficulty of obtaining a parcel boy has made this arrangement necessary. Your co-operation will be very much appreciated so that we may continue to give good service. Evening Delivery Servicc-G p.m. to 9 p.m. as usual OrmesLtd. 'Jim Pioneer Druqgists Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage prl"ce Rupert -""""t Station CO. Ltd. British Columbia II J- Bouzek TAILOR t a LADIFS .-. Bett . u utS ' Wm.n,hlp ind a CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Mock. Phone 64 Ladles' First Aid Classes mm NOTICE United Church Tea, Mrs. M Nickerson, Atlln Ave, Sept. 25. will Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. ' Novelty dance Friday. Oct. 3. Ibd"d"feTlSwsrHa'fl. ' Scotch Dance Oct. 4, Oddfellows' Hall. Adm. 35c. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. McLeod's, Sixth Avenue West, October 9. Orange Bridge, October 9. t Navy Tea. Oct. 18, Legion Hall. Anglican Tea. Mrs. J. R. Morrison, Oct. 16. j P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, Oct. 24. Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 8. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. Nov. 19. I Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. St. Peter's Fall Sale. Nov. 27. Special ROUND TRIP VACATION FARES to the Prairies And stations as far East as Port Arthur, Ont. Oct. 3, 4, 5 Return Limit, 30 Days Children 5 years and under 12, half fare. LOW FARES ArPLY IN COACHES, TOURIST Oil STANDARD SLEEPERS. Stopovers allowed anywhere en route. Including Jasper National Park. Trains operate on Standard Time For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave., Prince Kupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL V-81-41 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES United Church Tea. P. Nickerson. Atlln Ave.. Mrs. Sept. M. 25. Macintosh Apples, fancy wrap ped, per box $2.29; unwrapped, per box $2.09. Linzey and Ingram, phones 585 and 586. E. T. Kenney of Terrace Is pay ing a brief business visit to the city, having arrived on last night's train from the interior. Mrs. Frank Dibb returned to the city on the Prince George today from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Woods of daughter who will pay a visit here. Mr. Justice A. M. Manson arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning to preside Tax Sale of city lots will be held over the session of the Supreme on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1941. in the Court Assizes opening today. Fol-Council Chamber at City HalL lowing the session here, Jud?e CITY COLLECTOR, there next week. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a lull month at 25c a word. Following today's regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, several of the members proceeded to Max's Bowling Alleys where a session with the balls and pins was enjoyed. President W. F. Stone was in the chair at the luncheon and there was a fair attendance of members, with the navy. I Classified ads. get results. Phone , ,98. I i HOTEL ARRIVALS Mir. and Mrs. George Eckerman Central are sailing on me r rmce ueorge j McCandless, E. Skutle. B. Sol- tomorrow nigni lor me souin. Mr. -um jasper; Carl Pohle, Terrace; ECKerman win go as far as Van- E- chesney, Dorreen; R. Doll, Kit- commence Wed., 24th. at 8 pm. couver. Mrs. Eckerman will con in Rd Cross Room, City Hall. tlnue to Georgia for a visit with (223) j her daughters. ty. New York, and the latter's little Prince Rupert A. Russwurm, J. Dufflth, J. and Samuel Deschamps, Stew- (art; Mr. Webster and R. Webster. Incorporation of the Bella Bella ,Premler; j. N. Browning, Mrs. M. Women's Institute is announced in Doux, M. Welsh, J. D. Robertson the current issue of the British land R. H- carruthers. Vancouver; Columbia Gazette. lDr Stanley Mills and Duncan 'Kerr, Terrace; C. V. Hope, Prince Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, George; D. f. McLellan and H. R. arrived in me cuy on lasi nignis canton. C. N. R .: O. Larson. Lake train from Lake Kathlyn and will be in the city for a few days. Kathlyn; Joe Snasye, Remo; Albert Arnold, New Hazel ton; E. T. Kenney, Terrace. wanga; E. Norman Bree, Telkwa; David Jones, Smithers; John Chretian, Terrace; L. Roberts, Colleymount. ' Royal L. Marsh, Quesnel; A. B. Boruck, S. N. Williams, W. A. Russell, Van couver- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Small, who have been on a motor trip through the interior, returned home on the Prince George today. Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston, M.C., VD., and Capt. W. H. Crocker, both of whom have been south on leave, returned to the city on the List of lots to be offered for sale Manson will proceed to Prince pgg George today. is puawra on notice Doara. ueorge to cunauci me Assizes IN THE SITHEME COI KT OF MUTISM ' COI.V.MI1IV IX I'HOBATE In thp Matter of the "AdmJnUtrailou Aft" And In thr Matter of t lie Estate of Severln O'QuInn, Drreased Intestate TAKE NOTICE .tihat .by order of HU Honor. W. E. Hsher. made on the 19th day cl Septctriber. A. D. 1941. I was a n I oppoinitwi Adnntalatrator cf the Estate nouncement was made at the lun- tpertWs having claims against' the said Cheon Of the recent birth in Win- estate are hereby required to furnish Queen Mary Refugee Club Tea, nlpeg of a daughter. Judi, to T,. a. d. Sept. 27. Legion Rooms. 102nd. Women's Auxiliary Dance club who is away on war service Armouries, October 1. St. Andrew's Mission Kindergar ten opening October 1. Eagles Bridge and Dance, Oct. 1. 1 Lieut, and Mrs. Urolt BrOOK. Lieut. 1941. and aU parties indebted to the Brook is a member of the local, "rt! "quired, ta pay the amount ox mea maeoieaness vo me iaraiwivn. i DATED Bit Prtane Rupert. B. C. this !22nd da; o! September. A. D. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. These things just make me save ! BJJJ: What's tliat? One of thoee War Savings Certificates? Joe: Mean to say you're not buying any? A Bill: Nope! Never gave it any thought. Joe: Doesn't need much thought, Bill. Five dollars for four dollars is pretty simple arithmetic, isn't it? Bill: Yes, hut it's the business of buying 'em that bothers me. Joe: Why, that's simpler still. Bill Our pay office takes two bucks a week out of my pay and 1 get two certificates every month from Ottawa two $5 certificates for $8. Bill: .Goth! That's easy. Joe: It't not only easy, it's a bargain, with victory thrown in. Ti help of every Canadian Is needed for Victory. In these dayt ' of war the thoughtte$i, selfish ipender is a traitor to our tvdr effort. A reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more labour and materials to be, diverted to winning the tear. The all-out effort, which Canada must make, demands this self-denial of each of us. Invest in War Savings Certificates the dollars you don t need to spend. After Victory, they coma back toyon with interest. Spend less now so that you can spend more then. 5 SPEND LESS- TO BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES BUY VEGETABLES BY BULK AND SAVE MONEY CARROTS rn-m, BEETS .. 1 1 9 I turmps m i? v PARSNIPS PEAS Royal City; Sieve 5. New Each pack. 1 Xll 1 P FEARS Dew-Klst; choice quality; 15-oz. tins. 25(J SANDWICH SPREADS Clark's assorted On brands. Each KETCHUP Heinz, large family size. i4 1K' 2 for Box owing to a difficulty over the sal ary which was to be paid him. FREE SPINACH Bestovall brand ; large 21,2's tin. 1 Qp Each A SUGGESTION FOR TONIGHT t- 2 LBS. CUT MACARONI ALL nnn . ahi . Vi LB. MILD CANADIAN CHEESE FOR mm v : TOMATOES Royal City brand; 2'2's. large Op tins. 2 for BAKED BEANS Heinz, 16-oz. tins. , Op idi Each BANANAS Ripe and firm. Special, 25C TERRACE PEARS FOR EATING OR PRESERVING $1.79 . ft 25c BARTLETT VARIETY Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones IS & 19 E. V. Whiting, relief officer at Prince George, will arrive In Prince Rupert next week from the Interior to assume duties as unemployment insurance administrator here, also taking charge of the local office of the Employment Service of Canada in succession to James M. Campbell who has been superannuated. Mr. Whiting's ar rival in Prince Rupert was delayed P.O. Box 575 It's wonderful what a little classified advertising may do for you. Most people read the classified ads. (tf) DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl, Ladies and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 FuU.on.St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing For every 3 labels from any tin or package of Dr. Ballard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cover postage) we will mail you ONE SOLID BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG Absolutely free. BE SURE to print clearly your "name and address" on a separate sheet of paper and mall to the address below. FREE additional 15 labels from Dr. Ballard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cover postage) we will mall you absolutely free ONE COPY of DR. BALLARD'S DOG & CAT BOOK Containing a wealth of helpful information on the feeding, training and care of "man's best friend." Address all replies to DR. BALLARD'S ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS, LTD., 4G59 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, B.C. NEW ENTERPRISE RANGE SALE WHITE ENAMELLED RANGE Sale price 74.00 Waterfront $7.00 $25.00 allowance for your old stove You pay only $56.00 for the new range. Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable Iff PHONE 13 21-Hour Service at Regular Rates ft 1 t h -1 if n't ft