3. i PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD mT V X- ry )f Optometrist in Charge V ' J ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry x J s Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT WWWW.VAW.WVAV.V.W.VW.WAVWiVWW.VVrt AND PEOPLES STORE HAVE THE ACCESSORIES Just Arrived! FINE IMPORTED KID GLOVES We were fortunate in securing a substantial stock of imported Gloves. Don't miss this opportunity . . . Styles and sizes for all and 'at last year's prices too. You'll Find What You Want Here: PURSES - HANDKERCHIEFS - FLOWERS HOSIERY - JEWELERY - SCARVES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prinre Itimpri" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 TOP TITLES from the Book Lists "THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM" (Cronin) S2.75 "THIS ABOVE ALL" (Knight) S2 75 "THE HILL OF DOVES" (Cloete) ...I'l l "" S3 00 "THE WHITE CLIFFS" (Miller) : .. SU5 "I HAVE LOVED ENGLAND" pictures (Miller) . '. S3J0 "THE AMAZING SUMMER" (Gibbs) 575 "ONE RED ROSE FOREVER" (Jordan) "1 53 q0 "THE SUN IS MY UNDOING" (Steen) .. ""' J2'3 "CAPTAIN PAUL" (Ellsberg) SJ Q0 "A THOUSAND SHALL FALL" (Habe) ' 1 " 53-5 "THAT DAY ALONE" (van Paassen) . "' SU0 "BLOOD. SWEAT AND TEARS" (Churchill) . " $3 75 "BERLIN DIARY" (Shirer) S3",5 " ' "MY NEW ORDER" (Hitler) ... ""'5V0O All of the above and new books many are now in stock. Every effort will be made to maintain a complete stock from now until Christmas, but delays in delivery are unavoidable and everyone is urged to make their selection at once. All books at Publishers' advertised prices. COME IN . LOOK THEM OVER, AND LET US HOLD YOUR SELECTION UNTIL NEEDED. FM Your But MOW f Are you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and ad-vice of our qualified fuel experts. We are prepared to fill your coal needs now at lower prices from stock on hand. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of Why not lay In a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 11C mjiLuiiNti MATERIAL i TUONE ruuNE 117 117 wl1? inteiT tinAl kn,ow when readig the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same! Surprise Party For Newjy Weds Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. Ovald Johansen Are i Guests Of Honor And Recipients ! Of Wedding Gifts A very delightful surprise party was held on November 1 in the Metropole Hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ovaid Johansen who were married recently, the bride be Ins the former Mi&s Daiajiv j'armicnael. 'Carmichael. Dancing Dancing was was enjoyed enjoyed Accessories . Make Tlf 1 the 1 Wl Woman ... . . . . ift, " untu j ncmis of tlie morning wnh Nels Gunderson as master of cere monies. I At m;dnisht delicious refresh- t Jmenis were served, the bride s CU.U1. I . ,utuie oeing centred wiiin a Deauti- iui wedding cake. After coffee was served J. Storseth made the presentation to the bride and groom of a handsome chest of sliver and a set of glassware. The bride and groom responded s u i t a b.l y. Speeches weie also made by Radar Johnson, H. Heliand and E. Grinstrand. Those piesem av the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Rensvo.d, Mr. and Mrs. C. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Suand, Mr. and Mis. O. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tnlltcian Mf it t t i i . --.m.4, emu XI. neu;uiu, 'Mr. and Mrs. O. Skog, Mr. and ws. . Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. V. rossum, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bygness, Air. and Mrs. H.. Hagen, Mr. and aits. J. Eileitson, Mr. and Mrs. O Eileitson. Mr. and Mrs. E. Urin-uand, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson, Mr.' and Mrs. J. Storseth, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pedersen, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gjerstad. Mr. anri Mrs A IJacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ber'- seth, Mr. and Mrs. J. Husvick, Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonsen: MLsse Npi. lie Anderson, Josephine Gay, Elsie utoKe, uiaays Johnson; Messrs C. Aune, R. Sonne. C. J. Cailsnn ni Dybhavn, A. Dybhavn, J. Bardell, W.Wa-.v.waw.w.vw.'www Johnson, J. Bygness, H. Peter- "V' ,VAVWW sen, N. Storvick, E. Eilertson, N. .Gunderson, M. Hansen, A. Strand, fa. urodem, J. Grodem, E. Terrace In connection with the fatal accident which occurred in .1 loa- ' ging camp in the Kalum Lake district Nov. 3, when .Dan Popp, whose home is in Terrace, was .crushed beneath a falling snag, Mr. Popp had during recent 'months completed the building of his home and he was a man who was well spoken of by all. Although there are some distant relatives ,in Terrace, Mr. Popp was a single man. The month of October lived up to its reputation by bein?" very wet and cloudy. There were few-sunny days and the rain measured up to nine and a quarter inches. In 1939 there was a similar rainfall and In that year an inch of snow as well. THE DAILY NEWS SONG-DANCE SPECTACLE "Ziegfeld Girl" Coming As Feature Presentation To Screen Of j Capitol Theatre , A dramatic story of the lives of tne world s most oeaumui aancmg girls, "Ziegfeld Girl" comes as the feature picture to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of :hls week. It is a colorful spectacle cf music and dancing, as elaborate as any that have yet been offered. Tracing 4he lives of three girls, enacted by Lana Turner, Judy Garland and Hedy Lamarr, the film shows how a press agent. Edward Everett Horton. ever on the look-out for beamy, picks the girls from obscurity and sky-rockets thtm tc fame in the Follies. One Is an elevator operator, another a young vaudeville performer and the third is the young wife of a former European concert violinist. The three find fame but only two of them happiness. Other important members of the cast are Ian Hunter, James Stewart, Charles Winninger, Fay Holden, Jackie Cooper and Tony Martin. . "Ycu Stepped Out of a Dream," "Minnie from Trinidad." "We Must Have Music," ' I'm Always Chasing Rainbows," "Laugh, I Thought I'd Split My Side." "Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean" and "Caribbean Love Song" are among the popular songs which are featured. CANADIAN POETRY (Continued from Page One Sask.; Miss Gloria Lauriston, Chatham, Ont.; Leo Cox, Montreal; Miss Hermia Fraser, Victoria; Mrs. G. Joy Tranter, Toronto; John V. Hi:ks, Prince Al bert, Sask.; Miss Margaret Complin, Regina; Mrs. Laura Thorn d- son, Miss Rota Adams and Miss Robina Monkman, all of Toronto; M. Fahrin, 'Vancouver; Miss Mary E. McCuliough, Ma van, Ont.; Miss Francis William Gray, Sydney, N. S.; Miss Norma Smith, Halifax; Miss Helen Hall and Charles M. Nixon, both of Toronto; Mentie du Val, Wingham, Ont.; and J. Wrexford Watson, Hamilton. The judges were Professor V. B. Rhodenizer, Wolfville, N. S.; S. Morgan-Powell, Montreal; Dr. E A, Hardy, Toronto; Professor Watson Kirkonnell, Hamilton; and A. M. Stephen, Vancouver. Sir C ha: let; O. D. Roberts has embellished the book wirti th dedicatory poem entitled "Canada Sc aks of Biiuain." Twenty-five of Canada's leading poets, including Duncan Campbell Scott, E. J. Pratt, Wilson MacDonald, Ka'her-lne Hale in fact, the whole roster of established writers In this class have contributed .to the contents. Members of Toronto Poetry Group are also represented by work ele-ted by an Independent anpi of Judges. FOR MEN ONLY HOLDRITE LASTEX BELT With Two Detachable Pouches FOR $2.25 Supports the Back Supports Stomach Muscles No More Tired Feeling t Easily Washed Sizes 32 to 40. Orm "Jha Pioneer Druoatets THE HEX ALL STORE roNES gi AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Hotel Arrivals I Prince Kupert Kitty Moen. Martin Miller, J. H. ! Bryan and Alex Hardie, city; II. L. Newell. Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mllburn and M. Silverman. Vancouver: D. M. Scott, Allford Bay; D. Drummond, Remo; Rev. ;F. Burling, HazeMon; Mrs. Nelson Brew, Haysport; H. A. Kemp and B. N. Swallman. Winnipeg: R. Hetherinston: Fort William; V. L. Evans. Toronto: Joe Dermkl. Sml-thers; D. M. McRae, Hazelton. Central A. Head. Edmonton: R. Heid and .w Dunn city: G. Wilkin. Sml-thers: G. Davidson and W Mc-Lary Pinrht Lnke CUssiT) 1 0 FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT A fully equipped confectionery store and i light lunch counter, formerly known as Dominion Dairy Store. i Easy terms to reliable party. Phone Black 608. I FOR SALE 100 chicken at bridge. I ! new road. Apply Box 169, Daily New3- (259) i j FOR SALE Eight-piece oak din ing room suite, $35.00. Phone Green 527. FOR SALE Quebec Heater, brkk-llned. Phone Red 976. (262) BABY CARRIAGE, half price. Mr. Seal. 513 East Eighth. (259) WANTED WANTED Five-room house, close I In, immediately. Reliable party, j Phone 51, Len Matthews. (259) (WANTED Girl to do bookkeeping and typing, position temporary. .nppiy Pioneer Laundry office. GIRL wants housework. Sleep out. Apply Box 171, Dally News. (259) I M ALE 1I ELP WANTED .CALENDAR and Advertising Spe cialty hatesman. Full or par. time, exclusive territory, highest commissions, start immediately, year contract. Apply Box 521, London, Ont. (261 1 EXCHANGE "WANTED To exchange rental of jiuuje in good location with 2 bedrooms for one with three or more. Phone Red 403. FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT, close in, for ury iajck worker with good references. Apply Box 170, Daily News. FOR RENT-Taxi stand on corner of Second Avenue and SeveiVn Street. Easy terms. Phone B1"e- 468. ,253, PERSONAL NOW IS THE TTMF TT riOT a GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., iw. oix Dominion. uHHo held since the war began. Free l;. u. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg, oldest ln Canada. B. C. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE. 10, STUDIO SETS 3 n!prp In . . . - r...v., i.i moaeis colors .... to 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced $ from 50 79ri25 2 USED CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced $ from .. '421 '49" 50 MATTRESSES priced $Q00 $nQ5C from to HOOKED RUGS t ... ENGLISH ENGLISH CHINA CHINA DINNER DINNER 1 12 j PHONE BLACK 321 1 Women "Tell Off" Pep-Talk Bishop Workers Open Fire In Clergyman's Study And Obtain Explanation GLOUCESTER, Eng., Nov. 5: 0 -Mrs. A. M. Parrott. bombed-out .London mother of six children, sat In her munition worker's dun garees in the study of the Blshop'i Palace here and told the Bishop of Gloucester he didn't know what he was talking about when he attacked war workers In a sermon at Gloucester Cathedral. The Bishop, Rev. Arthur Cayley Headlam, listened to her story and -that of six colleagues and agreed there had been some mis-understanding. He had accused war workers of slackness and said they cared only about wages, 1 which he described as "colossal." j "We work for a shilling an hour on day and night shifts, and sometimes we never see daylight," ;Mrs. Parrott said. "Some of us have seen the horrors of war on iJie doorstep. That's why we're 1 anxious to work to win th- war. But we are not colnz to bp in. suited by a bishop." The bishop, whp apologized to the woman and her companions, said he had tried to bring home to nil classes of the jountry "our failure as a nation." "Those I have no sympathy with are the people who do not work and those who try and get as large a saluy as possible for the smallest output of work," he said. Tmt r Those desirous of PREMIUMS for CHRISTMAS GIFTS will kindly leave their orders with us on or before Nov. ?Qth. After that date we camt guarantee Premiums for Christmas delivery. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents- IV STARTS TIImmt OR 3 I)avs NOTE: Thi, Sho; ran. VMT ' ' A 1 Wi it I ife' v h j f '. 4 f m at ft.OO, 2 '' ' ' ; ENItS TODAY Complete f 58 ? :-. c Ji Clark Gable. Rosalind Er A in "They Met In Bc:;b:; at 1.22. 3 23 '3 - ui-uuMi in nom Any of These Toys I'ntil mi 10 Only Doll Prams $8.93. - 2 Fibre Carr S8 St ! f? Waons $1.50. $6.50 iM 9 Kiddle Kars $2 JO. $3 00 : UM 3 Scooters r,q, ,, e ,! XC,PedeS W-W. "SIOJO, $12.00 c'd tllN 36 Wheelbarrows 95c, $U5 cw 5 Kindergarten Sets 5 Child's Rockers $3.93 - 6 B w iljJ 24 Baby Swings $1.65. 5 Baby lll "r... Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British ColumbU COAL! COAL! Onehi'n&s a enouah for fsierTArft, ina wedre ksureAeaets SUMMER COAL PRICES JkML It is only natural thai a c:s should want to hang ,r his money as lont: as he but when it comes to ttt coal buying question Ptt should part with some of cash at this time while the autumn coal price rules. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE fill m r rnint -w - . mwrw r.K