WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1941. Reffinninj; Tliursday FOR 3 DAYS I 7HB GIRL OF YOUR: f$ COMING , soon 1; NOTE! Owing to length of 1 bis feature, "Ziegfeld Girl" will commence showing TlllIK.. KRI. AND SAT. at 12 NOON TENDERS TENDERS FOR EXCAVATING 2 LOTS, NO. 14 AND 15, BLOCK 3C, SEC. 1., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. For Information See Killas and Christopher Commodore Cafe SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert LOCAL NEWS NOTES a O. N. Meeting tomorrow night. Come to the Presbyterian Bazaar tomorrow, 3 o'ilock. Supper served at C:30. TlckeU 50p. Cecil Brlnd returned this morning from a business trip to Ocean Falls. Paul Armour was among those arriving this morning from the south on the Prince George. ; Mrs. Unger returned to the city jn the Prince George this morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Nlckerson arrived home this morning on the Prince George. ; I Clarence Thomson returned to the city on the C. N. R. boat this morning. j Going to Victoria on the steam- er Catala yesterday were: O. Besner, F. C. Adams, A. McKevor, and T. A. Norgord. Mrs. B. R. Harrison of West Vancouver, arrived In the city the latter part of last week to visit her aunt, Mrs. M. H. Reddle. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Parker have now taken up residence on Atlln Avenue In their new home pur chased from Major Alex Rlx Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill and son. Johnny arrived home from Victoria on the Prince George this morning. Before being convl:ted yester- ( day, Helen Syrak and Jerome; iBaert confessed their guilt and I 1 -1 1 I . . . 1 ! . . . ' iiiiaue ifftiuuuuu oi wie monies stolen from the Royal Hotel. The Jury investigating the death of M. G. Barber, of the Second Canadian Scottish, returned a verdict of accidental drowning on October 11. They recommended better lighting facilities Installed on the Ocean Dock and at the end of the C.P.R. Dock. Among passengers going south on the Catala yesterday were C. B. O'Brien, M. Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. Couper, J. Cochrane, Mr. Crowe, Mrs. C. H. Elkins and Mrs. Harry Breen', W. B. Wye, E. Fontaine, E. Norman and D. Abe. all for Vancouver. Sailings yesterday on the steam - er Camosun were for Massett, Mrs. W. Bennett, George Hill, Mr Davidson, E. Abraham, W. Bennett, Mrs. M. Strand, Mrs. Sam uel, G. Brown and Allan Hill: for Queen Charlotte City. E. Rag- nery. FOR ETTER LIGHT TTER SIGHT WORK, SEW, READ, STUDY, PLAY, LIVE IN COMFORT FREE FROM EyESTRAIN "Thai sounds like a big mouthful folks." says Reddy Kilowatt. "bu believe me it's full of meaning; there's not an adjective or a wasted word in that en-tiro heading. For what could be more important these indoor days than guarding sight with better light. It's easy to do and it costs so little. Just seo that every lamp and fixture has its proper quota of bulbs and keep a carton handy for immediate replacement when one bums out. That's the kind oj home comfort everyone appreciates. REDDY SAYS: "It takes money to provide the toob of war. Buy War Savings Certificates." Poppy Tag Day Saturday. (261) "They served till death, why not we." Wear a poppy In retnem- brance. (262) Dan O'Rourke left yesterday for Vancouver on the steamer Catala. THE DAILY NEW3 Legion Met to Rupert branch of the Canadian M. Mackay left yesterday on the Legion of the British Empire Ser-Union steamer for Bella Bella, .vice League was held to complete arrangements for the various-ac- Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson left tlvlties In connection with the ob-yesterday for Bella Bella by the servance of Remembrance Day, steamer Catala. Canadian Legion Church Parade ' ;and the Armistice Banquet. Mr. Allan M. Davies has moved , Full details of the Remembrance into his new house on Fifth Av- enue West. la . . captain S. C. Brown, harbor- master, who was here relieving Captain Elfert, left yesterday on the steamer Catala for Vancouver. This week the Princess Adelaide changes her schedule, arriving in 'Prince Rupert In the afternoon and sailing at 10 n.m. ir help for kidneys I or money back Gin Pills are sold on a "satisfaction or money back basis". If you're not I entirely satished with their help your money will be refunded. Rtf ular die, 40 Pills Larg Im, SO Pills (la the U.S. ulc for "Gino Pills' J Charles Dudoward and family! left today for Port Simpson on I their boat the T. if. The family. will remain in Port Simpson but Mr. Dudoward will return to the city in a week. George G. Gould, chief timekeeper for the Royal Canadian Engineers, Steele Block, left on Monday night's train for his home in Saskatoon, Sask. He expects to return In about two weeks ttme. The city has decided to build a sidewalk along Third Avenue northeast from McBride Street to Cow Bay. George A. Hood, in- Ispector of motor traffic, in his j report to the city commissioner recommended that this be done. As there is considerable heavy! flow of traffic in this area, quite a large amount of which is pedes- trians. this sidewalk will assist to eliminate the present accident 'hazard. Lay Plans For Annual Event Remembrance Day To Be Cele- brated As Usual This Year ! With Poppy Tag Day On Saturday A special meeting of the Prince Day arrangements will appear at later date. The annual chur:h parade will be held to the Baptist Church tnl3 vear on Sunday forenoon next, The Armistice banquet will be neld m the Armories on Tuesday evening. This is of course che big event of a social nature when the veterans relive some of the scenes November 11, 1918 when the last Great War was stopped by the Armistice. The comradeship of the army cemented by experiences of the trenches with their suffering, death, and common sharing of the dally risks and joys will not be forgotten by those who had Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Sale, November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. 'Travelogue', Dr. Mandy, Salva-Ition Army, Nov. 6. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. Oddfellows' Dance, November 7. cambral Chapter Telephone 'Bridge, Nov. 14. Scotch Dance Nov. 15, Oddfel lows' Hall. Admission 35c. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar, Nov. 19. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. Rebekah Dance, I.O.O.F. Hall, Nov. 21. Catholic Tea. Mrs. Hanklnson, Nov. 27. Masonic Organ Committee Dance Nov. 23. Lutheran Circles Bazaar, Nov. 29. United Bazaar, December 4. (that experience. The present con ,fllct will remind many all the more keenly of those times. And as the strain was great, the relief was equally' great. It is well to re call those times. The Armtetlc banquet gives the opportunity. Arrangements for the Poppy Tag Day and sale of poppies in the schools are also complete. Evi dence of the widespread Interest In this is indicated by a request from Bella Bella to have popples forwarded 4here for sale. They will remember. A "spot" costs you only half aj dollar Try It in the Dally News classified column. (tf) BOVRIL OMELETTE made In the usual way but first, with each TWO EGGS, stir in a small teaspoonful of BOVRIL. A wee pinch of herbs is good too, and makes a really delightful savory dish that tempts appetite. Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex '150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress To Whom It .May Concern: TAKE NOTICE that I have sold the restaurant business formerly carried on by me at 720 Third Avenue West, to Mrs. Kate Smith who will continue the business under the same name. I wish to take this opportunity of thanking my patrons for their loyal support and to solicit their continued patronage on behalf of my successor, MRS. ELVA MORIN, Royal Lunch. Attention Ladies TINTER will soon be here. W so why not meet It with a FUR COAT. Our manager, Miss Bell, will be back from a buying trip Friday with a large new stock. You are all invited to look our stock over. Prices to suit everyone, and remember your credit is good. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" mm Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 n.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. f rtnimvw EVERY FRIDAY. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 Make this ad your shopping list. Get a pencil and check each item. Every one is being featured at an Extra Special Price. QUICK COOKING OATS B-K; non premium, large nkg. SODA CRACKERS I.B.C., plain or 22c salt; large, ea. LARGE PRUNES Sunsweet, Tenderized; Pkg: Per 29c VUREX TISSUE Reg. size, rolls; 15c Special, 2 for PEANUT BUTTER Tumblers, Squirrel brand 10 oz.; Each 19c PEAS Royal City, No. 5; 23c 16 oz. tins; 2 for MUSTARD French's; 9 c 6 oz. Jars, ea. Ideal with Meat! Mussallem's Economy Store "WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" PHONES 18 AND 19 P. O. BOX 593 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 15 BEDS Complete with All-Felt Mattress, Cable Spring and Walnut Finish Steel Tubing Bed $C A 0 Stead. oieau. Price ii complete 1 Phone 77s WIDE OPEN SALE ON 10 Discount This is the First Anniversary Sale of our business. We invite you all to come and share with us on the profit. It is above board. You know our prices are the lowest, and quality is highest, and when you buy a dollar's worth of merchandise you only pay 90c, so take advantage and save. This time of the year when you buy for Christmas make every penny count. Our stock of holiday goods is known as Variety merchandise. Lots of things we carry you require. We do not think it is necessary to list this sale because everything in the store is sold on the same basis of 10 discount. . We take this opportunity in thanking you for-your patronage in the past, as well as for the future. The Sale Is Now On! No Exchanges, No Refunds, No Holding or C.O.D. Variety Store If you lose anything, advertise for it. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars CUT BEANS Malkln'e Best; 21c 16 oz. tins: 2 for KRAFT DINNER Serves four in 17c 8 minutes: ea. PEARS Dew-Klst; choice quality; 15 oz. tins; 2 for' 25c PEACHES Lynn Valley; 27c 15 oz. tins: 2 for CORN FLAKES Sugar-Krlsp; 7c Reg. size pkgs., ea. NABOB COFFEE In bags; 4Sc 1 lb. pkg.; ea. BAKING POWDER Magic; fjilp 2V2 lb. tin Buy in quantity and save! rvv 327 Third Ave. For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIO, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Ave., Phone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ' 4; i