Iut. March U,jm. other, IfChild'sYoung Relieve Misery of Cold Improved Vicks Wajrv if vour chlia to raise rable with -ular nurenesa or tightness, mu Suitf eoughlnr or IrrltatloQ E . cold -you'll welcome the Je$I a "VapoKub Massage" brings. with this more thorough treat-ment. the poultlce-and-vapor Slion of Vicks VapoRub more lively PHltRAUilrrtutl air Sges w-lt.li soothing medicinal IS?.. STIMUUIU chest and lick like a warming poultice or Xiter . . starts stunriMC misery vJ-nt e way I Results delight even old irlends or VapoRub. to OCT a " VapoRub Massage-with all Its benefits -massage VaooRub lor 3 minutes on IH-K)RTANT BIB-AREA OP BACK as well us throat .and chest tnread a thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed cloth. BE SORE to use genuine, tune-tested V1CK3 VAPORUB. I Hundreds ot peopif try a In the Dally News classified col limn and get good results, (tf J JVfesbylerian Tea And Sale Success IJirge Attendant At Jieliehtful Affair Yesterday. Afternoon At Home Of Mrs, Arnold FLilen VerV -successful was the tea 'jut. sale of home cooking held yesler T1 i n . . extra eood value. Dollar ;Dav. A yards ior en if imt ai'iirv in am ASKS i day afternoon by the Ladles Aid; or First riist 4"' wide, all illk drapery aamask. :Six shades ;g9.C 3 to fhAnco ifvnwi nrtiiAi.nnltf 'RrkpMnl vnrri .i itwnPIMVEAK Princess slips .made froinian' assortment'of W8nigtad,nia-terlals, various stylei arid irliris, -assdrted shades. iB"iar selling prlce:$15Q eacK, : gC ollar Day, .each i - PIU)WCASES Fu)l size linen finished pillow cases, ready for jLUU A ewuiimumy. .uouar nay, a . cases Lafies' Orange Psaae Bridge Suw-rsiful Atfatr jlleld At -Several Atomes On Tuesday Nlplit rt & ucceaLU telephone cridge djjwas held "Tuesday .njght by the tiou. There - were - tobies .at the Receiving in- many tmesis werexMrs. lamps icrikovskv Mrs. Flaten and Mrp.D. C. Stuart J e prize-winners .were: ladles'! president of the :Ladles Aid. .'iw.. Mrs. AW .Ouvan: ladies sec- Presldlrig at the pouting table ond, Mrs. OJseni onen's iirst. Harry Were Mrs. M. McLeod, Mrs. Alex4w.,iiiiainMv Mxn F W Grlm- ,Finnl, Mrs. S. Massey and Mrs. Lv'ble." w. Kergin. Th& .table was covered. with 'n beautiful lace cloth and3 P(nirrA urirVi n un da .1 ... ....... v jci'wv. ujiu a "snot" ifwA vjii nnli hnlf fl purple xrocus. Around the vase was h,'V. V . i,. rv,,i Man,c!the worthy mistress last night At ia clr;le of miniature shamrock i.i..ifioH i.. a meeting of the local Ladies Or V plants. Jv" "'lanee - - Benevolent Association and 'j Servlleurs were .Wrs. II. M. Foote, ?Mrs. J. W. East wood, Mrt. Nell j Mrs. A. 3varsn, 'Mrs. Alex .Clark snoi;Macdonald, Mrs. M. R. kill andjund -Mrs. -Robert J3tiachon. ! 1.1 . . 1 . , . i hum vuuiie ivicijeoa. The Jiome cooking iable vwas in Miss Jessie Rothwell was cashier. charge ,ot Mrs. Edgar .Saunders The tea room was In charge of and Mrs. John .McLeod, April 23. DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser 8l Payne's Sec 'Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outst andinff Yaluc Stores Close at 6 O'clock Saturday i . I . - ! 1 1XANNELE1TE BLANKETS J'ull double 1ed 4ize Ildnnelette sheets. jOreen, jose. tmauvc, blue, gold, iBlaid. :Fast cojors, whipped ends C A A ready lor use. Ddllar1 Day. each sheet TOWELS ' TOWELS TOWELS Turkish towels in every siie, color and quality that's manufactured. On special Sale ipbllar J)ay. Run.of tUe rnlll direct from the factory , to yolv Priced lh groups.- Grouper . jJQQ' Groupe II.-4 for $1.00 Groupe III. 3 .for 51.00 aIV;l 1.00 WASIUK'U PUINTS ; New season's washing prints, all hew .patterns, 30" wide, fast ; cylors. A big tvariety to slioose from. "C-f ()A j A,vv ' Dollar Day. "5 yards for FUILLeD CURTAINS Frilled marquisette curtains suitable for bedrooms; kltcheris, tc . full length and cotUge style, .various 44 (IQ colorings. Dollar Day, .set CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS Silk and lisle and all silk lh a variety of hew spring shades. Sizcs5to8Vi. " .SfcOO Dollar Day. .5 pairs for v SAMPLES ' ' ! Rci-ent knit, a complete range of travellers samples in hlah i class sweaters and jjulcrwear. AU .the very .newest styles :ln Ladies. Misses a,nd Children's earmehtjs. Selling at tess than cost. '' "DRAPERY ;and lOURTAIN '.FABRICS . 1000 yards Marquisette, assorted patterns, champagne shade. 4J" wldeiwOn ale Jollar ;Day,at4eSs thariicost; .Patterns suitable ifor every ropni lh the house. 1,00 Dollar Day Special, 5 yards for - SILK UllUTAlNiNfcia. . . 25 pieces, assorted pattern; JJngltsh nets, values v JQ0 up to C5c yd. Dollar iDyfc 3 yds. Jor NnTTINnil AM 'FIIiET 'NETS Asorted patte.rnsin.cream'de.only:,:3,,;w.l'4e .00 . TS DAIL7 FAOETHREl I LOCAL NEWS NOTES S O. N.meeting tomorrow night. Dance, Moose 'Hall, tonight. ' " (63H; : PRINCESS SLIPS Good quality satins, white and tea rose, assorted styles and finishes. JS1.00 Dollar 'Day, each V J , . 1 Basketball Ketchikan vs. Prince? Percy Mcintosh sailed last night Rupert-Wednesday and Thursday mi 44-io prfrwo Runeiit 4nr a trm tosncsv. U. MIV . . - f , Vancouver. P. R. Tennis .Club .Annual .Meet- ling Monday, March 17, jat home of , u-.i , d. . . 'M ic rto-iiio Mnivan zzis alh Ave. ritjuiierrin iiaiutpn ot..hnm nr v -vin Mm i'" " ' . .idle Hcme .of Mrs. Arnold natenllugb 301Un, "Mrs. Paul&m, Mfr.-W.jW. All interested please attend. ii. iRichaxds, Mrs. Johansan and PANTIES ' Satin and satin stripes in .assorted styles, .and. .finishes. Small, medium, large sizes. Regular price 79c ftJQO each. Dollar Day, 2 pairs for - .v BRIEF PANTIES Rayon silk knit, heavy weight, lastex leg and waist, tea rose and white, excellent wearing garments. 1.00 Dollar Day, 2 pair for HOSIERY .Campus stockings, all wool cashmere, assorted colors .and assorted tops sizes C to lOVi. S1.00 .Dollar .Day Special, 3 pairs ,for ANKLE SOCKS Ladles' all wool, In various shadesall popular colors, sizes svitoio', $1.00 Dollar Day, 3 pairs for 2 LADIES' RAYON SILK .HOSE Extra fine knit, mock fashioned, all new $1.00 popular shades, ringless. Dollar Day, 3 pairs for v BEDSPREADS -500 spreads, assorted colored stripes and checks, absolutely fast colors, nicely finished and wear guaranteedmade in two sizes, 72xeO" and 80"x 100". S1.98 Dollar Day, each ' v CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Size 80"x 100", assorted designs, full double bed sizes in .various colors, well finished. S2.05 Dollar Day, each - CHENILLE BATHROOM SETS Bath mat and toilet seat cover in assorted patterns and shades. Qj 45 Dollar Day, set - - Y TABLECLOTHS ;Rayon and cotton mixture In very ;pleaslng shades, fast colors, size 52"x52", good heavy quality. $1 00 Dollar Day, 2 for ; HAND BOOKED .RUGS Good sl2e, very serviceable for bedroom rugs or bath mats. Assorted .colors. -OA Cif tpx.VV Dollor Day, each (GLASS OR TEA TOWELS Linen finished, good" large size, blue and red A A .check, ready for use. Dollar Day, ,6 ior - uu (64) BOXING FINALS-7 iBOUTS finals Intef-Service Boxlnff Tournaments. At the Armouries, U:00 p.m. Friday, March 14th, General Admission 50c. (C2) A visiting member from Victoria, Mrs. Cuthbert, was welcomed by Ronald W. B: Lane of the Cana dian National Railways superin tendent's office staff Is leaving ami tonight's train for Vancouver to receive medical treatment on ac count .of ill health. Remember to attend the meeting tonight In A.he Canadian Legion Clubroom to organize the local drive for the Canadian War Ser vices Fund. All interested are Invited, Meeting at 8 pjn. (62) B. Irvine, radio Inspector, after having spent the past two or three weeks here and at Stewart check-1 lrg up on reception conditions, salted uv...u ,4W last w night v.. on the Prince n" , . spoke in regard to the work in the' oeorgg. for oan Falls. south. Acknowieagmeni was reaa from the United Services Hut of a donation of $8. Plans were made for 4he holding of a spring sale on Miss Kathleen Mathers, who has Capt. Henry Anderson, ;ls .due in port at 2:30 this ixternoon, from the south and will .sail .at 20 pjn. on her return .to 'Vancouver and waypoints. Sjemi-Finals In All ,et .For JBoxin; Pofram Armory Tonighi- the cost, of sending sioutb Ahe. eight lucky winners. Jn Vancouver ilocal boys will light .for ithe .champion-,ship of the Pacific Coast. f TOP J.ATE TO'-CL A SS'IRT' iLOST Pocke tbook between Mc- trutcneons and Cpw JBay. .Box pa, uaiiy :wews, i(u7j WANTED Girl of woman for nouseworK ,oy jnonth. .-Sleep (out. Colton, .Wallace Block. ar a.a THI UTMM litL't" I Cfit.lia.ili. 1 1., HJI ?'" i Hli viitiMumtt ii m pMM.l.ltn ' 4fky (it Lquw Control BaarJ t klfial, , ' ' CovcnwwM W BrWA CU . : - 3 .. ' Announcements Air advertisementa In this col- umn will.be charged for a full i month at 25c a ..word. Second Searchllght Auxiliary Tea Legion, March 15. Catholic Ladles' St. Patrick Tea, March 17. j Anglican Tea Mrs. Carton' March 18. United Tea March 20th, Mrs. Large's Varden's ,entertahimentMarch.20. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Legion,! Marcn a. iHortlcuUural' Dinner, March 24. Rebekah Tea .and Sale, April .2. Hill CO Dance April 4. L. O. D. A. Spring SaW, April 23. ' t Mayday Dance, CdfejlowsJIallllX Blended for Quality "SALADA TEA Shower . For Bride-Elect Ddightfiil Mrs. W. Mintenko Is Jlosiess n 4 Honor Of Miss Anne Didorack A . delightful miscellaneous show-ex was held .Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Mintenko in honor of Miss Anne Didorack, ddest daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Didorack of Sturgls, been on u visit to the .elty, .will Saskatchewan, whose marriage to sail by the Caraosun next Monday .Metro -Mintenko will take place jnisht on. her .return to' her home.'shortly. at sandsptt, Queen Charlotte -j The rooms were tastefully , decor-ands. .ated for th occasion with pink k. js.. .avcamcr rruicess juumse. white bell was suspended Jn thej centre. The .evening ,was spent jn games dancing and singing .which everyone present enjoyed. At midnight the bride-to-be was presented with a beautifully rleo orated basket which was brought in ,by the Misses EJsle and Isobel Mintenko. Jt -contained many 'beautiful ;and useful glfts. The eve- j lUng was brought to a close afc 2 At a jn. by the pinging' of "For She's i A .Jolly Good .Fellow." Thnso nivKMvt werp Mrs. ,W Min- There were four semi-final bouts Wnkn Mrs n. suiiknskl. Mrs L. last night Jn ihe Armouries for . Astoria, Mrs. M. Powchuk, Mrs. J. uie ieatner, u-nt, .wei.xer ana jma- Kurt fok. Mrs. V. T Rowe. Mrs'V.. dlweisht dlyhions Inibe.area fin-jKovich, Mrs. C. Doane, Mrs. M.; al tonight. These ibouts were ncet Wagner Mrs. E. Petterson, Miss open to the public but .tonight Annie Mintenko', Miss Phyllis Dal-, wiau .wuu53iuu wau w cnurgeajor0j Miss EsteliaKurulok. i wiutu wm iiziu ueiray some on Reach ten thousand people ylth a "want ad." in the Dally News. Mail Schedule to Fqr the East S ! h? Monday, Wednesday, and; J Friday .A-8 jJ.P. Front the East . Tuesday, Thursday and ........ Saturday c.r;..Pni. For Vancouver , r Tuesday l12:30mooti Thursday 10:30 jpm. Friday 9:30 jpin. March 6, 17 and 27 ...;....;M).m. . i . Scratcliin! Ittkhui" Tat qukk rrlf fn ilrbinl aTaranua. pun(4llh- kU,t..J.rl-.h.r.ht.ulWJcIUriir hukiI akin truukk-a, naa laawuil.CMHiui,u- atptic, liquid V. p- P; rrrriMl.-.w alaiuWwUairiUlaijukllJMbaMlaa CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Col ton, n.CJ'h.q. Wallace Block. Jhme CM 1 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms not -Water Steam Baths 1 Dining Room jn Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress RIDE A BIKE For, Health Pleasure And Economy RIDE A C.C.M. I'ii'-'::-'" at. Eor Health,' Pleasure .and Economy That Will itast a Lifetime Tfc .offer- vaii Vmv thnf rmmts Vnu rnn POtintiOn' C.C.M. for .quality Every C.C.M. Bike is BUILT 5 UP to a standard, .not down to a price. For Boys, Girls, Men and Women We recommend ; f - m 11 tne ti.u.ivi. liamiHcr Roadster (Ladies' or Men's) $41.00 Motorbike Model , . $44.50 Juvenile Boys' and girls'. At .a.,...,.,. ".. 3595 TIRES - TUBES ACCESSORIES uHIIIIIHHINIMIMIHHtlMIIIMHIHIHllM MB M .. V r.aH BBBBBBBBBBBBl m' V We ain't mad at Nobody i IMIIIINllNIIIHHIIHIIIIIilNillliHIIIINmNI