says | to myself c NEXT MAILS eye i ye eee qne News 1# the paper to “buy \S ; Per Could says | Chelohsin...... * Wednesday, 9 pam. _ NOTOR Ps en . sicTo™= Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ——Z on. 101 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., Monpay, APRIL 29, 1912. PRICE FIvE CENTS ee = = —— : —-~-___——_ ——- — _ 7 ———_—_—___—-—— VOL PICTURE MEN MAKE GOOD UNDER BULLET STORM —$$$_—_—_——— ————————— AMATEURS TO PRESENT VERY PRETTY PLAY nox: sue sears on PARIS CRIMINAL’S FURIOUS FiGHT FOR IT Storm on Atlantic. “Under the Laurels”’ Will be be Pi roduced Tomorrow Evening at the, ‘svevial to Daily News) From Garage They Fired Fusillade is Been Citizens and Police--- Halifax, April 29. Vincent Opera House---A Fascinating Southern Drama Astor, son of the-late John Jacob| Dislodged by Dynamite Astor, has arrived here and is ; Although a yut of reac hte aken part in other highly suc-;bumper house to enjoy it is a awaiting the arrival of the steam- (Special to Daily News.) some of the most brilliant pic- the regular range of prdtse>;aesstul amateur presentations in} certainty. er, Mackay Bennett with the) paris, April 29.—With the/ ture takers were rushed to the sional touring npanies of Sutin oe Rupert are to appear in| following note of the cast is| bodies aboard. Owing to storm | sjaying of Jules Bonnot, the de-| scene, and there in imminent atic entertainers, Prince Ru-|the cast of this production. Litteresting to those .who ‘know| 22 “wil. cam reach here until) 4 chauffeur, and Dubois, the| Personal peril from the hail of pert has for som litte time been} “tinder the Laurels” is a ro-| \), qualities of the capable ama- Tuesday morning. Ine luding | noted anarchist, the Paris police} bullets that pattered about in all aware thal withit the citys OWN )mantic drama of the southern ; Hedt '|those on the cable steamer Minia| jolieve thal they have ended the| directions they got the films. As jorders there exists amateur | states, full of all the subtie| "Urs hahah mae Bie of 225 bodies have been recovered,| pei of terror “of the last six| fast as reels were filled they were gama , such high or~|charm of the south which has| them is experienced and pos-| of which 180 have been identi-| months. The outlaws were run| rushed back to the firm's prem- i der as certainly lo place more} heen brought out many times in|sesses the fresh enthusiasm and | fied. | down within the garage at Choisey | 'S°s for development, and some Lunatic Laborer Walked into tha f the professional] drama and literature. ‘That it| vigor that makes an amateur a |Leroi and hundreds of police and | pictures of the affair will be ex- Spokane City Editor’s Room mp ng here in the! has its aspect of intensity, too,|show go so often with the swing MARCONI ON STAND larmed citizens surrounded thej hibited in Paris and London to-| and Shot Him for Printing shade |is evidenced in the fact that the| and swerve that is sometimes} ee lhuilding. The bandits kept up| night. This is heid to be a rec- Disaster Stories. a most’ svecessful| doings of the terrible Ku Klux}lacking in the jaded performance | Questioned on Alleged Suppres-| jeprific fire with automatic} ord in moving picture reproduc- nen: ynateur performances staged in} Klan have a bearing upon the of tired professionals. The cast sion of Wireless News. suns and kept the assailants at| tions of actual sensational inci- Spokane, April 29—Indirectly Rupe was “Breezy | personne! of the play. The prison| consists of Mr. Charles Vaughan | iy é = : lbay for hours. Finally in a cart dents. a victim of the Titanic disaster, } by i ana ao the “aes in the}as “fh eee eens = yan 6 ! a 0 ee a that Goarators army of special scouts who keep | ths. All welcome. it ithe disaster. He could give no real treat in}aid of the establishment of club| perfectly adapted to his or her could get a large sum for their) (a) on the doing of the city for eee TTT |other reason for the deed. attend the} rooms for the Baptist Brother-| powers, and the whole company | Stortes what has grown to be now areg-| For men’s fine shoes in the — Ma hose who have} hood Phat there will be a big,| working in perfeet harmony. ular news service as live as the| latest styles see Scott, Froud &| Penetang Packs just received CYCLONE’S DEVASTATION == jewspapers. In swift auto cars| Co., 3rd ave. Pa Scott, Froud & Co.'s, 3rd ave, : = ’ Not Our sii H. Rogers Fifty Killed—Huge Freight Train) rs Sane ODD FELLOWS’ ANNUAL CHURCH yc S5.S80° so "te tem Fash! "7" warnaen tine asene | PIRCT FOOTBALL CLUB patch in connection with a bank p Pets Be | For the steamer Director, the | failure at that place among other (Special to Daily News. | first of boats sailing direct from PARADE HELD HERE SUNDAY defendants in a lawsuit the eet Oklahoma City. April 29. ithe old country to Prince Rupert, | 1 of J. H. Rogers was given. The) jp jr, ; Were killed ete, li. Rogers has been appointed 4 F sersons local steamship agert J. He) ome; i a hufdred injured in|!ecal agent. The Director 1s due MAYOR AND ALDERMAN H. ‘ PROMINENT IN IMPOS- Rogers says that while he was 1M)))., ayolone here, With great loss)! arrive in June. ING PROCESSION TO BAPTIST CHURCH, WHERE REV. W.H. business for some time al Fair-| ¥¢ jivestock. An enormous freight | ees |\CALEDONIANS WILL LIVE | uP TO uP TO THE TRADITIONS OF THE M’LEOD PREACHED AN APPROPRIATE SERMON. banks he had no connection with}, was blown from the tracks! A. W. Agnew was amongst the OLD COUNTRY’S NATIONAL GAME IN THE WEST— ; F ate ee ian STRONG car IS ASSURED. tne defunet instiizdion, It is @D-| 4) yopari, inree cars loaded with] passengers leaving for the south vas ision of the Odd! principles of brotherhood Jaid) othe: J. H. Rogers. leoal being carried sixty feet. lon the C.P.R. ss. Princess Royal | amerrenrreen Fellows a il church eee in the famous parable of —————————————_—_—_—— Ve es oy if lyesterday evening. Mr, Agnew Rapidly: Renee nmarett Ramet ete ae area ga mae, . body the or-| ‘he Good Samaritan was the con-|y: ypy of Kitsumkalum is in the Public Meeting Called. Iwill be absent from the city for} "8 forward into line with a CANOE 58) or Ibrox. ss uinata ihn oot ae eloquent terms | o jy \ public meeting is called for| some weeks, and may possibly | other coast cities in every pos- a thie . nama peels a held in MeIntyre | ee en, aera Sag Sen PerernertEnr tt Thursday, May, 2nd, at police | extend iis ap ee east. sible way in which a city can yeceaseriiy Scoteh will be wel- iy | .\ Hastings Mo-larmy.of Odd (Féllows. For row boats and launches court rooms to consider the ad-| : hecome up to date. Although|,»omed into the elub. It is hoped telephone 320 green. Davis boat | visability o! holding a celebra-| Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | yithout any proper ball park as|that the team will meet a Ter- = a eatiy Sr sat ehabtonin ceased Weve house. tion on the 24th of May. | Phone 4. vet nor any space level for reg-| race team next month, a Ori some-sweet, fresh ice cream. 3t a ular athletic sport except the Practices are being held in the the broidered ey 790 smooth surface of harbor itself,} pen space at Second ayenue and rdet A few P. B. ©. WINS OUT, 23-4 ROY which the Rowing Club are pre-| Seventh street, and at the organ- congregation : on paring to avail themselves of,|izalio nmeeting the other night ; th procession, | 7°ee* Bail Game by Juniors on erie still the young men of the city,}{he thanks of the club went on rite ly a hundred | Schoo! Grounds Saturday. : undeterred, are rapidly organiz-| record to the St. Andrew's S8o- | into the hall and| ere Regular Chariot Race Becklessly Run tio Place Tiny Passengers i. tascvai and foothall clubs.|ciely for their gift of a football, pied the centre It was no girls’ game that was} . L Ni h | ‘The other night witnessed the]! ollowing are the office bearers $ f them, Among] played on Saturday on the school on the C. P. R. Princess ast 1g t organization in great strength} elected: Honorary president, i | Odd ‘Fellows [re8<1 erounda aD attery : ity id _ tand enthusiasm of the Caledonian| Mayor Newton; honorary vice PBs ep: ae | ren ; " Sisanb es aoe Just as the ropes were being ing somewsiat a He Ringe ti pets piers fe Football Club, This, it is hoped,|prestdent, Nelson Dunn; presi- ‘ Douglas ( Nadanijasitl ntinea ne a ; " 2 east off the wharf bollards to let} rocked and reeled over the a -| wae n a OT fo ’ Phas si will be only the nucleus team of|dent J. H. Kelly; vice president, rl . Driahhcone ciel tensen had all the motions of emM-j{he C.P.R s.8 Princess Royal) way crossing, but still ncomed to| - diy ae eres te a strong league which will ar-|J, Currie; secretary treasurer, heartily in the| rye professionals. The rooting|leaye for the south yesterday think pe “wnOrs ~y re me one’ gb mie ee range matches during the sea-| Richard Dowther: eceaens bith dailiens: ging ' is peculiarly ap-| Was interesting and never lagged | @Venlne there rushed down were Gash was gol up 40rimis Spool See ae a that adie akcadh son. The Galedonians, of course,| miltee, R. C . Killin, W. L. Brown, a pria ims of Odd Fel-} for a moment When a batter|'" Street a fond father pearing Benne ; nes, aati i atenn ahi adders tiem ina nen iis include “Scotties” full of the| James Kelly, Alex. Holmberg, q , ernity | reached out for an impossible, |“ baby, and followed pel! nel By : a 2 ihe @Rue z ae i cite ri ro a were Shaanti hang a lit | aditions of Britain's national | J, Stewart, Ben Ferguson and 8. i gi on kindred| one cried He's gone fishtng|'V° ladies with a baby carriage} rushed to the resoue, and taking) to san hn seit nosed |22me With fresh in their mem- | D. Maedonald. i jet by ; ‘ jj conte aining another cherub.|the perambulator in hand got/ tle longer. 1e skipper nose he < "g by Sar ae | with a whale for bait and pulle There was wild excitement for a) In such fine foot work that the} his boat a shade nearer the dock,;| * - —— laritan and havs)in a bullhead Lindsey Ander- lmoment, and the betting was all| bearings of the wheels positively| willing hands helped babies and GREAT AVIATOR DYING | WOMAN JUDGE IN AUSTRALIA j | her { a the | son did some great ay catching. | jagainst poor papas chances of smoked as he whirled across the perambniator aboard over the _ -_—— h the Ghrist to all] Manson and Dowling played 8 good raking the ‘boat Just as he| wharf. Behind wildly gesticula-| rail. Over serambled the ladies| Foremost Birdman of France Has! Achievement of Appointment Heid ea is preached eloquent-| ball and when the 8. B, J. gets | passed McLean's News-stand off/ting, came the ladies and the it was women and children Pelenut Fail. to Be Great Victory. : | , we H. “Molieod,|more practice they wit gare Tl blew the youngster’s hat Like| whole assembly on the water-| first of course and then with : Ne pas as on Pane Batter (ARO WER: een Rane lightening: the genial Mr. McLean} front raised their voices in ae-j the modesty of a true hero, Hub~ | (Special to Daily News.) (Special to Daily News.) oo Ae ina) leigh Moore has his team well rit had popped out of his booth,| claim at the joy of the chase. lhy himself bundled aboard, while Paris, April 29.—Falling seven Melbourne, April 29.—Naney Odd } I “ th Order | hand .anc nee yen oneutt bse ais |picked up the baby's — hat and But meanwhile that never fail-| the crowd laughed a good-natur- hundred feet, Jules Vedrines,|Isaacs, daughter of Justice ae vit} oday there are} turnout, ‘The P B, 6. is giving a} planted it on the head of the! ing follower of forlorn hopes in| ed cheer, and the bluff, burly| France's foremost birdman, is|Isaacs, has been raised to the a Rebecca lodges,| gymnastic pérformance and con- eee ster fast vanishing in the| the way of train and boat catch-|charioteer of the reckless rush-| near death today with a frac- | bene h in the Commonwealth High the part played| cert to boys and girls tonight all irection of the Royal ing stunts with a large small| ing perambulator returned mop-| tured skull, Doctors say there} Court and will be her father’s the widespread|7:30 in the Presbyterian Hall. } HWaneing behind ‘Mr. MeLean| family Paterfamilias, had made] ping the honest sweat from his} is hut the slightest hope of his|judicials associate. The appoint- ; na b of two million! Saturday's score was 23 to 4 1 cent sight of the panting lad-| good again. He had re ached the] genial brow, to his news-stand to} recovery. He was starting out} ment is regarded as the greatest ’ ¥ ether associated} fayor of ‘he Presbyterians ios with the perambulator, His|dockside, caught the kindly eap-|wateh the Royal proudly steam) from Paris to Madrid and wasj)triumph for women lawyers. many branches ' Highness, Sir Baby, was protest-|tain’s eye, and with the mute ap-| off traveling a hundred miles an) ————————— — , ; ee age During the You will tind the boot or shoe; ™ : . hour when his machine collapsed. | Bryce for Britain. ce " ® live million dol-| you want at Scott, Froud & Los, | ——— = — i oe Z — Washington, April 29,—It is ait lores e Sbent in helpful fra-| 3rd avenue. TORNADO'S TRACK |Smai! Biaze on Second Avenue. | TWO OLD TIMERS DIE LOCAL JOTTINGS. ‘reported that British Ambassa- # th au : der the system of} ae —_———— oven The fire department made an-| een ear | dor Bryce is soon to leave Amer- me” 1 di vhieh cares for all} Dainty street pumps in patent, | Thirty-one Reported Killed injother excellent response to an| One Natural, One Tragic Death | br. Strong, an old time Yukon| ica to become a member of tha hed ci; hembers in strait-| tan calf and velvet; $4 to 5. Texas and Oklahoma. jalarm al the corner of Second of Nanaimo District Residents. sour dough,” now in the insur-| Asquith cabinet. ope oe i 00h sickness or| Scott, Froud & Co. ceed poweaue. and Soe ect : eG or ed |, | nee business in Vancouver, is| - Her did work ; steaei thse eplen.| rie = Pe , Sd Oklahoma City, Okla., April 27. ont as ou pee Sifu erases ser ale 21. a ; a ie baits Dr, Semone “same: ee a: eitee eee w go indeed the true { tle very really | Now is kodak time, HBastmans Chirty-one persons were oe : O'Reilly's Satan | i wiliyss 4 rhe i the train yes ar 1a) fr n : rip | Baba g Man, Ai April 29. © following of the} at the Rexall Store. tf land many scores injured by a, between lartin ! }two years ago sheriff of the) into the intezior as far as Alder-| Kihgt miners weré killed in an ee ke -!tornado that last night swept | ing store and _ Don nina Sanit of Nanaimo and a resi-| mere, lexplosion at Marvel mine this > om s e t £ ) ' 4 ars » 7] } i oni yr ff eerreoonne. through portions of Texas and| Baths, in th Miner ne ; . 2106 2 dent for 40 year , Aled audde n a Ree ead | morning. rs} Okiahoma. It is stated that sev- i Ghief MeDonal ay ie fire WAS) this evening. The cause of death he leading physician of Ter-} nat | ce al Balle PRINCE RUP G0 eral towns were blown away and] aused by defective electric light} was heart failure. Deceased was} pace, Dr, Traynor, arrived in| Oficial ball practice tomorrow ERT TWENTY MINUTES A it has been impossible to estimate| Wiving Che damage was nom-| 72 pened .u. Thomas phone a@ltown yesterday. He says ee the] evening, 7th street and 2nd ave- Ciby 8 0 ame E }inal farmer, for 20 years resident in} folks in Terrace are greatly in- % before | icbte ae in a preparatory forty wink the property eer re — i Nanoose ens was merce ae terested in the proposed excur- as e Ma ae : f : 3 Reebok! Very large stock 0 general|,a wagon by a fractious horse and; sion to be run from Prince Ru- |} he heard bas ata the better of that fraternity sermon Joe Hickey, formeriy 9 nd ae hardware, Sole agents for Sher-|crushed under the wheels, dying] pert to Terrace on May 24th. MeLea f th % , Rupert, now of Terrace, ‘where iwin & Williams paints, at Howe} half an hour later, eEsyEh SOD FREE! FREE! FREE! um of the Newstand thinks he will enter for the pel he is engaged in the contracting ; ’ tf . Sa T . mbulator pace on Dominion Day nusinede, was among ine erriv-[% MoONwly's eR fo destroy those moths get — Mi Minister remarks that the Odd Fellows’ service als by train last evening. | - es Commodore Rochester of the| Red Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the A big beautiful 88 key S! Saved the whole Souneil oan getting up to Sing. ai aad Suits, dresses, . coat collars,| prince Rupert-Skeena Transpor- package from Orme, the Pioneer eleetric player piano, worth are ‘tion to set up goal nants and grand stand on See At Mrs. Frizzell’ s for every- fesiiLinery. oa: eee mad eek Caen} a re ns tae SEUaee cee tf $1,200 given away to the } Vanco... ov» Seventh under consideration thing in ladies apparrel. —_ novelties, al MIs. > : ance! om, - Initial trip ¢ f aia ve 77 bliin: tailed pool players in the Baseq- pep| “Olver visitor deelares that Third avenue Prince Ru Street, Empress Block. f | ea anes season for Hazelton eee arrap, Of ¢, sORUYs: a ment pool room, Empress irdine is an 83